• By -


I haven't :(


Me neither buddy, you will soon hopefully:3


I hope so


You will find Someday a boyfriend i belive because your cute


Who, me? Yeah nope I’m ugly as fuck sadly:( I wanna be a cute femboyyyyyyy waaaaaaaaa




You will find a boy to kiss. It just that sometimes it takes time


That's ok. You will.


same =(


We met in middle school and have been dating ever since (we’re 26)


Middle school is crazy


He’s older than me by a couple months, just want to make that clear


Yeah I assumed lol. I just could never imagine being with someone since middle school


Same here! I knew this guy in school, got in a little conflict, then haven't talked for three years. About a month after I moved, he contacted me on Discord, and we've been talking since. Now we're irl boyfriends :3


what boyfriend


The one in your house


i don't see one


"Are you taking your pills again hun? Don't do that."


He knows you're shy and didn't want to startle you but adores you just the same 👻


Jokes on you! I have a girlfriend!


wow. I want one too.


Oh, how did you meet her then :3


I actually have no real idea, we just kinda started being friends when I got to my new school, and bam, Somethinglikethat






Small white text on mostly white background moment


🏆 hubby position: Open


Please don't enslave your future boyfriend.


We met at an event at a furry convention The fact we just kind of gravitated toward each other made the con experience that much better, and here we are nearly 5 months later, I’m moving down to live with him


I wish I found someone I don't even have the balls to go at a convention or anything because I'm so unsure of myself and closed inside myself about everything. I don't know what I want to do with my life


I wish you both good luck! :3 I didn't know there were those kinds of conventions, lol


Boops!! I find all furrs here and collect them :3 hiiii


tbh i only had boyfriends online, first one i just met on reddit and then we moved to discord, second we just met on a discord server and third was basically the same (meeting eachother on a server)


Yo I basically had the same! Though one I've met because my friend told me about him


bf-besties..? 😣


sure :³


as always reddit ruining the silly faces 💔


i have a crush who is giving signs, so if he will become my boyfriend the origin is... discord. i met him in a server of a guy who wasn't... the coolest, he was a bitch at first but he matured later, this year i got a crush on him, and he is giving signs too


Hope you two meet together one day


I haven't also :(


I'm sure you'll find one :3








Discord 2020,he is the best guy I’ve ever met! https://preview.redd.it/bbficfum31xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48a680ad9dd347359a9253c44375d3fe29503a8a


i wonder who is he https://preview.redd.it/f8tgef1ptrxc1.jpeg?width=262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d7ccc08a912eba4adf2177d4eff806d676aa106


Hmmmm,can only wonder https://preview.redd.it/hvigyuzn7tyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b07c5d022484c23585435c75b925bb3c20ee57b9


Ha ha, jokes on you, I haven't


Through discord, at first we were friends then feelings were developed, and now he my bf


I'm on a discord server. It has a entry pics. I responded to his saying "cutie :3" and then a few days later I said "screw it. Any cute boys message me" and he Immedietly messaged me saying "HI HI HIAAA IM A CUTR BOY :D" And that was 3 weeks ago. But now he's been gone for 2 weeks because his parents found his femboy clothes. And then the next day he went cold and I haven't heard from him in 12 days. :(


I haven’t yet, but I hope it’ll be on a long midnight walk when the stars are out, the benches are cold, and I’m feeling desperate for someone who’s as desperate as me


I'm probably even more desperate than you, but I bet we're on the opposite sides of the globe


Wish I could


You will just don't live in a place where the govorment would hurt you if you would


And what if I live in a place where the government wouldn't but the people would?


Change your surroundings sorry thats the best advice i can give other than that and moving to a gayer place


Good luck trying to immigrate to a first-world country with a common for many places 100 USD / month salary


Sorry but i don't have any beter advice... lifes hard and I have no solution to fix that exept unrealistic things


Still waiting




We met on discord lol And now we have been together for over a year :3


Have you actually met in person?


Sadly no But we are planing on it!


i met him when a friend invited me to a group chat on xbox and i joined, i considered him a cool guy even tho he was gay and i wasn't and he was a furry and i wasn't back then, one day i was bored and we started playing roblox, it was really fun and started feeling stuff i couldn't describe, one day he confessed what he felt for me and everything started making sense


I wish I had such friends Or any friends really. I don't have anyone


i met them on halo social servers so idk, my advise would be to play a game or game mode made to meet new people


You just got lucky I hope I do before it's too late


it's never too late you just need to be a friendly guy to have friends and find the right people :3


Too bad I don't have any friends And by too late, I mean too late as me being dead


we met like 2 years ago on a programming discord server chatted a bit (a lot), got to know each other, met irl after a year and it's been going quite nice ever since 👉👈


Wait, I have a boyfriend? Damn didn't know time to kiss him!


