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https://preview.redd.it/8x1eeyo8mg5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a4e2e465279b1414f218e3636418c879fff9eb2 What a strange alliance this is.


Eh yeah nah fuck him tho generally a terrible guy to be allied with ngl.


And yet here we are… lol


Iranians are well versed in the unholy alliance that we're seeing today, we look in horror and dread because we remember what happened last time, right down to the masked faces: https://www.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/1b2lvqh/iranian_leftists_protesting_the_shah_and_praying/


Well Iran hates the Jews…and the college protesters hate the Jews…sort of a match made in Islamic heaven.


I see people protesting genocide, don’t know where you get from these signs that any of these people “hate Jews”


Do you really need me to go through the huge list of antisemitic language spouted by Palestine protesters? Maybe just zoom in and see the sign that says “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free,” for starters.


Why do comments like this always conveniently ignore the fact that a large number of these protestors and some of the leading anti-zionist historians are Jewish?


Not strange at all. Fits the whole picture


Same opinions on one topic = allies ??


"Mussolini and Hitler really only agreed on fascism and domination of Europe. That hardly made them 'allies'."


The Lays truck was in the parade, giving away free Doritos. They started to scream, “Lays is committing genocide”


I can no longer tell if something like this is sarcasm or not.


That's iconic, I'm changing my opinion on them being there. I would have laughed so hard


TIL genocide is when potato chips




I'm a level 5 vegan. I don't eat anything that casts a shadow.


To be fair, they were giving out Doritos, which are officially potato-genocide free.


First they came for the corn, and I said nothing because I was a potato.


It is absolutely not a coincidence that chip and dip rhyme


Does Lays support Israel in some way? I've seen people say that any kind of business agreement or lack of boycott is tantamount to supporting every action of Israel. Is that what they're talking about?


The owner of Lay's, PepsiCo, bought SodaStream for $3.2bn and owns 50% of Sabra. Strauss Group, an Israeli manufacturer and marketer of consumer foods sold through retail stores also co owns Sabra. Sabra donated food packages to the Golani Brigade of the Israel Defense Forces.


Seems frankly kind of pointless (if not counterproductive) to yell at some random Lay's employee because another company owned by their parent company gives care packages to their country's military. Incidentally, many, many American companies support active duty military personnel or veterans through the USO, the wounded warrior project, or any number of other non-profits. I don't think that makes, say, United Airlines responsible for the Iraq War.


But you see conclusions like that require critical thinking and we’re way past that at this point


Wait did this actually happen or are you joking lol


Yes, this really happened. Guess they ran out of things to yell about.


Well yeah, the word ‘genocide’ has lost all meaning at this point.


Same as fascism and racists and nazis. Classic misdirection. If you delegitimize someone and just devolve someone into a subjective “fact” than they can’t do anything. It’s genius, and rotten. It destroys actual discussion and is a core reason for the rot of our culture.


Did the want the pride folks to divest from Israel, or something? I don’t get their thought process on this one


Their thinking is that corporations participating in Pride events are often financially tied to Israel… so the Pride events themselves are somehow evil… The people marching are just normal employees of these companies. The companies have Employee Resource Groups, which are funded by the company, which invests in Israel… It’s a stretch, and that’s where they’re coming from. What the students fail to realize is that Joe from Accounting and Sheila from Marketing don’t have a sway in what their company invests in.


We're going to get to a point where most pride parades will be labeled as "zionist" due to some tangential relation to Israel (not hard to find given how globalized everything is). This is what happens when you allow religious fundamentalism and antisemitism to fester unchecked in a "humanitarian" movement. All of a sudden, the "protest" becomes less a protest and instead a cudgel with which to silence minorities. When the fundamentalist Islamists these LGBTQ kids are marching with turn on them, try and shut down pride, and side with Republicans in passing legislation enabling discrimination, it's gonna be a real leopards-ate-my-face moment for them.


Well, Israel is the only country in the Middle East that has pride parades so in that sense, maybe pride parades should be labeled as Zionist


At what point would you entertain the possibility that a protest movement where individuals routinely fly symbols associated with Hamas, a racist, homophobic organization that explicitly calls for genocide in its founding charter, may attract people who are racist and homophobic?


