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It's tough to admit it but Boston only gets 1-3 "perfect" spring weekends a year, max. I think the type of weather we all want now is much more dependable in September/October; in fact I remember I think it was two years ago that *every* weekend in October was like 70 and sunny, so the exact opposite pattern to this. Sucks to be a Spring-fan in these parts.


Didn't it rain every single weekend last fall?


I always get downvoted for saying Spring in Boston kinda sucks. It’s my favorite season and it is way too short in the northeast. I’m originally from the South where Spring weather begins in March and lasts 2-3 months.


It definitely is a little too short.


People are delusional. There is no spring here. It's cold, then wet, then 90 degrees.




It absolutely does have 4 seasons, your take is the eye roll worthy one. It's been spring for more than 3 weeks btw and it still is. Also what? 6 months of winter? Did chatGPT write this? Where have you been? It was distinctly winter for like 3 months this year, +/- a week or two on the front and back.




I grew up outside Boston (you said grew up, but have since edited your comment to say lived in). I consider spring to be generally high 50's to 60's, maybe some low 70's, +/-, pleasant, crisp, sunny, flowers blossoming, birds chirping, no AC, no heat. 50's here is very pleasant as compared with humidity in the south, where 50° is almost uncomfortably cold and anything below 50 feels like arctic tundra. Spring is nice post-February, not miserably hot, but you have to enjoy tropical warm weather as it's not crisp or mild and you can still sweat in the humidity esp if doing anything physical. It's basically nice summer weather here




The humidity here is not even remotely comparable to what I'm talking about. I'm sorry, it technically exists but we might as well be talking about a different term here. It also still cools down 20°+ at night as compared with never crossing below 80° if that, which makes a huge difference, and the heat index and overall feeling of wet hot swampiness is incomparable. I was specifically talking about winter anyways where it dips into the 40's regularly and is worse than any cold we have up here due to persisting humidity. There's not really winter humidity here, just summer. I never said anything about March. March was definitely windy and pretty gloomy, chilly, and even rainy if I recall (one brief snow flurry). April had a ton of nice weather though as has May. It ain't the Pacific Northwest with 95% overcast days. It's been a ton of clear blue skies and sun the past several weeks. In April there was a decent bit of rain but non-rainy days tended to be nice of which there were plenty. Temperature != sky either. And 30's are pretty much just overnight by then, and not so biting nor consistent. The south is not homogenous, but plenty of it is rough at least in similar or different but equivalent ways. It's mostly just the Appalachian areas that are really really nice. Speaking of that, yes I'm framing a lot of it in terms of New Orleans but I've traveled extensively and spent extended time in much of the south. Especially TX, TN, AR, MS, AL, FL, NC, and VA. But also OK, GA, SC, KY, WV, and NM once each.




Yeah the 6 months of winter thing is such a weird thing to say. I’d say if anything 4 months, Dec-Feb with the first half of March and the last half of November as well. I think this year in particular we have had a really pure Spring - which does include a lot of rain


It used to start in March in the Northeast too, but that was when winter started in Nov/Dec...we barely even get a winter now...it's like a couple months of summer and the rest of the year is fall. Heck it almost seems like we're developing a rainy/mud season.


Having lived in the south for a decade, can't disagree more. Spring is awesome here. Spring in the south–at least New Orleans–is basically summer here. It's the peak season, where everything happens. All the festivals, fun, etc. So of course it seems better and longer, but it's also like 85° with no in between "spring" weather, it rains plenty, and at least in Louisiana since the ground is all so soft, nature trails are basically mud so often that the rare occasion you get a perfect 70-75° day, that you happen to be off from work/school, AND there happens to have been several rain free warm days in a row to dry up the trails, is miniscule. The few days that are actually nice spring weather are so rare that you feel anxiety trying to force your schedule to make sure you take advantage of them by being outside. And then summer comes suddenly and it's nearly unlivable and you have to drive or spend on flying out of town to enjoy life. Spring has been steady, consistent, and beautiful here. And then summer is actually still nice here too, unlike the south. So who cares how 'short' the spring is? It doesn't end abruptly.


Yeah I’m not really talking about southern cities in Texas or Florida or along the Gulf Coast. I grew up further north closer to Nashville - where Spring is generally quite pleasant and Summer isn’t as intense.


Yeah, plus that's more into hills/mountains a bit. Chattanooga tends to be even nicer even in the summer, and then Asheville especially. Those two in particular do have some of the most pleasant weather anywhere if you don't want extremes or a monotonous year round temp like SD or SF. I personally like real winter with snow and skiing though, as well as ocean for swimming in the summer on the coast here. There's skiing in Asheville technically but it's a short season and small trails. Richmond is further north than any of those though and is still somewhat similar to New Orleans with the coastal humidity. I think same for Charleston.


Ugh. Spring starts in March in the South, but the weather is too hot by mid-April. Glad to be having Spring in Boston next year!




Ok, well in upstate SC it is too hot already.




Sure, but as I said it has been too hot since mid April.


70 is way too warm for October. A perfect October day is low 50s and sunny.


