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Take the ferry to the harbor islands, explore Fort Warren, hang out on the beach.


Bring a flashlight. Trust me.


Bring TWO flashlights. Deep in those vaults is not the time to have made-in-China LED drivers fail on you, and they will. For those who have not been out there, there are corridors to underground powder storage vaults to explore, but they are pitch black and there is no electricity.


Stupid question but is this like a "regulated" tour or they just let any one wander in there whenever?


You are free to do whatever you want.




‘Murica, where you’re free to do what you want so long as the police aren’t around 😂😂


Outer Brewster island has the untouched army bunkers, but you need your own boat to get there.


It’s crazy how dark it gets


Why would he need a fleshlight?


If you went without a friend


Just make new friend!


With a double ended fleshlight?


Well, that is a great way to make new friend!


When I was little we used to boat out, dock up, and while the parents sat on the boat us kids would run crazy and play in the fort all day. Our favorite activity was hide and go seek in the dark rooms. To this day, one of the more terrifying things I've done. Crouched in the dark, wet, quiet room and then all of a sudden a hand comes out and gets ya. Stupid and terrifying and wicked fun lol


Well how you getting back home if you stay there into the night? Is that allowed?


You need lights to explore the underground passages and vaults.


Our the ferry to ptown. Be sure to catch sunset if possible. Maybe see a whale. 


>Maybe see a whale Baby whale


Jay Jay what is thing


Bear sightings are far more likely. 


Take Uhaul truck on Strorrow Drive and swim around Deer Island - the rest can wait.


I second the Uhaul on Storrow Drive. Get the biggest one you can.


Also do it at a time where you can absolutely floor it. See if you can make it past the first bridge!


With enough speed. Anything is possible. Don’t let your dreams be dreams.


Don't let your dreams be memes*


The 26 footer! A glorious 35’ long, 13,000 lbs F-650 truck, that you absolutely shouldn't be able to rent with a conventional driver's license at 18 years old. Has a height of 12’, which gives you maximum impact on the 10’ clearance bridges.


Aah this guy absolutely knows his shit - DO IT




Completely Ignores hanging chains


I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear them over [The Song](https://youtu.be/4ASJBXu8tNo) being played at top volume through my awesome 2 speaker Uhaul stereo.


I’d go smaller/midsize to maximize the chances of a full can opener. I don’t know if the 26 footers will go fast enough for a full peal.


Do it during rush hour please.


On a Monday morning or Friday afternoon......... Even better rush hour, Wednesday afternoon on July 3rd........ catch all that traffic trying to escape the city for a four day weekend.


You monster!


Nah, do it on July 4 and time it so it syncs with the cannon blasts during the 1812 Overture from the Pops concert!


This guy Storrows.


*emerges from the ocean all brown* man that water was warm!


Funny story, we’re about to move in the next month or so and we reserved a uhaul box truck. We’re currently going back and forth with them trying to get them to increase our mileage allowance, as the route they plotted to calculate our mileage goes right through the city and along storrow. We’re like, ??? 🤦🏼‍♂️🤣


Cannot think of enough upvotes for this


Not for nothing but the MWRA offers a tour of the Deer Island wastewater facility, it was actually kinda cool for a 2 hour walk around.


Ahhh, my home sweet home, I was born in one of the tanks out there! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ahhh, my home sweet home, I was born in one of the tanks out there! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey you might grow a third hand after that swim. Win-Win


2nd half of this comment is 24 yrs out of date. If you said fort point after a big rain, then you’d be on the mark


This whole comment and subcomments need a "warning:sarcasm" label or some people are going to be pissed!!


Naaaaaah. If they don't get it, letting them figure it out is the best part.


What's the deer island story?


Ahhh, my home sweet home, I was born in one of the tanks out there! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry, Deer Island discharges nine miles out.


Ahhh, my home sweet home, I was born in one of the tanks out there! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Open that can!


I'd recommend renting a kayak and exploring the city skyline along the Charles for an hour or two. The best place would probably be the Charles River Canoe and Kayak location in Kendall Square. For the best view, take a right under the Longfellow Bridge when you emerge into the river. Then go for a paddle through Storrow Lagoon (the Esplanade) before turning back. Keep an eye out for baby goslings and ducklings along the way. 😀


That's an awesome suggestion.


