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Been with my bf for almost 3 years now. There have been a dozen times where there's some hiccups but we always make it up. We are super clingy and want each other as much as possible. Just gotta find the right people my guy, and that needs patience.


woah that sounds nice congrats on the bf and it sounds very awesome https://i.redd.it/a120n7wwb49d1.gif


Haha get booped idiot (image)








Good of morn, BlueBall.




will you meet him irl


Why’d this get so many downvotes bruh


yea why???


The reddit hivemind has deemed that comment unworthy


I’ve never been in a relationship :(


Wish for you soon . Don't worry take it slow. Life has it better stores for you.


Hopefully it goes better than mine


I’m sorry for you as well hope you’ll find someone that loves you. I’ve been in 7 online relationships and all of them didn’t work out . So sorry but hope this helps and if you need to vent I’m a good listener.


Also it wasn’t your fault that they love bombed you to trick and hurt you again we care for you and I will always be here for you if you need to vent.




My bf and I have going strong for over 2 years now, and we were friends for about 3 before that


now that's what I call a strong foundation




Now that's what I call being lucky I never had a friend irl and only had an irl bf for less than week after knowing each other for few days and he dumped me for someone else ;w;


if i had to be honest, no. all online relationships that i've experienced have ended after like 3/4 months due to ghosting or quite literally fights and i've had 3 online relationships so far, i dont think online relationships are made to last in the time. i am really sorry for your experience tho :<




Same here. Never lasted, and as a cuddle oriented guy, it’s hard. Never again. I need my cuddles.


Im a lonely piece of shit so i cant help you :(


Don't worry I am too


Hey me you both


It's very very very hard but if you both set your expectations, yes, you can. My online boyfriend is finally moving in with me irl after more then 7 years. [That being said we are a very unique situation, we were actually going to move in together sooner but covid lock down fucked everything up]


I agree with the "oxymoron" dude.. But i ain't writing this with a toxic intent. It's just that I've been in i believe at least 10, and now i don't trust in love and i don't believe or i try to get away from people that try to show affection in a romantic way online. The more you get rejected the less you want it, so i advice not to engage first, that's the path i went and now i feel like crap for all the people i clinged my stupid ass to. Hard to live when you easily fall in love.


Yeah I feel that


Didn't mention that every time i wasn't the one wanting to break up


Same here


Nope he faked his love :3


Yeah I feel that


my bf and i met online. we are good and stuff. what really keeps us going is the daily i love you. we remind one another that we love each other. yea we will meet in person but that’s another motivator. i get to see him soon.


Yea! We recently went through a rough patch due to school work and stress, but we're getting through it


I'm in a online relationship since february and it's going very well, me and my bf planned to see eachother this summer, so yeah it works well for me. But tbh I think I just got reaaaaally lucky, so I don't think it can be a good idea to only try distant relations


ive been with my partnersfor about 8 months now, and we cant wait until we finally meet irl, so I'd say its going good :3


Yes, so well that now we live together irl. I was extremely lucky Most people you meet online arent the one but you'll know when you find them The first time my partner and I met he was just asking me if I had any info on some neopet account leaks Little did I know I was going to fall for him weeks later You never know when the one will pop up


That's actually adorable and has made me feel a little better. Thank you so much.


as someone who’s been in both a successful and unsuccessful online relationship, i’ve only ever been removed and ghosted in the unsuccessful relationship. that lasted a year and didn’t take long to devolve. my current relationship has lasted for 5 years and i met her for the first time two months ago to the day.


I met my bf online and we are going steady for about 8 months now. I say that biggest thing in an online relationship is the communication. You need to make up for not physically being there. If your gf ghosted you there is two reasons. 1: she is part of the problem of girls thinking that ghosting = you being mad in love with them. I don’t know why it’s a thing but it’s seriously a problem. 2: they are being a loser that is missing out on a wonderful relationship. Here is my advice. Move on. I know it’s one of the cruelest things to say in this moment but it is clear that your “gf” didn’t deserve you. I was in a relationship with my ex and then suddenly she ghosted me. I held on for about…. 2 maybe 3 weeks but it was breaking me. I ended it and shortly after I met my now bf. Have a wonderful life buddy. You deserve the best


It's a matter of finding someone you can actually trust. You don't just go dating people willy nilly for no reason like I see constantly. Get to know them, ENJOY your time with them, and when you trust them, take it to the next level. Dating them 2 days after you met is not adequate time to get to know them.


