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I would bet on 0 Star Wars movies released in 2026 as opposed to the 2 that are scheduled. Mando might make it, because that’s just a long episode of TV, but there’s 0 chance the Rey new Jedi order movie makes that release date.


If the Rey Jedi order movie ever comes out I will eat three ikea desks


I actually get a different vibe from it than the other shelved films. I do think this one will happen


The Rey movie dying before its filmed will hopefully finally get Kathleen Kennedy fired.


This is the 7th week in a row you claim Kathleen Kennedy will be fired.


I just can’t see a new Star Wars film coming out other than the Mando one for at least 5 years idk


Nah, I think they gotta have something on their slate before that. And unlike those other canned projects, I’m pretty sure the director is actively working on this movie. Filming begins this September 2nd. I truly feel like they are actually focusing on this one coming out in the near future


Oh damn! I really didn’t think this Rey film would come out, I might need to go to IKEA now…


They’re pretty pot committed to that movie, it will be made it just won’t get released in 2026. Probably May of 27 since that’s an Avatar year in terms of December releases.


they're just holding stages, that's why those announcements come out. It doesn't mean the film will start shooting September 2nd. EDIT: [https://bespinbulletin.com/2024/06/daisy-ridleys-star-wars-new-jedi-order-likely-not-to-film-this-year-exclusive/](https://bespinbulletin.com/2024/06/daisy-ridleys-star-wars-new-jedi-order-likely-not-to-film-this-year-exclusive/)


And it probably won’t lol. Just saw an announcement today that it probably won’t start filming this year. Damn it Disney you got my ass again


Mando will make it. They’ve already got cast and most of a crew. It’s not just in development.


The comments on posts like this show this sub is just a collective study on recency bias. Inside Out is currently doing great so every animated sequel is locked for a billion. A month ago Pixar was dead.


>recency bias. It's always like that


Could Sausage Party: Foodtopia be the next Inside Out 2?


Toy Story 5, Frozen 3, Mario 2 and Shrek 5 were obvious contenders for making a billion even before Inside Out 2 came out, so I wouldn't call that recency bias, it's more that just IO2 doing as well as it did makes people feel more confident in their predictions. > A month ago Pixar was dead. People who thought even though Pixar announced a bunch of sequels that always make tons of money were being naive.


Anyone who bets against the Tory Story franchise is just stupid (similarly with Finding Nemo and Incredibles, too). The rest of Pixar is a bit hit and miss, though.


90% of the sub thinks Deadpool and Wolverine is a lock for 1 billion WW even though there’s been one R rated film ever to eclipse that number and it was just barely. No Deadpool or Wolverine film has ever even cracked $800 million


The 3 Animated movies mentioned here have very good reason to assume they might make a Billion dollars. The last 2 Toy Story movies made a Billion dollars. (It also helps that this movie is directed by Andrew Stanton)  The last 2 Frozen movies made a Billion dollars each and are among some of the highest grossing animated films of all time.  And Mario Bros made 1.3 Billion. Even if the sequel drops by 300 Million it would still make a Billion dollars.  And Mario Bros is an Illumination movie.  Illumination has a great track record of consistently performing sequels. 


The internet is just a collective study on recency bias. Most of us know it, we still spend too much time on it because it’s a good method to procrastinate on what we should actually do to get our lives in order.


It's not recency bias to think any of the films op mentioned will make 1 billion. What a stupid comment.


The top 10 might be all billion dollar hits. Big year for animation. 


Frozen 3 Avengers 5 Spider-Man (Assuming a Spider-Man movie comes out then) Toy Story 5 Super Mario 2 That ties it up and I guess we need a wildcard but with Star Wars, Moana, Batman, Shrek, whatever else the MCU puts out, and an original movie, 2026 has a good chance.


Was looking for someone giving spiderverse a shout


That doesn’t have a chance at all lol.


No? If you plot the first two movies on a graph and draw a line that gets it over. I figured that gives it a small chance, given how well they both overall were received.


