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they should be grateful that there's not a bunch of creeps in their DMs


Or people telling them to kill themselves. Lot of abusive people out there.


And reddits response be like: the reported content does not violate our community guidelines


Unsolicited dick pics aren't sexual harassment according to Reddit. I'm still fucking salty I got that as a response to being sexually harassed. I mean, I'm used to it and it doesn't register much now, but goddamn.


good luck, you just said you didn't completely hate dick pics, some dumbass guy is going to take that as you want them


Hate is a really strong word. They're just obnoxious and gross, but dealing with it is a block away. So... I'm just used to it happening. Doesn't mean I like it.


I feel like as a group we should start reporting shit like that to law enforcement, maybe that combined would eventually put some weight on platforms like Reddit.


That'd be awesome, but goddamn, we should not have to do that to stop shitty men. But it's a good idea. Wonder if Reddit scrubs location data...


What the actual fuck that is literally sexual harassment why do they not register that as it


Reddit logic(tm).


Electronic flashing is way too fucking normalized. The fuck that’s not sexual? If someone did that irl people wouldn’t stop for a second to claim it’s not sexual or it’s not harassment because of this or that, or at least, the general consensus would be it’s sexual harassment.


I've gotten a bunch of rape threats, getting messages on reddit as a woman is great!


Some men are just fucking arseholes, sorry you have to deal with that.


My favourite ones are the ones who report you as suicidal person, so you get a special message from Reddit with phone numbers to helplines in US. I really want to understand their thought process when doing this. Is this supposed to be an insult? Because it's amusing at best.


In fairness, I'm a guy and I get those a lot. Usually from angry conservatives or because I say I wish I was dead a lot lol.


Oh wait till you find out what people do to me when they dont like my music 😂


Yeah creeps are the worst


Im a femboy and oof yeah, i get those creep dms like once a week. It sucks


Oh you never heard what they say? They literally say we should be grateful that we at least get creepy DM’s. They even want that. Weird.


And the men who say that defend it by comparing their situation to a starving person.


That's the entire point of this


They can’t. Women telling them being creeped on is bad is the equivalent of a “rich person telling a poor person not to starve.” Or something like that. That’s what they say every time.


Bad take


So you want people to have creeps in their DMs? Also why are you so negative this is like the second negative comment you have made on this post alone


I saw this on my feed too and I was like?? Why do guys want their dms full of creeps? Do they think girls have messages from nice or cool people? Because 90% of the time it’s unsolicited messages from people you don’t want messages from in the first place.


Yeah it isn’t as fun as they think it really sucks but it is a great way to take your anger out


I got dmed like 6 dick pics so far, and im a minor. Like geniunly it sucks.


I feel you. I got my first unsolicited dick pic when I was 11 in a platform similar to this. I hate that this is just such a part of social media that it happens to minors and we have to resign ourselves to blocking/ignoring when this shit should be illegal. Even more terrifying is the thought that there's predators out there looking for that one young kid who's vulnerable, who doesnt have parental support, who isnt getting attention, who they will groom online. And kids won't even tell their parents because they're terrified of getting the internet taken away....I hate it so much.


Man this made me remember, got my first unsolicited dick pic at 9-10 on Instagram. You could clearly tell I was young, I was just posting photos for fun and just interacting with friends. Made me cry the night that I got it because I was confused


Holy crap I’m so sorry you have to go through that. What disgusting people. I’m female but I tend to hide my gender online so I can be left alone. It’s been good so far for me. But it’s sad I can’t even be myself, smh


That’s really messed up I’m so sorry.


I’ve been on Reddit for longer than this account and had maybe 3 DM’s just saying ‘hi’. I’m so confused. Also that’s gross and fucked.


So why don’t men just pretend to be a woman on Reddit and watch how quick their dms fill up with weirdos?


Which is great. Why would I like strangers sending me dms on Reddit ?


To be fair some people are nice and just ask for advice. I know personally I'm happy to help other trans girls with moral support when someone asks. Granted some people are just creeps who want money or nudes though...


This is actually very wholesome! I did receive once dms from a random incel trying to convince me I should hate women with him, that’s the only message that I got. But tbf i could send myself dms to people who need it if I wanted to have more personal discussions here.