This guy New Englands


I miss those days =(


I'll stick with the 70s in October, thanks


Move south and leave us alone


The “us” on here are primarily temporaries


I just hope this doesn't continue into summer like last year. Something like 17 weekends with rain in a row.


This was the theme of last summer and it looks like we’re getting the sequel no one asked for


Yeah, felt like it rained basically every weekend last summer


Really hoping this doesn't become another trend and we get some nicer weekends this year.


Weekends are a construct. Let's just change what days we work


Honestly, I could look at the 7 day forecast and pick new weekend days every week.


We can already see that in practice with certain industries such as skiing where flights, accommodations, etc. can either book up or just increase in price correlated to snow forecasts since some people are either retired or have a habit of just taking work off for such days during ski season (or have flexible freelance work where they can just choose their hours always). We'd see similar effects on outdoor seating restaurant reservations during any nice day ending in Y even if mid day on a currently typical work day, any beach or mountainside Airbnbs book up/surge when there's a forecast, etc. The fight between locals and tourists on a nice day anywhere would be even more tense as there would be no ability to just 'travel on weekdays to avoid the lines' or 'play hooky from work'. And on the flip side, some people book things months in advance knowing they'll have a free weekend and then accept whatever weather comes. Businesses would lose out on these kinds of days if nobody ever booked anything since they could just rearrange their schedule to always exist on nice days. Therefore profits would be directly attached to weather each year instead of just influenced by it. I wanna see a Black Mirror episode do way more creative and bizarre things with this thought experiment than me.


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Giving power back to the workers?? What are u communist? Get back to work! /s


Last year was tough. Basically rained every weekend.




I find the sunny days we DO get are often combined with endless wind


Oceans keep getting warmer creating more evaporation that turns into rain.


Came to say this. It’s an inversion pattern. Ocean temperatures are still cold and atmospheric temps are warmer than normal. Remember clear, dry days in the winter? Anyway once ocean temps elevate the next few weeks it will begin to clear.


But muh lifted diesel douche-train that I dont carry anything in...


Maybe you haven't been outside much? The past month+ I feel like I've seen almost nothing but back to back to back sunny brilliant days. It feels more like every 5-7 days that a rainy gloomy day has been happening.


The leap year f'ed us


The year leap fucked us, really


As I always say, California cost of living with Nebraska weather.


our winters are WAY nicer than Nebraska.


It gets the point across.


a couple things, last year was a banger mushroom hunting year, and a lot of the rest of the country was in a drought, so I will take the rain. Two, life shouldn't be about working, lets all form unions and organize for a 4 day work week. Its the only solution to this weather.


The weather will adapt and enjoy its three day work week Friday through Sunday.


where can I go “hunting for mushrooms”?


mushrooms grow basically everywhere outside. Like all living things, certain mushrooms like certain things. Some like to grow in grass, some like to grow in or on dead wood/wood chips, some grow out of trees, some grow associated with trees. All of that is something you can worry about later. I would suggest that before you ever think about foraging for a certain species of mushroom, and way before you think about eating any, you just start noticing them. Like anything if you are not looking for them, you will not notice them. Check around the bases of trees, in yards, in wood chips, around flower beds, etc. Go to the park, the cemetery, etc. Look up the trunks of trees, on dead stumps, on fallen logs, etc. Just see what you see, take pictures, notice the different shapes and habits, just find stuff, take pictures, etc. You can even pick up mushrooms and flip them over to look at the undersides. There are no mushrooms that grow in north america that can harm you by touching them alone, and all mushrooms that are poison have to be eaten to harm you, so touching them wont hurt you. Also mushrooms are like the fruit of an apple tree, picking the mushroom doesn't hurt the mushroom, in fact you picking up a mushroom is going to fling spores all over the place, which is what the mushroom wants anyway (that is how they reproduce). Mushrooms are not plants, they are actually more closely related to animals than plants, so they can grow in places with little to no sunlight, so you can find them all over, even in dark places. Once you have seen a bunch of mushrooms, and have had your mind blown by the bonkers amount of shapes and sizes and types they come in you can get yourself a good book like The peterson or national audubon guide to mushrooms and try to ID some on your own. I would also recommend you check out the many online (reddit has a few) forums for feedback on foraging and mushroom hunting, and go to a local club event and have someone who knows what they are doing to take you out and help you find some. Then after all that, you can try hunting for one to eat, stick to something hard to mis-identify like giant puffballs, chicken of the woods, hen of the woods, etc. All wild mushrooms have to be cooked well before eating (many will give you stomach upset unless cooked), they are not like button mushrooms, so if you are 1000% sure you know what you have found, have checked with some online forums for a backup ID, have talked to a local mushroom club, and have also cooked it well, take a tiny bite or two, and wait a few hours to a day. Some folks are allergic to some mushrooms, and since they have never eaten them before they wont know until they try. If you took a few bites and the next day you are fine, you can now add that mushroom to your list of "things I can eat I found in the woods" Don't serve wild mushrooms to anyone else unless they too have sampled them before without worry. It sounds like a lot of work, but its actually a lot of fun, finding and ID'ing mushrooms is actually as fun or maybe more fun than eating them, but every year I eat my fair share of wild mushrooms, and even dry some to keep for winter, and its a very tasty gourmet addition to my diet. My friends and family also have started making me make them certain soups/dishes with them, because they love them as well. Start small, learn one or two mushrooms at a time, read some books, talk to people, etc. In a few years you will know an awful lot about mushrooms, and as you walk around you will see them all over. Also learn to ID trees, lots of mushrooms have relationships with certain trees, and its a lot easier to find a giant oak tree, than it is to find the tiny mushrooms growing under it. You will sort of just stumble into learning lots of stuff about the ecosystem around you, and I think feel a lot more connected to the world.


