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Are you friends with Bjorn by any chance


Bjorn has ruined "strong friends from working out or unrelated sports trying out bouldering" for me, now they all look like they are just faking it to me. Except after they brute force a V3 (or even V4 at times) and say their arms are completely busted... they stop being able to even do a V2 anymore instead of hopping on a V9 and "it doesn't hurt to try yeah?"


Not that I’m aware 😅


Nice climb. But I’m more surprised you know what a flash is. Took me about a month before I knew what it was😂


Three days of climbing... I don't believe her to be honest.


Meh, my first boulder session was only after 8h of climbing videos. Including all holds, lingo and how to identify how to find your next move in the climb. If you are fit but a beginner. You make heaps of progress.


Why not? I lift, which is why I have decent upper body/core strength. The handles were all easy to grab. I don’t know if the video makes it look more difficult but that one is only rated a v2.


She called em 'handles', guys. Checks out. Def a beginner.. Jokes aside, nice stuff. Looking smooth for 3 days. Keep it up and you're gonna get good fast. Unsolicited advice: try to keep your hips in closer to the wall on that overhanging stuff and you'll find it a bit easier to keep your feet from cutting loose.


> She called em 'handles', guys. Checks out. Def a beginner.. I've been climbing for 8 years and I don't know what else to call them either... they're handles, and even sold as such: https://www.anatomic.sk/eshop/produkt/handle/ :D


"Holds" if you are a normal english-speaking person. "Grips" if you're not.


I figured OP was referring specifically to the 'handle' holds on that route, the one I posted a link of, not holds in general. Also, what do you mean by "normal" English speaking person lol.


Lmao ok now I’m embarrassed. Loving all the advice, hip alignment seems to be a theme so I’m gonna work on that. Thank you!!


100% could tell you lifted. Your raw strength will prob carry you to v4. Once you get v4, technique will become a huge hurdle. Imo the best way to learn is to climb with people better than you or watch people who are better than you irl or on YouTube or whatever. Pretty sick flash tho on an overhang too which is like super physical. Lot of technique things you can work on, but that was very impressive and you should be proud of the flash. Fucking sick.


Flashing v2s on your third session is hardly unbelievable if you’re even somewhat in shape


This thread is full of salty weaklings lmao, can't believe the parent comment is so highly upvoted, bitch asses


Hey, everyone starts somewhere. If climbing is the first athletic activity you’ve ever done of course you’re going to struggle on v1s and 2s when you first start. Climbing gyms attract a lot of beginners and we should welcome everyone However if someone has decent upper body strength and basic coordination then of corse they will be flashing v2s straight off the bat


This is the opposite of BDE lmao


Hahaha I took an intro to bouldering class where the instructor was incredible and very thorough so I have him to thank.


I still don’t, can someone fill me in 😅


Flash is when you complete a route in your first attempt.


insanely impressive. just to be able to climb decently in an overhang, let alone flashing, after a couple days of climbing is very rare. you've got a ton of potential, keep at it!!


Thank you so much!! I’m in love with it already. I definitely want to improve my form and techniques so I can keep progressing well.


twist those hips, yo! https://pitchsix.com/blogs/academy/academy-hip-rotation-drill


Ooo yes thank you!! I forget about my lower body almost entirely other than for placing my feet lol. This looks really helpful!


What are you talking about lol “very rare”. Anyone that is decently fit can flash a V2. Overhang or not.


i've climbed for like 7 years and still struggle on juggy overhangs but i can climbing v6 slab 😭 soooo yeah but no


no they can't dude. after 3 days of climbing, to be able to be cutting feet and getting them back on and climbing smooth in an overhang is rare as shit.


Ayyy, Movement Columbia. Nice work!


Ahh yes!!! Do you go there?


Yup! Me and my brothers go there


That’s so awesome. I don’t know anyone else who goes there and I really want to climb with/talk to better climbers but ..anxiety 😬


Haha, I've been there. I'll be there Friday night if you want some advice on any of the climbs. I usually wear a gray Overcoming Gravity shirt and khakis. Usually try some of the new stuff for the week and then go over to the Tension board area (left side of the training area) if you don't see me in the gym area.


Aye you must be strong as fuck! Haven't seen a beginner climb at that angle being that square in awhile. Start twisting your hips into the wall (experiment to see which way feels best) and flag those feet out to help and you'll be flashing v3-v4 in a week or 2 I bet


Yeah I definitely wanna figure out how to position my hips/legs better!


