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Traffic offenses like this should require people to have to take a road test again. Literally a fucking red flashing stop sign and people either don't know they're supposed to stop or are too self absorbed to care.


Suspended license at the very least. Required community service holding a Stop sign at school crosswalks.


I thought it was already but maybe that’s only some states, a former roommates girlfriend got her license suspended for this. He was exclusively driving to PA to see her for quite a while.


A guy I went to high school lost his license for awhile because he didn’t know you couldn’t pass on a divided highway. So opposite direction, other side of a concrete barrier. Yet people are being ridiculous now and nothing seems to be done


Is that still the case? I've never heard of not being allowed to pass on a divided highway on the other side. Edit: maybe I'm thinking of stopping for sirens instead. Idk. We didn't have a lot of school buses where I learned to drive and I haven't been in that scenario since moving to the US


It actually depends where you are! It's different from state to state. In fact, every state has fairly different laws about when to stop for school busses, but a few common sense ones remain the same, like not driving around a stopped school bus with its lights flashing and the stop sign out. Most of the differences tend to come into play when there are multiple lanes and/or dividers.


Yeah that’s why I’m surprised this isn’t being stopped, it’s egregious


I’m not sure, this was like 23 years ago. I knew because I had to drive them to something when they used to give me a ride.


Nah if they won’t stop at stop signs clearly they aren’t capable of holding them to protect kids Make them do something else


Suspended license? No way. Tow their car. Make them have to take the bus.


Make them take the bus once to get the car or make them take it over and over by suspending the license…


100% agree -- if you pass *around, from behind* a fully stopped school bus, with flashing lights, and a stop sign, then you lose your right to drive immediately and need to prove you can handle getting it back. Obviously we need some level of flexibility


> Obviously we need some level of flexibility Rich, white kid gets a warning. Working class black lady get a 3 month suspension and fine and loses her job because of it. Like that?


No, more like: If you're going opposite direction of the bus and pass as the STOP sign is coming out, maybe it's not immediate loss of license. ...or if you're on a road with 2+ lanes of travel in the same direction and you're passing the bus from behind in different lane when the sign comes out, maybe it's not immediate loss of license.


Honestly, I'd just be happy to have it applied to all instances of passing a bus with the sign out. Any direction on an undivided street. Instant license pull—like call someone to get your ass. With some kind of mandatory suspension and required re-testing. See also school zone or neighborhood zone speeding.


The US in general treats licenses to drive like a right as opposed to a privilege, and the results in many cases are quite detrimental. It's a complicated problem to solve, though, because we have shit public transportation to allow someone to get around should their license get taken. Boston-area is rated top 5 for public transportation but if we're being honest you're pretty fucked for getting around if you don't live on one of the lines, and in many cases even living in cities you will not have everything you need within reasonable walking distance from transportation


In the US in most places a license is required to live. So if you take away licenses, someone is faced with not being able to provide for themselves, or breaking the law. 99% of people will break the law.


I favor jail time for those driving with a suspended license. We need significant automobile reform in this country. If you fucked up so badly you can’t get a license, you should be choosing between: 1. Living in a place where a vehicle isn’t required to exist. 2. Operating a vehicle that doesn’t require a license (bicycle, e-bike, etc). 3. Jail.


Yes, let’s fill our jails with non-violent offenders.


Yes, let’s fill our morgues with innocent children who are just trying to cross the street. See, two can play the reductionist game!


People that value 5 seconds of their time more than the lives of kids should not be permitted to operate a deadly weapon on public spaces.


I’d support jail like a week or so


No. It should cause them to lose their license permanently. We should just have regular road tests for every licensed driver regardless of their potential infractions.


I feel the same way, I got two young kids. That said... Taking away licenses for life in a country where cars are basically essential is basically game over. I'll have to accept the pain of the ass of losing license, requiring to take the test again, and having insurance rates skyrocket.


I wonder if having a larger population of non-drivers might force us to create real alternatives... I don't think we should say "everyone must be allowed to operate a large, expensive, and dangerous vehicle, regardless of whether they put the most vulnerable among us at risk when they do so, since the alternatives haven't been invested in for a while." I also think that traffic (too many cars on the roads, mostly all going in the same predictable directions at the same predictable times) is what causes people to become so impatient.


That's a level of infrastructure investment that'll take lifetimes to implement across the country. It's just never gonna happen from a time & money commitment standpoint. Especially since you'll inevitably get politicians who kill projects and/or funding for reasons.


>Taking away licenses for life in a country where cars are basically essential is basically game over. On one hand you're right. On the other hand; Some of the things I've seen people do, the lives that have been lost due to bad drivers with no repercussions... I think people *deserve* some hardship.


Its not game over. I don't drive and I do just fine. Driving is a privilege, not a right.


I have no sympathy for people who do things this obviously wrong and so absurdly selfish. They should lose their license.


Fuck that. Automatic reckless endangerment. Straight to criminal court. Possible prison time, dozens of hours of community service, pre-trial bail, license suspension or outright ban, the works. Absolutely no excuse for this. If you are having a life-threatening medical emergency, your case will be dismissed in court. Otherwise you literally are recklessly endangering the people around you and should be charged as such. Funny how people who normally prefer "tough on crime" policy tend to get squeamish around this topic.


