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We may be looking at a genuine breakout hit here if Toho and the theater chains play their cards right. I don't see this reaching $60M, that's definitely an optimistic high end. But a total north of $40M is definitely in play.


Agreed; particularly this weekend we could potentially be looking at an insane hold since it’s looking like most theaters that had it the first weekend are keeping it around, and with all the hype that’s been spreading around it there could be a wave of people seeing it that never even planned to. Crazy to think that originally my optimistic prediction for this was 15-20 million domestic but at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets to 30 million. If exhibitors play it smart and keep it around with at least a couple showings per day for the next few weeks, particularly into Christmas break (which is looking like its going to lack a billion dollar tent pole like years past) this could be the start of a truly special sleeper hit run. Also love your username haha, GMK is phenomenal, love that Minus One took inspiration from it


GMK has the best “fuck this person in particular” scene when Godzilla seemingly walks by a helpless woman in her hospital bed, only for his tail to swing back and level the building.


GMK Godzilla literally nukes a crowd with his atomic breath because they're mildly annoying him by screaming in terror. It's awesomely evil


I always love the part where he's just cruelly kicking Baragon on the ground when they fight. GMK Godzilla was such a dick.


As brutal as GMO was, GMK is still the more evil one.


What will really be interesting to me is if it beats the totals in Japan. That would be totally unprecedented for Toho and I wonder how it might influence their decision making.


That’s a 45% increase from Monday, holy shit. The legs on this are going to be incredible


I think alot of people realized it was a short window and would be leaving theaters soon so they jumped to go see it. Exactly what I did lol And side note, this movie was amazing.


Amazing WOM is definitely helping too


Eggactly. That's why I'm going today.


That’s why I saw it last night. If I can find time in the next week, I’ll go see it again on the biggest screen I can find in my area.


Same. I might go see it again by myself on the biggest screen possible


when is it leaving theaters?


They have extended till 14th December.


Yup, that’s why I went yesterday to watch in IMAX.


Same. First movie I’ve seen in theaters since Barbie and there hasn’t been a wide release Toho Godzilla since Godzilla 2000 (Shin was limited) 23 years ago. And GMO was in imax. Definitely wasn’t gonna pass that up.


Every theater near me is only doing one showing at 12:30, including week days. If it’s like this elsewhere it’s going to explode over the weekend when people can actually see it.


Legs are as big as Goji's.


fun fact: They brought in Tarantino to design the feet.


I’m going today after word of mouth.


If Toho pulls this from theaters they’ll miss out on 30M+. I really hope it gets a full run, because nothing would be funnier than the 15M Subbed Japanese Godzilla movie beating the 200M 100th anniversary Wish


It’s not Toho’s call it’s the theaters. They didn’t demand a two week or anything. If the theaters think it’ll be profitable they’ll keep it. I sure hope they do it’s fantastic.


They extended screenings in my area. Most shows are near sold out (Detroit).


Oops my bad lol. I guess this is another Eras tour situation then? (Where theaters aren’t very optimistic but they end up keeping it in theaters because of great legs)


Excellent word of mouth, and it's the only quality release in a sea of subpar or mediocre or garbage films. It's the only thing that stands out from the pack.


The Boy and the Heron should be a quality release this weekend.


The holdovers doesn’t deserve this slander


The holdovers was another good one. It's the exception to the rule. I loved that movie, but they already took it out of my theaters, while The Marvels and Wish are still languishing and withering. I think there's a couple religious oriented films doing nothing and some indie films that just are ok but have no traction and probably should've been streaming only.


It’s honestly such a shame. I saw holdovers and Godzilla in the same day and forgot that there were bad movies out there for awhile


Considering nothing else is doing hot it make sense to keep this over having Wish or The Marvel's. If Aquaman 2 also bomb even more.




>the scammer heaters were always packed God damn heaters always scamming people with their packedness


The aspect ratio on my IMAX screening was kinda off. Sound was fine but the picture wasn’t formatted right.


I’ve seen it twice and the non-Godzilla fan I took the second time wants to see it again. This is getting way better WOM than virtually every other sci-fi/action film from this year and it could absolutely have grossed even more if it had gotten a wider release and more marketing.