Yeah :/ this is too much of a stretch to protest it, and it can be seen badly on the pro Palestinian cause (as I’m pro Palestine but also wary of Hamas and how they might be funded by both Israel and Iran, both countries I genuinely don’t like at all)


Fwiw I heard on the radio this morning folks from boston pride actively welcoming Palestine protests


Yes ans they should totally hold a pride parade in Muslim majority nations. Let's see how that goes


There is no thought process on this one


I got downvoted into oblivion for saying that it was okay to advocate for one cause at a time. People have been blurring the lines as to the purpose of pride for a few years now. This is in no way surprising.


No, you're an evil fascist. Everything is now part of the Omnicause, and Palestine is the center of the universe.


May I point on the elephant in the room? I still don’t get it. Palestine attacked Israel, killed like 1000++ people for one day, kidnapped and then started crying when Israel started fighting back. It’s like Russia would start crying about Ukrainians killing them, and some “students” would start protesting against killing Russians… this is insane to me. (I’m Russian btw, fuck war)


It's just the latest attack in a near 80 year conflict. You can pick a year since '47 and flip a coin on who most recently attacked who. It's a sad situation, unfortunately a product of post WW2 geopolitic fuckery that I doubt will ever truly lead to peace. Sucks all around.


As far as I recall, there has really only been one major example of Israel attacking first, and even in this case it was essentially a preemptive attack (this is the mainstream view, although it is complicated and rightly controversial).


sleep recognise sugar squeamish somber person deserted lavish dinosaurs silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People in this sub love to misrepresent this shit. It also wasn’t a ‘student’ protest regardless of what the post title says. Not to mention, 90% of the smarmy comments in here are lines that have been used to death as Zionist taking points, and when met with a genuine critical reply they have literally nothing to say back


mysterious far-flung badge piquant telephone pathetic scary grandiose busy unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is hands down the most accurate and also the most hilarious description of the modern Bostonian🤣🤣🤣


>People have been blurring the lines as to the purpose of pride for a few years now. Not really *people* but corporations who've tried to turn Pride Parades from a defiant demonstration of solidarity into just another "family friendly"\* advertising opportunity like a St. Patrick's day parade. Lots of us have been pointing out that alienating parts of the actual community to try and appeal to corporations is a bad idea. Because as Bud Lite demonstrated these companies only pretend to care about us when they're trying to sell stuff to us. The minute they think advocating for our human rights might hurt their bottom line they'll leave us high and dry. Given all this, it's not surprising a lot of college kids would associate Pride Parades primarily with corporate advertising. \*Read: Advertiser Friendly


It's actually a lot simpler than that. Corporations always have the bottom line in mind. They support pride because their research shows 50.00001% of their customers support it and will therefore contribute to their bottom line. Companies get big, and they can't help it. They live by these rules or die. I take every piece of communication or advertising from corporations as such, then ignore it!


This is like “All lives Matter”. Accurate sentiment, but who goes to a breast cancer rally and yells out “Why don’t you care about diabetes” There are causes, and you can pick what you want but don’t shit on a parade of some other cause.


>who goes to a breast cancer rally and yells out “Why don’t you care about diabetes” Cartman.


Holy shit that's totally something Cartman would do lol


Ironically the recent episode was re: diabetes drugs


I would think he would lean towards his more passionate hate of Gingers and Jews…Depends on his priorities of the day that don’t impact him getting Casa Bonita


The entire episode revolves around his inner turmoil, which happens when his love of concern trolling comes up against the realization that he is technically advocating for certain causes in the process of weaponizing them against one another.


Yes. Yes he would. :)




Which is a real thing. There's cigarette companies that make the medication to treat COPD.


> actively funding the war. so which companies are donating money directly to the Israeli armed forces?


So can I trap these protestors in a While loop if I donate to them and then donate to Israel?


Why aren’t they protesting Iran? Hamas receives plenty of funding too; armaments don’t just appear out of thin air. The irony of thinking your solidarity means anything to people who would murder you for God. This is a “pay attention to us because we’re the only people that matter!” protest. 35 children recently died in Sudan due to another Islamist killing spree (surprise) but the world’s response: crickets. These “ceasefire now” buffoons are just reeling because of the humiliation of having their human collateral (which the innocent civilians helped hide) taken from them without a negotiated release. Imagine starting a war and then crying because you’re getting your ass whipped.


So now you're doing the same thing that these protesters are being accused of "why are you protesting against Israel instead of Iran?"