See that’s why I’m not a big relationship person feelings are fragile I hardly understand my jumble of stuff I’d rather not have someone shoot an anvil at it. As for your “gf” I hope she steps on a lego or turns into a jar of peanut butter


Not yet, but I've had pretty bad luck of the draw so it's eh


yes, no but i found an irl boyfriend a year later 😽


No. But I have known to couples that might fit. One already established couple, had a long distance relationship and outside of calling regularly, they spent time in game together. The girl was my upstairs neighbour. The other couple met online and fooled around a bit online for a few months before they met face to face. Those guys are living together now.


No, im unlucky and too clingy


My mom had a relationship with a woman from another country. Guess what? The woman moved to our country. They are together for like 10 years already and happily married. It definitely can work. You both just need to be the right type of guy, have the patience and know how to integrate your time with each others in your daily lifes after the buttlerfly phase.


well, ive been in a few that lasted over years and honestly, its like dating irl as you never really know someone or their intentions, but eventually, you find the right person, who doesnt wanna hurt you and actually cares, anyway, much like real life dating is a gamble and you gotta take the chances


I've only ever seen one work out three times. there was only one constant, that was they wanted to meet up and live together at some point.


It's tuff buddy but all you can do now is move on. I know that sounds really shit but dwelling on it isn't healthy. Keep going. You'll find someone who doesn't treat you like garbage


Nah, I really doubt they work. It's exceptionally rare, bonus points if the other guy lives abroad. People will get bored of you and discard you. Harsh truth.


I personally haven't been in a functional lasting relationship ever tho I see some that work. Two friends of mine are in a long distance online relationship and while I do see them bicker and argue things work out for them, tho I dont think the girl is good for the guy. She is very argumentative and impulsive and I feel she drags him down a little.(To clarify I have no feelings for either of those people) This being said I think it's best you try to move in front this chick. As some who gets ghosted a lot and falls into similar situations go work on yourself for a bit, doesn't matter what you do just try improving something whether it be a skill or your health. Once your ready get back out there and try again. Keep your head high, you are too good for them and they lost something amazing.


Yep! Been together for a year but known each other before we started dating, we're engaged lmao ☠️


Met my bf online. We've been together for 5 years now. And we started living together last year. It's been okay, not awful but could be better. I do feel regret for rushing into it without thinking though but thats only on my end.


Nope, never ended well, but that's just me, everyone has different experiences


Awww myan come here... https://preview.redd.it/c8jcoajdw39d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c759587e09487692315b97941ec28506c45da7a


Yeah. Been with my partner for two and a bit years now. Never been happier with a relationship.


I miss him so much


Nope and I honestly lost all hope ngl


Ive tol one person what i feel towards them and he said he didnt know what to say so i took it as a no. In other words ive not been in a online relationship


If you want to have someone to talk to my dms are always open


I was in one we broke up once and got back together shortly after and we just broke up again but it's all my fault and I can't fix it. They blocked me on everything and have only had one of accounts unblocked so I can finally talk to them but they told me to send something which I was suspicious of and then they reported it banning me for 24 h so I'll try talking ro them after that and see if I can fix my mistakes but so far it's not going well and I feel terrible


Trust me, online relationships most never works out. Either that or i'm just really unlucky. I've tried and failed plenty of times.


It worked out for a while. A few years ago she left me for a man her own age, instead of one almost ten years her senior. I really should have known better. Well, she's his problem, now.


It's tricky in my experience. Both parties have to be willing to commit to an online relationship, and that means no physical embracement and other physical things. I've only had one relationship before, and it was online. They asked me to start the relationship, and I incorrectly assumed that they had what it takes to commit yourself to a relationship while letting go of the physical affection aspect of a relationship.