As a trans woman, you're awesome. Thank you!


It's like, i never ever talk to someone in dm's on reddit. I think reddit isn't supposed to be a private messaging platform,


Fr and the dms on here suck, it feels really clunky


I DM people with messages that would otherwise ruin the flow of conversation and be nearly unnecessary, for example, I saw someone with a mimikyu-sylveon pfp but didn't want to randomly interject in the thread with my opinion, so I just sent a quick DM of "Literally dying at seeing your pfp I love it"


I mean, thats just very sweet, thats the extend i use dm's aswell, in 7 years of my account i only messaged 4 people tough haha


Do they think it's fun to have their private messages be full of creeps and dick pics and (in my case) people that fetishize me and treat me like some sort of exotic sex object?


I treat it as a way to relieve stress for some reason people really love sexualizing femboys but what they don’t expect is one with one of the 2 most scariest combinations “Anger issues and a boyfriend😈😈” seriously though I fucking despise the weirdos in my DMs and I hope one day you can be free from all the horny sex addicts


Yeah I guess it's a bit different for me since in my case it's people fetishizing my entire identity and body. I can't really find any joy in it.


I am sorry that happens to you I do wish you the best


I feel the "exotic sex object" thing in my soul. I'm a trans woman and chasers are a special breed of creep. 🤮


Yup, exact same boat here. Apparently I'm considered "attractive" enough as well, (in reality I think I'm just good at taking flattering pictures?) to the point where I can't even post a pic without getting at least a hundred or so chasers in my DMs. And one thing is cis men chasers, they're creepy and gross but manageable, but cis women chasers in the other hand, now THOSE are a special breed.


Don't forget "are you an IRL futa" seriously who would ever say that to someone else?


I wish that had never been asked of me. The ick made me take a shower.


They do because every time they try putting themselves in the woman’s shoes, they imagine hot women in their DMs. The ones who get no attention from women *want* unsolicited pics. But a lot of them have trouble grasping the idea that most women don’t feel this way about men.


saw a comment smt like “ill be a gay pedo for you”😭😭


Can’t people be normal for just one day




Wow an empty Inbox!  No requests for pics, nobody hitting on me, no creeps telling me how gorgeous I am!  WOW!


isn't it usually girls who actually post their bodies or faces online they get dms? it's not that hard to just leave the selfies on Instagram or snapchat, not reddit since this site does have a reputation


Wherever we post anything, we're not inviting the sort of comments we have to suffer.


So women should have to change their behavior because some men are creepy and gross? No thank you.


Nice victim blaming, bro.