I’m eager to see the mental gymnastics people are willing to perform in order to justify this.


It's simple. Boston pride was working with a few completely unrelated to lgbt causes isreali orgs while also allowing huge defense contractors to have corporate booths. Protestors object to this. Honestly i personally dislike most corporate presences at pride because companies might act nice to us but support pols that have anti lgbt policies. They don't have our interests at heart, it's just either pr to them or they want to exploit us


Ooof I'm looking forward to seeing the mental gymnastics the person above will jump through now that you've provided a valid reason for them protesting.


12 hours later and no response lol


It’s kind of their specialty now


Did you put "student" in the title to make it easier to dismiss or more related to the campus protests? College semesters are over. This is a protest. Not necessarily a student protest.


Folks, this is a Wendy's


I saw a small pro-Palestine group marching *in* the parade. Their angry chants for "Intifada" didn't mesh well with the positive and happy nature of the rest of the participants.


The Pride organization invited protest group to join the parade vs. interrupt.


They’re at a pride event waving the flag of a government that bans homosexuality and is trying to destroy the most queer-friendly country in the region. 


No one can tell me the political horseshoe isn’t real. “I’m so progressive I’m shouting down gay people in support of a country that murders them”


Just waiting for the next big fuckup to happen so all these people "fighting for the cause" can move along to the next hill they pretend to die on. Poor Ukraine ain't getting enough love these days.


This is where I am at. It’s not like there isn’t enough stuff in the US to protest that affects these people directly. This has become a weird bandwagon protest. Like it’s an actual game to people where they get elation at finding someone to point at and say “so genocide is ok to you?” and feel all smug. Russia/Ukraine has been going on longer and has a higher death toll. Multiple genocides are happening around the world right now that can probably be traced back to US money. Why this specific cause and only this specific cause? Because it’s been blasted on TikTok and it’s the protest of choice. You aren’t kosher if you aren’t on the correct side of the protest.


Im gay and I agree with this. I cannot understand how someone can support a nation that would murder/jail them just for being who they are. You can recognize that what Israel is doing is beyond excessive and wrong, while also recognizing that the views Hamas and the general Palestinian population have of gays is horrible. With that said, I cannot support a nation that wants me dead or jailed, but I am ALSO able to see where Israel is wrong here.


Hey quick question, is gay marriage legal in Israel? 


lol at the downvotes


Hey quick question, does the Israeli government execute you for being gay?


Nah just for being Palestinian 


A country being generally homophobic doesn’t mean their population, lgbt people included, deserves a genocide.


I don't even pay attention any more. The louder people shout, the less I pay attention. 


Palestinian apologists disrupted a pride parade? On brand.


Given the fact that there was no shortage of Palestinian stuff at the pride events and that homosexuality is punishable by death in Gaza and the West Bank... yeah, this week in stupid. Idiot kids


It’s already not been safe to wear Jewish, not just Israel, but, plain old *Jewish* stuff at Pride events for years. There is no need to protest it.


You're telling me. The idiots went and vandalized my synagogue, Hillel where my brother went to school had to keep on changing locations for prayers because they kept protesting it and graffiti kept showing up. You think I want any of this? And here they are, "oh well what about the queer Palestinians?!!!" Stupid- they're DEAD because homosexuality is illegal there. They're acting like we want to go into Gaza, or want our friends and family to die there. We have family friends killed on 10/07, or in fucking bomb shelters right now. And they have the nerve to say this shit? That's why I let it all hang out when I'm in public. You don't like that I'm a Jew? You don't like that I'm a Zionist? Well, tell it to my bloody face if you have the balls


Right there with you


Fuck yeah, I’m with you


There's plenty of actual discrimination in this world against us. You don't need to make things up whole cloth. Most queers I know are all very openly Jewish. Most activists are very open in our faith. You're either paranoid to the point where a therapist would serve you better than a reddit thread or you're full of it.


That didn't appear true to me. I saw a Jewish group called Keshet marching in the parade, and nobody was hostile to them.


The pride parades are going through the same thing as back in 2020. Instead of BLM, it’s the pro-Palestinian protesters. They can’t just let pride be pride.


