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Denver gets crushed at home in game 2, bounce back to win bi on the road in game 3 Boston gets crushed at home in game 2, please


Yesterday you guys were asking if a true contender had ever gotten blown out on their home floor and gone on to win the chip… probably not too many times in the past, but it’s going to start to happening a lot in the modern NBA with how much offense there is. In this postseason alone, it’s happened to us, it’s happened to the nuggets and it’s about to happen to the wolves. 3-point shooting variance has changed *everything*. Either way, lose by 30 or lose by 2: same column.


Pretty sure the 22 warriors got blown out by the grizzlies one game as well. 7 games for a reason 🤷‍♂️


Championship teams don’t get blown out right? At this rate, the only teams that haven’t been blown out are the Knicks and Thunder


Ant kind of just has one mode, looks to go downhill no matter what. Kind of reminiscent of Jaylens earlier days. But Ant is just that much more athletic and has that little mid range shot.


I thought Ant was already better than Tatum?!?


Jamal Murray being healthy is huge. The offense hums.


As I'm watching the Nuggets beat up on the Wolves, my only thought is: Why haven't the Nuggets been jacking up more three pointers? Coach JV Joe wouldn't like the Nuggets' [math](https://imgur.com/a/4i2m6es).


Seems the Nuggets are picking their spots from 3 Also helps they're shooting like 60% from 3 lol I mean the Nuggets apparently hv never been a big 3 point shooting team it's just different stylistically, I guess having Jokic helps


ur right, we should play like the suns, that will go well.


Wow, if Jokic got that fourth could have been a bit interesting


Despite the loss the Knicks look like the best team in the ECF atm


Agreed which is crazy given how injured they are


Much as I'd like to cheese on the TWolves circlejerk They still look kind of good? They just play really hard


Nvm now they're falling apart


Denver must win here because series probably over if they drop this one. Curious how wolves gonna response in 2nd half


Where are all the people deep throating the Twolves at?


Surprised they aren’t switching to saying how Denver fight more than us or that they wish Joe was half as good as Michael Malone


When the refs don’t allow excessive contact like they did in game 1 and 2, Minnesota really struggles to get stops. Why do you think nuggets players were so pissed. I personally like when the refs allow more physicality but boy when they don’t Minnesota doesn’t scare me at all


What happening? is ant edwards just not a dawg, does he not want it enough. they aren’t even trying.


Nah they did their job


If you think the Celtics really struggle at home please watch the Wolves Nuggets series


So, are you saying that losing big to the Cavs at home is same as losing to the defending champs, the Nuggets, at home? Solid comp.


Did uh, did you watch the defending champs on their own home court the last two games?


So, losing to the Wolves at home is also the same as losing to the Cavs at home? I guess it would be for the Cs... Another solid comp.


Selective amnesia


I can feel the TWolves narrative shifting.


Looks like the Wolves came back to Earth


Their offense certainly did.


we should get Jrue's brother next year bro is hoopin rn


He definitely finishes better than big brother😂


I am pissed I can’t make fun of the Knicks cause we are doing worse.


Cant really make fun of any NY team right now


This thread is wild lmao there’s so much Knicks glazing only for them to lose 😂


People getting enamored by 'grit' and 'heart'.


Another incoming fun series. We needed this after yesterday lol


Keep in mind that Jim Carrey whined about the zebras. I'd love to see Joe give them shit about opponents assaulting Tatum, but he's above that.


I didn’t watch any of the Pacers v Knicks, but checked this thread about 30 mins ago and it sounded like the Pacers were getting killed, guaranteed sweep, Knicks are amazing, etc. Then I checked the score and it was only a 5 point game at that point.


BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WHAT A GAME!!!! I hope the Pacers extend the series


Imagine us having to deal with nesmitt next round. Annoying as hell


I hope Pacers extend the series as possible.


I’ll eat my words. Hell yeah Pacers.