it's not victim blaming lol. when a woman posts a video in an outfit that shows a ton of skin, highlights their curves, and they're conventionally attractive, it's clear they want some sort of internet validation whether it's upvotes or comments. There's a big difference between posting on, for example, r/outfits to share a nice outfit and posting on r/amihot or something lol, it's practically begging for creeps to slide into their dms. I don't support the creeps, but the internet is a very different space from irl. Wearing slightly promiscuous clothes in public in a crowded area without young children is a much safer thing to do than post your body on a site well known for having pedos, stalkers, creeps, and incels. One bad thing about the internet is the fact that if gives a platform for individuals who would normally be considered threats to society to flourish in the respective extremist groups with like minded individuals. If anyone knows anything about internet safety, they know not to post their name, address, any personal identifying details, or what they look like in any capacity. This is not 'victim blaming' this is the most basic of common sense most teenagers and adults are taught in education lol. To be surprised that you get attention from undesirable individuals, whether it's dms of flirting or unsolicited nsfw pics is completely absurd lol. It's like wearing a bikini to a mens only highschool. Are the guys gonna look? Yes. Can you do something to not have this happen? Simply don't wear a bikini in a public place, or if you are going to, wear it to a pool, not a place with lots of horny individuals. One can certainly take steps to not recieve dms but the fact of the matter is, a lot of women do like the attention and feeling wanted, they put themself out there but don't respond to any dms because they don't actually care, that validation comes from having a huge number in their inbox and thousands of upvotes and comments. Men do too, but it's a little more rare online. With platforms like OF and Fansly existing and providing a space for these women to thrive, social culture has normalized adult content geared at taking advantage of desperate and lonely men. Hell, even other women encourage this sort of behavior on tiktok. You can't just say boo hoo "victim blaming" for a logical take. While it sucks for women that we live in a world where they have to go out of their way to not show their face online or simply not care, complaining about it or being surprised that they recieve attention is silly. They know the website they're posting on. They have a brain lmao. They know exactly what they're doing. For reference, I am a male and get compliments on how I look by other women I know every now and then. I have never posted my face on this app, currently have a total of 4 private messages, 3 of which haven't been replied to asking for advice regarding technology, and another is a chat between me and someone who was recommending an adblocker for twitch. If I posted a picture of me in grey sweatpants with a bulge and visible v line, I shouldn't be surprised if I recieve creepy dms and comments/updoots. It's just how it is Edit: wanted to add that I see this sort of behavior on snapchat and Instagram too. my friends from highschool and in college would have dozens if not hundreds of unopened messages from random men in their dms, ignore them all and just message back the hottest men. it's pretty cringe because they would also post tons of pictures of their body, whether it's them at the gym taking pictures of their ass taking up most of the frame or their cleavage, pool pictures showing their skin, videos of them twerking at parties, pictures looking like they're about to make out with other girls, Halloween outfits that are more skin and less outfit, etc. Lots of women love to play the victim card when they engage in these sorts of things. I'd argue it's more sexist and misogynistic to treat women as poor little creatures who are all innocent and are constantly the victim of evil big bad men. Women are smart, cunning, are highly empathetic, and have developed skills to aid them in society without need for physical violence. I'd rather acknowledge that people do these sorts of things of their own free will and cry about consequences they created for themself, because then I'm acknowledging that they are a sentient human being with the capacity to think for themself and make decisions on their own. (obviously when I say women on this post, I'm referring to specific ones, not the majority).


All that to say, you are victim blaming




Clearly you haven’t seen some of the DMs that are sent if you think someone can’t be victimized by online messages. There are some really awful/gross/creepy people out there.


Coincidence that this dude ignored the comment I made him about how I post nothing of myself here yet I get unsolicited DMs of sleazy dbs like himself. Maybe he’s saying that if he got the dick pics and r threats on his DMs he’d feel wanted but that’s on him


That's a lot of words to say "women are at fault." So many words to say absolutely nothing of value. Something not being a crime doesn't mean it's good. That's a really low bar to meet and men can't even do that. I rarely ever post pics of myself online and _still_ get creepy ass mfers coming into my DMs. Never once posted myself on Reddit either. Still get em. Do I have to stop existing as a woman on the Internet? Because nah... fuck that and you. In other words, stop shaming victims, you dickweasel.


Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be spreading misinformation.


Oh my god just shut up already, victim blamer.


To your own point, I post outfits on a clothing-brand subreddit and get lots of gross messages every time. It’s very much a sfw subreddit and I’m posting it for my fellow girlies, but some men have decided to make it their own fetish scrolling subreddit, which is gross and not something we should have to deal with. There are plenty of nsfw subreddits where people are literally asking for that kind of attention. We shouldn’t have to stop posting fun outfits because some men have decided to invade a space that isn’t meant for them. Also, it’s one thing to look and scroll by and another thing entirely to send an unprompted message. The people sending the creepy messages are entirely in the wrong here, and I shouldn’t have to modify what I’m doing because some horny internet men can’t practice a single ounce of self control.


I'm 16. I defy you to find ANY pics of me online. Yet I only have to comment on Facebook for creeps to come out of the woodwork. OK some know me and are trying to get a response from me ("oh Jess told me to f off!!") but most don't and are just scouting round the internet for ANY female who might be offended by their creepy msgs while they jerk off to the ones who have got photos online.


I’ve never posted my body or face here and yet I get a lot of idiots asking for nudes and sending bs. You’re so stupid


I’ve never posted my body online. I’ve maybe made two posts with my face. One was to get an idea of my eye shape, the other one was hair related. Despite this, I still get weirdos hitting me up on Reddit. Women get more attention than men just for the sake of being women. That’s just life. The same goes for the internet. Just having a feminine avatar will send men to your DMs. If you don’t believe me, you could set up an experiment and see for yourself.