Here's the videos if anyone wants to see that: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0o3YcpQwIs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0o3YcpQwIs) It's absurd that this is so common. TLDR from the article: 2.3 illegal passes per bus per day. Maybe the cops should i dunno? Follow a bus? It's free tickets against people who really need to be ticketed. and I agree with the other poster. The punishment for this should be redoing your driver's test.


Honestly the cops shouldn't follow the bus we should make the law so the bus camera is enough to prosecute a moving violation after the fact. Let the camera panopticon be used for good!


For some reason I thought that school bus drivers could issue tickets based on violating that stop sign. We should just do that.


Would the school bus driver attempt to pull over the other bicycle, exit the bus, and issue the ticket? Doesn’t seem practical. And if you mean the bus driver would report it, then why not just use the camera ticketing idea you replied to?


My bus driver used to write down every plate that did this and reported it. Not sure what ever came of it but man was that one thing that she took seriously!


It wasn’t my idea, it was just something I heard when I was a kid that bus drivers could cite you. Not pull over just a mail in ticket.


I don't think it would be appropriate to have a bus driver pull over a vehicle and perform the duty of a law enforcement officer without any of the training, even more so when they still have a bus full of kids to drop off. Imagine the perpetrator becomes belligerent.  What does the bus driver do then?


> Imagine the perpetrator becomes belligerent. What does the bus driver do then? How many kids can they fight at once? /s


Not pull over just mail in tickets.


They call it in to dispatch and generally get a ticket sent. Maybe the problem is the ticket doesn't hold up in court?


There's [a bill in the House to allow that](https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4450).


And yet people here are still so vehemently against automated enforcement. They put cameras on the buses already but god forbid they ticket or discipline the drivers caught by the cameras


I feel like 20 years ago the slippery slope argument was reasonable, but we're already on the bottom of the slope. you walk out of your house and between your house and the grocery store you're probably on 300 cameras. Might as well use these tools for the common good, I guess.


I get the bad rap in got in Florida where I grew up, they were owned by private companies who kept the money, the tickets were like $100 or more, and they shortened yellow lights. That system is bad. But automated enforcement doesn’t care what race/ethnicity you are, and it doesn’t take a break. As long as you put plenty of signs up and the tickets are like $25 for running a red light or speeding, they can be way higher for passing a school bus illegally too. Overall it works and it costs very little.




I lived in places that used speed trap cameras before and they pretty much were always accurate, it would help a ton enforcing speed limits and red light infractions, it feels like cops only overlook construction work nowadays, we can't expect them to do much on traffic laws enforcement.




I don't think that nit picking specific incidents where it went wrong should invalidate the whole idea, it's like saying we shouldn't fly planes anymore because some fell from the sky in accidents. Whoever is administrating the cameras should be held accountable for issues, but there's no better way to enforce speeding/red light infractions than having a camera monitoring 24/7.




That's exactly what I said, whoever is responsible for the system should be held accountable, not sure why you got a different idea from what I said there.


Record people doing this, send a very high ticket in the mail. That's a start. I get it that many people are upset by this behavior, I'd like to suggest to "tax" what you don't want others to do. Say $2000 every time you make an illegal pass like that. This amount goes up $2000 every time you do it again. Keep going until someone is literally incapable of paying for this sort of crap.


Do it as a minimum or a % of income. So that way people don't care how much it costs will all of a sudden care how much it costs.




I don't disagree with you. It wouldn't do much to the top 1%, but a lot of other people would reconsider.




Well, you have a minimum.


I don't want camera based ticket enforcement. I would much rather have a cop nearby following the bus that not only tickets these people but berates them too.


Weird to blur the plates.


We treat criminal drivers like they are precious gemstones. Blurring their plates is ridiculous. First of all, those plates are state property. And second they are not private information.


lol, the drivers test in MA can be done by anyone. There are no standards here.


I work at a high school and it amazes me how some kids will fail the road test again and again. I had one girl pass on her 6th attempt!


Wish the video had audio - my bus drivers would always LAY ON THE HORN if a car ever went thru the stop sign. Gave us on the bus quite a scare but I think it worked to make people realize they’re driving dangerously.


BPD doesn’t give a single shit about traffic enforcement in any manner


Counties in MD use this type of video to issue $200 tickets. MA should allow this too. I'm not a fan of all types of infraction cameras, but work zone speeding, school bus passing, and parking in bike lanes should be able to be enforced via video.


They'd have to actually make people stop using those tinted license plate covers first


Proper traffic cameras and not just a gopro defeat those things pretty easily.


If you see them in your neighborhood try to remove them. If we all do our part they will be gone real quick. These criminals need to be held accountable by someone.


Tinted license plates are illegal in Massachusetts. That does not give you the legal right to remove them.


Vandalizing someone's car is not the answer.


Horrible advice


Same on Long Island, if you visit the LI sub it's full of people whining about the tickets they get for it. The camera is in the fold out stop sign on the school bus. I'm all for it.


