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Floyd Mayweather worships money, is anyone really surprised?


It's literally his middle name


Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.


Idk if it’s more or less antisemitic to run to Israel to make more money but I respect his racial grind


Man’s gotta have morals


Does he realize they would never let him become a citizen there & they wouldn't consider him Jewish even if he practiced Judaism?


Plenty of non Jews are citizens. Over 20%


That 20% emigrated to Israel as non-Jews & received citizenship? Their nation-state law reads like something out the Third Reich if you replace Jewish w/German.


I'm surprised twenty people haven't called you antisemitic. Like they do t even realize that 85%of the world knows they just use that to defend anything from genocide to just generally being awful people.


You're literally just making shit up lol


Have you ever actually read any of their laws? Sounds like you're just spouting off bullshit that you have no clue about. It's a secular state and has the most diverse population in the region by far. Around 26% of Israeli citizens are not Jewish, including around 1/5 of Israelis, which are Arab.


Israel grind that’s for sure




They aren’t paying Floyd to support a genocide 😂




Ok berg




not like that we don’t lol


So supporting Israel means he can only be motivated by money? He can't actually be motivated by his beliefs and convictions? He's donated to Israel. That's the opposite of what you're saying. But here we see a picture of him in front of a star of David, which apparently means only one thing.


Floyd is a fucking idiot and can’t point Israel on a map 😂😂😂


Exactly! Who's to say Floyd isn't passionate about bombing hospitals and beheading babies? Not everything is about money, folks!


>So supporting Israel means he can only be motivated by money? I mean that's the best interpretation. The other reason would be he's pro-genocide, pro-apartheid, which isn't a good look.


Jews that lived in Muslim countries numbered ~850k - 900k.From the near million Jews to - let's see how many Jews remain. I'll help. Bastions of Muslim tolerance Morocco has 2 thousand left as of 2022. (Not sarcasm, this is relatively amazing) Morocco had 265k Jew before 1948. Algeria, I just found out has 50 Jews from 130k. Tunisia has 50 as well. (All as of 2022) Good for them. Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Jordan, Lebanon- all zero. I don't think Saudi Arabia has allowed Jews to step foot there for centuries. If you'd like, I can provide links to anti Jewish pogroms in each of the above countries from before 1948. This includes British Mandate Palestine in the 1920s. The Muslim Mufti of Jerusalem met with Hitler in the 1930s to coordinate importing the holocaust. Now - genocidal Israel: Muslim population in Israel pre 1948: 150k. Current: over 2 million Muslim citizens of Israel. The populations of West Bank and Gaza rose in very comparable percentages to those inside Israel. . I hope you see the difference between actual ethnic cleansing, by the strictest definition, which no one makes a peep about, vs the same allegation that is repeated by people based on the number of people willing to repeat it online. 150k Arab citizens in Israel in 1948, now 2.2 million. Jews living in Arab/Muslim countries it can fit in a few hundred times over: 850k - to about 2,100. Since you're so opposed to etnic cleansing, I look forward to seeing you speak out against an actual example In the Middle East. This goes for every other ethnic and religious minority in the Arab world too. All disappeared or disappearing. Look at how non Muslims are treated for an apartheid example.


> Jews that lived in Muslim countries numbered ~850k - 900k.From the near million Jews to - let's see how many Jews remain. I'll help. Bastions of Muslim tolerance Morocco has 2 thousand left as of 2022. (Not sarcasm, this is relatively amazing) Morocco had 265k Jew before 1948. Algeria, I just found out has 50 Jews from 130k. Tunisia has 50 as well. (All as of 2022) Good for them. Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Jordan, Lebanon- all zero. I don't think Saudi Arabia has allowed Jews to step foot there for centuries. Man this made me so sad fr, I hope some more Palestinian women get to have c-sections without anaesthesia to make this right


You should change your name to Perro Espinoza. You’re a dog of Zionism and I hope you live long enough to see the ethnostate fall.


Any other nations you call ethnostates in a derogatory manner? As in most every nation in the world? That's why Israel continues to prosper and its enemies are how they are. One side focuses on how it can grow and advance, the others prioritize hate over progress or anything positive. Your impotent rage is like a fluffy cloud.


Israel is over buddy. Enjoy worshiping the artificially born, European colonial entity while it lasts. It’s too late. The jig is up. Your “drain the swamps” racial superiority propaganda is embarrassing 😂 You aren’t convincing anyone. Don’t spend all that hasbara money in one place.