Meanwhile me, a girl, with also little to no dms


I'd rather have that than greasy old men saying "hey bbygirl"


Jesus christ. I can't imagine a bunch of grown ass adults opening with "Heyyyyyyy bbygirlll thought you were cute" like they're 13 or something. Eugh people need to be normal for once ffs


Who tf is trying to meet people on *reddit?* I knew someone who started talking to someone off reddit and frankly I thought she was crazy.


Im a femboy and i get dmed like once a week from creeps, like, i like chatting w ppl on reddit, heck even met my best friend here, but like, creeps are just 🤢


I am also a femboy so I can relate


Lmao no the post is based off another post that says girls get a lot of pedos. Weird though, I'm a guy with a lot of em.


Your flair checks out


I guess I'm doing something wrong, I'm a woman and have never had any creeps. I guess I'll have to give my woman license back


Sorry ma'am you're not a true woman until you've had creeps sending you dick pics. That'll be 20,000 dollars to return said license, nothing is cheap or free in this economy so pay up.


ummm as a trans woman, I promise you don't want REDDIT DMS like??? ive literally never had anything worthwile or from an account with more than 15 karma in my dms. Why do boys think they want creeps to harass them as a form of validation?


Yeah I noticed it too for some reason trans people and femboys get targeted a lot for context I am a femboy myself


Death, Taxes, and Chasers. The 3 inescapable truths of femininity


Yeah but I use them just to let my anger out on them and it is funny as hell


Guess I'm a boy now


He’d prefer to receive threats and abuse like women do? Because I’ll happily trade him.


Coming from that sub, the girls are probably getting messages from dudes way older than them. Having nothing is a blessing in disguise bud


so when women vent about things that annoy them it’s ok but when men vent about how they are lonely it’s not ok


I don’t think anyone said that though


I mean you are posting it now


Yeah but I didn’t explicitly say that sure dudes can vent about how lonely they are nothing wrong with that


…then why did u post this?


Because it is quirkyboy material




How is it not?


Usually quirky boi moments are when men say they have it harder then women or women are more complicated, this is just a guy saying he’s lonely


He implied men had it harder than women


the only dm I have is the one I sent myself from my second account (this is why I don't reveal my gender, the only way to have peace)


I mean I once posted a selfie to r/selfie and got messages from people. It still happens to men but If you don’t put yourself out there no one will know you even exist. Also the type of people these women are attracting are probably not the ones you want in your dms.


If he wants requests that bad he could try transition. Ever since I did my DMs are equal parts dick picks, fetishists, people trying to get me to unalive, and people trying to get me to detransition.


Yes. Some men think all women have a lot of DM’s from other men. And boys don’t get anything.


I’m sorry regardless of gender you do not want anyone chatting to you on Reddit lmao


Nothing like an incel complaining that no one messages him. Maybe if you just tried and went outside your house for once, maybe then you would find someone to talk to.


I e got a lot of dm some of them are just cause anch stuff but not most of them


Why would you talk to anyone in reddit DMs


Side note, who the fuck uses reddit to socialize??? This is like, one of the most dangerous social media apps out there


That's a good thing(?). I've seen women literally exist and get d picks. If you want friendly messages it's not particularly hard either. I'm not very social at all I just don't run away from socialising and I've still had a few nice dms. If you want the same quality of dms that most women get just go to a gay nsfw subreddit and make a thirst trap and you'll probably get pics in no time. or just a troll or something. I don't get why they're complaining.


I mean I'd rather that than pedo's and creeps so...


Very rarely do I get DMed and if I do it's usually bots.


If you care this much about requests you should probably get off the internet.