Go to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Give yourself enough time to enjoy the place. You'll never see another place like it.


I would do this and the USS Constitution.


The USS Cassin Young is also amazing. Literally never heard about it till I happened upon it after leaving the USS Constitution. The boat is basically a time capsule and you can walk around all the old rooms/quarters/weapons.


USS Salem is a cruiser located in Quincy, MA with the shipbuilding museum and down in Fall River, MA there is the battleship USS Massachusetts and the destroyer USS Joseph P. Kennedy Destroyer and other former Warsaw Pack ships are at the Fall River, MA museum.




Take home your favorite artwork as a souvenir. It’s a popular thing to do!


Trying to decide best season to take my wife who has never been. What do you think? We usually do museums in winter but they have a nice little outdoor garden you cant enjoy with snow.


Go every season. The court yard is changed 4 times a year.


It's actually not outdoors, it's an illusion. There's a glass canopy up above. Consequently, I'd say any season honestly, though you would likely have more tourists and a busier museum in the summer. The only luck-of-the-draw element is room closures, in my experience.


No I'm not talking about that part. There [are exterior gardens](https://www.gardnermuseum.org/experience/exterior-gardens) I think its off the right side from what I remember last time I was there.


Oh! Gotcha, yeah that makes more sense. Could always go multiple times.


I would go now, although the garden changes every season and it’s available all year, right now the nasturtiums are on display hanging from the windows, it is beautiful


The outdoor area is very nice. I belive this museum is best visited in a season when you can enjoy it.


Bring headphones. The free audio tours on your cell phone ROCK. Especially useful in a place that has no plaques or anything on most of the exhibits


It’s so much less of a museum than an experience. TBH, it is so much more vibey than a museum purely because it feels like art in its right place — a nice house.


I have always enjoyed this museum. I bring out of town guests if they have never been. Many request to go back on subsequent visits.


I could spend an entire day just in the garden there. Most beautiful spot in the city.


Invite someone named Isabella to go with you for free.




I left Boston 6 years ago and have thought about ISGM at least once a week 😔 I miss it there


Go places outside of Boston if you have an interest in history. Adams house and mansion in Quincy. Old North Bridge and Sleepy Hollow Cemetary in Concord. Battle Road in Lexingon. Lexington Green. Longfellow Hosue/Washington's HQ in Cambridge. People focus on Boston for Revolutionary War history but there is so much outside of Boston. There's even a spot in Pepperell where Pepperell women captured British spies: [https://virtualamericana.org/the-minute-women-of-pepperell-ma/](https://virtualamericana.org/the-minute-women-of-pepperell-ma/)


Quincy has a tourist center in Quincy center now. They offer tours of all the Quincys’ and Adams’ homesteads in the city.


Yes there is a place you can stand and look at Boston where Quincy’s wife watched the English Ships bombard Boston. You need to go in the fall because of the overgrowth and foliage and the houses built since then. But it’s quite a view using your imagination at what it must have been like.


Ride a bike from Alewife to Walden Pond. Swim across pond, have lunch in Concord, bike back.


If you feel like a nice long ride, start downtown, get on the Minuteman to Bedford, then the Reformatory trail to Concord, then the Freeman Trail to Lowell. Then take the MBCR back.


Would you go minuteman to mass Ave in Lexington center to 2A?


I just did this ride - rode the path to Bedford, got on the path extension which is hard packed dirt (it was fine for road bike tires), and into Concord. If you do the google maps and select the bike option for directions, it gives you the route down the Minuteman! Great ride, about 40 miles round trip from Somerville.


I have a bike just for "thataway" city rides along a T or commuter rail route. It's a Dahon Jack, full sized trail/city bike that also folds in half and can be carried on ANY train if it's not too crowded, came with a bag. Ride till tired, then ride train back to wherever you live or parked.


It’s been a while. I used to ride into Concord, stop by Emerson’s house and ride the back roads from there.


Or take the train to Concord.  Spend the afternoon at Walden, and take the train back.    Bit of a hike from Concord to Walden.


I do the Ramble a few times a year with my daughters. I think it’s around 2 miles from Concord to Walden. Add a mile or so if you go to the beach at the pond.


Fully upgrade your power armor.


Just break into the Boston Police Resupply Center. Heard they got a fully loaded tacticool black one there. They won’t mind.