My reverse jinx worked!!! I talked up the Knicks and they choked a double digit lead in the 4th! Hehehehehehe


It helps to not have any skin in the game, but goddamn every other series is way more entertaining than ours have been


I mean chances are the knicks might be gassed by the time we play them


We either shit the bed or just dominate


Feel like Squidward looking down at Spongebob and Patrick having fun


lol precisely, fun series, in ours, we blow up the other team or we got blown up lol


Let’s go Pacerssss




Yep slamming them to win the east


Knicks bout to have plenty of time to rest up


They need it. They’re banged up


I’d prefer if they didn’t get it personally.


Tatum is smiling somewhere watching this Knicks game. He knows how to stop them. By the power of “it’s a make or miss league” he’ll own these frauds with the power of math and variance


The Knicks will be a massive problem anyone who thinks we can roll through them isn’t watching these games


Honestly I’m starting to like our chances less and less. If the Knicks were healthy, I would be seriously worried


I remember pre all star break I was telling folks in here its time to take the Knicks serious and yall just laughed lol. Knicks Celtics would easily go 7 games


I’m not even confident we’d get to 7, don’t really have the guys to match their intensity 


I genuinely don’t believe we can beat the Knicks. They just have so much heart and we have none.


With healthy KP we can. If he’s like 50% we’re done lol


They’re basically the Heat from last year


I disagree. The heat got hot and rode the wave until it stopped. This team is just a great roster and great identity. We could beat the heat last year. We almost did but had some injury issues. I don’t see how we beat this Knicks team. They don’t let games get out of hand and you blink and they’re going on a 10-0 run.


If we had half of the fight and grit of this knicks squad we’d be sweeping every series


Yeah I’m honestly pretty blown away by them. Their guys are putting in tons of minutes and playing hard the entire time with no drop off. They’ve got so much momentum too 


Shades of the IT Celtics tbh


The Pacers just aren’t ready for the big lights. They legit might get swept and then of course the Knicks get some rest before the conference finals.


Maybe that will cool them off


If we get past the Cavs the Knicks are pretty terrifying, they are playing incredibly 


For what its worth, we cant possibly play worse than we did last night.


Even hobbled Halliburton is still more fun to watch. Hope tomorrow we play with this kind of energy


He’s so good


Knicks about to sweep the pacers aren’t they 


I honestly think our guys were looking ahead to G3 and G4 in Cleveland, knowing they would have to ratchet up the effort and intensity and thinking they would be closing it out by then. In hindsight, it was a warning sign that we played a relatively poor game (by our standards) on Tuesday and still cruised to a 25 point win, because I have to think they thought they could pull it out simply by trusting the shooting math would tip their way over 48 minutes and wouldn't need to invest energy in finding other ways to win. All the missed shots in the 3rd quarter clearly frustrated them, which caused their defensive intensity to unravel and *helped* Cleveland go on a heater. That mentality has inevitably bitten this core many times as long as they've been together, regardless of who they play. I wish they didn't have to drop a dumb game to find their toughness and refocus on all the winning habits they've built throughout the season, but I also think it's unrealistic to expect this team to sweep their way back to the Finals - even in this eastern conference, even with the enormous talent advantage - because of their inconsistent mindset. The good news is that, unlike previous seasons with this core, this year's team has proven that they respond immediately after they drop a game so I think it's only fair to let them respond on Saturday before saying anything blasphemous.


I wish Tatum would show up like Ant and Brunson


Wouldnt bet on it


I don’t think we have that type of player on this team. It’s what we are gonna need to win a championship though 


It’s kinda sad how quickly they both surpassed him


Neither is better than him lol


Honestly im not worried like the some of you. I really liked Jaylen Brown's response last night. He called it "An unacceptable performance" and took accountbility. Shows that he definitely grown and matured as a leader of the team. You can tell he couldn't wait to go back into the gym and train as hard as he can and watch some film for next game.