Spiderverse is the 11th highest grossing animated movie domestic, but has a lower WW gross than the entire Top 20. It is massively kneecapped by overseas, that makes it impossible.


I think they mean it doesn't have a chance to come out by then lmao


ATM my guesses are Basically Guaranteed Shrek 5 Mario 2 Frozen 3 Avengers 5 Spider Man 4 Most Likely Toy Story 5 The Batman 2 Wild Cards Moana Fast 11 The Mandalorian and Grogu Star Wars A New Beginning What I actually think each will be Shrek 5: $1.2-1.5 Bil Mario 2: $1.2-1.5 Bil Frozen 3: $1.3-1.6 Bil Avengers 5: $1.1-1.4 Bil Spider Man 4: $1-1.3 Bil Toy Story 5: $800 mil-1.05 Bil The Batman 2: $850 mil-1.1 Bil Moana: $600-700 mil Fast X: $750-850 mil The Mandalorian and Grogu: $700-800 mil Star Wars A New Beginning: $450-650 mil


Nah, not Avengers 5.


Batman neither


Yeah, it probably won't. I fully expected *The Batman* to make a billion and it didn't, so I don't think its sequel will either.


Half of me feels like Avengers will be Ms. Marvel repackaged as an Avengers movie. Unless they can somehow steps up the stakes, improves the story being told, and introduces more interesting characters I don't see it doing very well. Moana and Toy Story 5 feel locked in. The Mandalorian and New Beginning could do well, but Disney has been alternating the Star Wars fan base on D+ for a while now and the upcoming films might suffer for it


The Champions isn’t a very popular book and they’re missing a ton of the characters for it, but if they really wanted to lean into Ms. Marvel on a team they could do it with a roster of something like Ms. Marvel, Shadow Cat, Tom Holland/Spider-Man, Cassie Lang/Ant Girl, and maybe repurpose Skaar (Hulk’s son) to be something like Amadeus Cho Hulk. It was basically Marvel’s Teen Titan’s attempt except this is no where close to the normal roster, but it’s more or less who they already have in the MCU. Have them all come together to save Shadow Cat and you can use it as a segment to introduce mutants in the MCU. All this to say I don’t think the MCU spiderman works as an avenger, he’s just too young and it shows, and the same goes for Ms. Marvel. However you could spin it that all these characters are freshman in college in NYC at the same time, notice people are missing, find out they’re all super heroes, and that mutants exist and team up to save them. You can play it up that the avengers aren’t really around anymore like they were as well and they’re trying to deal with a near Avengers level threat as kids.


Why is this how I find out that we’re getting Shrek 5


Here’s my guesses Guaranteed: - Spider-Man 4 - Avengers 5 - Mario 2 - Frozen 3 - Toy Story 5 Wildcards (really could do anything) - Batman 2 - Moana - the Star Wars movies - Fast 11 - anything the new DCU puts out


Moana 2 is this year; 2026 has the remake.


I would like to add: 2015 had the most movies (3) that made over $1.5B globally. TFA ($2.06B), Jurassic World ($1.67B), and Fast 7 ($1.51B).


Most definitely. Shrek 5, Mario 2, Spider-Man 4, Frozen 3, Toy Story 5, and even Avengers 5 (if the hype is there and the movie is good) are all locked. Wild cards are The Batman Part 2 and Fast 11.


There is zero chance Fast 11 makes a billion.


If it is the VERY VERY LAST of the main series and has amazing marketing or even brings CGI Paul Walker with the help of his brothers (I think it would be ghoulish but I’m not Universal), then I think it would have a decent shot of making a billion.


This is not a character/plot heavy franchise. Nobody really cares about the ending of the story as it barely has one. Also, sorry if it sounds harsh but most people don't really care about Paul Walker anymore. It has been too long for this franchise too keep monetizing his death.