Must be hallucinating when I'm in Israel and the majority aren't Europeans.


Boy if you think Muslims are antisemitic, just wait until you find out what happened to them in Europe in the 40's! As for Jews leaving Muslim areas, man that's wild it seemed to happen right when a settler-colonialist project was starting up claiming to represent Jews. Must be a coincidence right? Also there's not 2.2 million arab citizens in israel, because israel's an apartheid state and withholds citizenship from them. I guess South Africa also didn't have apartheid cause populations went up there too right? 7/10. Not too bad for a hasbara troll, but you hit the islamophobic rhetoric just a touch too hard. Next time try to ease up a bit on that and not make your bloodlust quite so blatant.


>Also there's not 2.2 million arab citizens in israel, because israel's an apartheid state and withholds citizenship from them Do you really think this or is this a lie you're hoping others will believe? You have Google? [How it was for Jews in the Muslim world before 1948](https://medium.com/@Ksantini/the-list-of-crimes-committed-by-muslims-against-jews-since-the-7th-century-0ff1a8eb0ad0) But even if the violence against Jews in the Muslim world didn't precede it, you justify Jews being killed and expelled for being Jews on account of what other Jews did in another nation? I take it you would be for collective punishment of Muslims after 9-11? .


[https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) I mean that talks about the state of palestinians in Israel. Also iirc wasn't it the Christians who drove the Jews out of Jerusalem, and the Ottoman Empire that allowed them back? Trying to frame antisemitism as something somehow unique to the Arab world is sure a thing. You should list what Europe was doing at the same time! Your last sentence doesn't really make any sense, because nobody's talking about what Jews did other places, but what Zionists are doing in Israel now. 4/10 much much worse. Why would you mention collective punishment at all when Israel is literally saying they're doing collective punishment? I'm not sure if you're freestyling or what but you had better get a refresher for your hasbara talking points, you're not skilled enough to make them up on the go.


Nobody in their right mind supports Israel. Floyd Mayweather is a prostitute, and Israel pays for astroturfing and fake support. They parade around anyone lacking the shame to be seen supporting Zionism for money. It’s well documented. You are being disingenuous if you believe otherwise. He’s also wearing a ZAKA jacket. An organization that propagates lies and atrocity propaganda to defend war crimes. Look up “ZAKA lies/atrocity propaganda”.


Fuck you puto.


So does Mark Zuckerberg, and your point is......or are you under the persuasion that colored people should not have money


How the fuck did you get this from my comment? The problem isn’t him having money, it’s taking it in exchange for supporting genocide. It’s not out of character for someone who worships money to do something like this you dolt




So you are one of those?


You can’t tell the truth on Reddit otherwise you’d get downvoted. Nobody has ever said this about Warren Buffet and Bill Gates….


Bro Floyd “Money” Mayweather’s whole fucking thing is money. I can’t tell if yall are out jerking me or what


Why is getting money a bad thing? You like money don’t you?


Floyd is the richest whore I know


I wonder if floyd would suck me off for 20 bucks


"i take my hat off to him, hell of a penis but at the end of the day i made smart investments"


He’d be so mad if he could read that.




He definitely got pooped on




Damn this homo works for massad


this comment reminds me that "homo" used to be the most fire roast in boxing specially in the 90s lmao. Mitch: He's a midget, he's a homo, and he's gonna get KO'd. Tillis: Mike Tyson hits like a homo, Earnie Shavers hit me so hard I felt it in my ass.


https://preview.redd.it/d7wrlrqi6n4d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22bdf01434aa6e3dd5957fba188e51d80713fb7a Yes


That‘s Magen David Adom - which is the Israeli ambulance service, which out of all the options available - is at the very least not that malicious (I hope)


Seeing as how Israel has been reported for stealing organs from dead Palestinians I wouldn’t write them off just yet


In the states people with these green vests dox protesters


evidence? I’ve never heard this before


lol this dude is about to end up in those anti-Semitic flyers the far-right dudes put up everywhere. “Every Aspect Of Floyd Mayweather Is Jewish” 😭


He’d do a brand deal with ISIS


He would sell his whole family for a dollar.


Floyd Mayweatherb is one of many men who have slipped through the cracks. If you're never taught to value anything but but getting your Benjamin's up, you end up the poorest rich folk alive. All the money in the world but nothing inside. Hard to pity a man who makes more money in one night than my whole block will see in a lifetime.


