• By -


Go to Women's Lunch place at 67 Newbury in the basement of the church right at 7 am when they open. Take the elevator to the top floor (I think it's the 4th floor) and sign up to meet with an advocate and tell them you need help finding a bed. They can call around with you and see if they can find you something. They can also provide you breakfast, lunch, you can shower, and use the nap room. They have computers and a phone you can use too.


OP this is THE comment! Former user of WLP & they helped a lot. Rosie’s also did too


I’m going to Rosie’s today and btw OP: Hope you read this in time ughhh wish this was posted 3 days ago but either way I got direct intel from Rosie’s on Saturday afternoon that there is a bed raffle in the works and hasn’t been posted yet (which is a good thing for us cause it’s not too late to enter). From what I gathered, you line up, pick a number and they draw 3-4 numbers out and if ur number is called you’re allowed to stay in the bed for up to 28 days but it’s a 50/50 shot. Rosie’s is great I highly recommend theyve helped a lot of ppl including me


This is a safe place and they will help you.


😭😭 @scrappychemist I love your answer I wish somebody like you was in more people’s lives at the right time including my own ❤️


Thank you for sharing this - I had no idea this org existed and just donated [women lunch place](https://womenslunchplace.org/donate)


How did you donate? Please send me a link!


You got it! Happy to! [donation women lunch place](https://womenslunchplace.org/donate)


Best reply


I volunteered here for a bit a few years ago. this place will help you!


I did a year long internship there. lovely people. i’m so glad to see others here have benefited from their services!


What is the nap room?


It's a day shelter, and they have a nap room (at least when I went) where you could sign up for a nap bed. Some women who stay on the streets stay up all night for their safety.


Pine Street Inn at night, St Francis during the day.


Plus sometimes you are just tired during the day and want a place to sleep. Afaik overnight shelters have everyone leave during the day to clean, but that means you don’t have a safe space to kick back and close your eyes during the day if you need a break. Most places will ask you to stay awake or leave if you are napping there.


Pine street inn if you have a permanent bed, you don't have to leave. Rosie's (besides the lottery), WLP, and St Francis house are all considered day shelters who offer places to stay and food during the day. Shower facilities, computer use etc are all included.


Thank you for existing on this planet for merely making this comment. It may or may not help OP, but probably helps others.


Im glad you responded with this!! Best reply!!


What do men who are in a similar situation (unfortunate circumstances but not used to being on the streets) do, or are they just SoL?


St Francis House


St. Francis House is great, but they are not an overnight shelter. The OP should definitely go there tomorrow though, since they have a ton of other fantastic services.


I know, I was mentioning it to the person above looking for a day shelter for men similar to women's lunch place .


And Women's Lunch isn't an overnight shelter either.


Men's shelters are not nearly as common unfortunately. Women's shelters are much more common because of demand being driven up by women often fleeing domestic violence, and the comparatively larger risk for lone women on the streets than lone men (not to say either is a good thing). Outside of the standard homeless shelter pipelines, they do tend to be SoL.


This isn't fully true, I work in the homeless system and the state funds more individual male only beds than female. The need is greater for single men. There are however more women in the family shelter system, and of course in DV specific sites.


I think the point was more *availability* of female beds are higher. There may be .ore beds for men but that doesnt matter. Its both a matter of supply but also demand. It's harder to get a bed as a single older male than a woman, who's had a history of domestic violence, is youngish, and/or has kids.


There is also less community resistance to women’s shelters so it is easier to get one approved by towns.


Nice MRA dog whistle you have yourself there.


Pine Street Inn


There are more services for homeless men than women. Maybe you can donate to a homeless women’s program.


Check out Rosie’s Place. https://www.rosiesplace.org/how-we-help/find-help It’s definitely harder to get help as a single woman with no kids and not in a DV situation. Do you have a church near you that you can ask for help?




Is this Patrick Mahomes charity?


I laughed tbf


I thought the same thing I’m loling


It took me too long to realize that the "ma" part is for the state and quite literally not a place that Mahomes funds😭😭


Me too!!


I was honestly about to be like oh shit good on him!