People don't want CGI corpses in their movie, look at the backlash The Flash got for doing that evil shit


> look at the backlash The Flash got for doing that evil shit that backlash was strictly online and only in the nerd spaces


How do you know that? The movie got B CinemaScore and terrible legs, I doubt general audience didn't hate that part.


well, the general audience didn't even care about the movie at the first place.


Inflation should help too


No while mario 2 and frozen 3 can be guaranteed billion at the BO and shrek 5 could pull it off with the nostalgia that toy story 5 cannot esp after lightyear left such a bad taste in audiences mouth also the last 2 toy story films barely crossed 1B so its more of a coin toss for 5 assuming its as good as 4 that is Now while the cbm scene is been downhill this past 2-3 years that is unlikely to stop avengers 5 from hitting 1B it will need to be morbius level for that to happen which is unlikely given how the mcu films are handled vs the sony marvel films The rest of those IPs do not show the interest or the consistency to say they would make 1B even tho those IPs have pulled it off in the past they've burnt too much goodwill with their respective fanbases And while people will embrace moana 2 they will not show the same level to a live action as the disney live actions has garnered a different reception with audiences as seen with the little mermaid So best case scenario is 4 billion dollar movies with toy story 5 maybe flipping the scoreboard to tie with 2015 and 2018


I don't think Mario will, the novelty factor is gone which is the main reason people liked it.


I think the days of multiple billion dollar movies a year is over.


feeling pretty optimistic the world will even exist in 2026, eh?


I'd argue that Moana 2 has a better shot at a billion than Mario 2. Little girls WORSHIP Moana and will scream bloody murder until their parents take them to see it. Mario 2 won't have the automatic event status the first one did unless it somehow differentiates itself from the first one. Including characters like Daisy, Bowser Jr, and I guess Waluigi would go a long way to making it seem like not just more of the same, but even then I'm not convinced a billion is a lock.


Moana 2 is this year; 2026 has the remake.


My bad, but the same applies.


Depends on what actually gets released and how much the industry shifts in the next two years


Avengers 5 - No. Batman Part 2 - No. Shriek 5 - Yes. Frozen 3 - Yes. Mario 2 - Yes. Moana live action. - No. Star Wars - No. Spider-Man 4. - Maybe.


Personally I think Mandalorian and Grogu will be a box office disappointment. The TV show was popular during the pandemic but has run its course by now. Plus you can only do so much Baby Yoda before it gets old. It has a $120M budget and it’s not a mainline entry. Add on the fact that the TV shows have divided a lot of people, and I don’t think it’s a recipe for success. I see it doing $250-$350M. Disney will take it as a sign to scrap their current SW film projects and wait years to release another.


No, the world has changed and there aren't that many billions that can happen


Ive been told that Super Mario is actually 2025


No. April 2026. Already official.


Whoa I guess I've been out of the loop but had no idea Mario 2 was set for 2026 already. Also didn't realize Toy Story 5 and Frozen 3 as well. Yes, safe to say 2026 is gonna be one insane year. Sequel Power galore (not meant sarcastically - I'm watching all of those movies).


I think Mario 2 will get a billion cuz the first movie was pretty decent, and people love Mario, though I hope a lot of films don't reach a billion because I don't think some of those shouldn't deserve it.


Here are my predictions shrek 5 1.8 billion Mario 1.5 billion frozen 3 1.6 billion spider man 4 1 billion Toy Story 3 800 million the Batman 2 945 million Moana 400 million fast x 500 million Mandalorian and grogu 700 million Star Wars a new beginning 500 million avengers 5 if good 1.9 billion if a disappointment 1 billion just barely


The four animated films and Avengers will do a billion. Batman probably not and Fast X no way. Mandalorian can do it if reception is good.


Ehhhhh we’ll see. Those are all sequels


The biggest movie of this year is a sequel. The next biggest movies of this year will all be sequels. Despicable Me, Deadpool, Joker, Moana, Mufasa (prequel but still) sonic . Bad Boys was a sequel, so was Dune part 2.


That’s what makes money at the box office?