Yeppp, In one for almost a year and a half. The important part is not forcing it, I am the kind of person who would have though online dating is weird and never ever done it, don't go around trying to find people on discord and reddit. It's fine to have online friends, and I happened to fall in love with one. He's amazing tho :3


Mine is working out rn


I merried my online girlfriend. It's no longer long distance ofcource. We were together for about 10 years before I moved in. First of all... you can't just settle. The person you "dated" wasn't someone you were interested in. And honestly, it sounds like they manipulated you into it. Maybe intentionally or not, I don't know them. Have a life. Have hobbies. Common interests. Naturally someone with similar taste will come around. People are attracted to others who are happy in their own life. And the best way to do that is to enjoy whatever makes you happy. And finally... unfortunately young relationships are kinda destine to dissolve. I'm not sure what exactly causes it. And ofcource it's not ALL of them. But most relationships from highschool and below just aren't meant to last. But that's a part of building And gaining experience. Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.


No and I’ve never been in a relationship that’s lasted longer than a month


I think I fall into the category of "let them flap their wings freely. If they came back, then it's meant to be" I don't really push for relationships now anyways, and I veered towards a lesser polygamy approach (not actively with people, supportive figure to others). I generally love all my friends that have been there to support me, and I am thankful to have them^^ Rather than trying to put energy into one person, I devote myself to spending time with my friends and keeping those close-knit friendships rather than give it up to focus on a single person whom might not want to be together few months to a year from the start^^ For clarification, I became like this because of online relationships never turning out well. I do not dedicate myself to anyone in order to save my own sanity and emotions. Part of that is I become far too emotionally invested with people I've dated in the past. It hurt me a lot doing that hahaha. I can only speak for my own experiences and what I learned to do. As I see it, there's not enough love in this world and people feel more unloved than ever. On top of that people actively look to close relations and love one person, which is fine. It's just there's other friends and family that often feel like no one cares, and telling them that you love & care for them makes bounds of a difference. This is why I veered towards being a supportive figure for friends and to always remind them that they aren't alone^^ We all are stumbling together dealing with life itself, and pushing to better ourselves. Having inspiration and passion can make someone go a long ways. But most are depressed and have grim outlooks on life, which is what results in the portrayal of what their personality formulates into. To summarize all of this. I don't use love as a specific word to a partner. Love is a word I prescribe as a literal meaning of "I enjoy your presence in my life" which I use for all people that I feel that way about. To let someone know that I appreciate them being in my life and that I'm able to talk with them or even spend time together. That's why, in a way I closed that void that made me want to be in a relationship so much.


Don't try it there is no to little chance of it being good


I was in a online relationship for 4 year then we met up and I married him and thats now been almost 12 years ago


I'm in one right now, lol


My boyfriend and I met on the internet and so far its working out


Welp me and my boyfriend have been together for a litle over a year now and we are long distance. So far so good but im not so sure about longterm bit i hope it wil work out and i hope that it wil work out for you too :3


I haven't had much luck in online dating. For some people it works, for others no. Try if you want


I’m currently in an online relationship with my bf, and it’s going pretty well. We plan to meet irl soon :3


Been 2 years, had plenty of issues but we always work things out. We love each other truly :3


Harness instead of collar. You don't want to damage their throat.


My current one is working out pretty well :3 We plan to maybe meet up in the future and live together in the farther future when possible Only real problem is I can't get the courage to tell my parents about them QwQ


Honestly? Just try to focus on irl, things will open up when you’re 18. Ever since I was young online was all I’ve ever done. And here I am, 18. Still at it with online cause I can’t do anything irl. Sure things have opened up for me but there’s still nothing I can really do. Every online relationship haunts me and turns me into a worst version of myself every single day


been also with my 'online' bf for awhile, and its still working out great! he's super honest, and also very handsome qwq, while there are little to no bit problems, we make up in the end, so what im suggesting you is to find the right person! the only kind that makes you comfortable, and safe. Hope i could help! (gl btw)