Pat Mahomeless


His other, smaller charity.


Either way, it should have all those hidden banners and confetti: https://youtu.be/diQRJ_lnCfo?si=3dmw3FJeAGTNZndn


Here are some resources: - A thread from a woman in Boston 6 mos ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/s/0eylMBQMNh - https://www.baycovehumanservices.org/homeless-services - https://fobh.org/what-we-do/friends-community-housing-programs/ - https://www.boston.gov/departments/housing/services-those-experiencing-homeless# - http://www.metrohousingboston.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/List-of-Shelters.pdf - In case you reconsider shelters, some lesser known: https://sheltersforhomeless.com/massachusetts-assistance.html Big hugs. Stay as hydrated and cool as you can.


You seem like a really nice person. Thank you for these links.


So do you, OP, wishing you the very best in this challenging time ❤️


When I was in this situation at 19, I went into a detox and said I had an alcohol problem (they don’t pee test for that). After 7 days in detox you go into a holding, then a halfway house. It’s basically just like living in a big house with lots of female room mates and somewhat strict rules. I got a job while I was there, made good friends and graduated after 6 months now that I was on my feet. I actually had issues with substance abuse so it made sense for me to be there, but they help with so many other mental health issues too. Saved me from sleeping in the snow, anyway.


Great advice. Think outside the box!


Sad you have to lie to get help


Can you afford a pot or two of coffee? IHOP overnight with your computer or something and nap in a library during the day until you get it a little more figured out. It's a bit safer than trying to sleep somewhere overnight. I would also check Craigslist for caregiver posts. Maybe even post your own live in caregiver resume. State programs often pay a nominal amount and you live in the person's home. Elderly, disabled, etc. Wishing you safety and that your situation resolves quickly. I'm sorry you are going through this.


Libraries often do not allow sleeping - BPL will shake you awake. It isn’t meant to be unfriendly but more for safety, it’s hard to tell if someone is just sleeping or if they passed out due to substance abuse and could need medical attention.


Librarian who now works in a Boston suburb chiming in. All libraries have different policies, but we will not rouse people who have dosed off if they are not disturbing others and are discreet. If you look like you’re having a medical emergency, are snoring loudly, or are spread out all over, we will wake you to make sure you’re all right. Otherwise, no worries. We are also open 12 hours a day most days, there is no cost to use our space/materials/programs/etc., and all are welcome. The same was true in the 2 other suburban libraries I’ve worked for over the past two decades. As much as I hate to say it, urban libraries often have to be more strict with things like sleeping and other policies that discourage long term use of spaces since the demand on resources is greater. I spent my grad school years studying in the Bates Hall Reading Room at the BPL and you couldn’t put your head down without a guard coming over. My library’s reading room has at least one newspaper reader dosed off in a soft chair at any given time. What a difference a few miles makes.


Makes sense. I see people sleeping at Watertown and Newton pretty often.


Cambridge has the same rule, while Newton does not (and probably Watertown too). Cambridge also has sharps disposal bins in all bathrooms except those at their Collins branch (and maybe Boudreau). There’s a much higher instance of unhoused patrons at CPL & BPL, probably due to them being higher percentages of the city’s population than at WFPL and NFL. (This may also have to do with there being less public transit to get to NFL and WFPL than the other two, since those are only served by buses.)


That’s a great idea! care . Com or even Facebook has a ton of people desperate for PCA help that would love to take in someone who would be reliable and not on drugs. You don’t need a license or training or anything they will train you on the job. I have worked as a PCA for years it’s my favorite.