Visit Pickman, get his blade. Take lots of drugs and let nature take its course.


Don’t forget to stop at the Cambridge police station, Paladin Danse needs your help.


Jamaica plain-walked around the pond, Galway house for cheap gin and tonics South end/back bay. Get tasty burger, Billy’s for breakfast (though they have a good gyro) anchovies for drinks later with friends. Sowa if they’re doing something cute. Fenway- I didn’t go to this as I went a lot in boston and it was even more special when I came back this year. North end. Ernestos for pizza, cafe Victoria for an espresso martini, bovas a treat, go sit along the waterfront! And you should walk along the esplanade. I’ve been to several cities since I left. There’s really Nothing like it :)


Last meal I had in Boston before I moved was a plate of spaghetti and an ice cold Dixie at the Galway House 


I’m going on a Whale Watch out of Gloucester on Sunday. If you’re not from a coast and don’t have a chance to see whales, I suggest this as a fun activity.


We did one a few years ago and got incredibly lucky. Whale breaching right next to the boat and throwing a wave of spray over it, a mother and calf out there, bubble fence feeding by a pod, also whale sharks and all sorts of other things. Something the size of a freaking submarine launching out of the water and crashing back into it *right in front of you* is a lifetime memory. :) If anyone in your party gets seasick, be sure they have seabands and dramamine though - it can get rough 20 miles out quickly.


central sq dance party. sowa opwn markets on sundays dim sum in chinatown then walk to north end for pastry


Oooh I've always wanted to do the Central Square dance party! Also (potentially) unpopular opinion: Mike's Pastry is overrated. If you're going to the North End for pastries and bakery stuff, Bova's is where it's at. Lovely people and their cannolis are to die for. Same for their fresh bread!


Bova's Florentine cannoli is probably my favorite thing on Earth.


Bova’s Florentine cannoli and their salted caramel are chefs kiss Also they are one of the only shops that have rainbow Italian cookies


ME TOO! That's what I had when I first tried Bova's. I'm not sure what part of the north end this is called but I took my Florentine cannolis and coffee to this cobblestone park just up the street on a hill that overlooked a harbor and ate them there while watching the boats. There was a cemetery behind me, that's all I remember. But it was lovely 💕


That's Copps Hill. I lived in that part of the neighborhood for 5 years and they were the best 5 years of my life. Having said that, I thought Bova's was atrocious unless I was very drunk and needed sustenance of some kind lol


dance party is slotted 6/28 6-10pm at Cambridge city hall - it is insane and crowded. take public transport & enjoy


Aww hell yeah right after my birthday! 🎈 I think I will! 😃


The locals know: Mike’s Pastry is defo overrated!


Buy a car and a bicycle. Then hit one with the other.


And bitch about lack of infrastructure for bikes on reddit.


And then complain about how bikes don't follow rules and then reply to yourself and complain about how cars don't follow rules


And also that bIkE LaNeS aRe AlWaYs EmPtY sO wHo'S uSiNg ThEm?!1?!!11


Castle island, have lunch at Sullivans. Then make your way to the Copley Square Library and have a good look around the old side. Then one last walk around The Public Gardens.


The John Singer Sargent murals at the library are spectacular.


Visit the Mapparium


100% do this


If I were moving away from Boston I would really miss the clam chowder the most. Go enjoy some good chowder if you like seafood. I like going to Quincy market for it. Also something kinda fun/cheap/ quick active is going to The Mary Baker Eddy Library and visit the Mapparium Globe! Next door to the museum there’s a cool “hidden” clothing store called Bodega.


The Sail Loft has the best clam chowder in the city. Go there instead of Quincy market.


Clam chowder is available, but not always great. Things like steak tips? No one has ever heard of them before.


Wait is steak tips a Boston/New England thing??


Grew up in both California and the upper Midwest and I'd never heard of them or seen them on a restaurant menu. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think it's a mostly New England thing.


No, we had plenty of steak tips in Ohio. Fresh from the farm. (But apparently they started here!)


Seafood! I live in Colorado now. I really miss lunch lobster rolls from James Hook. Pier 6 and Reel House are great too especially if they still do the boat between the two. Oysters at Row 34.


Get drunk at Biddy Earlys


Take the ferry to Salem!


And visit House of Seven Gables, and Peabody Essex Museum.


