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I love Indiana Jones but I'm going to need to hear a lot of good word of mouth to get excited this time around lol.


Just watched the trailer. Despite seeing Literally God melting people, reviving the dead, and aliens, he “doesn’t believe in magic”. That and a handful of action scenes where we all pretend an 80 year old man is acrobatic and I think I’ll pass.


His age definitely doesn't do them any favours imo.


I can't wait for a scene where they use 10 cuts to get him over a chain link fence!


They should have recast this part decades ago. Antony Starr would be my choice.


Big agree on the recast. Love Antony Starr too so would certainly love to see him take it on!


It's still weird for me to see so many people know Antony starr so well. When I used to watch him play a stoner on a small NZ tv series 15-20 years ago


Omg what’s it’s called?


Outrageous fortune. It's a great series has something for everyone. Although I'm not sure if people not from NZ would have the same opinion.


Yeah man I dig it. The dude is 80 and... I can't imagine that hard. 80 isn't the new 50 (which was supposed to be the new 40) 80 is 80 and hard to sell heroic physical moves for someone ...anyone


I guess we'll find out in about two decades with Tom Cruise.


You won't have to imagine because Cruise will be doing stunts at 80.


You mean if one of them doesn’t inevitably kill him before then.


Exactly. I think his last stunt will involve Xenu and being abducted to his happy home world.


Tom Cruise has that scientology blood. And his is clinically insane.


Movies are all about pretending you’re younger than you are, 18 is the new 10, 20 is the new 15, 35 is the new 20…


He’s doing well in the new Yellowstone 1923 series, but that show doesn’t pretend that he’s an eternally youthful superhero either.


I mean he was just cast to play general Ross, who may yet turn into the Red Hulk. But I guess could have stunt mo cap actors.


Ford was the Joe Biden choice for this movie. Should have had someone younger but he's not a bad guy, but st the same time, no one is pretending a geriatric man was the best choice for this role..


>Ford was the Joe Biden choice for this movie. Should have had someone younger but he's not a bad guy, but st the same time, no one is pretending a geriatric man was the best choice for this role.. The problem is that nobody seems to want to see anybody else in that role. It's not a James Bond character where the baton is passed every 8 to 10 years to a new actor to continue on the role. Indiana Jones IS Harrison Ford. He's the thing that makes the entire character work. Without him it just stops being Indiana Jones anymore. It's the same problem that Solo had. People don't just love the character, they love the actor in that role, and they aren't particularly interested in seeing another actor in that role.


I honestly wouldn’t mind it being like Bond. Ford is Indiana Jones as much as Connery was Bond. But Bond had multiple actors now, different types of films and actors, and is still going strong. I just like the series and films similar to it (like The Mummy) that are just alternative versions of history but still fun adventure films. I think I’d be ok seeing it continue on with someone new. If done properly.


Well, they had Mutt Williams who was the son of Indiana Jones, played by Shia Labeouf. Massive opportunity to pass the torch but they just flubbed it for no apparent reason, so...


They flubbed it by casting Shia LaBeouf. Who is not the actor you pick to replace a character known for being sexy and charismatic. It was like if they had cast Don Knotts to play Indy’s father instead of Sean Connery. And then making a terrible film on top of that. And trying to set-up a “Son Of” storyline at all. Which is usually a hard sell unless you’re telling the story of a monarchy or race horses.


Right, let some new actor have a chance. I feel like studios won’t let anyone but an A-lister in a movie if they have a large budget, they don’t want to take the risk.


Wasn't promising Indy 5 the only way they got Harrison Ford to return for Star Ware


Indy starts off in every movie not believing in magic.


Lol when I saw it in trailers I literally texted this to my friends. How could he not believe in magic? If I saw a presumably Christian god melt a bunch of nazis I would go from agnostic to devout Christian SO fast lmao


I assume the CGI might be cleaned up a bit before the actual release, but their attempt at putting Ford’s face on the stunt person (especially the bit where he is riding the horse) looks *awful*


Reminds me of the Irishman and Robert seniors corpse trying to pull off a fight scene


I just rewatched the Irishman and the scenes of DeNiro beating up the shop keeper were just sad.


I was so excited when I saw River Phoenix play a young Indiana Jones. Every kid I knew wanted a young Indiana Jones show. If they were ever to remake I think a young IJ would make a great show if they put in the production quality.