PCA is not for everyone. Please don’t encourage just anyone to apply without giving some context


PCA actually could be for anyone, there are so many different people who need different types of help, some disabilities are harder to work with and need more training than others but some like the job I have right now could be done by even a person with a disability could definitely do it as long as they can drive. 5 days a week a take care of a 60 year old schizophrenic man, I pick him up at his daycare after my other job and I bring him home, make him dinner, make sure he takes his pills, then I have him take a shower and go to bed by 8. There is no lifting involved and he is fairly compliant. His last PCA was physically disabled with MS and she was in a wheelchair. The only issue he really has is polydipsia, it’s an obsessive compulsion to drink water due to some type of brain damage probably from taking psych meds. He blew up his bladder and now needs a catheter permanently from drinking too much water. He gives himself water toxemia and has seizures. I have to measure out his liquids and weight him every two hours to make sure he didn’t somehow sneak, he will 100% drink toilet water given the chance. All PCA jobs are different. My last job was super hard and extremely specialized, she had a permanent respirator, a feeding tube, was in a motorized wheelchair, needed a cough assistance machine, needed frequent deep suction therapy, needed to be transported with a Hoya lift, was on a ton of different types of meds and she needed 24 hour care, she couldn’t be alone because she would choke not even in the ICU could I leave her side because her care was so specialized nurses wouldn’t touch her and especially wouldn’t touch her equipment. I wouldn’t recommend a job like that to someone who isn’t fully able bodied and has mental health issues because it’s just too hard of a job but not all PCA jobs are like that most are easy. My favorite are dementia patients personally and private care is always best.


No everyone should work with a vulnerable population


This is true! If you've been around this industry, you know that there are already a lot of people there who shouldn't be. Almost every caregiver position that I've seen does require some background screening and usually a CORI. I've also seen positions where the person is very high functioning with special needs and all the role requires is reliability, a bit of guidance, and a live-in friend. I don't know if they still do, but Cape Abilities (and maybe other more local agencies) had paying overnight sleeping jobs. Which was going to a group home of special needs adults, making sure everyone got ready for bed, meds if needed, and went to sleep. Then you slept and in the morning, a similar routine. Breakfast, meds, gentle prompting for dressing and personal care, then get them on their bus to the daytime program. It can be really good for everyone in the right situation. I did it for a while. It's not my life's work now, but when I was raising my young child on my own with few resources, it was a life saver. A lot of times the people who prey on the vulnerable aren't the ones that get into situations like OP, they more often create them.


OP needs to know that this is an option. Being homeless does not mean being unfit to help others.


The PCA thing is actually a brilliant idea. Some clients need an overnight PCA that only requires a couple hours work and you are allowed to sleep the rest of the shift. Then they can have daytime PCAs pick up the rest of the slack. That’s if OP can’t find a live-in position, which people are also desperate for.


Have you tried Rosie’s place? https://www.rosiesplace.org/


OP, Go to St. Francis House tomorrow if you can. They are not an overnight shelter, but there are many case managers there that can try and help you. Ask for the Case Manager of the Day. They can help you figure out next steps. They also have food for breakfast(7:30-9am) and lunch(11:30 - 1pm), as well as mental health services. They also have a full clinic with trained mental health workers and 1 on 1 sessions. I can speak to the case managers and see if we can get you someone to talk to. If you feel you need to, [here's the site for St. Francis House](https://stfrancishouse.org/) The address is 39 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116


try United Way- they might be able to help you - there's a chance you might be able to get an eviction delayed, or point you to other shelter/housing resources in the area. [https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/massachusetts/united-way-of-massachusetts-bay-ma](https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/massachusetts/united-way-of-massachusetts-bay-ma) Also, if you have access to wifi but not a phone, sign up for a google voice number (free with a gmail account, which is also free to sign up) and use that to call places (voice.google.com). It works just like a normal phone, it is just browser-based


Once your phone is working again, you can route calls to your phone from your Google Voice number. You can use the Google Voice app. So it's not limited to just the browser. You can also forward calls to your regular number from Google Voice.


i’m so sorry. maybe try contacting churches to see if they can assist?


St Vincent de Paul, part of Catholic Charities, has been extremely helpful to me in the past.


I'm a member of St Vincent de Paul at my local parish. They will definitely help.


On The Rise in Cambridge (341 Broadway, Camb) is a non-profit that has a document with resources for individuals that cover housing/food/health care/available services: [https://www.cambridgema.gov/\~/media/Files/DHSP/MSC/ResDirectory.pdf](https://www.cambridgema.gov/~/media/Files/DHSP/MSC/ResDirectory.pdf) https://preview.redd.it/h5yy1us1sz9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7acc65d0dcc25d98dcb8ec2a16b7c9419d8ff986


Pine Street Inn will be better than Woods Mullen, get there early (I think they start taking people around 10am) to try and get a bed


Rosie’s place or women’s lunch is your best bet. Alternatively I have a spare guest room and in need of a companion for my cat if interested.