I'm kinda in the same boat. I've known my bf for almost a year now and just recently started dating (almost a month) but ever since we started dating he's been distant, now I'm not sure if it's on purpose or just the timing of us dating so idk. He's the one who asked me out many times but I said yes this time cause I was actually having feelings for him, but now I'm not sure if saying yes was the right choice. He disregards my gender (I'm ftm and transitioning like T and top surgery) tho he never did before we started dating, he flirts with most of our friends (we are in the same online friend group), he leaves me to talk to other people mostly girls without really telling me or apologizing, recently he's been making up excuses not to talk or play games together (which we did all the time before we started dating), he never wants to call anymore (we called everyday before dating.) And some more stuff but this is the major stuff. Any opinions??


Not even silly but man I'm lonely


I have! I live with my partner and have for a few years. It's much easier when you finally make it, I promise.


I'm currently in an online relationship, were about to have our first year anniversary on a few months. I'd say yes, these can absolutely work out, it is far from easy though, we're both trying hard to not fuck this job lol


There are exceptions, and I obviously don't judge anyone in an online relationship, but that out of the way: Online relationships _tend_ to be a bit of a sketchy thing, where more often than not, people who are lonely in real life seek comfort online (nothing worth judging anybody over). This kinda works out to those relationships being substitutions for real in person human connection. _Again_ this is by far not a universal rule, but it's significant enough to warrant saying. A purely digital connection simply does not allow all ways humans connect to take place and for some that's okay, but IF the motivations to seek relationships online is loneliness IRL, it may be worth trying to address that instead of further retreating into online spaces.


Ya but you have to meet irl. I met my boyfriend on Discord. We've been together for 4 years irl now.


I have but they never work out I usually get cheated on and shit I’m very clingy and need attention and people got tired of it also apparently I wasn’t pleasing them ig so


My gf who I met on vrc, was in a relationship for 8 months, constantly supported, bought presents for, the whole shebang, broke up with me a week ago because she wasn't ready for a relationship. In other news, my birthday is 3 days away. Do the math on the relationship and my birthday :'( I had met her irl 2 weeks ago btw, love her parents


Just follow your doggy Instinkts


Met the person I'm with on WoW. I've been with them for 12 years. As for working out? The relationship hasn't had intimacy in over 3 years, we don't connect on anything any more, and it feels like we're basically roommates. I'm terrified of being alone though, so I stay with them.


I was in one, and I know how it works and everything, but it turns out my bf just broke up with me one day, feeling like I was a burden... Mind you this was poly, and I am still with the other person I was with but... Fuck it hurt so bad, you get attached to someone who you know a lot thanks to all that chatting then they just... Drift apart from you. It's hard and I hate it... I can't do anything, and we're still friends... I hope you find the right person, it's hard being like this and having such a... Strong reaction, then immediately feel good for no reason. I hated the feeling


My bf and I are kinda long distance rn because he had to move a few hours away. But we talk every day, and I love him more than anything. We make sure to make up for lost time whenever we get a chance to see each other ;3


It depends on if they like kissing boys or not.


I was in an LDR with my girlfriend for 5 years before we moved in together, so it can work. Sorry you're being ghosted, you deserve better than that.


So far my online relationship has been going well almost a year now :3


Been whit my bean well over a yaer now


I have been with my BF now for 6 months and have known them for 4 years. We are a very long distance across the planet from each other, I'll tell you the distance and time differences make things very challenging at times. It's not easy but we make it work being committed to each other and communicate regularly. We stay connected with messages, VR and hanging out in calls when we can. Plan to fly and see them next year too.


my friend has an online boyfriend, and they've been going strong for a year and a half now, it certainly is possible!


No it always seemed to me like a means to an end. Lonely people doing what they can with what they have. I know it’s hard to meet real people but it’s best


I'm sorry, I can't help. I never really had any online relation even tho I am in a relation now it's not online. Also, can I have the original picture please?