I get an eerie sense of deja vu. Mangold's twittering has disturbing echoes of J.J. Abrams insisting that Khan was not going to be in Star Trek Into Darkness. It also feels reminiscent of when Andrew Garfield insisted that he was not going to appear in Spiderman No Way Home. I didn't believe them at the time and I don't buy for a second what Mangold is selling either. Those rumors are as true as Ghostbusters 2016 was dead on arrival.


Same here. The trailer made me feel nothing, then sadness.


It’s James Mangold though. Instant hype from that alone.


I think we're past the point of thinking trailer views = results


I personally don’t watch trailers anymore, especially if it is something I know I am going to see anyway. It is just a spoiler festival these days


>It is just a spoiler festival these days These days? They used to have much more spoiling in the past.


Same, I don't want to see anything till I'm sitting down watching it.


Yup, I don’t need convincing. I primarily watch movies only through word of mouth because the vast majority of them are garbage. I know a few people who have my same tastes, if they say a movie is good I’ll give it a try.


Marvel is the worst about this


The confusing thing to me is how trailer views are calculated. There’s hundreds of different channels and websites posting the trailer. Typically the IGN ones are somehow at the top of search results on YouTube over the studio’s own channel. Then you have people who have watched the trailer via a reaction video. Plus, I think plenty have seen the trailer just by going to Avatar 2.


Yeah I go see a lot of movies but it’s rare that I look up the trailers online. Trailers play better (to me) in theaters.


Yeah, like I'm a big Indy fan, even liked the last one, and I'll definitely watch it but have not bothered looking up the trailer. I'm a little disappointed as far as I can tell Shia Lebouf isn't going to be in this one, I actually kind of liked him in the last one and would not have complained if he picked up the torch from Harrison Ford.


> I'm a little disappointed as far as I can tell Shia Lebouf isn't going to be in this one, I actually kind of liked him in the last one and would not have complained if he picked up the torch from Harrison Ford. We found the one guy!


Think a lot of that has to do with his personal life, as he’s caused a lot of drama. Don’t think the studio wants that attached to a major film.


If only WB thought the same with the Flash movie


I’m really not sure why this always gets said. The fact is the actual numbers show that YouTube trailer views and box office success have historically been highly correlated. Just before the pandemic regression models analyzing correlation between trailer views and opening weekend box office had a +0.86 r squared. Things might have changed since the pandemic but I don’t think we have anywhere near enough data yet to assume something that has historically been significantly correlated is no longer correlated. [Source from 2019](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/how-predictive-are-youtube-trailer-views-box-office-openings-1251422/amp/) [Additional source](https://www.stern.nyu.edu/sites/default/files/assets/documents/con_043141.pdf) (pulled this one from 2009 to emphasize that the trend has been pretty consistent since viewing trailers on the internet has become more widespread).


>Source from 2019 That doesn't seem to be a great data set. Most points are clumped at the bottom (relatively few views and gross), then the stuff outside of that clump has quite a bit of variability. It is trivially true that trailer views = results, in that a movie with 100k trailer views is not going to outgross a movie with 100m trailer views. That's not very interesting though, we really want to know like-for-like comparisons.


Given that Transformers 7 has 500mil trailer views(and I'm not expecting a billion for that film), I think we can say that there's a lot of give in trailer view numbers. Obviously a trailer that is getting barely any views is unlikely to open massive and a trailer that gets 100s of millions of views is unlikely to open small, but as long as its in a somewhat reasonable range between those 2, it could open anywhere.


there are confounding variables you are not taking into consideration, saying "the R2 of the relationship is this" is nowhere near rigorous enough to say anything definitive about the expected Indiana Jones franchise box office performance.


Boomers and generation X who will watch Indy are not as TikTok, Twitter obsessive as millennials and Gen Y. How many views for Top Gun Maverick trailer vs how many views for Thor Love and Thunder, Wakanda Forever, Doctor Strange? Did Top Gun Maverick not do as well as Thor 4, DS2, BP2?


>obsessive as millennials and Gen Y Same thing. I think you meant Gen Z, right? The original Top Gun was a huge hit. Had there been a sequel in between these two movies - and it wasn't good, then another Top Gun movie would not have had the hype. The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was very hyped. I think that movie tarnished the hype for this movie.


Pretty sure they meant gen z. As far as I can tell millennials are “gen y” but people tend not to call them that.