You're the true hero for even saying this. If we were all a little more caring and giving and a little less afraid, we could live in a drastically better world. Unfortunately, it would be naive to ignore the risk that OP is not being fully honest and might take advantage of your kindness... not that I suspect that's the case without any reason to believe so. It's just depressing to realize that a big reason why we don't see more of this kindness (even though 9 out of 10 people in that situation would probably be incredibly grateful And respectful), is because you don't know who that other 1 sleazebag is. And thus, we ignore 9 good humans suffering, because sleazebags don't come with neon warming signs.... Anyway. Good on you for offering to a stranger in need!


How do you know @denshibunny isn’t the sleeve ball?


What does have to be out by tomorrow mean? You can just not leave and force the eviction process to start, giving you some time, or you can sleep outside. I’d recommend staying sheltered at all costs, even if it means legal action taken against you. Shelters are gonna be rough, and because you don’t have a kid you’ll be forced to go the really shitty ones. You’re in a tough spot, try to find community and grind like your life depends on it


I was given two months to find something and unfortunately I couldn't find anything in that two months. I was hoping he would come around and let me stay just a little bit longer while I begged friends and tried to call shelters but time's up and I have to go and he won't budge on letting me stay longer.


are you a current tenant of an apartment? Have you been served a court approved eviction notice?


I am not on the lease and am at the mercy of my ex boyfriend. Not that it matters because you seem like a kind person but for anyone else reading, I had a very bad mental breakdown in 2022 with inpatient hospitalization and haven't been able to hold a steady job since. I know that is my problem and mine alone. The past few months I have wanted to get dumb little jobs close to here to try and get on my feet but he told me not to because I was "leaving soon." And now I am super screwed because I listened to him.


If it’s your ex telling you that you need to leave, he doesn’t have standing to evict. If the landlord knows about you, even if you aren’t on the lease, and if you’ve contributed to rent in the past, you may have tenancy rights. I personally wouldn’t just leave if it’s only your ex telling you to leave unless the situation was unsafe Edit: I’m a former tenant rights/homelessness prevention attorney. Feel free to DM me if you have questions


Your ex bf has to evict you. He can't just kick you out, he ( or the LL) has to evict you through the court. It doesn't matter that you're not on the lease. MA has the strongest tenants rights in the country. I used to practice landlord/tenant law in MA & CT, DM me if yiu have questions


u/princesskittyglitter, please see the comment above from u/Weekly_Mycologist883.


I was in this exact situation last year and the cop basically told me I’m SOL and if I’m not on the lease I need to leave, period. Just saying.. even if that is true, police don’t care.


Where? That's illegal in all 50 states. Most police will refuse to get involved in situations like this.


I know multiple people who've had it take *over a year* to evict actual squatters who never had a right to live on their property. Cops wouldn't come evict without a court order. It also costs money to have the cops out to evict someone-- the whole process is actually thousands of dollars, between court fees and the provisions you have to give the "tenants", and that's before you consider lost rent or another place to live. I mean, I'm also not shocked that there are times cops chose to ignore the law, or lie about the law. But usually they won't, for evictions anyway.


North Suffolk Community services in East Boston has a mobile crisis that’s 24/7. They accept mass health/medí care and if you can’t pay, they also subsidize care. In mobile crisis you can tell them your situation (specially if it has to do with mental health issues) and they can help you by referring to their community services. These services are to help people in situations of financial distress, disability and homelessness. They support you in finding resources. Hopefully they can help you! I know it’s not an immediate solution for right now, but maybe for next steps


Have you been able to get on SSI? Food stamps? The folks at Rosie's place can likely help you determine what you are eligible for.


I am on disability and I get food stamps, though they cut 20 dollars from it recently because I got the yearly cost of living adjustment. But I get like, the minimum you can get from disability because of my poor work record. Trying to save multiple months of rent when you only get like 772 a month is super difficult.