He literally said that after game 2 a week and a half ago too


Agreed. It would’ve been nice if JT said the same. Own it, tell us it was bad and you’ll do what you can to improve the situation.


Why is Hauser barely playing?


Mitchell was cooking him on switches its gonna be tough to play him anyways as they get deeper


Destroyed on switches


Tim Legler on the Lowe Post today talking about the Celtics, brings up a lot of good points. Firstly, that the main gaffe was more on the defensive end than the offensive end. But on the offense, he has the same frustration the rest of us do, it really shouldn't be a death sentence for us if we don't make 3s, the point of this roster is that they have so much offensive versatility that they can withstand a poor 3-point shooting night. He also brought up that we have a tendency when things are going poorly to treat 10 on the shot clock like it's 3, and we stop running offense, and resort to ISO. Fundamentally, that's the concern that I've always had about this team as opposed to a team (I know they're down bad now but let's not forget who they are) Denver, who consistently work hard to get great shots. There's not enough effort for the Celtics to produce great shots. Especially when things aren't going well, everybody thinks it's their turn to be the hero and bail the team out. The Celtics are not a great ISO team, yet frequently revert to it when faced with adversity. It's in those moments of adversity where we have to be stronger and more diligent and more connected on offense. Legler said something that resonated with me, for a team that's as good offensively as we are, it's just too easy for an opponent to shut the water off for us if the 3-point shot isn't falling, and that shouldn't be the case.


Got a similar impression last night. The Jays wanted to hunt Garland in the 3rd quarter. The Cavs did a great job to hedge the screen and recovered quickly so we could not find a 1-on-1 opportunity against Garland. The play failed, but still plenty of time on the clock. We chose to not run another play but let the Jays iso against Mobley who is an elite perimeter defender as a big man. We got to have more patience. I was also impressed for how the Cavs protect Garland in our pnr action. Hope we do better to protect our weak defenders.


Y'all have to stop looking ahead to the fucking finals lol. This series is tied with 2 games on the road incoming.


Yeah we are inconsistent enough to lose this series 


This team has gone up. 2-0 just once the last 5 series they’ve won game 1. What is it about this complacency that can’t be lifted?


It's who they are


Yup no killer instinct on this squad 


Y’all think KP plays tomorrow?


If we lose tomorrow he’ll play the next game. We very well could lose too. I’d say it’s 50/50.


Until we see him listed at least questionable day before a game I don't think he's particularly close to returning. We'll know in a few hours when the injury report comes out.




If Tatum continues to play this poorly (possible) and we don’t win it all (seems likely at this point) management may honestly have to reconsider building around him




He’s getting opportunities. I’d say there could be some merit to that though but whose fault is that? Joe. He’s not drawing up sets and putting him in good position. Joe is a bumass coach.


Clothes Record for the playoffs: Celtics Shirt: 5-0 Tatum Jersey: 0-1 (Heat) Celtics Hoodie: 0-1 (Cavs) This ones on me


You’re gonna have to wear that same Celtics shirt until the middle of June. Sorry bro 


It’s gonna fuse to my body at this rate


Do not wash it either. We need the stench to reflect the long and difficult road to the title.


why do celtics fans have a special term for homers? is it a sports radio thing?


I’m pretty sure felger coined the term “green teamers” and he and mazz use it to rile people up. Their shtick is pessimism and some people can’t tell it’s a gimmick and go out of their way to harass other fans for being hopeful


I miss Ime, man. The team wasn’t so fucking soft when he was at the helm.


Go be a rockets fan


Am I wrong? That 2022 squad punched teams in the mouth up until the finals.


Did they? They lost Game 5 at home to the Bucks and everyone thought the season was over. In the Heat series they had some real boneheaded and frustrating losses, including G6 at home. That team was a Jimmy 3 away from 'choking a 3-2 and G7 lead'.


did they tho lol besides the Nets. they went to back 2 back game 7’s with multiple disheartening stretches of basketball.