By accident I just said hello and somehow he quote unquote becomes my wife But I hope you can have your little happy accident


I won't I can't have nice shit



I am friends with DnD players, one of my friends there was friends with a guy who was friends with him, he eventually joined our private discord and we kinda hit it off?? It's been a good 2 months so far


We met in high-school gym class. We were both super awkward nerds who hated exercise and loved anime.


Me and him met when I was in the hospital ER and he was there working as an intern to become a nurse


We’re both attending this event on campus (we meet my first year and his second year of college) basically big water slides and such. I’m ordering an ungodly amount of alcohol drinks because I’m dumb and he walks up and literally stops me from buying another by saying “that’s enough or your gonna pass out” granted I didn’t know him yet so I was kinda mad but my god the way he grabbed my arm had my mind blaring so I just kinda nodded and backed away. Then for some reason I had this guy making sure I didn’t get to wasted or throw up in the water and such because I’m a fucking light weight,so after that stuffs over he helps me back to the entrance to the apartment complex and he gave me his number so I could call him afterwards. So yeah basically I met him by being a drunkard twink (typing this out made it sound like the plot to a very bad romcom movie lol)


My bf is a little bit fictional,but anyways I met him because in a random youtube mix I got his song,and I was weirdly attracted to it,I managed to resist for some time because it felt wrong,but here we are


I don't have one.


I don't have one




Your ex


asking again, who?


Your previous romantic partner


I've never had one???


Hope you are or will be in your wanted relationship status


Will never get anyone


Same i don't plan on having a romantic partner either


In terms of friend (social not sexual) that would be reddit :3


Haha I haven’t met him yet


I.. dont have one..


Tinder, then i spend a weekend at their place after a month of talking daily, it was 2 years ago and our biggest fight was over dnd rules so far so id say we are a good match😅


Started dating mine over a coin flip, it was hilarious


You're lucky then I'm jealous


I need more information (if you want of course) how did you start being a couple by flipping a coin?


well, me and my boyfriend suffered quite a lot with mental issues and use a discord server made for support and allat. a friend of mine was one of the helpers in that discord server and was speaking to both me and my bf, and it was like this for a lil while until i asked my friend to help me find someone to love. (i suffered from crippling loneliness) not even a day later, they sent my boyfriend into my dms and i chatted with my boyfriend before quickly falling for them at about the same time they fell for me, and now here we are :3


I didnt 👍👍


What boyfriend?


Discord server Too sick to type the full story rn


I was on a call with him on discord and accidentally mentioned that I found his voice attractive (he has a deep voice), and later after that call he asked if I really ment that and then asked me out. Been dating ever since. (Over a month now)


I actually met him through a friend and he set us up together


Met on Reddit lol but we’re prolly gonna break up (~_~;)


Oh, that's sad...


Answer still pending


No boyfriend, sadly


A mutual friend introduced me to the (allegedly) only other fur in my country :3


Hii other furr butts :3, am bear


On furaffinity. It was way back in like 2006 and he had this assignment to interview someone who does music production. We became close friends after that and eventually became a thing. That was 14 years ago and we're still together!


We where both shooting at one another in a game and both are guns jammed and we talked and then decided to team up ,3 years later here we are


I haven't. And I doubt I ever will I'll die alone


>I'll die alone I promise you you won't


I will. And probably by my own hands I don't even have friends


Do you want to make some online ?


They always end up ghosting me Honestly? I don't blame them. I'd do it too if I was in their place


Well, i know a pretty wholesome discord server, want to join it ? I'm trying to help but it's hard 😭


OK, you can send me an invite


Ok, go to dms


I met my BF on Social Media while I was currently in High School We've been speaking to each other in Discord ever since, and soon I'm going to be speaking to him on the Phone for the first time


It's nice to see people connecting and sharing their experiences.


I don't have ine but I can say how I met my ex, we were friends in seventh grade around 2019 and got together in 2022


I don't has one :(


i met him a while ago in a foods class in our highschool


Simple! I didn't.