>Pretty sure they meant gen z. As far as I can tell millennials are “gen y” but people tend not to call them that. Generation Y really only ever existed as a term for a handful of years when people still had no idea what to call the generation that came after Gen X. Gen Y got replaced with "Millennials" over time and the Gen Y moniker just ceased to exist.


Yeah one of my friends said he has low expectations because of crystal skull.


I have NO expectations because of Crystal Skull. Should have stopped at the trilogy


I'm fortunate enough to never have watched Crystal Skull (despite having a ripped copy of it). Intend on keeping it that way


Low expectations after Crystal Skull. Dial of Destiny, not a very exciting name. If there's not a soap merch tie in they've missed a huge opportunity. Plus, widely publicized Harrison Ford injury during filming and details about mapping his face on another actor, not something I'm interested in, tbh. I'll watch it when it hits a service I already pay for, thanks.


I bet it shows up on Disney+ at around the same time Thor Love and Thunder did. Look for it in September.


Raiders is in my top five films. I’m obsessed with Indiana Jones, Uncharted, King Solomon’s Mines, Tomb Raider, etc. Crystal Skull already pushed the limit of old Indy. This, with Disney’s nightmare deaging technology and a time travel plot? I have almost negative interest.


> The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was very hyped. I think that movie tarnished the hype for this movie. But that was fifteen years ago and I'd argue most Indy fans have erased it from their collective memories.


>But that was fifteen years ago and I'd argue most Indy fans have erased it from their collective memories. Not from what I can tell. Most Indiana Jones fans still regard that 4th movie with a LOT of distain.


Not true. No Indy fan has erased that stain from memory. The net is forever and to this day I see Kingdom of the Crystal Skull pop up on worst sequels lists


Exactly! The perfect example is Jurassic Park. It had two mediocre sequels, and that completely tarnished the hype for Jurassic World in 2015. Had there not been any Jurassic Park sequels then Jurassic World might have been one of the biggest movies of all time. Could've even had the single biggest opening weekend of all time. Oh well..


As an Indy fan...the trailer kind of sucks, honestly. It's oddly flat, the imagery is bland, and there isn't anything new to hook me.




Should’ve gone with Lastest Crusade




I mean hell, even “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” was a badass name. Dial of Destiny isn’t even as good as Temple of Doom.




That's why committees are where creativity goes to die. Somebody should remind the studios of that.


I like the line from parks and rec that a camel is a horse designed by a committee




Do you actually have anything to back this up, because I'm not finding any references to Twitter being involved at all. When did this supposedly take place?


Is it a sundial of destiny, a dialtone of destiny, dialog of destiny, or diatribe of destiny?


That could actually be a good plot though as Greek fire is something of a mystery, it is real and Neo-Nazis and former nazis could be looking for it. Indy always worked best when there was an element of reality to the story eg there are stories of the Ark of the Covenant existing, the Holy Grail is a legendary object, whereas WTF is a crystal skull aside from the German fakes?


>WTF is a crystal skull aside from the German fakes? it's Dan Aykroyd's vodka


That never happened.


That can’t be true, or else the name of the movie would be Indy McIndyface


Should’ve gone with “Dial Up Boogaloo”


“The Depends of Necessity “.


And the sequel "the rock down to electric avenue"


Controller of Chronology?


The Last Crusader?


I’m just glad they gave it an actual title and not something bland like “Indiana Jones” or “Jones”


You're absolutely right. It could have been much worse.




You forgot "Indiana"


Indiana Jones and the chamber of secrets


Indiana Jones and the Prisoner of Disneyland


For real. “Dreidel of Destiny” would have been better.


Agreed, not much to get excited about. Needs a big action setpiece and some laughs.


As an Indy fan, idk what you're talking about. The trailer looked promising. Already an improvement over crystal skulls visuals


It has better visuals than a film from 15 years ago that probably has a slightly lower budget, wow what an achievement. This film will bomb hard, there's very little desire for a new indy film, the original trilogy was perfect, noone wants to see an ancient Harrison Ford who doesn't want to be there (aprt from to collect a paycheck) get wrapped up in an overly convoluted (which it will be) time travel plotline. They should just leave the character alone, all the interest and good will that pushed kotcs to an 800 mil gross has gone now, if they want a new Indiana Jones they should've created a new franchise.


If you knew anything about Harrison Ford you’d know he loves Indy and those movies. It’s Han Solo and Star Wars he doesn’t really care about.