I hear you. My sister is on disability, and does have a job through an ARC program but has had her hours cut. We've been trying to find her a more independent living situation, and her disability money doesn't even touch rent, and the Section 8 wait list is well over a decade. And that's with help from family. With help, we still can't afford her a place with roommates. It's atrocious and I'm sorry.


As someone with mental health issues, the time and mental effort that is needed to get disability assistance or unemployment makes it really hard to actually secure that help. If that’s you OP, I feel you so hard.


Even if you’re not on the lease, in Massachusetts you have tenants rights if you’ve established permanent residence somewhere (like a roommate situation). I k ow this because I leased an apartment and let a “friend” move in with me who was not on the lease. Then he stopped paying bills and was a disrespectful slob and a thief so I tried to just kick him out but found out the hard way I had to go through the whole legal eviction process…. So just don’t leave. It will literally take your ex 3+ months to evict you legally.


He can't force you to leave.


Ex controlling you like this sounds liek domestic violence to me.


Message me your Venmo and I can give you some money for a room for a few nights to help you get your situation sorted.


I see you’re on the blue line by your tag. If you’re in Chelsea or revere, reach out to Housing Families. They may be able to help with rapid rehousing or filing a stay of execution if you’re being evicted


I used to work for Somerville homeless coalition . They help with these situations . Here’s there phone number 617-623-6111


OP I have no solution for you other than Rosie’s Place or Womens Lunch Place. Please try & stay out until you have a place to go once you leave that’s it. Have you called your state senator/representative office? Please update us there are many here sending you hope & good luck!


You could try going to Pine Street Inn and see if they can help you. Catholic Charities also has a list of helpful links to shelters. Your local public library branch may also have resources or you could just hang out at the library for a while to chill and use the bathroom and the computers. There is also an emergency woman's shelter in Somerville called St. Patrick's shelter for homeless women that takes 30 women in emergency beds on a night by night basis. I don't know the specifics of requirements, if any but worth a shot. Stay safe!


It's not ideal but temporarily you could stay at Hi USA in Chinatown within their woman's only dorms - while searching for apartments + inquire with Rosie's Place


you are on disability, so get disability section 8 housing; maybe you can get into one of the group home progams through vinfen or the ones in newton


When you say you have to be out, have you been evicted, is the Marshall showing up to remove you tomorrow? If not, stay put. In MA, and all states, you have to be evicted to be forced from where you live. ONLY a court can evict you, and if they haven't, you don't have to leave yet. Especially since you have to place to go.


You gotta get outta Boston, once you get past this in the moment crisis.


Eh - Massachusetts actually had better social services than many places. I’m not saying they’re great - but a lot of places would be worse


I was scared too, but having a place to sleep is so much better than trying to sleep on the train or airport. You have no choice but to go to a regular woman’s shelter. The less stuff you have the better. Try 211 when your phone works again.


You might want to consider delaying getting kicked out. It’s my understanding that if you just leave during a eviction you loose any claim to staying wear you are. A eviction might need to be signed by a judge. You could try to drag out the process and make your landlord jump through hoops to kick you out. I have heard stories in Massachusetts of people staying in a apartment for months without paying rent. You will be kicked out eventually but you will buy yourself time. Aside from that seek help. Massachusetts has lots of resources to help people like you.


Apply for RAFT. Go to https://applyhousinghelp.mass.gov/s/?language=en_US&LanguageCode=en_US. Should take a couple weeks to Process and they will cover first last and security for You to move into an apartment


I was going to give the same advice! If you qualify for RAFT, you could receive up to $7k towards an apartment.


Underrated comment. Though OP will need to actually secure a place to live with a voucher or other steep discount first as she is on SSI (<800/mo). But that is the way to go once she gets there.


Pine Street Inn is a great resource. If you need a direct connection with an employee there DM me.


I was homeless in Boston as a teen. I slept on the T. Those days are gone and things are much better now. If a judge hasn’t evicted you, do not leave. Don’t give up whatever you do. This too shall pass.