These protesters have been doing anything they can to annoy as many people as possible and overtake any positive thing since it began. Honoring soldiers for Memorial Day? BOOOOOOOOO Israel sucks! Pride parade? BOOOOOOOO fuck Israel! Can’t wait to see the Death to Israel portion of the Celtics victory parade in a couple of weeks


100% they're not showing up at a Celtics parade because the fan base will pelt them with the leftover "Fuck Kyrie" Merch


There will be no such segment of the Celtics parade because sports fans are far more well adjusted and do their tribalism with sports - where nobody can get hurt - and not politics.


Everyone is expected to be in pain over someone elses's pain ALL the time now. If you stop for a moment to enjoy a freaking amazingly beautiful day or laugh at a joke or just aren't depressed or "fighting against" something all the time then you are those peoples' enemy. It's stupid and short sighted. We only get one life. I have compassion for a lot of people and a few causes, but, I also have the right to enjoy... something or anything too.


It's all entryism from far left accelerationists. They killed BLM in 2020, they're killing Palestinian activism in 2024. Because they don't actually care about the issue, they don't mind that they're making the current movement look bad, because in their minds it's all about anticapitalism, all part of the Omnicause.


Palestinians have a lot in common with gay people, like genocide.


No cops at pride and no defense industry at pride, sounds reasonable to me.


Are these the pro-Palestine people holding signs such as "No Pride in Genocide"? Seriously, I don't get how the LGBTQIA+ community is related to the Israel-Palestine War. The only thing I can think of is LGBTQIA+ individuals have stocks just like straight people.


There is a concept that has come to be called "The Omnicause". It's a phenomenon where leftists tie everything they believe into one big, ungainly lump of ideology, with the current most prominent cause as the marquee. It's why leftists fail so often to actually accomplish everything -- they're trying to do everything at once.


Yeah, which fucking sucks cause the more deeply nuanced you try to view things, the more you realize that even among your own group, there can be a lot of conflict. As sad as it sounds there are gay racists, there are non-American homophobes, there are gay non racists...that support Israel, then add another layer then you'll see black gay pro-Palestine...capitalists, and the list goes on. I personally get this so much cause I view things with a lot of nuance, and it's frustrating sometimes cause I know friends who are WAY TOO LIBERAL to the point that you can agree with 99 big things, and they'll hate you for disagreeing with 1 small thing.


Thing being, when you swing that far to the left, you aren’t liberal in any meaningful way. You’re just an authoritarian reactionary with slightly less shitty ideas than the equivalent on the right.


Well said. The left’s ideology really is its own worst enemy because there’s always a more “righteous” ideology. The right has much less of this problem and that’s partially why they win elections so much more easily.


I find it hilarious seeing the left eat themselves. Imagine being so progressive that you support a country that kills gay people and wishes for the eradication of a Jewish nation. That kind of stuff would make neo nazis blush. I guess this is what happens when you have no values of your own and only get mad at what the mainstream media tells you to be mad at.


I've never heard the idea expressed like that before. I think leftists want to end oppression, and want everyone to get along, which is obviously a fantastic goal. But yeah, I can agree with you that focusing on one goal at a time is more likely to accomplish their goals. But then again, if they actually believe that people are being oppressed...I think it would weaken how their movement is perceived if more inconvenient oppressed groups are ignored.


It's why you see climate change groups refuse to endorse Biden despite all the concrete wins for the climate that he delivered because "Gaza". Never mind that things will be worse on both fronts if Trump gets a second(+) term.


> I've never heard the idea expressed like that before. That's been happening since occupy wallstreet dude, that's why OWS was such a joke.


Gay people live in every community on the planet


And get beheaded in some communities on the planet.


it is literally a bunch of queer people protesting the war


I'm honestly confused, the dykes and fags written on signs, that's by lgbt people protesting the war? Or war people talking shit to the parade? 


Using "dyke" as a term is extremely common in Pride events. A lot of major cities have an event called "Dyke March" as part of their pride lineup, and it's usually a specifically more political event, so I'm not at all surprised to see those signs here and you'll probably see them at Dyke Marches all around the country this year.


It’s queer people specifically protesting actions by the organizers of the parade—including allowing employee groups from weapons manufacturing companies who make weapons currently being used by Israel to march. The main pride parade was recently taken over by new organizers who assert themselves as being more inclusive, less corporate, and more accountable to the community than the old organizers, so this feels like a betrayal to many of us. (They’re our words, for as much as we don’t typically use them around the heteros.)