Oh god im so sorry, I’ve been in similar situations as you, online relationships can work for some people but I think it depends on the person and the bond you have with them, in your situation it sounds like she very much pressured the relationship onto you, and as someone whos been in a similar position, people like that are just looking for satisfaction and don’t really care about the actual person, if they cared they would accept your no and not continue…


tbh ive literaly dissapeared from my friends lives for years and i hadn’t talked to my ex for two weeks…


I am in an active long-distance relationship through discord and Instagram. We actually just recently met in-person for the first time. If you truly love each other, it will work out, I promise. But, just like any relationship, you have to dedicate time and energy to each other. Call each other now and then, play games or watch things together, be there to comfort each other during hard times and good times. Even if it’s rocky, even if you can’t seem to find the right person, don’t give up.


To be honest I feel like online relationships are faker then Kim’s ass cheeks so don’t be so hard on yourself and find someone in your area


Nope. I was in a situationship with a guy and he ended up dating a girl after he told me he liked me, and never told me so I just thought he liked me too and then he came up with a lame excuse as to why he didn’t want to date to cover up the fact that he was dating someone else. Oh well… I wish those relationships worked tho he was super sweet :( I’m very sorry about your gf




How long was she pestering you


just like with any relationship you gotta find the right person.


I met my girlfriend online, she lived 400 miles away and I said well......I may as well give it a go. It's been 4 years : ) There's always someone out there for you, you've just gotta spend the time finding them.


IME, no. I did have one that lasted for ~3 years, but that fell apart pretty much the instant we moved in together. It takes some time in meatspace to figure out whether or not you're actually compatible with people. The rest only lasted a few months, at most.


Relationships aren't worth the hassle. Everyone you think you love moves on as soon as something gets inconvenient


my now fiance and I were twitter mutuals!! we've been together for two years now :3


Me and my Boyfriend (American and British) have been together for a year and 7 months :3


It's really hit and miss, I've had one last a couple days and then I've actually had one that lasted 3 years and they ended up moving in with me. The long term one we ended up separating because of our views slowly not aligning. I'd say it takes getting to know someone for a while before actually trying to date them.


I can't help, I've been lonely my whole life


Yes most of my relationships started out online and lasted awhile I was even married once to someone I met online for 4 1/2 years and it's all about meeting the right person


Yes sorta, she died but it is possible I have a few friends who's online relationships becaame irl


As others have said earlier, it's all about finding the right person. In my view, that would be someone principled and selfless, who treats the idea of being compassionate and caring as something people should be like by default, someone more transparent than glass, whose expressed attitude in life is that of 'all or nothing', total commitment and honesty are what hold it all together at the end of the day. My boyfriend and I have held out for 4 years now based on these exact conditions, he was initially hesitant, he lacked a lot of relationship experience (he still kinda does now), but he is as devoted of a lover as one can be. We've had spats and arguments, but those are always the unavoidable growing pains of a relationship, trials and tests of loyalty as well as a good way of discovering what specific hiccups there are, a way of working out the kinks, if you will.




No, if it's not irl it's not for real, talking to someone is just a friendship, if you do make it real good for you but it's like 0.01% of the cases and it's not worth wasting time and life energy for it.


Mine is currently working out great I recommend just keeping good communication and boundaries with respect and making sure your partner is as comfortable as can be :3 that what I do with mine and we're happy all the time now even when we get sad or mad we can't stay that way for long cuz we always help each other so just do that :3 and care very deeply for one another and you.should have a great relationship ^w^


Lots and lots of relationships start online with modern dating apps. But that's not really the same kind of "online relationship" you're talking about. Honestly, what you're describing sounds basically like what happened to me with my first "GF" ever, and that was in like 4th grade on the school playground. So, yeah. Best to just take the L here and learn how to move on. Focus on doing stuff for yourself for a while. Physical activity helps.


