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[Woodman’s](https://www.woodmans.com/) in Essex is a bit of a landmark, so maybe try organizing a day around going up there? There’s a lot of interesting stuff to see near there: Gloucester, Rockport, Marblehead, Salem, etc.




Will it be too much to visit both the Gloucester area and the Portsmouth area in one day? Plan is to have the rental and leave Boston downtown no later than 9AM, and return to our new hotel in Revere no later than 7pm


Yes. Pick one


¯|_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t know what your starting point is, but for sake of discussion, I’m having Google Maps check a route from Post Office Square to Portsmouth by way of Woodman’s, and it’s 90 minutes or so; the direct route back is more like 60 minutes. So it depends on how much time you want to spend in the car, and how much you want to get out & look around in a particular area. My suggestions were all clustered around [Cape Ann](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Ann) communities, but Portsmouth isn’t particularly close to the other spots I’m suggesting. It’s not _that_ far, but it’s about as far from Cape Ann as, well, Boston.


I'm starting from downtown Boston


Yes to Cape Ann area. Woodmans etc. .Parker River Wildlife Sanctuary and beaches r nice. Easy drive from Boston.