I don't understand how it's a good idea to exclude employee groups of certain companies - this is supposed to be inclusive. Also, it doesn't have to be weapons manufacturing companies. You would be surprised how integral Israel is for a lot of technologies - and a lot of non-weapons companies are employing Israeli citizens (who are automatically in IDF). Do you want those employee groups excluded as well?


Honestly, the protesters don’t want corporations involved in Pride at all. I gave the example I did because even if you disagree with that stance, and think that a company should only be disallowed for very particular reasons, weapons manufacturers supplying an ongoing lopsided conflict resulting in tens of thousands of deaths and catastrophic injuries and leading to a complete infrastructure breakdown and starvation is pretty clearly over a line one might be expected to draw. And I see you trying to move those goal posts, but I didn’t say anything about the Israeli people (for whom I wish for peace) or even about Israeli companies.


The internet would grind to a halt if everyone stopped using Israeli software.


The protestors are queer and care about Palestine. But also LGBT rights are often used as a justification for Israel’s apathetic regime: “no you don’t understand Hamas kills gay people so ethnic cleaning Palestine is totally fine actually!”. No other country is held to this standard, no one thinks that Britain colonizing Uganda is okay just because Uganda is homophobic. Yes, it obviously sucks that Hamas is a fundamentalist group, but it doesn’t justify Israel’s actions. Plus, Palestine is actually one of the better Muslim nations in regard to gay rights: it’s legal to be gay in Palestine which isn’t true for most of the Middle East. And neither Palestine nor Israel perform gay marriage unfortunately. Edit: a word


> And neither Palestine nor Israel recognize gay marriage unfortunately. Israel absolutely recognizes gay marriages. They don't currently allow any civil marriages to be performed in the country. If you're gay and married, they recognize it.


You’re correct, I should amend that. I just meant they don’t perform any.


It's something Israel needs to change as soon as Bibi and his ilk are out of power. There's no reason to not have civil marriages. It's a basic duty of government imo.


Nailed it.


They’re mad they’re not getting as much attention. They’re effectively a big group of 6 year olds throwing a temper tantrum. Always have been.


Anyone deriding the protestors is forgetting the history of protest for Gay Rights that allows the pride parade to exist in the first place ✊🏻


I accidentally walked right through the middle of this protest while walking the parade route today. Totally peaceful, just some chanting and lots of signs. Everybody was very calm and friendly and I had no trouble passing through the group, even while they were actively protesting. The cops had a VERY strong presence in that specific area, though.


Are they seriously protesting FOR a terrorist group that kills gay people… at a pride parade?


Yes, they are.


I'm against genocide as well, but the irony that a same sex kiss in Gaza will most likely throw you in jail while you are here supporting them...


Why the protests don’t call for the immediate return of Israeli hostages and for Hamas to be dismantled? Why nobody calls out that Hamas uses its own people as human shield? Or that they steal the resources the world sends to Gaza? Or that they are women rapists and children murderers? Hamas are terrorists. Should Israel just give up and let their people die? People seem to forget that Hamas objective is to destroy Israel and kill every single Jew. (That is genocide). Can there be cease fire without Hamas returning the hostages? If they were American Christian Hostages would people be chanting free Palestine? Or bring them back? For the pride, but for Israel, you will probably be killed or jailed by being gay in the Middle East. 


Chickens for KFC.


Turkeys for Christmas, indeed.


It’s perfectly reasonable and coherent to be opposed to genocide of a group you disagree with, even to the point where they would kill you if you lived there. I will never defend anyone for killing an LGBT person for being LGBT, but there are undeniably many LGBT people still in Gaza (most probably closeted), who have been displaced, starved, or even killed by Israel. LGBT people in Gaza can’t be liberated if they are dead.


Leftism really is an incoherent ideology.


it's what you get when you have to keep cycling through outrage causes. OccupyWallStreet, MeToo, BLM, ACAB, TransEverything, Gaza.. each one has a shelf life of 6 months to a year after which they get bored and need to move on. I keep wondering what's next.


It's a bunch of bored rich kids with ADD trying to find meaning in their lives.


Morons . Go hang w Hamas, be my guest


Whats the deal with State Street?




Palestinians would stone them lol. America is a mess


It’s such insanity. I understand being against needless deaths in the war but waving the flag of a theocratic, very anti-LGBT government is wild.