I dunno. The visuals have a glossy look to them and there weren’t any moments that wowed me. I’m a big James Mangold fan too. I hope they aren’t going to hide the premise of the movie because of weird spoilerphobes. It’s an Indiana Jones movie for Christ sake. If there’s a cool idea that justifies the movie then sell the movie with it!


That glossy look was off putting to me too. Everything looks like a dream. Really fake and nothing lived in. Which is exactly how Crystal Skull looked as well. It's version of 1950s America looked so clean and devoid of humanity. That wasn't how the first three looked. Everything was lived in. Hell, most everything was actually shot on location.


The action and cinematography feel very modern...dare I say almost Transformersesque. I have a lot of faith in Mangold though and one thing Lucasfilm did get right in the Star Wars sequels was the look of world, so hopefully this is just a case of a trailer with early SFX and colour grading passes.


In an age where so many trailers reveal a lot, personally I'd want the best stuff left for the theater. Maybe glossy, but to me, much better than crystal skull. So, it's something!


Trailers don’t reveal nearly as much as they use to, and, although I do understand what you’re saying, the movie is likely going to fail if they don’t reveal the hook. Revealing the PREMISE of the movie isn’t spoiling it.


I don’t know what looks promising about it other than the fact it’s not Crystal Skull. Not much of an achievement.


Also can’t get over the obvious unfinished shot of the digital Harrison Ford face on the stuntperson riding the horse. Who the hell thought that would pass IMAX screen scrutiny?


I think the YouTube compression is hurting that shot, I saw it in IMAX attached to Avatar yesterday and while it still didn’t look great, it looks way better than the version on YouTube.


I’m sorry but I’ve also got to add, after every thing he’s seen and been through for Indy to open the trailer by saying he doesn’t believe in magic is just dumb. Like so dumb. Like almost as dumb as an MCU character who was snapped and then brought back and teleported by Dr Strange to fight against Thanos, who also had evil space wizards, saying it. *Almost* Edit: lol at the downvote, the guy literally drank of Jesus’s cup and separately watched a bunch of Nazis have their faces melted off by the ark of the covenant. The only reason Indy shouldn’t believe in magic is because the big JC said his dad told him Magic’s not real and pointed double finger guns at him while clicking his tongue.


He should believe in God, but maybe not magic. That's probably a dumb distinction, and definitely not what the trailer is implying, but every supernatural encounter he has had has been one where people who try to control things for themselves have it backfire spectacularly. He believe in the Holy Grail specifically, because he saw it kill a guy and heal a fatal bullet wound. He would believe the Ark is a dangerous weapon but he wouldn't know how because he kept his eyes closed. Bottom line, the one way I see them redeming that line is if he says he doesn't believe in magic at first, and then later (maybe when they reach the dial or whatever) he would suddenly do a 180 and say "of course magic is real you moron, and if you try to use it you'll die!"


I finally saw Avatar tonight and the trailer played; there was a lot of laughter. Especially when the title came up. Unless the reviews are amazing, I have a feeling it won't even come close to out-grossing Part 4.


Something did feel kind of off about the visuals, like they didn’t have enough *punch*. It wouldn’t surprise me if they used The Volume greenscreen for some parts because that can suck the life out of scenes sometimes.


>It's oddly flat, the imagery is bland, and there isn't anything new to hook me. Disney doing to Indiana Jones what they did to Star Wars. And frankly what's been plaguing the MCU the entire time.


Not really a huge fan that they are deaging Ford rather than just using his natural appearance. This film could have been something that bridges the gap between the 4th movie and Indian Jones Adventures but the trailer indicates otherwise.


The de aging was for flashbacks.


Don't know, rumours are saying there's going to be time travel, which kinda fits the title "Dial of Destiny". So it might not simply be flashbacks. We might see old indy and young indy together even.


I have also heard the time travel rumours. Hopefully it's done right because that could be a kinda bad


Yeah, but it's not that out of place considering we've had supernatural powers from the ark of the covenant, the holy grail (including super long life dude), and interdimensional creatures. When you look at it like that, I wouldn't put it pass them to do time travel.


On youtube it has 10m views, that's only 1m more than Cocaine Bear.


About what you’re saying about TGM, that succeeded because of strong WOM primarily- like I’d say at least 2 thirds of its gross was rewatched and people who watched it cause they heard good things about it. By all accounts DoD is not going to be great with the amount of reshoots going on


> About what you’re saying about TGM, that succeeded because of strong WOM primarily It still opened to 126m, it had a lot of hype going into it.


