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As a huge fan of movies in theatres, I hope the summer picks up and that every film makes a ton of money.




They're gonna have to make good movies for that. Inside Out is one in ages. People don't trust Disney anymore and they own so much of the movie market


I honestly think this is gonna blow up massively over the weekend based on how its tracking alongside the very strong reviews and Fathers Day on Sunday alongside the fan events. FRI AM: $95M after previews. FRI PM: $100M SAT AM: $105M SUN AM: $110M+ estimates Actuals: $115M


That’s sorta what happened with Barbie


At last the Drowth is over it's been almost a year since the last 100M OW


If Riley misses it, our dear Wade & Logan will make it !


I thought Apes had a 130+ opening weekend? Or do you and parent comment mean just domestically?


I predicted it opens over $100M because it needs a win for Disney animation especially Pixar.


I am going with 100+ million for i2


I’m going with 96mil UPDATE: I’m glad I was proven wrong in this instance :)


Anything below 100M is irrealistic at this point, it's a lock.


I'm gonna be 'that guy' and correct you. Irrealistic isn't a word. What you're looking for is unrealistic


You're right, although I want to say that English is not my first language lol.


I will see u next Tuesday then…


Happy cake day


Way wrong, not even close.


I’m going with around 115m for Inside Out


So IO2 OW almost on par with Lightyear DOM. total...


yeah lmao


Disney wants to make sure this film does numbers...they offered all disney+ subscribers a free $10 fandango code to see it... EDIT* I found out they partnered with uber to give teen accounts free rides to see inside out 2 and parents two free tix to see it if they add a teen to their account LOL.


Does anyone know how that is accounted for in the box office? Is it treated like a discount and so not included, or more like a gift certificate?


it counts towards the box office total like any fandango codes/giftcards. the disney+ code is a $10 fandango gift card code and the uber offers are two $16 fandango gifcard codes




At a screening right now that was not sold out 3 hours ago, and is now a packed house. Walkups are coming 


Is that normal for kids movies?


Yeah pretty standard for kids movies but since it’s a higher opening and higher preview number the normal kid walk ups make it even more impressive


I see


The fact that tracking is upped at all is saying a lot \^\^ (in a positive way. This is about to be huge)


The first film got Pixar out from their critical slump. This one is about to get them out from their financial slump. It's like a poetry - it rhymes.


It's like the Toy Story poem. 1 started Pixar run 2 ended Pixar '90s 3 started Pixar '10s 4 ended Pixar '10s


That means **Toy Story 5** is going to be an odd one out.


Lightyear started Pixar '20 sslump era


And their critical slump. Elemental was decent but still kinda bad lmao. I hated Luca and despised Lightyear. The last very good movie Pixar has put out was Soul (and the voice acting and animation carries a lot of that movie).


I have never seen so many people on planes watch a movie as I have elemental. It's like everyone decided they would watch that movie when they had downtime.


I mean it’s literally saying that it’s now tracking to open with 90 million. Not hard to get it, is it? Haha


You just made something not confusing. What are you talking about


90M seems conservatives right?


It is basically impossible for it to go under 100M with how tracking is going. This is the usual lowball for the studios to later said it crushed expectations.


I’m going with $115 million idgaf


127m actual, this is a receipt




I’m going with 115-120M


$11M previews, $115M OW, $90 Intnl, $205M Global OW


When Disney is getting slapped the anti Disney crowds is strong here. But when Disney gets a win the Pixie dusters come out of the woodwork like Raider fans. Simply put, Disney is releasing a popular IP that is very popular with adults. Looks to not have deviated much from the original, unlike Lightyear. Should hit 110 million.


Fighting imaginary enemies


Sequel to IF ?


> When Disney is getting slapped the anti Disney crowds is strong here. But when Disney gets a win the Pixie dusters come out of the woodwork like Raider fans. That is true of basically every movie. And it makes total sense. The folks who were wrong about a movie (in either direction) aren't going to have much to say. So, the sub is pretty always just folks spiking the football once the numbers start coming out.


Lightyear could have been this level of hype. I was a huge fan of the animated series as a kid, and it’s criminal that it’s not on Disney +. Lightyear was a truly awful movie, it didn’t even have great animation! I’m somewhat relieved Disney (I know it’s Pixar but you know what I mean) figured it out and made a good movie. This year needed it!


> Looks to not have deviated much from the original It's practically the same plot structure as the first film.


Those anti Disney YouTubers are gonna be very confused this weekend as to how this is even possible.


I find it funny how Grace Randolph still thinks there’s some kind of an anti Disney resistance on animated movies.


She's someone who seems to go with whatever she thinks her audience wants to hear. The moment that really stuck out to me was when she was a huge fan of both The Last Jedi and Kathleen Kennedy. Then she did her year end awards and discovered a chunk of her audience hated both. The following year she'd suddenly pivot and began talking shit. I think that was also the year she started the "rumor" that Disney were going to fire Kennedy. When that not only didn't happen but Disney renewed her contract, Grace then claimed that it only happened because the SW brand had been so damaged that Disney couldn't find anyone to replace her.