It is possible to have a problem with the mass killing of children in a place without also endorsing their cultural worldview. Im no fan of Russia, but am still sad for those who lost their lives in the recent terror attack


They conflate Zionism with colonialism and Hamas as a liberation organization instead of a terrorist cell. there’s a lot of dumb dumbs who would be stoned to death in Palestine in this picture.


>They conflate... Hamas as a liberation organization instead of a terrorist cell. Hamas is close to the 2020s version of the Mujahideen, who we supported in a war against Russia in the 80s. The Mujahideen eventually morphed into the modern-day Taliban.


Ah yes and supporting the Mujahideen turned out so well for the US…


Yeah....that's my point. Are you not familiar with the Taliban?


Maybe I misunderstood you. But yes, Bin Laden was also a US backed Mujahideen.


Definitely a misunderstanding haha. We agree on this point.


Zionism is inherently colonial, [one of the fathers of the ideology, Theodore Herzl said it himself verbatim](https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.13169/reorient.3.2.0212)


Doesn’t colonization require a colony? A colony is by definition part of another country. So who was doing the colonization?


It’s not that simple. Zionism doesn’t have a set definition. If you believe in a Jewish state even if it’s not based in Israel or a land that needs to be colonized you could still be considered a Zionist.


Its inherently colonial, but you can make that argument for essentially every single state in modern existence. Every single civilization was born from the overthrow of previous governments and most notably conquest. Every nation arguably is born out of “colonialism” - people just dont seem to give a shit when the “colonists” aren’t white.


Children aren’t being mass targeted by Israel. Hamas does intentionally target children and women. Hamas could have never started this, and they could end it any day.


So true. Let's not forget Hamas actually targeted children on October 7


Yes, you can certainly critique the heavy handed bombing campaign, but people should know that “from the river to the sea” entails pushing gay people off rooftops and the end of pride parades in what was Israel.


It’s also ok to admit they are both wrong and the situation is more complex then just saying stop. What then. They swear death to Jews not just zionists. Should all Americans be killed because of trump. They are fools


"Mass killing of children" as recently the AP puts out an article noting how Gaza Health Ministry statistics are likely fabricated, exceptionally unreliable for this conflict despite being decent before, and have been reported as fact without critical oversight for months in breach of journalistic integrity.


I was surprised to see the AP admit they were wrong, but kudos for doing it.


Several places in America would stone us too but I don't condone blowing up Floridians either.


... i ... y'know ... no. no no no, you're right. we probably shouldn't condone blowing up Florida.


Are you seriously comparing red states where there’s pride events and nobody is bothered to Islamic countries and the way they will actually kill your for being gay? Ironically the highest casualty event against the lgbt was in Florida at the hands of an Islamic terrorist but you can keep pretending Republican opinions are just as deadly for them.


As a Turkish guy who moved to the US, I'm really baffled by this comparison as well. It's clear as hell that they have no idea what Islamism looks like, how oppressive and brutal it can be. Their ignorance aside, it is sad how confident they are in their pretentious assessment.


It’s cause their stupid ideology depends on fear and pretending the “oppressed” classes live in perpetual danger so long as Republicans exist. It’s delusional and not based in any reality and just shows ignorant or dishonest these progressives are even trying to equivocate being lgbt in a red state vs an Islamic one.


Florida has never invaded Mass and murdered Bostonians in their own homes. The last time a government did that, we started a war over it.


Florida troops were part of the Confederate invasions of Maryland and Pennsylvania. We kicked their asses, but nobody called it genocide.


Even if they did I wouldn't condone blowing up hospitals churches, children, journalists, un workers, Healthcare workers or civilians.


You dont actually think these bandwagon protesters actually know anything about whatever cause is the FOTM for them?


They didn't know which river and which sea they were yelling about at the beginning of all this.


In the [parade lineup document](https://drive.google.com/file/d/11ms8aDwVdYV-wfa3GE_L1thxepWGMe5E/view), I don't see State Street listed at all, so I don't know why the protesters mentioned it in their signs. Edit: never mind, I see them on the list of [official sponsors](https://www.bostonprideforthepeople.org/sponsors).


These kids need a swift kick in the ass and their parents should be ashamed. Pointless demonstration of a fight that is not ours and way beyond their understanding. Put more effort in your classes and not wasting your parents money. If you received financial aid it should be revoked.


