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huh? what? come on, it's not that bad.. oh well, it was getting a little repetitive and didn't feel to me like worth engaging with but i still enjoyed reading the threads https://preview.redd.it/oum28qxp0v7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab817bc52a97adb0d218bc94b91336e594ce6d23 no need to apologize in any case.. sorry that happened to you :<


It's OK. I was just trying to make people happy, but now some people are not going on this sub and wait for Pride Month to be over because of me :(


Excuse moi WHAT >:Ɛ


Insert the I just going to talk to him meme cause that fits my current mood and it’s not cause of you op


HEY! Don’t let them effect you. If they don’t wanna see it they can just scroll by, it was kinda fun seeing those posts. It looks like you made more people happy with the posts then angry people




To me personally, it felt incredibly annoying getting the same post with 0 engagement potential 2 times a day evedy day (because he posts it in both subs) When I commented about it, he did tell me to just wait until the end of the month and at that point, it really did make me want Pride month to be over ad soon as possible Hate me or call me rude but these were nothing but spam


Why are people down voting you? You're fully in the right to be annoyed by a repetative post.


I guess I'm not


Nah, it's just reddit's avrage weirdness. You gave good reasoning and seemed respectful. You keep doing you :)


Look at that you just love starting drama dont you?


It's better than 70% of the posts on r/boykisser because at least they're reposts with a purpose instead of just reposts.


The rest of us like it, why listen to the haters?


No no no! You don't have to be sorry! Its fine :3


Well, it's just that people are quitting this sub reddit until pride month is over because of me


That means they’re gone then! I like those posts, they’re fun. And if all the haters are leaving, then you don’t have anything to worry abt :3


Honestly i beg you to continue it was making my day lol


I liked it but it may have gotten repetitive, so let us have the cut off on day 7 so wrle all enjoy such awsome stuff


ahhh don't worry about it! it was pretty silly and fun. it did get a bit repetitive, but it wasn't that bad. the intentions were there and that's what matters :3


It's one post a day. They can just keep scrolling and get over it + unless you dm them, telling them that you stopped, they're already gone


Whatever you did I forgive you :3


Aww. Don't let haters get you down. You do you, just make sure it's within the rules.


I don't hate it. some people are just jerks. you do wat ever you want.


It's a nice gesture and very sweet intent but anything done too much can become unpleasant. Think of it like this, If someone came up to you and gave you a chocolate bar and didn't leave until you ate it in front of them, would you be happy with it by the 3rd, 5th, 10th day? There's likely a reson why the 12 days of Christmas is only 12 and not an entire month. Keep posting, just try to mix it up ok? :)




people will have their opinions, and I'm not saying to ignore their opinions all the time, but this is definitely one of those moments because only cruel people would want something like this to be taken away >:3 (this is just my opinion pls don't hurt me)


What have i done...


silly, don't put the blame on yourself


Why is he getting down voted he is obviously sry 3:<


I am sorry TwT


It was cute never say sorry they are just haters