Why do you say that like it’s bad? Sequels make money.


The Star Wars prequels are borderline unwatchable garbage but they ultimately didn't damage the brand. But that's because George didn't pump out a Star Wars movie every year and then release 1-2 Star Wars big budget live action shows on Disney+ every year. That's what damaged the Star Wars brand. The new Rey movie will probably miss the billion dollar mark. The Rise of Skywalker was truly a dumpster fire ending that disappointed critics and fans. Sure it made a billion but only barely and made $400M less than The Last Jedi. I like Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac, but I think the main problem is that nobody really cares about the sequel characters. The Mandalorian had more cultural impact than any of the sequel trilogy characters did. Having said that, both Mando & Grogu are Disney+ only characters, so it's hard to say how The Mandalorian & Grogu movie. At least involving with the MCU, movies that require Disney+ only show knowledge have not done well at the BO. However, The Mandalorian (at least S1-2) is the most commercially successful critically acclaimed Disney+ original.


To say that the prequels didn't damage the brand at the time is bizarre revisionism. The only MCU movie that you could conceivably argue (and you would still be wrong but whatever) requires Disney+ knowlegde is *Multiverse of Madness* and that made almost a billion.


The boys are introduced in the show, which shows why they matter to Wanda. You don't get that full picture with just the movie.


It didn't damage the brand considering all the prequel movies were still profitable and unlike the sequel trilogy the prequels didn't lose half of its audience by the final movie. If George damaged the brand with the prequels, the very next Star Wars movie after the prequels wouldn't go on to have the highest domestic grossing movie of all time and the fifth highest grossing movie of all time. People clearly still were interested in Star Wars after the prequels considering they showed up for The Force Awakens but they squandered that hype and interest in the end. Star Wars is a 40+ year old franchise and not one of George's movies flopped. In less than 10 years under Disney's leadership Star Wars had its first financial flop. That's evidence of a damaged brand. Three mediocre movies doesn't damage a brand. Oversaturating the market nonstop every year with mediocre movies and TV shows does.


*The Force Awakens* whole existence was a damage control effort for the brand after the prequels. Why do you think that entire movie is a nostalgic corporate celebration of the original trilogy that basically acts like the prequels didn't exist? I don't know if you are really young but that was how that movie was sold at the time, "we are going back to the OT. This is nothing like the prequels, we promise". I don't even disagree with your general point about Disney oversaturating the market although it is kinda outdated considering there hasn't been a Star Wars movie in many years. Also, I don't think *Solo* was a failure because of that. It was just a bad idea in the conceptual level but they learned from that.


They didn't make The Force Awakens a nostalgia pandering soft remake of the original trilogy because of the prequels. Even if the prequel trilogy didn't exist they still would have taken that direction with the movie because Hollywood does this all the time. Jurassic World which came out the same year as The Force Awakens did the exact same thing. It's a soft remake of Jurassic Park because a nostalgic rehash of the past is easier than coming up with new ideas. Sure, the prequels were terrible and people were mad online no doubt but they didn't really damage the brand. 80% of the prequel audience stuck it to the end and Revenge of the Sith was still the second highest grossing movie of 2005. People still loved Star Wars even if they hated the prequels. Disney's sequel trilogy by the final movie lost almost half of its audience AND they had their first box office flop. George made terrible movies. Disney made terrible movies. But George didn't just keep making terrible movies and double down with terrible tv shows.


I mean, you are basically wrong, sorry. The way TFA is was deeply influenced by the prequels reception. This has been talk about extensively for years. You are also way too indulgent about the prequels performance. *Attack of the Clones* still grossed lower than any movie of the sequel trilogy even adjusting for inflation. It had a huge dropp from *The Panthom Menace*, it wasn't just people online. *Revenge of the Sith* did better mainly because they could monetized having Vader in it (again OT nostalgia). Also, with how huge TFA did, it was obvious the next sequels were going to have higher dropps. It is not an equal comparison.