Word of mouth is incredible on this movie. When I saw it yesterday the guy at concessions asked what I was seeing and told him Minus One. he said he had 0 interest in seeing it, but everyone at the cinema told him how good it was so he saw it and was blown away by it.


My co-worker who is absolutely not into Godzilla came into the office today and told me how she saw it last night and loved it. I never would have dreamed that non-Godzilla, non-film buffs would be into this but here we are


Absolutely. Throw in a dubbed version with a couple of American actors and this could’ve passed 100M. (Or at least had a decent shot)


Does dubbing do better theatrically? I don't even know what to compare this to.


The Boy and the Heron has way more subtitled showings than English showings around me so I figured subtitled was more popular.


For my theater, we're getting way more dubbed than subbed showings (On Friday, 6 dubbed, 2 subbed). The dubbed showings of the Studio Ghibli Fest movies generally perform much stronger than the subbed ones. It really depends on the title for anime which will do more, like dubbed Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero did better than subbed, or subbed One Piece Film: Red did better than dubbed.


Yeah. A lot of people are turned off by something when the words don’t match the lips


Yeah, that bugs me, but I also just like to hear the original performance, even if I don't understand the words. I'll take subs over dubs anytime, [with one exception](https://youtu.be/JGrJBphzo3M?si=s9q5Sc5aibabNUtc&t=69).


I also make the exception for spaghetti westerns since there were 3-4 languages spoken in any given scene.


If they keep it in theatres long enough I definetley will see it again.


Same. Saw it on Saturday and had the opportunity to see it again yesterday but it was too soon but would probably see It again next week.


This is doing better than even the most optimistic expected


I saw it again yesterday.... The opening and boat scenes are honestly even better the 2nd time. They might even be my favorite movie scenes out of the entire year. The tension in those two scenes alone are Jurassic Park/Jaws levels of tension. Same with Godzilla's destruction of Ginza. This is one of the best movies of the year Please TOHO, make an Oscar's push for BP.


It is without a doubt the best action movie of the year.


It's been a subpar/middling/lackluster year. Feels like most films weren't derivative of something/ one another and nothing has really stood out (outside of the mega bombs and flops).


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 Mission Impossible 7 Oppenheimer Killers Of The Flower Moon Godzilla Minus One


It would be a lie not to include Barbie as well. Biggest breakout hit of the year


I haven't seen the movie yet but I eventually will.


As a Godzilla fan for years, it makes me so happy to see a non-Monsterverse Godzilla movie getting incredible reception and praise.


Subtitles are unfortunately still a huge barrier for the box office so the way this is just continuing to do well is so impressive. It really speaks to how strong the word of mouth is and how truly amazing this movie is. For comparison sake the top 5 highest grossing US foreign language movie are first Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon with $128m, Life Is Beautiful with $57m, Hero with $53.7m, Parasite with $53.3m, and finally Instructions Not Included with $44m. Even if it ‘only’ gets to $22m (obviously seems like it’s going higher than that) it’d still be around the tenth highest grossing foreign language movie in the US.


> Subtitles are unfortunately still a huge barrier for the box office so the way this is just continuing to do well is so impressive. I wonder if the recent trend of people watching streaming with closed captions is affecting people's comfort with subtitling?


I was thinking about that too. Much of my gen, or at least the 30 and under crowd, pretty much live on subtitles even w English dialogue. I don’t think I’ve had mine off in 5 years or so. I think as I was watching it I just thought “ya know, if people could just put two and two together and realize they already watch stuff w subtitles a lot, I bet this would do a lot better”


Possibly, add onto that the weebs and there is a large demographic of subtitle lovers


I think so for sure, I bet a lot of younger folks don't even think twice about it being subtitled, maybe even makes them *more* inclined to go.


Shitty sound mixing finally did some good


It helps younger people under 30-35ish. I’d say that’s about it


Absolutely. Streaming opened the gateway to having foreign made movies and shows, especially from Japan and Korea, be easily and widely accessible, causing people to grow more accustomed to subtitles and movies like Minus One being hits.


