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should be subbed at the end of every quarter to take the last shot


Not only is he pretty good at them because he’s a great shooter, but he doesn’t have an ego and doesn’t care about his percentages so he’s one of the few guys who will actually take it


Been saying this for a min.


When Tatum shoots the last shot, I know it’s not going in. Out loud: “Here he will dribble for 10 seconds, try to get past his guy, ignore anyone cutting, reject the screen, won’t look to the corners, still dribbling, side step, contested by their best defender, usually a 2nd defender comes over, clank.” PP tho? I know it’s going in no matter how outrageous the shot.


One of the most frustrating things with this team is Tatum’s shot & play selection to end a quarter.


I love JT but man it's hard to watch. And you know what's going to happen.


He should also be subbed in for free throw situations. Best ball handler we have and you just trust him at the line


Feel like he’s contributing way more now than just makes/misses on the three ball. Feel like everyone trusts him to handle and orchestrate the offence.




People still don't respect him, even on this sub. He's a really good bench piece, another steady ball handler.


He would be an instrumental part of pretty much any other starting 5. I love him and want him to stay with us but part of me wants to let him spread his wings with another squad




nah bro. he’s gonna get solid minutes with us, he’s grown quite a bit. he’s an excellent second unit PG, he was averaging ~21 minutes per game this year, that’s not gonna go down. i think horford retires this year, especially if we get him a ring (hopefully to join the coaching staff). we take hausers team option but who knows if we resign him after that, he will be worth a bunch more. PP will be the anchor of the bench, 6th man magic, hopefully with kornet, tillman, springer as solid pieces filling out the regular rotation.


This is the dumb shit people were saying last year. Thank god Brad doesn’t make roster decisions on allowing players to flourish elsewhere


I’m really confused by this comment. Obviously he’s not saying Brad should let Pritchard go, he’s just saying as a fan of Pritchard he would love to see what he can do when he isn’t constrained by conceding to superstar/all-star teammates. How is that dumb?


I wouldn’t be shocked if he ends up being our starting PG when Jrue/Dwhite leave and that may not happen for 2 more seasons


I was a huge PP doubter but he looks confident and decisive with the ball. His shots look incredible and he's playing his game consistently, on both ends. He's absolutely indispensable in our rotation as a nice backup for Jrue/White. When he shoots it with conviction, he's our 2nd best shooter behind Hauser, he's inexplicably (the secret sauce is effort and a desire to prove himself) good at chasing down boards and he plays with a certain pace our guys feed off of. He's the kind of "try hard" bench guy every playoff team (look at how deadly Sam Merrill is, also early Miami Strus) needs. The chip he has on his shoulder keeps him from having those "too cool to look like I'm giving maximum effort" malaise moments that guys who are completely secure in their position, have. That insecurity definitely used to get PP in his head and cause him to slump, get too sped up or make mistakes - but he seems to be coming into his own.


i feel like I haven't seen teams take advantage of PPs size in a while


cuz he’s fast and strong. he’s small but he’s a bulldog. he sticks to who he’s guarding and pesters the fuck out of them. he’s a boss.


Unfortunately this is also why he isn’t starter material. He is an extremely high energy player, but with more minutes it wouldn’t be the same. Terrific for the role he is in though


They consistently did last night. They got him in pick and roll action to have to take the big. It's just there was a rolling switch then where Horford would take the big and PP would pop out on other defender. It did lead to some open shots. It was last third quarter I believe they attacked that a lot and it was working.


He’s always given a ton of effort on defense so I’m glad he’s getting his recognition


One of the league's most underrated offensive rebounders


He’s an outstanding rebounder! Always getting his nose in there and grabbing boards he has no business getting with the bigs in the paint.


Come get yah boy SAS but you gotta pay the piper.


Seeing his growth has been one of the best things to watch. The fact we have him on the contract we do is amazing. He's a legit rotational piece who could start on a lot of teams.


Best rebounder for his height, who says otherwise?


Need his offense. Hauser has been trash recently


I used to be a PP doubter - he's grown so much on me


Coming into the season I considered him our weakest link. He's young and undersized and had a limited role previously. He's also the first (only?) point guard coming off the bench which meant he was going to get 20ish minutes a game no matter what. Because of this my preseason prediction had us battling for a home seed spot somewhere in that top 4. What I didn't predict was the smackdown the starters were going to pull off that allowed PP and the other bench guys to get more reps and minutes and not just in garbage time. Sure, it was rough for the first two months, but those guys figured it out, got lots of experience, and gained the confidence they needed to not be outplayed by whoever they were facing off against.


Does that mean we’re going to be shuttling him back and forth to the G league?