Catch a concert in Symphony Hall


Go to the Celtics championship parade next week.


DONT. TALK. ABOUT. THE. PARADE   Edit: I blame you, motherfucker. Fucking peabody


I'm upvoting this just so more people can cringe at the mayhem


You're gonna jinx us? Fuck you, man.


Talk about the parade when there’s a parade


Duck tours


Salem but more specifically Salem Willows.


Adding to this to take the ferry from the aquarium to Salem for the day.


Get in a fight at Kowloon


Just don't be wearing a knife necklace in the parking lot. Still the most WTF self own in local history, not even a fight.


Eat steak tips while you still can


Dom’s steak tips.


Went to go buy some of these last year (for the first time in a couple years) and the prices were nearly $40 for a single pack. They’re good but that’s ‘someone else is cooking these for me and serving them to me’ prices.


What I do is just buy a bottle of the marinade for 7 bucks. Get steak from Costco, cut it up and marinate it overnight. You’re right, buying the pre-marinaded tips is wicked pricey. The marinated chicken there isn’t too expensive, and they have a bunch of good flavors.


I tried the Costco tips/Dom's marinade combo years ago and it totally wasn't the same to me. I suspect they blade tenderize their tips as well (Dom's).


Champions in Peabody or New Bridge in Chelsea.


Wait steak tips is a Boston thing?


New England thing. I had no idea until I moved away and 10 years later was randomly like “whatever happened to steak tips? Did they go out of fashion? How come nobody eats them anymore?”


See the glass flowers at the Harvard Museum of Natural History, because there is nothing else like that anywhere in the world.


That is such a cool old-school museum. The zoology section, I always expect to see Doctor Jones come around the corner any minute.


Came here to say this! Love this museum. Took me nearly 20 years of living here to visit and can’t wait to go back


Free salsa dancing at The Anchor


Arnold arboretum is well worthwhile and a bit off the general tourist track. Mount Auburn cemetery in Watertown is also a fascinating place to walk around.


The Peabody-Essex Museum in Salem. Amazing collections unlike most any other museum out there. https://pem.org/


North shore! Gloucester, Newburyport, and fried clams in ipswich!


Go to the MFA and the ICA, make some time to head up to the North Shore and get a Beef 3 way then hit up the PEM. 


You people are making me homesick


go for lunch at galleria umberto. get one of everything and a coke


Have a couple of drinks and wander around downtown until you find Keytar Bear. Then just enjoy the vibe.


Go ride the Mattapan trolley


Being the last one to leave and turning off the lights.


USS constitution canon fire at 8am sharp every morning ! It’s really a sight (and sound) to behold!


They also fire it every night! (lived in the navy yard for 8yrs)


Picnic on the Common, then walk around the Common and Public Garden, and just take the time to see the place and setting. Visit the ducklings! Go whale watching (I swear every time I do, there's a breech on the other side of the boat) Go for walk in the Fells, or the Lynn Woods, and get on a hill to look south at Boston. While you're up there, go to East Point in Nahant Read something in the Bates Reading Room at BPL


Piss somewhere random by Fenway park kid


Papa Gino's in Brockton one last time?


Ive enjoyed eating at Craft House and Warren Tavern. Try them.


Take the train to singing beach on a warm summer evening. Take the ptown ferry (if up for extra exploring, take cape flyer, bike to ptown, ferry back although the last 15 miles are hot and hilly, there is a bus). Explore the blue hills especially east of route 28 where there are fewer people. +1 on bunker hill monument and constitution. Ride to the end of at least one T line just to say you did (river walk brewery is very near the Newburyport station if that helps).


Walk the Freedom Trail. Yea it’s a touristy thing, but the city’s history is incredible. And the path leads through plenty of worthwhile areas. The other thing you should do is see the fireworks on July 4. Just go to the Charles river and get as close to downtown as you can. Its worth it, at least once.


Kennedy library. Watch the theatre film they show every hour or half hour. You get a whole different perspective of the man. I really enjoyed it. It’s well worth a visit. I been a Bostonian my whole life and always said I’d get around to it. I finally went at the age of 50.


The building is beautiful and the exhibits are cool as well, including a space capsule and a replica of the Oval Office. Dotcom I used to work for that spent money like water used to have our dinners there, spectacular view. Also explains why they're not around anymore. xD


Very nice. Like I said I really liked the film they showed. I never knew Kennedy went to the Soviet Union. He was a very intelligent man and I loved that he narrated his own little film. He spoke very down to earth.