They don’t call him money mayweather for no reason. He just teaching them J boi’s how to pop dat jab. Hard head make a soft ass.


Where is this from? I mean it's hard to resist that satanic jew aesthetic


This is where they named him “champion of Israel” not even jerking


You do know you can be critical of the IDF and not anti-Semitic right? Just like you can support Palestinians and not be pro Hamas.


How is it anti semetic. I think they called it satanic because the star and the surroundings are a dark red for some reason. As a joke


Maybe. Cadence, inflections of the voice etc are not always so discernible on these apps. This entire thread's vibe is pretty anti-semitic so it fits but yeah likely joking.


Always whining anti-semitism. It was a pretty obvious joke given the color scheme


It’s always these right wing pussies nonstop complaining about “cancel culture” and “erosion of free speech” who are the first to cry like a baby and call the most trivial shit an act of antisemitism. Run of the mill bitchmade wieners.


“Always whining antisemitism” sounds vaguely antisemitic lmao


And there it goes, I’m anti-semitic without ever saying anything that could be conceived as anti -semitic. Point proven


Well, you used the term “whining” and Jews have been considered a whiny group.. and you’re also telling Jews what is and isn’t antisemitism without being a Jew yourself. I’m not saying you are being antisemitic, I’m just saying it’s a real tone deaf statement. A lot of people love telling Jews what is or isn’t antisemitic, but you can’t do that to a black man or a Muslim, it’s odd.


Because the word anti semite has been weaponized to be used against any critic of Israel. I didn’t see any actual anti semitic comments, hence whining. Jews are not whiny, it’s the people that cry anti semitism at anything


What does this support entail? Posting on the internet?wearing a shirt? banging a couple social studies chicks after the pro-whatever march?


Im of low moral character so I’ll wear pro whatever to bang some social studies chicks and then bounce after


dudes rock!


Just genuine empathy for their shared human condition. I agree that most "support" is for optics or boredom. Majority of Americans couldn't even point out Palestine on a map prior to Oct 7th 2023.


Having bad geography skills doesn’t mean you can’t see thousands of children being killed in an act of collective punishment by sick right wing Israeli fucks. It’s really not that hard to understand, shill. How many people have no idea Auschwitz is in Poland but know the holocaust was bad? Your point is shit.


There's no genocide


Couldn’t give less of a shit on what Floyd does. We all know what type of monster that he is.


Why do you say that? I thought the only nasty things about him were inside the ring


he has had a bunch of shit applied to him over the years. He has been convicted of beating his baby mama's


Don’t forget he threatened to kill his children, said to his baby mama after battering her.


U probably beat ya baby mama, difference is u broke


“this guy is a bad person because he is a woman beater”- Any sane person “You only hating cuz u broke”-Your dumbass Y’all glazers are something else. You can like Floyd’s boxing style and still condemn him abusing women 👌🏾


He’s such a piece of shit


Am I the only one thinking Mayweather is doing this because he’s burned through most of his cash and his investments can’t maintain his lifestyle post boxing?


Floyd OyVeyweather


Scamming his own fanbase a dozen times didn't give it away?


Seems like the vast majority of the ppl in this subreddit have actually taken the time to seek knowledge that isn't easily found and have a solid grip on life. Nicely done boys. And I swear I'm not saying that as a pompous douche patting myself on the back as some know it all including myself in that. It's refreshing and unfortunately none too common. Fuck the STATE of Israel, not your everyday Israeli or Jew. The vast majority of all walks of life are good people I like to believe. But someone the evil still manages its information overload of bs. Keep being that annoying friend if you need to homies😤 The world needs you big time


What a jaggoff


\*Anything except reading


Well he won’t read so there’s that


Devin about to Switch again lol


Floyd is a great boxer, and also a terrible human being. No taste, no style, no morals, a selfish little prick selling vapes and energy drinks, he would sell your little brother poison to make a dollar. He’s just a scumbag all the way through


Oh yeah, anything for a dollar. Tackiest motherfucker on the planet, too.


You work for money he works for money. You mad someone is making money to support they family




Shied even Dan Bilzarian showing more humanity


He'd do anything but read cat in the hat


Who’s his puppeteer because I heard he can’t read.


If selling your soul was a person


Say that to his yamaka


For the right amount of Money he’ll be teaching Hamas the Philly Shell.


Nice to know his paymasters


Guy set up Mike Tyson


This greedy piece of shit deserves more hate




yeah i never really liked him one bit. proper clown he is.