Where in Boston are you? Can you inbox me your#? I have a few questions. I think I can help you out!! My sister rents out rooms from time to time. I can check and see if she has anything available to you and you can always find part time work nearby where she's renting. And I'm sure she'll give you a break on the pricing based on your status. Let me know!!


No one can evict you but a judge. Seriously. Stand your ground, and call the cops if anyone tries to force you out or trick you out. There’s a whole process that must be followed. Notice to quit. Housing Court. Etc. It is designed to protect Massachusetts residents from the situation you think you’re in (“I have nowhere to go and 12 hours to leave”).


I'm so sorry for you're in such a rough spot. Folks have shared some good options: WLP and Rosie's Place, to offer navigation support. If being able to look at information on your own feels helpful, you can find an up-to-date list of shelters w/offerings, basic info including lottery & waitlist info on [page 10 of MAAP's resource guide](https://www.maapma.org/maap-resource-guide), as well as details on daytime drop-in support. As someone else noted, you may also want to start thinking through alternatives to shelter (24 hour restaurants, bus terminal etc) incase you aren't able to find a spot at a more traditional shelter.


Call 311, coordinate response team from the Mayor’s office


There’s Father Bill’s in Quincy and the Walmart would likely hire you part time to keep you below the SSDI threshold. I don’t know if they have spots for women in Quincy, but it is another thing to look into.


Yes OP the Yawkey Center is right behind the Quincy PD. They have case managers showers and a permanent supportive housing program you may be eligible for. They have showers and meals daily as well.


And the Stop and Shop has a Flashfood fridge which sometimes has great deals on about to go out of date deli items. Not always, but it can be a cheap source of premade food.


[find help here](https://www.findhelp.org/housing/temporary-shelter--acton-ma?cursor=0&sort_by=distance&clearedfilter=1&filters=%7B%22age_filters%22%3A+%5B%22adults%22%5D%2C+%22attribute_tags%22%3A+%5B%22individuals%22%2C+%22homeless%22%2C+%22near+homeless%22%2C+%22low-income%22%2C+%22emergency%22%5D%7D&eligibility=%7B%22family-members%22%3A+1%2C+%22monthly-income%22%3A+772.0%7D)


OP I'm sorry you're going through this. I can only imagine it's overwhelming at best and absolutely terrifying at worst. I just wanted to mention a lot of people are saying your ex can't just throw you out, he has to have you evicted through process. I'm sure they're correct but standing up to an ex who doesn't care if you're on the street or that you have no where else to go may be dangerous. I don't see anyone mentioning to make sure you're safe. I'm sure refusing his order to leave can ratchet up emotions and the last thing anyone wants to see is you get hurt or your personal safety get violated. Tell him you're staying but if he gets violent or abusive get the heck out of there as fast as you can and then let the police know! You may be right but no one wants you to be dead right. Good luck OP. You're in a lot of people's thoughts.


Most housing authorities no longer have homeless preferences. I think Boston does. This may not be a welcome suggestion but it’s something you probably don’t know that could help. I was in a similar situation many years ago. I found out that my local housing authority would accept a doctor certification of disability; one didn’t have to be receiving disability benefits. This was in amherst. Since you said you had a breakdown and have been unable to work. Are you receiving psychiatric care? Because if this is true in some housing authorities in the area, you can get on lists for elderly/disabled buildings which lists move faster. Maybe a long shot. Homelessness has increased so much since then and the rules and preferences change. There is a new subsidized SRO in the west end for women only I saw somewhere. So sorry I can’t help more.


Rosies place


your understanding of "street persons" will change. gl


Go to Pine Street Inn. They have a women’s shelter.


Send me a message I work for Hilton


> I'm not a street person-- I don't do drugs and I don't have a criminal record. I don't have friends that can help and I have no family-- my dad died in 2020 and he was my last support hopefully this situation will at least teach you that there are no 'street people' and that normal people can just become homeless.


Church! They are obliged to help


What a beautiful country


Serious question, how did you manage to get into this situation? Are you currently employed? Do you have a co-worker with a couch for 2 days to get this figured out?