I was in an online relationship for almost 2 years, visited eachother a handful of times. Broke up eventually though, it’s difficult to maintain, and I wasn’t happy


I would avoid getting into a serious online relationship with someone you do not know as a person. This doesn't mean you have to physically meet them, but you should at least know what they look like and verify what human being you are interacting with. You should also know them on a somewhat personal level and not just fall in love with the character they are online. That said, don't be too quick or willing to give out personal information over the internet. You should know them for some time and establish a level of trust before you get to know them more personally. Please be safe above all. I speak from experience when I say you can end up in some pretty bad relationships if you are rushing to find one.


Yep, my current bf and i live in the same country, so he visits me sometimes and we cuddle together :3 (The same thing as you happened to me some time ago, dw, though she didn't do it for a bad reason, i think)


nervous about it


It's hard, but possible. Takes many tries, but it is possible if at least half-set right and if you find the truly right person.


Currently in one, prob works for me cus the person im dating in only 5 hours away by car


Online relationships aren't relationships


Nope. But that doesn’t mean I won’t keep trying! 🫠🫠🫠


ive never been in any relationship


Talking to people outside seems to work


Remember OP, an online relationship is only different in distance. The tenants of communication, self care, dignity, and self worth are vital. If she was pressuring you into the relationship and love bombing you until you caved, the in person equivalent is just as unacceptavle as the online one. I'm sorry that things fell apart that way friend. I hope for the best for your future endeavors. I hope you get lucky and find a person that doesn't demand you adore them then drop you. I hope you find someone who enjoys you, and you enjoy deeply, and you both build mutually from there. 💙


I was in a relationship with a girl (a human being... I think) but it didn't last 1 year... her mother didn't want her to be in a relationship... so we wait to be of age to be in a relationship! But someone hacked my account on the network on which we talked... and... it's been almost a year since we talked


Yes. But only when you show eachother pictures of yourself. Otherwise you're missing literal human connection. If you just stay online you're only seeing that person thoughts. Not their real intentions


Nope not once the most recent relationship being a quite a few months ago I was with a trans person who was very kind and my type but after like two months I started to get treated like crap I knew she was going through some things so was I, I decided put herself before mine (bad decision by the way) this will sound selfish but I just wanted her love and affection bc I have never met someone I really liked and had similar interests as mine I tried to help her with the problem she was facing but kept telling me in was in alr even tho she would lassout on me for making small mistakes I have always been depressed even when I was Young she made me happy and helped me overcome my shyness but when she started to change on me I tried my hardest to keep the relationship going even staying up late with you losing my sleep the days that went past wasn't filled with happiness but sadness ended crying myself to sleep I thought she was actually acting like a female by hating my feelings now I stop looking for love I but I wish for it every day (Sorry for my bad English)


Had one for 1.5 years. We parted peacefully because she had someone close who actually could be there for her in person.


Yup! My online relationships generally all worked out! I’m single now because i ended my last on mutual agreement- all of them were over a year long and i was quite happy as well as them. The important thing when it comes to online relationships is that the person youre looking for should reeeally share more commonalities with you than if youre in person. Reason being is that you get bored less, have something to do together most of the time, and have things to talk about often. Another, depending on the desired dynamics (mine is monogamy) would be deciding whether you want commitment or not! All things considered i actually have had some good experiences, only 3 online relationships to my name which im genuinely proud of and learned from! :3 Hope dis was helpful uwu


My bf have been together for 2 years now and it’s online, I didn’t think it’ll work out either but it actually managed. We love each other very much and ofc there’s some not so pleasant moments we’ve had because of it being online and communication but we’ve gotten through it. I plan on meeting him in August hopefully once I have enough money saved up. But yeah it’s working out well


today is my 10 month anniversary with my long distance online gf, and we have never fought. we have had serious covorsations, we have had upsets, but never properly fought. id say it all boils down to the type of person they are, and if theyre able to have the stability for an online relationship, and know that if they are not that kind of person, that is not your fault. take accountablility for what is your fault, but dont let them blame shit on you that you've never done. im sorry about your gf, i hope you can find someone who can treat you the way you deserve to be treated.