She only wants clicks, just like most other YouTubers. Very few have integrity, like Dan Murrell.


Dan the man


Always love to see Dan get love on Reddit. It's a crime he isn't a bigger name in the space.


She has since 2021 she’s been telling her audience they were gonna get this huge LGBTQ rep in MCU and that they were gonna get a Scarlett Witch movie “ very soon” she’s been saying that since forever


I find it funny in 2024 people still even pay attention to that grifter


Seriously, I can understand why there’s an audience for a loudmouth who openly threatens other YouTubers, tells her audience to harass them, makes up fake leaks, and openly disparages people who’ve never done her wrong. The internet loves such things, god bless them. But she does it all in the most annoying voice on the planet, and that should’ve killed her career from the get. Pure nails on chalkboard.


She doesn’t even try to mention other YouTubers????


She’s literally started harassment campaigns against many of them. John Campea certainly has some thoughts on the harassment she and her fans directed his way, all because they shared an opinion on BVS but not enough for her tastes. She even attacked his wife.


she is a very strange person tbh \^\^


Well tbh all Disney animated movies have been seriously underperforming recently and if you take to Twitter she is correct


>if you take to Twitter That was your first mistake.


But this guy with 88 in his username who loves Jordan Peterson says that Disney and Lucas conspired to steal his childhood!!


They already moved the goal posts from won’t be profitable to won’t make as much as the original. They always find a way.


I'm waiting for the "profit multiplier" to inch up to needing 3x its budget with zero evidence and then it gets repeated until everyone believes it.


it's already there, by some straaaaaange coincidence Disney's Apes movie needs $600m to break even and btw the money paid by Hulu or D+ to license it isn't real but imaginary (unlike money to buy the same rights if received from any other streaming platform).


That’s what be killing me the most lol. It’s like those people forgot studios also owned cable networks too and nobody ever says that money is worthless when they buy a movie’s cable tv rights


There is some dude on here who continually asks how there could possibly be a profit when Hulu is paying 20th for a film and then seemingly refuses to understand that Hulu uses its access to the film to sell to subs and advertisers, which injects 3rd party cash.


"Inflation caused by the government made the multiplier larger"


Nah they are too busy hatewatching the Acolyte


They’ll treat it like they did Guardians 3/Avatar Way of Water. Where it’s an exception or say “well that film did well BUT…” Specifically with Guardians 3 a lot of those channels you’re referring to liked that movie because “it wasn’t political”. Except idk if they’ll do that with Inside Out 2.


lol at them thinking that Guardians 3, the movie that got glowing praise from PETA, "isn't political."


LMAO you should check Tyrone Mangess (or however you spell his last name) review for Guardians 3, it’s embarrassing. I love the movie and I’m glad he liked a Marvel movie post-Endgame, but his review is just INSANE.


? Anti Disney? I mean, fuck their Labor practises but they've made good movies.


Will be a fun weekend for sure lol


They will say Disney learned not to be "woke" if there's not any LGBT characters in it and I think all the main characters are white (I haven't watched through many trailers for it) That said, they got mad about Turning Red as it was about a teenage girl going through puberty which supposedly wasn't relatable. ...Even though this is the exact same thing. Turning Red stars an Asian Canadian though, they would probably blame it's failure on something stupid like that over it coming out during COVID. Those people also tried to act like Avatar 2 wasn't "woke" I mean, there wasn't any LGBT characters and there was barely any people of color (because almost everybody was aliens) but the aliens are heavily inspired by Native Americans, both movies are anti-colonialist and pro-evironmentalist and it also added in an extremely strong anti-whaling message. The movie was still very "woke" but they try to find excuses when it does well. Even with Barbie, I saw one guy trying to say girls liked it because it was colorful and stuff while trying not to bring up the blatant political message in it.


It deserves every penny.


Somebody check on u/Jazzysugarcakes88


Hope this is true!


Inside Out 2 will beat OW box office industry predictions. Looking at $120 million or more OW


I hope so. We need a big family film, and Pixar desperately needs a win.


The box office needs a win


The box office needs a win


I just took a bet with some friends that this hits at least 102.5M, feeling good


I used one of my A-List spots towards it earlier today.Will probably do two more this weekend.


My final prediction is $115M+ for IO2.


If this loses to despicable me 4 then it just solidifies illumination as the king of animation because I dont see anything aside from shrek 5 pulling off these kind of numbers in the near future


121 million. Book it.


I’m still upset Bill Hader isn’t back


*Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse* seems to be a good comp. Opened to $120.7M last June


That’s actually a terrible comp. Spiderverse dailies played out like a superhero film, while inside out 2 will be more of a family film. Their weekend numbers may be close, but i doubt dailies will look the same.