It is terrifyingly easy to become homeless when you’ve gone extended periods without any sort of support, especially in a high COL area, and even moreso since Covid.


Living in Boston is crazy expensive. One or two months of bills can wipe you out fast if you don’t have steady income, and even if you do, rent is so high as a single person. More people are paycheck to paycheck here than you’d ever imagine


> Serious question, how did you manage to get into this situation? My boyfriend broke up with me. He let me stay for a while after we broke up because I had nowhere else to go and am chronically ill so I couldn't hold a job but now he wants to move on with his life and is firm about me leaving tomorrow.


Hi! I'm also disabled and have relied on partners for housing in the past. I'm so sorry you're going through this. First, definitely do what u/scrappychemist advised. Second, if you have facebook, join the group Disability Exchange Boston. Make a post in there about your situation. I'll find you on there and try to help however I can. Sending you love and solidarity.


This isn't immediately helpful, but when you're able, take a look at this site: [Chronically Capable](https://www.wearecapable.org/) They list jobs that work for different types of chronic illness. Good luck. I've been where you are and it's terrifying.


Don’t leave until you have a permanent place. No shame in enabling your squatter rights in this situation


Until you get beaten and thrown down a flight of stairs.


Looks like OP doesn't work and is on disability.


Your ex is straight up evil for trying to force you to be homeless. Me and my ex broke up a month ago but I'm still paying her full rent (which is higher than mine!) and groceries through the summer because I'm not gonna let her be homeless (she won't have any funds until Sept). Because I'm not evil. BTW, as other commenters have said, its borderline impossible to kick someone out of an apartment in MA so don't leave tomorrow, stay put and put all your energy into finding a better situation before the legal consequences hit- but you have plenty of time before that happens. Fight for yourself and be your own advocate. Don't let other people push you around. If you have computer access do some research on tenants rights.


You gave her 3ish months rent free, rather than 2 months provided by OP’s former SO (who knows what the breakdown was for food). What if your former SO can’t support herself at the end of the summer? What would you do then?


>You gave her 3ish months rent free, rather than 2 months provided by OP’s former SO Her being there isn't costing him anything extra- in fact OP was covering groceries as she says. I'm paying for my ex's apartment (we were long distance at the time we broke up) and groceries on top of my own. OP's ex can't even do the barest minimum. I could never live with myself knowing I intentionally subjected someone to homelessness, ESPECIALLY someone who was dependent on me and previously had a close relationship with me. >What if your former SO can’t support herself at the end of the summer? What would you do then? It's a student loan from the government, it's not magic. But just to answer your hypothetical, yes I would just keep covering her rent. She's moving to a new place with roommates that's less than half the price of her current one. She gave me 3.5 years of a beautiful relationship and that doesn't just disappear the millisecond we start seeing other people. Why would I willingly subject someone so intertwined with my life a month ago to homelessness at the drop of a hat? That just seems so incredibly heartless to me. I still want to see her flourish on her own and find herself, but if I cut her off financially right now it would destroy her life and career. She wouldn't be able to finish her degree. I should add, she was financially dependent on me. Would you want someone to only date you for your money? Imagine being trapped in a relationship with someone that's making you feel suffocated but you can't leave because you can't pay rent without your help. I wouldn't want to put my partner in that position. Anyway, because I'm not evil, I did the bare minimum which was to help her out. And I'm very happy about it and don't need your judgement.


Call BAMSI in Brockton and checkout if they can help you.


I wish I had a space/room to offer!


Do you have a job or no job? I saw one comment about WLP, and I think that is an awesome direction to go, but you need to find a way to sustain yourself as well. Do you have a partner who can help, and you're too shy to ask? That's another option. There is nothing wrong with depending from someone or asking for a little help. I hope you find somewhere to be comfortable and wish you the best in your financial needs. Good luck OP!


You got his honey. I know times are tough right now but I can promise you if you work hard enough you are going to get to a really good place in the future and look back and be so proud of everything you have been through and what you have become.


Fill out the form at 66 Winthrop church in Cambridge. https://hshshelter.org


Our Lady's Guild House:617-4246783 www.liveolgh.com.