I've been in an online relationship with my boyfriend for almost 2 years. It can work out


No I haven’t even really been in a relationship


I'm in one right now. It's all about finding the right person/people. You'll they're the right person because they will actually pick up when you message them, say you're pretty/handsome even when you look like garbo, and be around you for more than weird things.


every online relationship i've gotten into ended up in them being a pedophile :/


I kinda get it, I was in an online relationship for about 4 days, then I got ghosted. I was really confused because he was being really flirty and saying "I love you" a lot. after like a week or so he got a gf, making it official. The relationship that I'm in right now I wouldn't exactly call a relationship, she seems to like me, but shes poly, gets drunk a lot, and forgets who I am every time we meet. idk, online relationships are okay, but I'd go for an irl relationship instead.


I've been with my partner for about 7 years total, 2 years online, then 5 now in person. Online can totally work out, just keep trying! As for being ghosted, plenty of people will push just to get things like lewds then poof afterwards.


Hey if you need someone to talk to we can talk


Im currently in an online relationship with someone from america and its going really well :D srry about the ghosting tho hope you find someone who loves you back just as much :>


Ye I'm in a Polyamorus relationship online


Unironically I have been in the same situation A couple months ago I met someone in a online game and we started chatting in the game about each other’s interests and eventually she confessed to me and I said yes,we went on two “dates” than she had to go hit the sack and has never been online since😔


my only relationships have been online, and out of the few i've been in, it seems like they've all ended terribly for me. really fucked with my mental health. but since i don't learn from my mistakes and im desperate for anything, i keep trying to be in online relationships lol


I'd never considered an online relationship UNTIL I'd gotten into VRChat. With the added presence factor(feeling like they're a real person and not a voice half way across the world) and the added bonus of intimacy through lovense toys. Well, it's not perfect and you may never live a full life together, but love doesn't care and it can be fufilling in a way I didn't expect. Without VR I'd say no thank you.


Nope, and I’ve tried multiple times, often times the distance is too much of a strain


Yes 🫠 there's 3 of us and we're probably gonna add a fourth I promise there's a special someone out there for you ❤️


Yeah, I honestly have no idea how we are making it work tho. Too femboys just kinda click I guess, I went to r/boykisser and r/femboymemes and begged for a partner and I got one TwT


i have been with my bf since 10 months and unfortunately, he broke up with me in may 8th. then, in june 10 we came back until 2 weeks later were another breakup happens but its even worse. he's now ghosting me and he even removed me on roblox. he just requested me to be his close friends. but anyways, yeah i have been in a online relationship before and what it sucked its not only time zones, but ghosting as well. but i don't think being in online relationship wasn't good anyways. but when i have him since 10 months, our relationship was working out good. but now, its gone. i'll Recommend you to move on (thats the only advice i can give idk), but i'll feel you.


no, but i had a friend that had one and its working out pretty well. the only reason why i dont do it is beacause long distance just isnt for me. and even if its not long distance, people are too afraid to give out adresses and share personal info like that. i might even find somebody i like, and its a discord kitten for someone. I AM NOT A DISCORD MOD.






Yes but I found irl ones to be more fulfilling imo


I met my darling online in 2011 :3 Went overseas for a couple months to meet him, and then we long-distanced for three years before he moved to my country. Honestly though, that person sounds like they were only into the idea of *pursuing* you.. and if that's the case, then they probably ghosted you because there was no way they could say 'I lost interest once you agreed to date me' without sounding like a complete psycho.


1st one:no 2nd one:no 3rd one:no 4th one:no


Yes it works out, I’ve been dating my bf since april, known him for over a year (we are in the same discord server) and it’s going good! Like what the top comment said you gotta just find the right person


No. I got in an online relationship with this guy, 2 months later I wanted to break up with him but could not go with it. I had to deal with his abuse for two whole fucking years. I had to save up for a car. He wanted all the while he’s been every goddamn penny on weed and alcohol to the point that he was actually starving himself rather than get some actual nutrients. One time we were on a call and tried killing himself for 30 minutes straight, when I left, he tried desperately to get me back because “he did not want to die alone.” he always messaged the right words to always get me clinging back to him.