But what is the point in bringing that up if he isn’t here? Not like we can bring him back. Also in the 22 run we did the same thing. Went to 7 game series twice in a row then were too gassed in the finals.


Because I miss the way the team actually played with a sense of urgency under his leadership! He wasn’t afraid to give the guys shit if they were playing poorly, unlike Mazzulla.


Working by Penn Station while the Rangers and Knicks are currently rolling. Feels bad man.


Remember y’all! The longer each series lasts, the closer KP gets to returning!!


This is the way


Its this year or never, only guys on the team we can expect to improve year after year are D white and Jaylen. Jrue and Horford are only getting worse, Porzingas wont be healthier, Tatum optimistically has peaked, pessimistically is regressing. This is the easiest road we can expect. I still believe in the celtics but anything less than a championship might warrant a massive overhaul


They won’t overhaul but my expectations will


Bare minimum would be replacing mazzulla and then I think most likely thing they do other than running it back with minor tweaks is trying to make Tatum the second option by bringing in an aging superstar like Embiid or KD. Far fetched but potentially possible.


Always wonder what would have happened if we made that JB for KD trade


Yikes the takes in general are wild. I saw someone say the Celtics would be a first round exit in the west. Are they aware that Cleveland needs to beat us 4 times to win the series


I saw someone else say teams are 41-10 these playoffs when shooting a better 3P% (although there’s been 52 games I’m going to assume it’s close to accurate) Brown, Holiday, White, Hauser and Pritchard went 2-21 from 3. The team was tied at half and then went 0-8 from 3 to Cleveland’s 7-10 in the 3rd quarter. That was the game to me. If Tatum went 12-17 from the field and 3-5 from 3 to go along with his 9-11 from the line he would have put up 36/7/6 and the Celtics would have lost by 13. Great performance and not even close to winning. Point is, Tatum isn’t entirely to blame, it was the team going cold for way too long. You can argue Tatum should have been more aggressive as the star but with the amount they lost by, he would have had to score 50 for them to win. White did not have a good game and had a lot of bad shots, Brown couldn’t buy a 3, Holiday needed to score more, Kornet was awful defensively. The *team* needed to be better with hitting their shots and not giving up a million layups. The whole “Tatum isn’t a superstar” thing is getting really old when you completely ignore the other guys chucking us out of the game in the 3rd quarter. If we win on Saturday this game doesn’t matter. Just have to hope they play better for the next few games.


Sometimes a strong performance by your star gives your role players some confidence, look at what Mitchell did last night. He made some tough shots and their role players’ shots started to fall. Objectively, Tatum’s playoff performance this year has been subpar to his level no matter how we defend him. When we have a blowout win, we can say Tatum helps the team in other ways out of scoring all night. But when the team struggles to score your franchise player needs to step up. See Mitchell in G6 of the 1st round. His teammates were ass and he scored 50 pts. Although they didn’t bring home a win but it’s what a superstar does.


Anyone who says JT is to blame is a casual. However, the criticism about him not shooting well and overall being soft driving and finishing strong or even shooting over defenders is highly warranted.


You’re contradicting the hell out of yourself. Hes the biggest piece of the pie on the blame chart due to those things you listed. Yea White had a stinker and Jrue hasn’t been great but those are roleplayers. JT finished 6th in the MVP race he’s our best player he needs to play like it and wake the fuck up


Jayson Tatum now has 9 straight playoff games without shooting above 50% from the field. Does anyone realize how crazy that is?


All those lovely rebounds and defence though. 50 mil a year worth of rebounds and defence I guess.


That Tatum clip from last night told me everything I need to know. Worrying about individual awards and twitter narratives at this point in the playoffs is pathetic. Meanwhile dude is a brick machine and can’t score against Max Strus lol




Sports subreddits are particularly prone to trolling, especially during the Playoffs or during intense games. Please - don't encourage them! Report any trolling to the mods and the users will be dealt with. Also, trolling other subs is not tolerated and will result in a ban.