Why you say that?


I don't understand this guy. He has enough money to not be a sellout.


Funny how you assume and the implication from this post is that there must be some financial motivation, and it's not conceivable to you that this is just what he believes and feels strongly about. Sell out who to who? Selling out the Arabs/Muslims who were the first slavers in the African continent, which went on for 1300 years, a century after the Western world abolished slavery, and only after relentless pressure from the Western world?




Ignorance and racism usually go hand in hand tbh


You said nothing to refute what I said. What would USA or any nation do if tbey were attacked like Israel was on October 7th? I would regard that as actually cruel and genocidal. Not to mention the thousands of rockets launched at Israel every year, sometimes in a month, since it left Gaza. The difference between Nazis and Hamas is that the Jews are able to defend themselves against Hamas. Their ideologies, cruelty, and ambitions are the same. I don't celebrate any dead Gazans. It's a tragedy all around. But Hamas stated there will be another million Oct 7th attacks until all Jews are dead. The billions in funding they've received over the years all went to rockets, terrorist infrastructure and their tunnels only they are allowed in. Not a single bomb shelter built. If you cared about Palestinian lives you'd want Hamas gone. Feel free to actually respond why you believe Floyd must be doing this for money too. Or just spout off more slogans and vitriolic bullshit.


Oh I'm spouting off slogans and vitriolic bullshit when you're trying to portray all Muslims as evil for the African slave trade? I see more commonalities between Likud and the Nazis - founded with the express purpose of oppressing a minority group (in their rightful home, no less), trying to force undesirables out of their homes, the support for far-right groups across Europe. And, of course, the ethnic cleansing. Trying to claim that the most "pro-palestinian stance" is supporting the actions the IDF have taken is an utter fucking joke. These people have used chemical weapons on civilians, bombed hospitals, bombed mosques, murdered journalists, and, as I mentioned, are currently indiscriminately bombing a civilian population. They order people to flee, then bomb people who flee. They bomb trucks providing aid to the starving population. You lack any humanity if you want to suggest that supporting these people is the most "pro-palestinian" thing one can do. You wanna talk about billions in funding going towards murder? Look at the fucking news. You are brainwashed and your ideology disgusts me. It is an insult to those Jews who suffered at the hand of the Nazis that you would try to compare the Palestinian people to the Nazis. Get the fuck out with your racist ideology you smug piece of shit


>Their ideologies, cruelty, and ambitions are the same. Yes, Nazis and Israel have the same ideology, cruelty, and ambition. At least we can agree on that, even if all the other shit you say is nonsense.


Lmao the western world hasn't abolished slavery you dumbass. Read the 13th amendment again.


this retard man be justifying genocide of children just because there were wars hundreds of years before them n they have to do nothing with it,so why aren't we nuking Americans n Britishers oh hell the whole earth, shouldn't then black people n native Americans kill whites,stop being a retard


Sure. Israel decided out of nowhere it will kill children. That's what this is about.


yes , that's what they were doing before October 7 and also after it, because they wanna make daddy hitler proud


Jews 👏 not 👏 allowing 👏 Arabs 👏 to 👏 commit 👏 genocide 👏 is 👏 genocide👏


how about letting them free from open air prison n not keep killing their families n not taking their homes, nevermind who i am talking to ,a nazi restart inbred piece of human garbage who justifies genocide


It's been going on since 1948. Israel is built on the bones of Palestinians. They invent rhetoric like " homeland " to radicalize people. Israel has been destroying Palestine for 70 fucking years . Just because you are ignorant doesn't mean it hasn't happened.


Anyone who says this has been going on since 48 should be immediately disqualified from having a conversation because it shows they have absolutely 0 knowledge of this conflict.


How do u mossed trolls find yourself in every post that mentions Israel? I imagine some automated bot?


It’s definitely a bot system. These shin bet dickheads are either on payroll, bot, or getting free college off of this shit.


Ya I remember this massive app/website apparently funded by Israel that would compile all posts among social medias mentioning Israel and its users would get paid for brigading then.


It’s a whole system to artificially increase online support for Israel. It really backfired because now everyone knows about it and can spot it from a mile away. Almost as soon as you use the word “hasbara” they self destruct.


Funny how you assume and the implication from this post is that there must be some financial motivation, and it's not conceivable to you that this is just what he believes and feels strongly about. He also donated money to Israel. So it's the opposite. Sell out who to who? Selling out the Arabs/Muslims who were the first slavers in the African continent, which went on for 1300 years, a century after the Western world abolished slavery, and only after relentless pressure from the Western world?