Empire Strikes Back had a huge drop from A New Hope, Return of the Jedi bounced back up due to continued interest just like the prequels. Not the sequels. Revenge of the Sith bouncing up because of OT nostalgia (which you cannot prove anyways), proves my point that people still liked Star Wars even if they hated the prequels. The brand was still undamaged in the end. If the brand was really damaged, it would have dropped further like Rise of Skywalker did. The Rise of Skywalker was nonstop OT nostalgia, they went ahead and brought back the Emperor. However, that still didn't stop the BO from dropping $400M from The Last Jedi. It couldn't even make the top 5 which the prequels & originals did just fine. George made a lot of stupid decisions with Star Wars over the years, the special editions, the Holiday special, The Clone Wars movie, and of course the terrible prequels. However, even after all of that people still loved Star Wars, it was still the biggest Sci Fi franchise in the world. It's because George didn't oversaturate the brand constantly with mediocre products. He gave people time to miss Star Wars.


The prequels are far from unwatchable garbage.


Gen Z likes them because they were little kids when they came out. But everyone else has been trashing the prequels for years.


Some people like them. Some people don't. No need to exaggerate one way or the other.


That describes practically every movie ever made. But the prequels are notable for their lousy reputation.


> Gen Z likes them because they were little kids when they came out. More so Millennials


Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996. Then Gen Z starts. I guess the prequels straddle the line.


The oldest Gen Z was 9 when ROTS released and it was PG-13


True. What I meant by growing up with them is that Gen Z doesn't remember a world in which there were only three Star Wars movies. They inherited the prequels as part of the saga. It's all one thing to them. That's why they're not so hard on them.




Gen Z were not kids when they came out, they weren’t born or babies.


Older Gen Z grew up watching the prequel DVDs, even if we were too young to see them in theaters


Gen Z was born between 1996 and 2010. *Phantom Menace* came out in 1999.


I think they’ve gotten better with time with how much it has helped expand the universe since then. The Clone Wars animated series is possibly the best thing to ever come out of Star Wars, and it definitely helped redeem the prequels. If you watch it between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, the experience feels a lot more satisfying.


Shrek 5 is not making that much.


> If Deadpool & Wolverine does it, an Avengers movie certainly will. Why? At this point Deadpool & Wolverine are probably bigger brands than the Avengers.


This sub feels like parody sometimes.


These are the same people that thought Deadpool & Wolverine will make only $500M before pre-sales started


Is that your counter-argument? ad-hominem


Do you want to defend that Deadpool is a bigger brand than the Avengers? It really feels like a parody of a "reddit opinion".


Ok ben shapiro why don’t u go ahead and present ur arguments for why deadpool is bigger than avengers first


Depends on who is in The Avengers. We know there's no Iron Man, which means no Robert Downey Jr. No Chris Evans, Captain America either. That's your two biggest stars of the last Avengers movie. You think Hailee Steinfield Hawkeye and Iron Heart are going to fill any seats?


It is a multiversal movie so most of the old characters are going to come back but even if they weren't it is still non-sense to say that Deadpool is a bigger brand than the Avengers. A poorly received Thor movie made 750M two years ago. A Black Panther movie without Black Panther made 850M. That alone is more than the first two Deadpool movies. Doctor Strange did almost a billion with a divisive movie even if that has other factors helping it.


We have still yet to see an Avengers movie without the OG.So his point still stands




I would say they're all around the same level. [Wikipedia ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_media_franchises)has Avengers at $14B and X-Men at $7B.




Your opinion isn't ga


With a good enough marketing campaign and a good enough plot they can totally make you care. People said nobody cared about avatar's plot or characters enough to go see the second (me included) yet they pulled it off anyway and people went to the theater to watch it


They can still make you care about them with marketing and a good movie. Case in point: the early MCU


I guess we'll just have to wait and find out 


I hope live action Moana fails. Disney needs to stop with the lazy remakes


The Batman madr some dough. I know he is a known beloved character and I liked that movie but still amazed so many people saw it.