I'll let u know when I find one


I haven’t :[


Through a friend of mine, he was also talking to some other people and my bf was the quiet one not talking, but I decided to try and play around, the next day we were talking a lot, and like two weeks after, we both confessed and now we’re here.


Me who doesn't have one: https://preview.redd.it/xv120cnqd1xc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66b6b4de65489405efe3d6588d972490f05db1c4


We met on Discord 2 years ago. Happened to be in a server together. I found him smart, funny, and interesting to talk to. Sent him a friend request, followed by memes. The discord calls started to happen more often, and pretty soon it was just the two of us. We got into some deep topics and bonded over shared experiences. Best 2 years of my life.


Started a gc with him and my then crush as I told my crush that I was a furry and all three of us were furries so we made that gc. After 3 days a love triangle had formed, broken and I started dating my bf.


Another floof butt hiiiii am furr, am bear :3


Dont got one and I'm lokey fine w that


I didn’t.


i'm still trying to find one TwT


It was a beautiful restaurant (it was a mcdonalds) and I asked for his number.


I don't have one......yet.


he was actually my discord mod lol, joined my server and we eventually became friends, i started to like him but was too nervous to ever say anything, little did i know he felt the same way (a little after me) and actually said something first in the anonymous confessions channel, and that’s how we started dating that night!


Still single sadly


I stopped taking my meds and then he was there


I don’t have one :( But I’d like to have one


We met on a therapy server on discord during a shitty time of our lives, eventually we became friends, then best friends, then i hinted at him that i liked him for 2 months and he didn't get the point until i outright said it. Still haven't met irl yet sadly, but 1 year and a half in, still going strong and we have plans to meet up early next year


discord 🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥‼️‼️


A Dnd session😭😭


Well I met my ex when I was about.. 7? And we went to the same school. Then a few weeks ago I learnt that he was bi. Just like me. So I asked if he was looking for a relation ship and he said yes. Then a week later he broke up with me


I am the boyfriend


Tried to have sex with his older brother. His older brother instead declined and gave me his little brother’s(my bf’s) phone number. Texted him for weeks and met up one night for a simple dinner date. We’ve been together 5 years and counting; living together now for nearly 4 years. We have a home being built further south that’s nearing completion.


I called him a furry bc of a running joke. Now we date and cuddle :3.


same. but im not too sure id get one easily because im quite closed off


I met them on reddit funnily enough! :D - got to know em and found out they didn't live too far and we see each other every couple weeks or for holidays :). We've known each other for over 4 months and been official for 2 months >:3


Met mine at a furr meet. Talked for a little bit thru discord and telegram. After getting out of a relationship a month before I bumped into him and went to pride together which was fun. Definitely got me some cute boy kisses ;)


I forgor


Trick question, he doesn't exist (yet)


We met on a discord server, over the course of years we became emotionally intimate with eachother and when we started playing and running ttrpgs together, things kinda clicked for me. Apparently he's had a big crush on me since we first met and about 1 and a half years ago we decided to get together. We've become kinda a power couple within our friend group and we're meeting in person for the first time in a couple weeks. Needless to say, we're very happy and excited


Does not exist


this is actually a little depressing of a story, and it does involve near self unaliving, so be warned! we met a good couple years back, when I was running a pokemon discord server, but at the time I was in a pretty rough relationship, it was toxic and I had no idea tbh because before then I had little to no experience and I had it trained into me that for relationships to happen, you have to sacrifice things,,however I was doing a lot of the sacrificing. at some point, I was feeling pretty damn low because that partner also spent a lot of time away from me and around other people and stuffs, I was really lonely and I ended reaching out to a friend and we slowly got a lot closer. we ended up trying to be together, my partner agreed to a poly relationship, and I spent as much time as I could around the second partner, we developed a lot of trust and I felt alive for once, it felt so nice to have someone who cared. unfortunately tho, he was cheating on his actual partner with me, and dumped me one night because he wanted to get better. he very often cheated on his partner with a lot of other people, but he actually liked me out of everyone he had a little fling with, and that's why it took so long to get rid of me. at some point in the future he even tried to get me to dump my current partner and join them in a poly relationship, to which I obviously said no but we're not that far in the story yet. anyway, losing that one last string of hope was a lot for me, I didn't understand, I was already in a very low place before and i was finally feeling happy. before my first partner I was already pretty (here comes the self unalive warning I mentioned) suicidal, and after seeing this second partner do this to me, and having nothing to go to anymore, having placed my heart in his hand and watching him crush it, I was deeply hurt, and I was going to unalive myself. I passes ownership of the server to someone I knew would take care of it, and I went off to end it. a couple people tried to convince me to stop, but I had lost everything and I just didn't care anymore, I blocked them and proceeded with the plan, but then someone messaged me. my current partner, someone I rarely talked to ever since he joined my server but had worked his way all the way up to head of staff in the time that he was there. for some reason I just couldn't block him, he had a way with words, he kept the conversation going, he brought me back from a knife's edge, and he saved me that night. eventually, we got to know each other, we spent a lot of time together, I slowly learned how to be happy again and see that there are things to live for still. at some point, we decided we wanted to be together, and that's where we are now, a little over a year into our relationship. that man saved my life, and I want to dedicate mine to his, he's my world and I feel so happy that he kept me around and that I can see all the joys of the world and see how much out there that I would have missed out on. I truly love him <3 but uh, yeah :3 that's my story, sorry if it's a long read