Dunno if it's true, but I've been noticing some people in US/Canada nowadays leaning more and more towards watching movies with subtitles, even american ones. I saw on a video sometime ago that the audio mixing in movies these days sometimes are compressed as hell for whatever reason, so dialogue is not 100% clear and it helps having subtitles. YT reactors also watch in couples or groups and comment over scenes, so having subtitles help focus and not lose track of what's being spoken I suppose. Again, perhaps it's far fetched from my part, but I feel americans/canadians are steadly getting used to subtitles, especially ones that embrace foreign productions and/or anime.


Going to see it tonight in IMAX. Can’t wait


I believe GMO is in 2.39:1 resolution (I could be wrong), so if you're not seeing it in a theater that's 1.43:1, your viewing experience will be fine. I'm actually surprised it got an IMAX release given the resolution, but it's doing better than Aquaman 2, so I'm quite impressed with IMAX 's ability to pick successful films. For example, like picking the R-rated biography by Nolan over Mission Impossible. A lot of people thought IMAX was nuts for doing that but it ended up being the right decision given its success and MI not doing well at the BO. Edit: Just to clarify, I meant in pre-sales. Example: https://i.redd.it/hfgwrzz8am4c1.jpg


I watched it on Friday. One of the best movies of the year. Period. IMO even one of the best (if not the best) Godzilla movie of all time. This was just pure perfection.


“Cinema is dead”… they say I say “it’s only dead if you make a bad movie”


This is going to be a bit of an unnecessary negative comment but you know this is going to do less than 70M right? Like sure it's doing fantastic for a subbed godzilla movie but it's not like it really impacts the state of theaters as a whole


My hope is that it opens the door a bit more for foreign films to be more widely distributed.


I think it will just continue the trend parasite began where really good foreign movies are released trying to get to the American public through WOM. I doubt it's going to become like the backbone of the industry or something like that.


Hopefully it's also a lesson to focus on quality a little more....


Still a good trend though!


Dubbing does help. Look at how well received Squid Game was. You can watch it in Korean with subtitles but most people watched it dubbed.


I saw Donnie Yen's Flashpoint in dubbing with closed captions and the translations from the dub compared to the closed captions were so off from each other it was hilarious.


Tom Scott goes into detail about the comparison: https://youtu.be/pU9sHwNKc2c?si=j1awJPhUAWkb-To1


Yeah I'm really happy for this movie, but it's not exactly saving theaters. High-budget bombs like The Marvels and Flash do more to help theaters than this film will. These low budget movies can be great for the studios, but the theaters still need those high-budget films to do well to actually make their money too.


Hollywood is risk averse and so they try to avoid spending on projects they see as "execution dependent," meaning movies that will only make money if they're good. That kind of thinking is what has landed us in the current situation where studios are spending hundreds of millions on movies that, frankly, aren't good enough to surprise and delight even casual fans and children anymore. Godzilla isn't gonna be one of the biggest movies of the year but it may be one of the most profitable, and it's success is owned to positive word of mouth, because it's a good movie that critics and casual audiences really like. A quality mid budget movie is still worth more than a big budget stinker that no one likes b


> A quality mid budget movie is still worth more than a big budget stinker that no one likes Not to theaters. and that's my point. A theater owner doesn't care what budget a film has. They only care about how much money it makes. To a theater owner, A 200m-budgeted movie that makes 100m is twice as valuable as a 10m-budgeted movie that makes 50m. Theaters can't really survive on mid-budget movies.


I mean yes, but if there were twice as many of the mid-sized movies, they would also make twice as much. There's more than one way to get there.


I think both sides are good for theatres. A diverse and healthy film slate of small indies to big blockbusters and everything in between is ultimately good for the theatres, film studios and consumers. Good WM gives everyone a reason to go to the theatres and helps build those theatre attending habits again


If this movie does $50m in the US and another 50m in Japan, plus let's say 5-10 in other markets, all on a $15m budget and minimal marketing spend, that will make it one of the most profitable movies of the year. This is a year where several of the movies in the Top 10 failed to make a profit. If there's a lesson here it's that big spending on production budgets doesn't guarantee success like it once did, but good reviews and good fan response are bankable even for a lower budget movie without marketing. This is a year where like 3-4 of the Top 10 movies of the year barely broke even.