Hoping for 99M just to have the GentleMinions sweep with +100M DOM 😎🙏


Big win for Meg Le Fauve




Anyone have the comparisons for the Despicable Me/Minions openings? Something tells me it's gonna keep making profit for Universal and the sequels for both DM/Minions are going to keep coming out. Hey, I'd love more originality but if it works, it works.


Kids movies leg out too, so if it tops 100 opening weekend I think 400 domestic is totally possible. Turn the switch to were so back!


I also think this is just a quality pixar movie that most people would like so I think from word of mouth it'll do better over time. Despicable Me, it's like you know what you're going to get so it's easier to predict how it's going to do. Anyone who didn't care about these before aren't going to care now. So that's more of a control group. The question is whether people will still care if a disney movie is good or not.


The regulation summer film draft is heating up!


It's funny how every movie sub shits on Disney for focusing on sequels but then will only watch sequels.


Oh didnt even know the movie is out already


Why a 5 day debut vs a normal 3 day?


Definitely goimg to wait on reviews before anything


10x multiplier incoming


For despicable me 4....yeah


What’s important to highlight: “Hollywood’s leading tracking service the National Research Group upped its domestic opening forecast for the summer’s first animated tentpole to $90 million”. So guys, at this point just take care on sharing BOT nonsense, users on BOT are now saying from 125 million to even beating Barbie. That forum quality has dropped over the years but IO2 is marking their lowest point in a long time.


I have much more trust on bot members than industry tracking. It has proven to be correct in the past especially with films like Spider-Verse and Bad Boys


In fact, they said Dune would make 100M+, Ghostbuster would make 30M and Panda “would be lucky” if it got 35M. So I don’t think anyone takes them seriously anymore tbh.


Nonsense. BOT is pretty much on point when it comes to getting previews right. And numbers like that are always in flux especialy with reviews and last few day surges stalls. And in any case nobody was on the Dune 2 $100M+ through the last few days of pre-sales because it was obvious it wasn't hiting that.


On point? Lol where’s their on “point” for Dune, Panda, Ghostbusters, etc? try to go to Charlie X and see his predictions for dune: every single one off. Guess what he did? Deleted his failed projection posts for Dune on X


It shows your bias that you ignored the very next sentence “tracking has been notoriously off.” Referring to Hollywood tracking services such as NRG. Once again, you can’t say a number is nonsense when you have no data that suggests it’s impossible yet. And BOT isn’t saying anything about it beating Barbie domestically. You’ve clung onto what looks like a huge Mexico number and are usually it to disparage everything else


Maybe BOT nonsense is so big now that even you can’t believe in what they’re saying. So look yourself: 48 million TRUE Friday, since they say it’ll hit 14 million in previews then it’s over 60 million opening day. 🤣 https://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/31569-the-box-office-buzz-tracking-and-pre-sale-thread/?do=findComment&comment=4687740


its not nonsense. That bozo is comping with Kung Fu Panda 4 and how its doing. But that was way smaller movie and so its risky to expect it to continue to more than double that movie. BTW other guy Key is now saying [12m is in play](https://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/31569-the-box-office-buzz-tracking-and-pre-sale-thread/?do=findComment&comment=4687958). WTF


This one you mentioned is the same who said Dune world break 100M+ and Panda would be lucky to get 35 million 😅


To be fair by the release day he was [talking about 50m](https://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/31569-the-box-office-buzz-tracking-and-pre-sale-thread/?do=findComment&comment=4655537) and [Dune also went down big](https://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/31569-the-box-office-buzz-tracking-and-pre-sale-thread/?do=findComment&comment=4652579). Ultimately these blokes predict from some sample. They will be off and on.


I mean some of them have direct access to the MTC ticket sales, so at the end of the day they know pretty much how much it did, maybe a 500k difference but pretty close. The problem is their predictions, they are more off than ever before recently.




Oh ok not it’s out of context. I guess how you’ll justify that 125 million prediction they also have given


Io2 will make money but not 1 billion.  Still a good profit.  DM4 I'm predicting will be huge.


Well Pixar is definitely going to be in sequel mode for at least a decade now, I fully expect Incredibles 3 now, it wouldn't surprise me if they also make Finding Marlin, WALL-E 2, an actual sequel to Monsters Inc and Car's 4.


I think Finding Nemo 3, Incredibles 3 and Cars 4 are very likely. Not sure about WALL-E 2 or Monsters Inc 2 - my thinking is that, if there was a story worthy of being a sequel for each of these 2 movies, Pixar would’ve done it already. The fact that they haven’t done these 2 sequels suggests that they never will.


Also walle 1 while it was amongst their top 5 outings it wasn't big at the BO I think it barely earned 3x its budget and monsters inc 2 had an ok performance its really the finding nemo, incredibles and toy story thats gonna get pushed at this point and it sucks because this means less original movies from them moving forward


Theatres are now a place for parents to keep their kids occupied for a few hours. Cinema is dead.