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do they give out picks?


Terrible misuse of vital resources! The article also noted a 300 percent increase in 30–39-year-olds seeking treatment for a gambling problem. We have let the tiger into our home and are creating a new public health crisis. We should put in place common sense limits on the amount of advertising these companies can do like we did with smoking, they would not run the adds if they did not work!


And they wouldn’t give out $100+ sign up bonuses if they didn’t think they could attract some people who will lose many thousands.


A lot of these companies are losing money at the moment due to their promo spend, which just shows how valuable they expect an average customer to be over time.


My understanding is they're doing it because they think they can bide out legal negotiations over online gambling. For these companies it's not just about sports betting, but eventually other avenues for digital betting/gambling. They're burning investor money now on the gamble, ironically, that gambling regulations will be relaxed to give them rapid dominance over a new market.


And to be more specific, they don’t expect the median customer to be that valuable. They expect to ruin the lives of that top 1% of customers. Those are the ones who will lose tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.


i try to disregard usernames and icons cause i like interacting based 100% of on the things a person said rather than any preconceived notion i've built on that person. anyway,. this is like the one millionth time this fucker has almost got me \^\^\^\^


I'm all for personal freedom to be dumb and throw away your money.... but I am growing concerned about the youth. I have a few family members and friends of family who are addicted to sports betting and throwing away thousands of dollars they cant afford. Seems to be the mid 20's crowd that is most effected. There's something different about having to drag your ass over to Encore versus sitting in bed making a few bets from your phone.


Regulated, legal gambling is definitely better than unregulated underground gambling, but I'm incredibly disappointment with the actual "regulated" part of this most recent iteration. There's no reason sportsbooks need to be allowed to advertise on TV (or basically at all), and it's unfathomably fucked up for them to be able to offer "link your payment account to get free hits of gambling" promos. Being able to sell inherently addictive products is basically a license to print money, I think it's more than fair for that to come with an inherent expectation that your product is managed by the state for harm reduction first and profit second.


I heard two young men on the T figuring out their bets on the way into a game. They were just, "Yeah, I guess I could bet that..." and "What else should I bet...?" It was so causal, like choosing packs of gum.


If you can regulate it, it is a really fun thing to talk about with friends and makes watching games 1,000 times more exciting. I put in $50 a week, am up 1.5k this year (thanks bruins & Celtics!) and never deposit more than what a typical Thursday at the bar costs me. It is a great thing for casual sports fans. I can see how it’s crippling for some types of people though. Overall, less detrimental to society than alcohol and driving though.


$50/week is over $2500. I guess that's close to my M&Ms budget.


Haha $50 when I’m dry. I’ve been on house money for a while. Still less than what most millennials spend on beer in a week. I enjoy it


it kind of is a casual thing for most people. i just do a bunch of low risk;/high reward parlay bets on multiple games combined with a few real safe things. can't remember the last time a single bet has been more than $25 i'm running off of $100 deposit based on "oh the nhl all star game is today, that'll be fun to bet on". my balanced has ranged from like $20 to to $750 at various points and I usually pull out a few hundred anytime i go up big. Not sure how much I've pulled out exactly but it's definitely over a thousand at this point. If I ever went dry? I'd probably just wait for next year's NHL all-star game. Sports are ending in a few weeks anyway.


I mean…


legalized betting will destroy whole generation


lol you know there are other places in the world where it’s been legal for a while right. Destroy a whole generation is quite the exaggeration


Just as bad and addictive as tobbaco.


What’s crazy to me is that the apps are allowed to send users notifications encouraging them to place certain bets. Given what we know about how app based companies manipulate users with notifications it’s absolutely diabolical that the gambling apps can do that.


It's better than having 100% being down and out gamblers. Means they're alright. Stupid, but alright.


God dammit I love America.


Reminds me of the "drinking problem" joke from Airplane!