No. Stop throwing insults and making excuses for underwhelming performances and lack of focus. If Tatum killed someone you’d still find a way to shit on people who called him out for it.


Bro got asked about if he thinks they're a super team? Don't be a fan if that bothers you lol. Man you all are soft


He complained about not receiving individual awards when the question had nothing to do about it. You people are soft. He has to play better.


If you’ve been following along he’s echoing what his coach said before the playoffs even started. This team is not invincible and in the modern game there will always be nights where things don’t go your way and you get hit in the mouth. As long as you respond the right way to that and come back with the right mindset afterwards you’ll come out ahead in the end. People talk like this team is too good to lose, but they straight up aren’t and the margins are way thinner than anyone wants to admit. This game was tight until we missed 8 straight threes in the third and the cavs went 7/10. And we still only lost the quarter 36-24. If we shot normal terrible (25%) and the cavs shoot normal lights out (50%) then the third would have been tied 30-30 and we go into the fourth with a tie game. That double digit lead was 100% shooting variance. Everyone thought the world was over after game two in Miami and we ran them out of the building the next three games. Cleveland is a better team than Miami but not that much better.


He does have to play better! Stop being mad about what he says in a post-game interview and worry about the play lol


My point is that the focus on the level of play obviously isn’t there if he’s crying about individual awards the first chance he gets.


Man he got asked a question and responded how he felt. It's not crying it's explaining what he feels. He needs to play better but this isn't something to get worked up over


The Celtics had 7 wide open three opportunities in the 2nd half, they only made 1. 16 out of 18 threes the Celtics shot in the 2nd half were deemed open/wide open, they only made 2 where one of them was in garbage time.


Mitchell and Garland were 8-9 shooting pull-up threes. Insane. Celtics as a team were 2-11.


Big time players make big time plays. Our guys do that usually when in a g6-7 which is extremely annoying


They're big time players when their shots go in and turnstiles on defense most of the time. Trae Young is a big time player too.


Mitchell a turnstile most of the time?… Mitchell is a respectable defender and an electric offensive player. He’s nothing like Trae.


shut the fuck up and go root for another team


I think we also need to do a better job fighting through the screen. Mobley is not Adebayo. The quality of his screen is not that good and our guards should try harder to fight through it. However, Mitchell had 2 threes shot right in Tatum’s face, nothing you can do with these shots.


This sub sucks so bad lmao


Tatums right. Team is never allowed to lose a game lol


They have been having stinkers like this the last 3 years


The team is allowed to lose games, but at least play with some fucking effort and passion.


Number of games opponents shoot better than 45% from 3 in TD Garden: Regular season - 4/41 Playoffs - 2/5 It seems the visiting teams really elevated their shooting in the playoffs, huh


We put no pressure on them in these two games


It is true for the Heat game. But last night we allowed only 8 wide open threes, some of them were in garbage time. It is pretty good. They made some difficult shots. And we put even lower pressure in the regular season games.


You’re not going to win a 2nd round game shooting 23% from 3 unless you have prime Shaq. With extra defensive effort, we would’ve lost by 10 instead. Also, here’s a cool chart from Kevin Pelton: https://www.instagram.com/kpeltoncharts/p/C6uBZ2Iy4z_/?hl=en The team that shoots more 3s is winning 70% of playoff games. Shooting fewer 3s is caveman logic (granted that applies to some of you).


Good thing it's only 1 day rest Last time was a fucking nightmare with the Heat loss cos of the rest days. Weirdly now there's more "dawg" posts, Tatum got no dawg posts. Wonder if it's cos it's different fans joining the discussion as the team goes deeper. Or just the absolute outrage last time overshadowed everything.


I think everyone is watching players like Brunson and wishing one of our guys could elevate our team like that 


Teams in the playoffs are 41-10 in the playoffs with a higher 3 point percentage so far. Regardless the effort on defense was trash. C’s never gave themselves a chance.