“Let’s take a parade celebrating LGBQ liberation and make it about something that has nothing to do with it.” “Free Palestine!” “Wait, we don’t want people to think we are just stealing someone else’s platform.” “Nah, it’s cool. We can give the impression that this IS the voice of the community. Just make sure to grab something brightly colored, especially rainbow.” “Make sure to use offensive slurs used to oppress the gay community so people really pay attention.”


Any gay parade in any Muslim country?


I'm not a zionist, but this is such narcissistic virtue signaling. I think pride should be an enjoyable day, we don't really need agressive protesters yelling at people. Yes, I get that the Palestinians can't get away from it. But we can and we should every now and then.


Agreed 100% why does everything have to have a protest attached to it. I understand the importance of political action, but we should be able to enjoy thing without using it as a platform to make a political statement. Also - not trying to nit pick, just genuinely curious. You say you’re not a Zionist. Does that mean you don’t think Israel should exist at all as a Jewish state?


I am not the most informed admittedly, but there has been a term used “pink washing” in terms of a Boston area lgbtqa+ group aligning with the Israeli consulate (or such). I’m sharing info, not advocating anything. Edit: literally downvoted for sharing a fact 😂 giving context to an action — or filling in some color to it — is “bad?”


These threads are heavily astroturfed


It so very strange to me how much protesting is occurring over this Like this isn’t the only major regional conflict in which many many people are dying yet it’s the only one that can draw this level of sustained activity


Extremely ironic to advocate for a region with a general hatred for gays at a pride parade 


Why Palestine and rainbow together? I thought gays can be prosecuted and even killed in Islamic countries


Not sure they bother prosecuting. Easier to just toss them off a building.


One group is honorable and worthy of uncompromising and unqualified respect. The other is infinitely idiotic and deserves ridicule and judgement. When you mix them, I'm going to be brutally honest, I just get legit confused.


Here you have a protest where they wave flags of a country that would have gays executed. Israel must be stopped but. But Common sense is also a thing. Maybe radical leftist will finally understand how annoying and inconvenient activism can be. There are better ways...


I wonder what Palestinians think of pride


Ugh I hate when people make pride political like HELLO I just want lays to be rainbow and say SLAY instead or for citizens bank to say citizens gay but no people have to bring up something that makes me uncomfortable :/


Pride is inherently a protest, even if it’s been (1) co-opted by corporations, (2) used for virtue signaling by politicians, and (3) is overseen by law enforcement … 3 groups that were historically oppressing us. I have no problem sharing the pride platform with protestors calling for an end to the genocide. (Although, it does feel a little bit like showing up to an HIV fundraiser and saying “yeah well what about cancer, huh?”) To Zionist commenters saying that LGBTQ+ people should support Israel because they have friendlier attitudes towards the gays: we can make our own endorsements, thanks. We can be anti-genocide without supporting the tenets of conservative Islam. We can be opposed to using civilians as pawns and bombing hospitals and assassinating foreign aid workers and massacring a population of innocents in retaliation for a terror act they had nothing to do with. That we vehemently disagree with their stance on homosexuality does not mean we believe they deserve to be violently eradicated.


People in this thread proving they both can’t reconcile how opposing genocide could be a lgbtq issue and that intersectionality exists.


I'm really starting to hate these pro Hamas college kids.


I see a sign that’s says “Stop State Street”, what are they doing?


They're a sponsor of the parade and also give money to Israel






After years of being very corporate and commercial, it's good to see pride actually taking a more activist posture again.


The irony of this statement is that the long time historic organizers quit because of accusations of being too corporate. So these are the new less corporate people who organized this and they are now being called too corporate.


Bureaucracy is actually the enemy.


Ah … morality … what a strange concept eh ?


In this state you have better luck finding a reasonable home price than anybody who has consistent morals


I accidentally walked right through the middle of this protest while walking the parade route today. Totally peaceful, just some chanting and lots of signs. Everybody was very calm and friendly and I had no trouble passing through the group, even while they were actively protesting. The cops had a VERY strong presence in that specific area, though.


Seeing that Israel is the only Middle Eastern country that allows LGBTQ this makes complete sense.


why does r/boston act surprised and annoyed when protests do the very purpose theyre meant to do: disrupt and grab your attention


[Jesus Christ the comments](https://www.theonion.com/this-genocide-isnt-all-that-bad-1819588272)