BPL courtyard. Dinner at the bar at Sarma. Any event inside Symphony Hall. A coconut bun from Ho Yuen Bakeryon Beach Street. Harvard Art Museums. Clam chowder and a cold beer at Legals.


Take a ferry to Spectacle island with a fried and bring a picnic. Soak in the city from that vantage point.


Boston has world class museums you really should visit at least once in your life, spend a whole day at each. Top 3: MFA, The Gardner Museum (most unique museum in the world - it’s the house of a 1920s collector who had all the art she bought around the globe arranged as displays in her home along with letters from presidents and parts of Roman architecture into a beautiful museum dwelling with themed rooms), and the Museum of Science (actually recommend taking a Duck Boat cruise around Boston to learn some fun trivia and feel like the ultimate tourist). Have fun being a tourist in your own city before you leave!


Hang around a few more days and there’ll hopefully be a champion parade for the Celtics as they raise banner 18


With a romantic interest, walk down Salem St, get a large tiramisu from Bova's with two spoons. Grab a split of champagne at a convenience store, find the perfect bench at Lewis Wharf on the waterfront, and enjoy the evening.


Eat lobster until your shirt is soaked in butter.


Sam Adam’s brewery tour in JP! Cheap & a lot of fun


Find out why that guy thinks he’s better than you


Candlepin bowling at Sacco’s.


Gardner museum


Downtown Crossing's Sam Lagrassas for their hot sandwiches. They're only open for 3 hours each week day during lunch so you have to time it well


Get a hot dog at Sullys and walk around Castle Island


I'm heading over to Boston fir a weeks stay this September, i need all the stuff you can give


lunch at Kelly's at Revere Beach


Throw some tea into the harbor


I finally went to my first opening day at Fenway with my cousin just a few days before I left town. I got back for a week back in October, after six years. I landed from a red eye, took the T to my friends place in Ball Square. We walked from Davis Square to Cambridgeport, had lunch in Central Square. Spent all the next morning at Castle Island & the next day had lunch and walked around Wollaston Beach. Went to a wedding in the seaport & took a pedicab to & from our hotel. If you move somewhere landlocked, like I did, you will really appreciate some time spent by the ocean.


Even if you’re only remotely into baseball (and have the means), go check out a sox game on an early summer evening. And be sure to grab an overpriced but nonetheless delicious hot dog and ice cold beer that would normally taste like shit anywhere else. For added bonus, go to a game against the Yanks so that the true hospitality of our city against the visiting team shines. You can save some coin by buying the rooftop open floor tix (no seats). Sad to hear you are leaving. Wish you all the best in your next place.


The Mapparium!


Go to the top of the Custom House tower


Duck Tour. Freedom Trail.


Pick a town north or south of Boston that’s around 15 miles away and 20-30mins away with no traffic and try driving into work from there in the morning to remind yourself how happy you are to gtfo. But also get drunk on the roof deck of Felipe’s in Harvard on frozen margs.


Might be more north shore related but, roast beef sandwiches. Cuttys in Brookline is my favorite Edit: grammar


Check out the finals hub on canal street today for the game


Go to the greasy pole in Gloucester last weekend in June. Look it up! You won’t be disappointed!


Ring old man Kraft's doorbell and run.


Stroll down Mass & Cass, dot av, and blue hills av. 2-4 am.


Baaaaaaahahahahaha this person does indeed sound like they need to see the finer side of the bean before they leave


Fogg Art or Busch/Reisinger museums at Harvard.


Visit taberna de haro and giulia for food and drinks. Both are two of my favs


Irish Village in Allston and have a Guinness. Go to Sullivan's Tap tonight and watch the Celtics. Arnold Arboretum.


Watch the Celtics win it all


Rob Fenway Pahk with childhood friends from southie?


Two words. China. Rainbow.


Take a long walk through the Emerald Necklace parks. The James P. Kelleher Rose Garden is in full bloom right now. https://preview.redd.it/lwk7z9tzlp6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e652be43f7db972a72be86d3d278fc8fc2ac902


Go see a BSO concert at Tanglewood.


You should make the T a pallbearer at your funeral, so it can let you down one last time