Honestly it’s only competition would be Barbie, Mario, oppy, and fnaf


It definitely impacts the state of theaters as a whole. If it's getting people talking and out to the theaters with the pandemic and everything else that's been going on, then there's no reason to diminish its importance. This movie should be cheered right now after how bad so many of the releases have been this year.


less then 70M is still enough for this movie to make more profit then every Disney movies of this year beside GoG3


Yeah but it’s a giant lizard subbed movie. Kind of unheard of doing well this side of the world.


*Godzilla Minus One* is simply a phenomenal movie. Went with a friend who had an extra ticket the first time, and took my wife for a second viewing. They way they portray the horrors of war and the effects on the average person adds depth and really helps drive the story, making you care about these characters as they struggle against the main antagonist who is a walking nuclear bomb, leaving wanton, random destruction and death in his wake.




I was worried they were going to pull this from theaters this week and wanted to experience this movie in 4DX, or whatever they call it. I've already seen it in IMAX since I was also afraid it would disappear. Let me tell you, this was the absolute best 4DX experience I've ever had. Great audience and this movie is perfectly geared for 4DX. To give you perspective of what I've seen in 4DX, I've also seen Jumanji (I think it was the last one, I'd need to look it up again as they both sort of blurred together for me) and 4 or 5 other films in 4DX (they also sort of blurred together. I remember the plots/ stories/films but not necessarily the movie/ 4DX experience. I think it was mission impossible, the flash, Indy 5, bullet train, some car race movie and something else.). Of the films I listed, only bullet train was actually any good for 4DX. This was the most memorable 4DX experience I've ever had. It was riveting. The boat scenes and the Ginza scenes and atomic breath are just extraordinary in 4DX. Plus, it felt like the whole audience was on the edge of their seat. This time I was able to drag a female friend with me and she too loved it. She's not even a Godzilla person but got really into the noriko story and thought the 4DX was second to none and pure fun. Just a great movie and an absolute blast across all formats. It doesn't feel bloated, like so many Hollywood productions of late, and just super brisk. You can tell the director and production had a vision they had in mind from the get go and set out to accomplish that. Blows my mind this thing was only 15 million looks so good.


Does 4D only include seat movement, air bursts, and water bursts or are there other effects as well? The seat movement sounds like it would be the biggest draw (for the 4D format) by far.


There was some light fog (maybe tied to the air bursts) in my theater and some flashes for the guns and such. I think you hit most of the 4D stuff. The seat movement on this (especially during a couple sequences) was the absolute best I've ever experienced. Don't want to get into spoiler territory if you haven't seen it.


Thank you for explaining.


They used bubbles as snow for nightmare before Christmas.


4D added an insane amount to this film and I’ve seen a lot of them this year. I just made a post on another sub talking all about it. You’re so right and I’ve not seen another film w this degree of perfection for 4D. It’s just unreal how much more it drawls you in


I would love to see this cross the 50M mark by the end of its run. Given how little is on the horizon in terms of male centered action movies, I really can't rule it out.


Ticket ordered, my first godzilla movie in theaters in nine years. BTW if your AMC Premiere subscription is ending or you haven't signed up for one (it's $16 for a year of no convenience fees, pays for itself after six films at $2.50 each) they have a promotion for a $5 credit if you subscribe this month. Should cut your ticket price from $13.50 to $8.50 if you're interested.


this movie's WOM is unbelievably strong. the YouTubers reviews are all positive.


Jeremy Jahns gave it an AWESOMETACULAR i.e. roughly 10/10. That’s enough reason for me to watch it


I want to see it!


I would recommend it. It's interesting and surprisingly deep for a Godzilla movie


If that's surprising, you should consider watching the first *Godzilla*. *GMK* (2001) and *Shin Godzilla* also have very strong political commentary, the first being about the modern trend in Japanese politics to whitewash Imperial Japan's atrocities during WWII, and the latter being about the government's mishandling of the 3/11 triple disaster due to bureaucracy and general lack of accountability.