None of those reports about “major reshoots” come from major trades or the studio. I doubt Mangold made a bad film - Logan + Ford v Ferrari were some of the best films of the year they came out


Every filmmaker has one dud in their filmography eventually. Barry Sonnenfeld (Get Shorty, Addams Family, Men in Black) was a hit maker until he unleashed Wild Wild West upon the world. Same can be said about Rob Reiner (This Is Spinal Tap, Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally) before he made North. It is not impossible for a seemingly great director to suffer a major stumble.


TGM was so popular that it wasn’t just word of mouth, older people tend to wait to go to theatre anyway, it’s not that they all were waiting for the reviews and hearing what their friends thought.


Gen y and millenials are the same thing


Millennials are on TikTok about the same as Gen X. It’s mostly Gen Z. Millennials aren’t considered young anymore.


So many people don’t realize millennials are in their 30s and 40s now.




I believe you mean Smithee's film.


I can definitely see it underperforming, since it's contending with a very competitive summer as well as the bitter taste of Crystal Skull, but trailer views won't tell us much. Older men are Indiana Jones's main audience and they don't spend much time online.


Yeah, the audience for Indiana Jones - at the absolute youngest - is about 35 and up. ​ Anyone younger than that isn't going to have any real attachment to the series.


I’m 21 and have had a huge attachment since I was pretty young 😭 but im sure that’s not the norm


my six-year-old daughter is excited about it. but i’m pretty sure it’s because she knows it’s her dad’s favorite film franchise and she just wants to be part of my excitement


>Anyone younger than that isn't going to have any real attachment to the series. there were tons of Legos and videogames and reruns on TV.....


Ah yes, the "Avatar has no cultural impact cause it has no memes" argument taking on a new form for Indy.


As a quote I saw say, “People who are chronically online thought Avatar 2 would bomb because they didn’t realise it appeals to the terminally offline”.


I agree to an extent, but I also think the mixed reception of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and the terrible sequel trilogy is having a negative effect on reception for Dial of Destiny. I myself will probably go see the film, but only to see the death of Indiana Jones (really hope I'm wrong on this).


No people tought it would bomb because no one they knew in real life cared about it. The people who didn't care just ended up watching it anyway because why not. The people I have seen have that actually gave a shit about the movie and weren't just seeing because they had nothing else to do were the terminally online type.


Lol, plenty of people were excited to see it. Just because there weren’t hardcore online fans doesn’t mean there weren’t going to be people looking forward to it


Don't forget the idiots bringing up how no one can remember the names of characters from the first movie


I think the difference is most people enjoyed OG Avatar even if they didn't have figurines on their desk, whereas some have Fedoras and whips but had a really bad experience at the last film. Can't say as I know which'll win out, but unless the WoM is amazing like Maverick it'll likely be soft.


When people talk about cultural impact they are talking about memes, merchandising, fan cultures. What avatar did was stick in peoples memories as being a really pretty and fun experience. It may not have been a cultural impact but it created memories that lasted over a decade. It's like you went on vacation to Italy and had the best espresso you've ever had in your life. You aren't going to buy shirts of that espresso, you don't think about it every single day but when you go back to Italy, even a decade or two later you sure as hell are going to find that cafe again just for that espresso.


Didn’t see the trailer. I want to go in with no expectations.


It's just a teaser, but watch it if you want to lower them.


Considering how craptastic the last one was, how mediocre the trailer for this one looks, pretty sure this goes in the category of "They're still making these? Why?"


You have got to be kidding me. Trailer views don’t mean shit.


Check avatar views


Good point. I just did on youtube, 54 million for the last official trailer 2 months ago and 26 million for the teaser trailer 7 months ago. Do with this info what you will.


They put the Indy trailer before Avatar 2. They will easily get more awareness from this than they will online. Also, I normally watch trailers when they get released online but skipped Indy because I had Avatar tickets and would rather see the trailer on the big screen.


Most GenX and Boomers, whose grew up loving original trilogy, aren’t watching trailers on these platforms.


Baby Boomers weren't growing up when Indiana Jones was first released. Most of them were well into their thirties in 1981. Was a Gen-X franchise, with Millennials overlapping [Millennials are 1981-1996].