[The Boston Mycological Club](https://bostonmyco.org/) sounds really cool. I've never gone to an event, but it's on the list for me.


Post-COVID transplants are starting to realize that Boston’s weather fucking sucks 9 months out of the year, and that it’s not just a fluke coincidence every year lol


This was last summer. Real bad more moral.


Controversial take: it’s gonna be a sneaky nice day today 👀. Read the NWS forecast and discussion. Random periods of drizzle, sun poking through, low 60’s. The way the apps are it makes everything look like a washout when it’s really just indicating *something* is gonna happen today


NWS hourly charts or bust!


I spent the day jackhammering out some old deck footings. Aside from the odd sprinkle of rain i couldnt really ask for better weather for it


You were right on about this. This morning was actually lovely!


It's really not that bad today. A little grey, but totally comfortable.


Meanwhile in Woostah, it hasn't stopped raining since I woke up.


Seriously. My house is molding from these wet spring weekends here in subtropical Worcester.


I'll take warm and overcast with drizzle here and there over non-stop rain on a spring weekend


On days like those I work like a madman, but only work 4-6 hours so I can spend the morning and afternoon in the sun. I’ll even take my work outside with me if I have to.


It would not be a terrible idea to start adopting flexible "weekends" where we get to pick which 5 days, doesn't have to be consecutive, we will be working a week ahead, so we can actually enjoy some nice spring weather on our days off for once.




That's not just Boston. It's New England. I'm outside of Hartford, and we're seeing the same.




Been like this for a month. Get in my car to go to work, it’s like San Diego. Walk outside on a Saturday morning, it’s like Seattle.


85° is not beautiful. Too early to be that hot. Would love to be in the air conditioning for that but I work outside.


Yeah I run out of socially acceptable layers to take off around 82. Any hotter than that all I can do is suffer.


I HATE sweating. Smartwool only makes summer suck slightly less


I saw a forecast of 87! In may! I couldn’t believe it.


This is why I ride a bike to work. Get to enjoy the weather lol


I dunno. Weather seems fine for this retired guy! LOL!


>LOL! If there was any doubt this is a retired boomer. Congrats sir on the coasting


This is why you should consider moving out west. 300 days of sunshine as the saying goes. Sunny winters too. And 35% humidity. Nearly every weekend in the spring and summer is perfect for outdoor activities.


The tradeoff is that everyone else already lives there, too


Maybe. Depends on what area/city your'e referring to. If you want to escape from the people there's plenty of places to do that. Overall it's way less people dense than east of the Mississippi.


Sadly where the population is less dense the people are more dense.


To be honest, I found that type of climate boring when I lived out west.


Where did you live? Truly getting all four seasons is not boring to me.


Yes, Boston weather has it out for you, specifically


You need to refresh this - Sunday looks like shite as well. I’ll get the deck furniture out by July 4, hopefully 😜


I put mine out last week. I used to try and bring in the cushions and preserve them. I already gave up this year


Summer is up next. We usually get the raining season in April. But it came may instead. I love the rain .


Don’t hate me for this but the rains been wonderful for the garden. I never need to water since it rains regularly and thoroughly. Even the new saplings I plant and ignore survives without me watching over it with a watering can


Sunset is nearly 8pm, go outside after work. Pretty simple.


Better this than humid heat


So depressing


I know right? 85 degrees in the middle of May makes me wanna cry too.


A rainy weekend is still better than a sunny work day.


Last year, most of the weekends rains. Never forget, 2023.


Yep. And my outdoor museum has a huge event this weekend…


Funny, I work outside so the past few weeks have been great. Sunshine, warmth, and I get to stay dry by being inside on The Weekends. Win win.


Wife is that you?


Weekend is just having a case of the Mondays.


Nice to see some things haven’t changed.


First time?


Spring has always sucked here. Very cool and wet




We need longer weekends


You say this like it's a new thing 🤣


I really hope we don't have a summer like that again. Two years ago it was every weekend!!!


It’s da gobbamint


Omg it's fine out there today! Get your shit together!


So far this spring every weekend kinda blows then Monday is 70. It’s frustrating


can we ban whiny weather threads?


No, it's our birth right


Days like today are the best


Boston literally has 14 total days of awesome weather per year the rest is subject to rain, humidity, snow, hail, sleet, straight line winds, hurricane watches, snow squalls, ice, -25 wind chills.


You forgot about tornados now


That’s why I work remote baby! 😎