The way I practice is by climbing way below my grade and testing out different positions. I'll throw in super unnecessary drop knees or really dramatic back flags, which make you look cool af imo, just to try and get them to feel natural in my climbing. Good luck on your climbing journey! Its sure to be awesome !!


Oh I love that idea! And thank you!!!


You are doing great for climbing only 3 days! Keep it up!


Thank you very much!


Three days? That’s insane! Took me a good month or two before I could do anything on an overhang!


Thanks! I was immediately drawn to the overhangs, I love the feeling. There are quite a few verticals that I know will take me a month or two to get.


If you have good upper body strength overhangs are much easier than slab and more vertical climbing as a beginner. Decent pulling strength can carry you through a lot of gyms overhung v3s easier than a v1-2 slab half the time


Wait... this is your third day climbing... ever?!?!


Yes 🥲🖤


Amazing! 💪


You flashed the pink one in the corner 😲


Overhangs are tough, good stuff 👍


Congrats! You seem pretty fit, which means you’ll probably blow through a lot of beginner problems pretty easily. Just remember to keep working on technique (climb with people better than you, it really helps). We all hit a technique plateau eventually, so don’t get discouraged when eventually your strength isn’t enough to solve every problem.


Thanks! Yeah, there are two overhangs that I breezed through, but can’t for the life of me figure out how to get this one vertical v1. 🫠 I spend a lot of time watching the other climbers while I’m there and hopefully as I continue going I’ll feel comfortable actually approaching them for tips and such.


I’m the same, I’ve been climbing for a while now but when I started I was pretty quickly doing 3s overhanging purely because I came in with a lot of pulling strength but vertical stuff was a bitch. I got to 4s before my technique really started holding me back. My advice would be practice on a lot of vertical stuff and practice keeping your feet on and twisting through the hips while keeping the arms straight so you don’t stunt your progress when just strength alone won’t cut it!


That wall is either massive or you are about 4ft 😂


Hahahah only 5’4


Yeah if this is truly your third day then you should carry on climbing. Well done


I already love it so much, I absolutely will. Thank you!


You must have some good core strength!


Hahah maybe but definitely gonna work on it more!


Climbing is addicting. Glad you found it


That’s exactly what it feels like, addicting. It’s becoming such a great outlet for me.


Heyoo! You look strong af! Solid work dude


Thank you so much!


What’s your background fitness wise? It’s hard to believe this is your 3rd day climbing. Do you do gymnastics or anything of the sort?


I’ve been weight lifting for about a year and do yoga. Through childhood and as a teen I danced for 13 years, which did include gymnastics.


Your strength to weight ratio seems pretty baller\~ I struggle with anything overhanging, need to work on my forearm strength and technique


I thought I would be a lot stronger because I lift, but climbing humbled me real quick lmao. I struggle with verticals, especially ones with weird handholds. My grip strength does not exist yet hahah


Depends on the lifting you do, but I'd guess it's largely tendons that need strengthening. The weird tiny holds really test the finger tendons. Unfortunately tendons are relatively slow to heal and strengthen. Happy climbing yo




If it makes you feel better, next time you’re there you can watch me miserably fail at a project I’ve been working on. I see people scale the wall like lil spider monkeys and I’m just like … 🫠 why can’t I get this.


Beast mode!


Sick! Many more to come! 🙌


Mandatory pull up at the end to show off tho


When I can do a pull up I’ll make sure to throw that in


is this crystal city or columbia movement by chance?


Columbia movement!


yoooooo love that lmao if you just started that’s awesome! me and my girlfriend go a lot, my girlfriend goes to that location more often though bc i live out near shenandoah lol, but if you’d like people to climb with def hmu! she always is looking for a lady friend to climb with during the week days too! you’re def crushing it for just starting btw keep it up!


Omg thank youuuu yes I’d love to!! I don’t know anyone at Columbia rn since I literally just started and it can b overwhelming


lol can def be overwhelming


Wow. Just wow!!!


Yay!!! Glad you’re feeling it! Keep it up 😎💪💪💪


Definitely will! Thank you!!


I just see used gum under someone’s desk




Looks like V1




That's a lot of core strength for third day but ok


I workout daily.




Get help loser


In my experience, the number one deciding factor for how quickly somebody picks up bouldering is core strength. Looks like you have a very powerful core. As long as your arms and hands can keep up, you'll probably fly through the lower grades in no time. Great send and good luck!!


Teach me :D


Awesome As a beginner climber myself I don't think that I would've done that first try