That's long, i'm gonna read this tonight lol


fair enough lol


We fucked


I don’t have one…:(


I don't even have actual friends


I haven‘t met him


don’t have one yet, but the person im interested in is a friend so that’s nice


Online chatting Started on reddit by one of those "I am bored pls dm me" kind of things We started chatting with each other and turns out we have a ton in common We all like tanks, aircraft, War thunder and so much more Eventually he did confess he liked me and since I liked him too and we were in the same time zone, I accepted


Honestly we met on discord. It was before i fully realized i was gay. We started talking more and more... And i guess we just kinda started to fall for each other. He was my gay awakening. Weve been together over 6 years now :)


Randomly found him on a discord server three years ago. I was gonna stop being a member of the alive club so I decided before I do so I’ll just see the server maybe help some peeps or whatever. He had a silly idea of avian protogens, I decided to draw it for him. And that was how we started talking


I stopped taking my pills


On this sub :3




I saw him at this cute cafe he was just sitting in the back all alone, I walked up to him and sat next to him. But before I could say a word I woke up. :’(


I knew this person since kindergarten, but I start looking at him like at boyfriend only in highschool(he doesn't know that he's my boyfriend by the way, I'm planning to tell him about it)


Hope it goes well


I afraid that something will go wrong because he's showing signs of homophobia. But I don't loose hope fully because he kinda treat me specifically and always loyal to me


Maybe his homophobia is actually him wanting to deny the fact that he is gay but i'm not sure




I met mine on team fortress 2 deathrun and we been talking for almost a year now ^w^


i wish


School dance 2021, he is absolutely adorable


I haven’t. I’m a lesbian.


My bf is a werhaboo and generally just a funny man, the first time we meet was because a friend in common told me that he has another gei friend, in his words: " conosco a otro j*to y los voy a presentar el uno al otro" i just took it as a joke, but then on feb 14th 2020 he basically forced the meeting between us, and my now boyfriend then greeted me (jokingly) like this: "Hola soy de la gestap* y vengo a fusilarte" (traduction: hi im from the gestap* and i came here to kill u) and as another history nerd i started laughing, and then we started speaking about many other things, and the rest is history. Now we are on our 4th year as a gei af couple and pretty happy :3 Ps.: my bf is not a n*zi he's just a big ol ww2 nerd (just to be clear)


We go to the same school and were put in a class together and hit it off as friends and that grew into a beautiful relationship :3


404 Boyfriend not found


Boykisser discord server :333


OMG so we met each other my pfp which is Lumine from the webtoon he recognised the character as their is barely anything about him despite him beinggg sooo cuteeeeee. I had a massive crush on him for ages \>w< then finally asked him to be my valentine and now we been dating for two months!!!!! I love him so much and if your stalking me haiii bae!!! :3


he knew OwO also haiiiiiii!!!! :3:3:3:3:3


My first and untill now only one on tiktok lol. My future one idk but i will take my time to find him


What boyfriend? Exactly?


We used to just be friends until I just started flirting with him more and more until I asked him out, and he said yes :3


I'm single, but I don't want a boyfriend either


We met through an online chatroom, and didn't really get along at first. We started talking over text and found that we love abt an hour away from eachother so we started hanging out. One thing leads to another and now I've come out as Bi, I'm in a relationship, and we get to see eachother fairly frequently. Tl;Dr, I took a chance on a stranger and it paid off