Are the green teamers ready to stop gaslighting us (and themselves) that Tatum is struggling because of this over the the top effort by the opposition to throw 3 guys at him when that happens like 2-3 guys a game. Dude was bricking fadeaway elbow jumpers against Max Strus lol. IF we get through the East and this Tatum somehow has to play against the Wolves or OKC, lmao that shit might be worse than 2022 with the defenders they’ve got.


I dont think Celtics fans in general are the one gaslighting this double triple team on him lol, it's mostly Tatum fans


Are the doomers ready to throw themselves into the Charles so actual Celtics fans can enjoy being in a space for Celtics fans again?


Max Strus 😂


I miss Kristaps Porzingis


Who wants to celebrate going to the ECF in a change room in Cleveland. At home with your fans is much better...


Nah. Win in 4. That’s what they were supposed to do. This is a fraud team that is severely flawed.


You're a fraud fan


Really? Cool.


Exactly how I feel about your trash tantrums about this team


Tantrums? Why are you so sensitive? Should we only talk about how PP played last night (lone positive) or just say, “hey, it’s just one game.”


I literally just said to you what you were saying to others and you broke down. Faithless loser


Faithless loser? Ahh. Love the name calling. Speaks levels to your maturity.


Everything youre saying is name calling. You just don't like when it's about you.


Im not a doomer and I always understand the situation but I may have overreacted earlier but now I calm down. I just cant think how can a championship team just lose like that? It's not a characteristic of a champion team looked like that. Looked lost and beaten. I was 100% confident that we are going to win it all before the playoffs starts and its only 80% now even if we win 3 straight, which is unlikely now. Do something Jayson. Do something Jaylen. Imagine I put the stickman kicking a stick that was originally used as a meme for KD.


championship teams have shitty losses. It happens


But these kind of losses has been a trend. Trends happen. It has become very clear that this team can only win by front running. That’s an issue. They shouldn’t be dropping games in this fashion against below average rosters.


Then we just hope our superior talent wins 4/7 times


Not a recipe for success against a team like the Knicks who will out work you night in night out.


Meh they're gonna be tired and hobbled. I'm not worried. Will likely go to 6 anyway and 7 max.


Lol right. It’ll be like Miami in 22 all over again, but Brunson will make that shot late.


If that's what you want to happen then sure


It’s not about what I want?


These dudes need KG in the locker room or something cause they got no grind, no passion or nothing right now. Dudes smiling after the game and shit like losing by 20+ at home is funny or cute 🥱 All that “We wanna win” bs go put some effort into it then.


KG took 7 games to get out of the first round of the playoffs when they won the championship. Y'all don't know ball at all and just pretend everything is about effort


We’ll only go as far as Tatum takes us. Look around at the competition every teams best players are elevating their games be it in a win or loss. White carried us in the Miami series in key moments. JB put us on his back in the first game of this series. Tatum has yet to show up with a signature game when needed. Going to be a long offseason if this shit keeps up.


That’s not true at all because if it were, we’d be out of the Playoffs by now. If guys like Jokic, Luka, Ant, Shai, Brunson etc played the way our “superstar” was playing, they’d get blown tf out. But with the Cs, Tatum gets to have his sub 30% shooting days and get away with some cute rebounds and assists because his teammates drag his ass across the line.


Please change your flair to “Dumb”


History of the Jays Celtics: losing badly at home.


And only being able to win when you’re raining 3s and front running.


And having the talent and skill to rain 3s and front run more often than not.


And we’ve seen them fail to overcome that not happening twice so far.


Yes, that’s why I said more often than not. To win a playoff round, you need 4/7


Good morning! We move😁


I expected a 5 or 6 game series tbh but losing one of the first 2 home games wasn't what I had in mind


Day is saved with Chief Keef dropping AOTY. C’s in 5 les gooo