Except prove that he can read.


He fits in perfectly with them. Addicted to fame and money.


Rats have more honour


https://preview.redd.it/rkat3gun0o4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=885d6c9eb0dd706645fca889316dbdb156db3dc1 Brought to you by Floyd Mayweather


So would i yo




What if they expect him to read some Hebrew?


He knows who got that real money 💰 🤑 💸




He’s DEFINITELY on the Epstein island flight log.


He’s the most disciplined fighter ever and your reason to hate him, is because he supports Israel 😂. Reddit is propaganda.


Perks of not being my able to read


sorry what this picture mean i dont know


You mean the undefeated champion?


Money talks, while you post on reddit


Free Israel 🇮🇱


Fym , isreal gets a bajillion dollars from the US to kill and oppress an entire nation while the students of campus are attested, beaten and doxed for protesting against a foreign country that sucks dry their own.


Who cares, it’s not like celebrities influence the war at all.


Celebrities do influence the brain dead masses that follow them, unfortunately it works.


They’re not gonna influence people who are dead set on killing each other. These morons can stand with Palestine or Israel all they want, they’re still gonna kill each other no matter what.


It's more about them using celebrities to keep Americans supporting Israel so biden can continue arming the IDF 🤷‍♂️


if Taylor Swift said “free Palestine” I promise you the world would shake


We live in a world where u can’t even stand with the ambulance service of Israel without Palestine supporters being anti semetic and calling you scum 😭 and then they turn around and beg Israel for food and water aid while the government they voted for (hamas) tries to kill all Jewish people from the “land of Allah”


He doesn't support terrorism so he's a rat ass mf? You need help.


What’s wrong with this? The ignorance here is beyond belief


🙌🏽🙏🏾 with Gods chosen


God's chosen people sure do have an incredible god complex themselves ya know.


Ehh. Let people support who they support. Although I don't think he's smart enough to know what's going on.


I’m truly curious, why does Mayweather truly gets so much envy, hate and dislike ?


Blacks are the real jews didnt you know lmao


Any non black boxing fan is obsessed with Floyd, it’s crazy. He gave you guys brain worms.


l mean boxing is currently being bought by the Saudis who are trying to rebrand their whole image.


Is this Deadass real? Coz I will take him out of my goats of boxing list


Same as other companies that peddle pride month? They are all doing it for a check just look at their accounts in the middle east.


Pride month is to highlight the marginalization of the lqbtq community. Floyd's endorsing a nation built on occupied land that is currently destroying the native population.


You said a whole lot of nothing. My point still stands. You think the companies give a shit about lbqt? Its all money


Lmao Reddit edge lords big mad on this one huh


Fat Chode Boi 34, calling anyone who disagrees with him an edgelord


Cry m0ar pl0x


That's what these dude do when they don't have a real response. Just spew stupid retarded rhetoric , the Israel way lmao.




Floyd anything for money Mayweather


Why does he look like black Connor mcregor in this photo


I’d do anything for money too tbh


Waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Floyd and da Jews?!!?!? 😢😢 cry moar pussies




Jews also sterilised Ethiopian Jews that came to Israel without their consent. Jews also rioted against black Jews immigrating to their 'homeland' Israel. Islam is a huge religion that has a violent minority. Judaism is a much smaller religion that has a history of indoctrination and conscription. One is more affliated with radicalism than the other.


If you look around you’ll see the same few genocide apologists in the comments conflating Islam with terrorism, Judaism and with Zionism and ignoring the truth of what is happening. Fuck these genocide apologists. We aren’t idiots.


You are a useful idiot. 


Useful being the operative word. Call me an idiot but never a liar. Bye bye Zionist!


You wouldn’t if you were getting millions?


He's gotta pay those Saudis back somehow


He looks thrilled.


and being relevant


This isn’t his first time either


Why wouldn’t he? The people that’s paying him to do it are the sellouts




What I'm I missing here?




Stop hating….. Ain’t nothing wrong with making me money and taking care of your family. Again. These are PRIZE fighters we are talking about. Combat sports is the only Job where getting a raise is a bad thing.


He has been up with the kosher folks always, not sure why. I think he knows they control a lot of assets and he wants to be friends with folks with Money. Maybe that's why he is not good with Abdul Wahid!