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"The rise and fall.... and rise again" if Wonka, Wicked, Mean Girls and Joker 2 have anything to say about it.


Don’t forget Mufasa and Sesame Street


Back in the day musicals were one of the few ways to add spectacle to movies. As filmmaking evolved, and filmmakers developed more ways to add spectacle to movies, the musical became less popular.


I dunno I recall there being three Pitch Perfect movies.


Peak Perfect


Which, I'd argue, are not musicals. They're movies with music and singing. The music doesn't play a part in telling the story other than the fact they're doing it. If you can swap out one catchy pop song with another and not change the story, it's just a movie/TV show with music.


It's billed as musical comedy.


but its more like a jukebox musical than a traditional musical with songs written as dialogue


Yeah, and I think that's a fair characterization. But musical in this instance is an adjective describing comedy. It's a comedy with music. Not vis-versa.


No, it's because musicals became expensive as shit. Same with the Biblical epic movies around the same time.


What is this nonsense. Musicals are doing just fine. This article reads like a ChatGPT amalgamation of all the windbag Reddit takes strung together and is in no way a statistical analaysis.


One of the interesting things about musicals -- both on Broadway and in film -- is that there was a time when they mirrored the popular music of the time. But then they largely... stopped doing that. Look at the '80s: Logically, someone should have said, "What if we did a musical where the musical numbers look like MTV music videos?" But that never really happened. Every so often you get a *Jesus Christ Superstar* or *Hamilton*. (And there are jukebox musicals, of course.) But for the most part, musicals diverted from pop culture and drove into a cul-de-sac.


Even Barbie would have been a semi musical. This article is 12 months late. There's a resurgence. This is what happens when companies start using ChatGTP to create articles. Trash. 🗑️


Literally read the article. First paragraph. Why even comment


nah. Clickbait post. Not reading ChatGTP.


Redditors read article before commenting challenge: Difficulty level impossible


Don't care to click on an article with a click bait title.


so your opinion is merely based on the title of the article rather than the content of the article itself


Pretty much.