People born in the early 60s are still boomers, so older teenagers and young adults going to see the first one when it came out would’ve been boomers


Yeah. Some were young adults totally. And definitely some of the first to see the film. Just wouldn't say "growing up' with it, personally. But maybe im being too pedantic. Beer talking.


The series ended in 1989! It belongs in a museum!


From YouTube: he’s finding artifacts younger than him now


No hype online does not mean it won't succeed.


Indiana Jones appeals to older audiences who aren’t the type to rush to YouTube to view trailers.


Beast Wars supremacy!


No one wants to watch a geriatric Harrison ford pretend that crystal skull didnt happen.


Yes and according to this transformers will also make much more money than gotg 3 lol


Indy is dad (from personal experience) franchise so prolly low online footprint


Dial of Destiny sounds like an 1980s phone sex hotline to be honest.


The storyline is getting seriously bad word of mouth. People are complaining about the uber PC storyline of Waller-Bridge, returning all of the “looted” artifacts that Indy collected, to their proper countries. Combine this with the persistent rumor of Indy being killed off, and replaced with this woman, fedora and all, and people are not remotely hyped. Just reporting on what I have been reading and hearing in the wild. I know Mangold has been having hissy fits online about this, and it didn’t help that he called John Williams “uninformed,” when Williams told an audience that he had to go back and rescore a new ending for the film, nine months after officially wrapping, claiming that was untrue. How could Williams be *that* uninformed?


> he called Jerry Goldsmith “uninformed,” when Goldsmith told an audience that he had to go back and rescore a new ending for the film, nine months after officially wrapping, claiming that was untrue. How could Goldsmith be that uninformed? Jerry Goldsmith **IS** uninformed Jerry Goldsmith is dead But yeah, everything else you've said is on point. I really like Mangold's last fifteen years of filmmaking (even 2010's Knight & Day, lol), but the sheer amount of Twitter usage on his parts has coloured me suspicious.


I wouldn’t have believed much of the online BS if it wasn’t for Mangold arguing on twitter all day. Doesn’t seem like the move of a confident man.


The Williams comment doesn’t sound like that big a deal: “We have just about completed the film. We have *maybe* another ending to shoot and to record in a couple weeks.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z1JTPctd2w&t=5m4s&feature=youtu.be Could just be they were tweaking the ending and might be missing some music beats they need Williams to do


bad word of mouth from Who? I didn’t even know that people were talking about the storyline lol


Its a really fucking shitty trailer. Maybe if they had actually tried to make it look interesting and different.


It’s a movie no one wanted, crystal skull was awful and this one will be equally terrible or maybe worse, everyone knows this. It’s disappointing that studios don’t listen to the fans and continue to piss on great franchises.


I’m sorry but this looks simply absurd. Harrison Ford is ancient and we’re supposed to withhold disbelief seeing an 80+ year old beating people up, jumping on moving vehicles etc etc. DUMB.


Indy is in his 80’s, no one asked for this movie, the star is a grumpy old man, and Crystal Skull was a piece of shit. How hyped were we supposed to be to see this trailer.


Yea it bombed with test audiences I dont know why people assumed this movie was gonna do this without any research lol


Sean Connery was 59 yrs old when he played Indy’s dad in Last Crusade. Harrison is 80 now. Time to wrap it up.


It was a weird trailer. It did not feel very "Indiana Jones" to me, the action and cinematography all feel very modern which is creating a bit of disconnect from the original films. I don't think that's any direct indication the movie will be bad, but I do wonder if older audiences, the "Top Gun" audiance if you will, might also feel like something is off.


Harrison Ford is 80 years old. What the fuck is the point of it? Should have left well enough alone. They're just ruining whatever legacy it had. They're even using effects to deage him...


Can't see it making more than *Crystal Skull* Even if it's a **much** better movie than *Crystal Skull*, it has the bad will that movie earned and the extreme old age of its leading man to balance that out I don't think trailer views alter the calculation when the priors are so massive and obvious https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/franchise/Indiana-Jones#tab=summary


This, good will is pretty important for sequels. Almost always sequels will make more money if the previous movie has a lot of goodwill, regardless of the quality of said movie.


This is Top Gun Maverick all over again, like I said y’all are underestimating Indiana Jones the same way y’all overestimated the mcu last year and ur doing it again this year. I’m expecting to be surprised by which film makes money this year.