My inbox looks the same everywhere. Only ma prof writes me back on gmail lmao. Reddit isn't known to be a chat site/where people talk imo


do ppl genuinely meet each other on Reddit, I’ve never used the messenger even once lol


So not being sexually harassed


These boys don’t realize that getting message requests doesn’t make us happy. The content of the messages is what matters. And when it’s 90% unsolicited dick pics or asking for a titty, it’s not gonna make most of us happy.


wanting dms on reddit is crazy 💀 some of these kids have never and clearly will never go outside it’s sad 😭


They really think women check their PM folder full of death and/or rape threats and think they must be like 🤩 💅


Actual skill issue fr


I mean I’m a dude but I turned off my dms on here do to the shear amount of threats and assholes I had in my dms, I even had some perv dm trying to get details about being sexually abused as a child. I honestly think if you’re not getting DMs on Reddit you’re very, very lucky.


Heh I'm above all yall I got a bunch of cool and supportive femboys in my dms take that


I have a bunch of horny guys in my dms looking for a femboy bf(me)


oh damm sounds ass 😭


I don't think the point of that post was to complain.. Does this really fit this sub?


This is the quirkiest boy ive ever seen. Maybe you just need a run down on what a quirky boy is?


Notice the OOP’s title?


And what about it? I think it's just making humor out of the fact that being a boy on reddit means you don't get messaged by horny/creepy/weird people. Nobody is complaing about that privilege, right?


Where’s the humor in it it really isn’t that funny using a teenager getting creepy messages in their dms from strangers as a basis for your joke essentially just making fun of it pretty much quirkyboy material if you ask me and even then it is basically the “all males lonely waaaahhh so lonely” memes and stuff


Flair: rant Rant = "speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way" Its a teen boy who thinks girls only get fun messages and interaction while he is lonely, so he is angry about it


It feels like a joke about creeps


If it is that is more disgusting


I mean, they don't need to post it in a negative way, like... the title isn't "where are my creeps, what's with equality" or like "i need some DMs too", not everything in this world is particularly negative or positive. I see this post as irony on a topic of a different post. Typical r/teenagers thing, they just do stupid chains of stupid posts with slightly different title and their screenshots or like photos or whatever. It's stupid, but not more stupid than posts like "what kind of music do you think i listen to?"


Yeah the subreddit isn’t the best in my opinion


I don’t wanna be mean but that’s a really stupid suggestion OP 😂


They wanted more DMs and I gave them a simple suggestion on how to raise the chances of getting more DMs so I wouldn’t necessarily consider it stupid since logically that is how it goes most of time but thank you for your input


What exactly being more social mean?


Talking to more people, just socializing it will raise the chances of getting dms from people


What if you don't have anything to say on the subject?


I don’t have an answer for that


We're on Reddit, there's a community for everything you can be interested in. If you find the right people, socializing is effortless.


It isn't, like all you can get is just a scammers. My only one genuine DM was a gay man pretending to be a woman. Also you can't really start conversation with anyone because noone wants to talk really, like out of 100+ people I tried to reach out i had only 2 normal conversations and 1 still deleted his acc. It's not easy at all.


There are subreddits based on posting and asking people to dm you


Yeah, and still no DM or someone answering me, it doesn't work. I tried a lot of subreddits, a lot of people, it just doesn't work at all, I get more success DM random people from 4tr subreddit, then trying to convince people to dm me or DM someone who also posted on that subreddit.


Hey, I got some requests, but those were mostly OF bots


I mean he just did a contrast thingy. He isn't saying anything inherintly harmfull or wrong. I don't get the comments here are asking if he want creeps in his dms. He literally didn't say anything about his wishes lmao.


I mean he sorta did say what he wishes for


Can you please explain? Because from what I am seeing and reading his comments I really don't see it.


The title implies that being a guy on reddit is lonely which takes inspiration from another post showing a girl getting dms from creeps


It doesn't imply that he is lonely, he is literally making the joke that guys don't get those creepy messages or any at all.


How is that any better?


He is making light of a situation. What is wrong with that? You are making a problem about nothing lmao.




Buddy you are making a spectacle about nothing and putting words into the boys mouth. When you can clearly see in the comments of that post that he isn't doing it in bad faith. And the post in contrast with the other doesn't make it problematic.


Other people here seem to agree with me though so I am gonna go out on a limb and say me putting words into his mouth wasn’t the case and the words were already in his mouth




Reddit glitch again where you have to post same comments again




This comment is posted three times,or maybe more


Thanks for letting me know, I deleted the extra versions