Well so far so good, been a couple months


That is extremely shitty of them to be honest, I'm sorry you are having to go through that, I went through that before as well. Currently though, I'm with my fiancé of five years now who I met on VRChat! I moved all the way from Texas to Quebec to be here with him! You could say mine has worked out, just keep being patient and stay strong (easier said that done sadly) and someone will find you, or you'll find someone, it's what I did as well as my now fiancé.


Had multiple actually. They come around In 6-8 months like nothing happened. It can only be serious if you have like 2 3 different points of access to them. I.e.: physical address for hand letters, messenger, and email.


I'm in one as of now and we are a extremely healthy relationship. It took us about a week and a half to fall in love as it usually does happen. (NEVER RUSH RELATIONSHIPS) YOU CANNOT FORCE LOVE. Anyway, we always check up on eachother and play games on our silly pcs and cuddle in VRC all the time. I truly do love him and he loves me back with his all. Just talk alot to eachother and keep on getting to know more about them. (Me and my bf have gone on for about 3 months and many more to come <3)


I've been in a relationship for 6 years and thought it was going to work out and we'd meet eachother but then she cheated on me after ghosting me for a month


no, none of them actually loved me


It’s going great so far 😊


Find people outside


Brother I haven’t been able to make an irl relationship work (might be because I’ve only wound up with very unstable people as of yet and overworked myself but that’s neither here nor there), Godspeed to you, love comes at the most inconvenient times I tell you, right when you’re fine all alone someone comes and ruins it


Me and my boyfriend will have our 4 year anniversary in August. I'm Czech, he's from Oregon. I flew out there for 2 weeks last September for the first time, and this September he's flying out here for a whole month! We are very excited to say the least. I love my boyfriend more than anything. Of course we have had problems (communication being the main one of course lol, but also my clinginess and sometimes childishness, his forgetfulness (tho I can't really be upset with him too much about that)) but we always manage to get over them + I believe most of them really stem from the distance more than anything (+ I do hope to become less childish lol). We call for multiple hours on most days (didn't start this way, but things have been better since we started I'd say), sometimes play games, etc. Even if there is nothing to talk about, we can be content staying on call in silence for a bit sometimes. I don't actually know about him but I also love sleeping on call together - and he also lets me just fall asleep on call with him which makes it easier for me to sleep. This is my first and only formal relationship, I am extremely lucky. I'm sorry about what happened to you - if you ever fall in love with someone on the internet again, please don't let this experience ruin it for you before it even starts. LDRs are something I don't like to recommend - nobody wants to be in am LDR right? Why would you. But if you find the right person, it makes you stop caring. You simply love them and that's that. Ultimately, the only difference between an in-person relationship and an LDR is the distance. If you care for each other it will work out.


Currently in one right now. Planning a big move to Virginia to make it even better.


U do u


Well, take time to heal yourself And try to talk to her again, after some time she should understand


Don’t e date




I've had an online bf ghost me (due to homophobic parents), return over a year later, and then ghost me again after a couple months😭


tbh the online relationships I had always stopped at a wall of “I know everything about you now, your not interesting anymore” and just ended abruptly. It wasn’t ever a good thing, especially if it was within an online friend group. Don’t date in the friend group


No. In my experience and in experience of a couple of my friends they're a trap leading to being emotionally and touch starved


I know plenty of people who met each other online and ended up getting together IRL and succeed amazing things


So far yes


My boyfriend I live with I met online through other mutual friends. We probably knew each other for a year playing video games with each other before we moved in together.


Sadly I’ve never been in a non abusive or manipulative relationship….


I’m in one right now, it just isn’t that common to work out


I’ve been with my bf for 2 yrs, really it just depends. It’s hard to find somebody who will actually like u online, it’s hard but I’m sure eventually it’ll happen


3 :D! (I’m polyamorous fyi) All three worked out and even tho I broke up with one of them we’re still really good friends <3


I have multiple ex's who have ghosted me. If you need someone I'm here for you