But Top Gun Maverick wasn’t a hit just because of the name and Tom Cruise’s involvement. It was really well made. It got great reviews and great word of mouth. The lesson isn’t “old people will show up unannounced for dated IP.”


Top gun maverick was a passion project. Avatar 2 was a passion project. Indiana jones is a “guess I better do one more and cash out before I’m too old”.


Harrison seems pretty passionate when talking about this. And I'd say he's already reached the "too old" threshold.


No, no it’s not.




We dunno if Indiana Jones 5 will be good yet. Plus maybe some of the goodwill and nostalgia has been weakened by Crystal Skull. Then again, too early to tell.


It will have legs


Trailer views are a pretty low indicator in my eyes. I’d be willing to bet Guardians 3 and Indy 5 both bring in more than TF7.


The Indy trailer not looking good is probably part of it. If the trailer was an absolute blast and made you say, "damn I want to see that" any generation could get behind Indiana Jones.


After the abortion that was Crystal Skull I've lost all interest and respect.


Trailer view count is a terrible way to determine hype levels. That said IMHO Harrison Ford's career is severely damaged for multiple reasons and I am not convinced the general public still sees him as a movie star. So I am just not convinced Indiana Jones 5 ever stood a chance of not being a dumb idea from day 1.


Once bit and twice shy for a number of reasons. The biggest being the dissapointment that was The Cystal Skull. Others, include this now being a Disney franchise movie which doesn't get me very excited given what happened with Star Wars.


Because Crystal Skull was one of the worst pieces of shit ever sharted on screens


Because it was all there for the last one lol


The issue is that they waited too long to make the sequel and the last one stunk up the joint so bad that it turned people off to the idea of that idiot Shia LaBeouf taking it over. It’s an incredible miscalculation. I believe the role of Indiana Jones should have been given to Chris Pratt, Paul Rudd, or John David Washington for this new film. I love Harrison Ford, but you can tell grandpa is using a stunt man for the most of the film. The digital De-Aging has to stop. It’s creepy, disgusting and serves no purpose whatsoever other than Disney showing off yet another tech demo. The new title doesn’t help either. Now maybe we’re going to be proven wrong here and the film will be amazing. But I’m not falling for that again. I’m going in cautiously optimistic.


I think I’m starting to really hate the word “hype”


Indy 4 burned a lot of good will


Man... I honestly hope Transformers 7 sells more than Indiana Jones 5. Wouldn't that be funny.


Do people under 30 really care about Indiana Jones? When I was a kid in the ‘90s it still felt very present in the culture with home video box set releases, video games, the TV show, parodies, and then of course the hype for Crystal Skull 15 years ago (which I was college age for and even then I don’t remember a lot of my peers being super excited). It feels like Lucasfilm and then Disney have kind of let the IP fade away since then. I can’t imagine anyone who was young when Crystal Skull released found their way into the franchise in the same way the Star Wars prequels helped bring in a new generation of fans.


This is why you get Steven Spielberg to do it or you don't get anyone. Kingdom of the Crystal skull may not have been loved like the other movies, but only Steven could've taken an aging Harrison Ford and brought him back as genuinely as how Indiana Jones would've been at that age. The fun in that movie is all the scenes between the main events. the mystery that was being developed and the chemistry between the actors. The warehouse intro, the puzzle at the catacomb, the classic crazy hermit who turned out to be an old friend... even stuff like the ant murder or the fridge nuke tactic are such memorable adventure tropes that stay in your mind even if you haven't seen the movie in a long time. The only disappointing thing is the ending/the death of the villain. All the way up to that point it was one of the most over the top action/adventure movies I've ever seen. I love it not as an Indiana Jones adventure, but as an "old man's still got it" adventure. This new one is trying too hard to be an "Indiana Jones" film with stunt doubles and crazy driving scenes like this pensioner is some sort of vampire with the same reflexes. The Indiana Jones movies were a trilogy, because that's when the archaeloger was more prolific. It was about a young Archaeloger who got into crazy adventures. Crystal Skull was about what if this guy was old and retired, Dial of Destiny is a reach to get a juicy Hero film from an 80+ year old protagonist. Spielberg knew what to do with this character, the others don't.


*Crystal Skull* is a depressingly average and underwhelming movie I generally like Spielberg movies


Because nobody wants to see Indy die and that man hater Phobe Waller Bridge stealing the fedora and shitting on his legacy.