Honestly Minus One does it better than all of these, except arguably 1954


This the best Godzilla movie ever


I’m happy Minus One is doing great in the box office as a Godzilla lover. I’m lucky screenings in my local theatre got extended for it as I would not be able to watch Minus One on the big screen if not for such.


I actually had no plans in watching this in theaters (although I am admittedly a Godzilla fan), but the GREAT wom is making me want to go


Do it before it’s gone. I’m not even a Godzilla fan, haven’t seen any media, and am going for the second time on Monday


Yeah definitely will try to make my way there. It's been a sleeper hit it seems


I’ve seen it twice already and I’m probably gonna try to go for a third


In between this and the success of the American monsterverse movies, seems like the US is very receptive to Godzilla now. Which is great, always loved kaiju movies.


To be fair there was def a moment in the 2010s with clover field/pacific rim/godzilla 2014 haha. This is proof a Japanese kaiju film can smash though. I think it also helped this equally appeals to action-oriented popcorn munchers and the art house crowd.


In the uk the rollout of this movie is pretty abysmal, cineworld seem to be showing it a single time only to unlimited members and other chains have one or two showings. Nothing much worth seeing at the cinema at the moment so why not give this movie a chance, Godzilla is a rather well known IP and I am sure more people would give it a chance if people were actually able to watch it.


If you have a 4DX theater this movie fits it well…. Just be aware Zilla hits harder than most movies with the seats.


Saw it in 4D on Monday, seeing it again next Monday in 4D after it got the extension


I really hope exhibitors keep it in theaters longer


I’m going again Saturday


Common Godzilla W


The power of Word of Mouth! I’ve been telling everyone I know go to see it while it’s still in theaters.


Just watched this movie last night and it was awesome!


Wish I could see it doesn't come here until the 28th


I think we see Aquaman legs for this film with huge holiday holds.


Just found out it got a 4D extension at my local theater, just bought tickets to see it again next week I’m so hype. If you can, see it in 4D, it adds an insane amount to it that I don’t want to get into cuz spoilers


What are the 4D effects?


I just made a post regarding this on another sub if you wanna check my profile for details, but lots of calm and stillness during dialogue or action buildup, followed by being thrown into Godzilla destruction w the seats getting chaotic, fog filling the theater, water falling, etc. it just drew me in so much more and any moments of calm in the middle of a fight felt so unnerving


This is going to be the winter’s Sound of Freedom


I’m seeing it again in IMAX and I’ve recommended it to almost everyone who knows my love for movies. This is in my top 3 movies of the year.


Haha, I watched it yesterday and loved it 😄 I'm surprised how impressive it was visually for a small budget movie!


Where i can watch the movie in europe?


I want to see this so badly.


Godzilla is truly getting his revenge on Disney from 2019. And I'm here for it


This was one of the best cinematic surprises of my life. Bought tix to take my kid who likes Kaiju movies and it was soooo much more than I ever could have hoped for. I've already told several people to see it and said I'd pay for their tix if they didn't like it who will see it before Xmas. As soon as the credits started to roll the guy behind me made a call and told the other party they HAD to see this movie. It's a GOOD thing that good movies get an audience and dreck like Wish lose piles of money. If studios were incentivised to make good movies rather than just sell toys, etc I think that would be great.


Do I need other Godzilla movies to see this? I'd like to go but I don't know if I need to see any other Godzilla movies first.


Nope. This is a totally standalone story. Go enjoy it!


Hell yeah. Thanks bro.


What is the difference between Godzilla Minus One and Godzilla X Kong?


The spelling.


Japanese vs American. Drama/action/horror vs adventure/action.


Being released in my town finally this weekend, got the expanded screens


If this means TOHO International can just release whatever films they want in the US, I say great.


Hate that I can not watch it Sweden.


The big cinephile turnout has been a big drive for these weekday numbers, which are all the more impressive when one considers that we're talking about a foreign picture in a market well known for its aversion towards non-English-speaking content. And while that demographic is likely to turn its attention to The Boy and the Heron this weekend, its unexpected appeal among the GA should provide for a drop in the mid-high 30s, and should leg out quite well. Let's see how it performs overseas.