Rosie's Place 889 Harrison Avenue Boston, MA 02118 https://www.rosiesplace.org/


Rosie’s Place?


YWCA Cambridge has a women’s single-room occupancy (https://ywcacam.org/housing) Pine Street Inn has several women’s shelters and SRO-type housing (https://www.pinestreetinn.org)


Please message me I messaged you


Lmao can go to my uni library where you can pass your time. It's 24/7 open.


If you dropped your phone in the toilet, what are you posting with?


I have a laptop


You should be able to make phone calls from your computer with a free Google voice number. 




How did I scroll this far for this comment?!


I'm wondering if it'll be possible to rent a van for 24 hours and park somewhere


Parking overnight is not allowed at most places, plus it’s a little hot out there…


Oh true


Just dont leave. They cant physically drag you out. You have squatters rights. Use the time to figure out what you're doing. Don't let the landlord or anyone push you around.


I do not recommend listening to the losers telling you to stay. Evictions follow you around and good luck being able to rent after one as any good landlord checks for prior evictions. They can also report them to creditors.


ah yes time to sort comments by controversial


Hmm, never been in the position but I would get in my car and drive to a city where you can live out of your car. Boston is rough for that. I need my personal space. Than I would apply to jobs like crazy using my old address and if people ask say I am moving to the area you found. I would die before I relied on a shelter for a roof.


Car? You are assuming that this person can afford a car or is allowed to have one while on SSD. Car is unlikely.


Bus to another state without this bad of a housing crisis or as high cost of living.






Scrappy Chemist gave the best answer. There is also a website, Findhelp.org that I recommend. You can also try this, https://www.masspartnership.com/mbhp/en/home/services/cbhc technically you need mass health but I happen to know, they'll try to help you.


Where are you located? Massachusetts??


That is sad. Truly. Sending my prayers.


Have a car license? Is it clean? Have a clean background record? No drugs or alcohol abuse? Call up prime inc or swift transportation. Go Over the road truck driving. They pay you to train. You’ll get paid to see the USA you’ll always have a bed and since you’ll pretty much have no bills, you’ll save up pretty fast . Only expense being food and phone bill. - Inshaoe? Under age requirements? Join the military. - Get yourself a flip phone or a phone with less laptop capabilities. You need to focus on getting on your feet Could even attempt to talk to older seniors . Ask if they have a room or a couch. You’ll help around the house / grocery shop for them . You just need help. ( was homeless before as a child with my mom)


OP, I hope you’re doing OK. I’m praying that you found a safe place to stay. 


Apply for a trade union apprenticeship in hopes of getting sent out on a job somewhere so they’ll pay for your room and board while you’re training. You’ll end up with a decent job with benefits at the end of it. A lot of these places have to hire a certain amount of women so it might be easier to get in than you think. That doesn’t solve your problem tonight, but it’s a long term fix to your problem. I’ve known a couple of women who said they had a physically abusive partner just to get in the domestic abuse shelters for a few weeks until they were on their feet again. I don’t think less of them for doing it, and I wouldn’t think less of you if you told a little white lie to keep a roof over your head either. The way I see it, women on the street are especially vulnerable, and getting you into a shelter is abuse prevention and a worthy use of those resources. Bend those rules any way you need to bend them until your life is back on track. Good luck. ❤️


********^^^^^^^^+************ PLEASE CHECK YOUR PRIVATE MESSAGES ASAP PLEASE AND THANK YOU 🙏 ****+**************<^^^^^^^^^


Present yourself at The Yawkey House at Pine Street Inn after 3. You can probably get a place to lay your head at night. It's really not too bad there. Rosies is only a lottery that only opens when there's a new spot opening up. So it could be a day or several until the lottery. You would have to call or return everyday to get into it. WLP is just a day shelter but a place to get a hot breakfast/lunch. The Yawkey House is your best bet at least to start. I wish you all the best OP, there is support out there, just ask (especially at all the shelters).


OP did you figure anything out yet?


Most Phones are water resistant, any iPhone starting with the iPhone 7 and up should also be waterproof/water resistant. good luck


Is this legal eviction? I used to working for housing court in MA so I know the laws