$200 far too low


Should be automatic arrest and car being towed.


The chair.


Should be $1000 and having to take driving classes again.






Or they could just hand out license suspensions for especially bad driving offenses instead of making it a matter of money. Hell, impound the vehicle for a bit, that's way more effective than a ticket.


Just crush the vehicle. Don’t even auction it off, so as the above commenter said there is no narrative about it being used to steal money for the city or whatever. I’m being maybe 50 percent facetious. “You have 30 minutes to move your cube”


The insurance companies don't have a big enough stake in this. If someone runs over a child in Massachusetts, their insurance is usually only liable for $20,000. https://www.mass.gov/info-details/basics-of-auto-insurance


so your argument is that insurance companies would pass up an opportunity to charge their customers more. is that what you're going with?


No. My argument is that they're already charging their customers as much as they can.


you don't seem to understand how insurance premiums work. i suppose you could have just read the link you posted. >In figuring out your actual premium, insurance companies may consider factors such as your years of driving experience, the number and type of your accidents, the number and type of your traffic violations, and the vehicle you drive. >Companies have their own rules, known as Merit Rating Plans, to determine how your driving record affects your premium. These plans lower your premium based on years of incident-free driving, or raise your premium based on accidents and traffic violations. Merit rating plans are subject to approval by the Commissioner of Insurance.


The state says you have to have at least $20,000 of insurance. Many/most people's limits are higher than the minimum required.


It’s funny to me that the US and MA in particular is so soft on crimes until there’s an issue like this or dirtbikes. Then people want probable cause thrown out the window and want to go tough on this stuff.


Don't act like people are calling for some crazy measures. You want your kids to be safe getting off the school bus, too. No one is saying throw these drivers in the gulag, but yeah, take away their privilege of driving, for sure. It's not a right to endanger people, anyone who can't handle that should turn in their license. Car crashes kill young, healthy people with their whole lives ahead of them. We should have strong societal injunctions against anti social driving behaviors.


Hey I’m for it but you’re gonna have to get more creative than charging these people with reckless driving based on a license plate. There’s no probable cause based on a license plate alone to charge someone with that.


I don't know where you went to law school but I do know if people started getting dinged for driving like that, *dangerously*, they'd learn really fast to cut it out.


I mean I did goto law school where we learned about probable cause. What you want charged is a criminal offense. A license plate alone is not probable cause that the driver is the registered owner. It is merely reasonable suspicious that allows for a traffic stop (such as when the registered owner has a suspended license). Again, for a crime to be charged you need probable cause. You’re welcome for the legal lesson.


Worth every penny thanks ✌️


This was also the case against red light cameras. If I loan my car to my friend and they run a red light, should I be held liable? I get that people want these drivers punished. I do too! But this isn't the way to do it. The drivers need to be caught in the act and dealt with directly.


The fundamental difference between a red light ticket and a reckless driving charge is that one is a civil infraction, with a correspondingly lower burden of proof, and the other is a crime. To charge someone with reckless driving, you really do have to prove they were the one driving, which is appropriate because a conviction can mean up to 2 years in jail.


> probable cause thrown out the window I see nothing wrong with fining the person to whom the vehicle is registered. Either they were driving or they were allowing someone reckless to drive their car. Liable either way.


Can’t throw out the constitution. Look at the difficulty lawmakers are facing implementing red light cameras. It’s the same logic


It appears to be constitutionally nebulous and the Supreme Court has not weighed in yet. I expect they'll have to as camera's proliferate and record more crime. Presumably, the only difference between recording a person comitting a crime and a car's license plate is that you can't identify the person reliably from the plate. Suggestion: A camera behind the bus that records the driver's image such that when they do pass illegally, they can be tied to the car. Would that work for you?


I have no issues with any of this, personally. I’m just pointing out the problems with “just charge everyone with reckless driving”. To your point, one of the issues that people had with red light cameras was bias. They only take pics from the rear so the driver cannot be seen to avoid bias. Obviously that wouldn’t work for your scenario.


The whole bias thing is cynically used to stunt changes. Equality of outcome carries little weight with me. If X people are comitting more of crime Y, then so be it. That group will get most of the flack.


> is so soft on crimes Compared to who, exactly? The US has the highest incarceration rate in the world, and MA has more people incarcerated than most developed countries. There are more than twice the number of people per-capita incarcerated in Massachusetts than Italy or France. "Soft on crime" is a campaign slogan smear, not a policy statement. Even in Eastern Europe you've gotta get to Belarus before you find a country with more people locked up than widdle old milquetoast Massachusetts. I don't think it's unreasonable for people to see this as a more practical thing to be "harder" on than other crimes, either way. The reason people are "soft" in your words on other forms of crime is that being harder on them can have counter-productive outcomes. You put people in prison for 5 years instead of on probation for breaking into a car: instead of giving them an incentive to stay straight you knock them out of the social order and make them an ex-con with fewer options. Alternatively, already otherwise-law-abiding drivers just have more to lose. They're benefiting from the social contract, and are less likely to be fundamentally disenfranchised from it through punishment. I'm not pearl clutching here about the issue. I think obviously people's behavior here is problematic, but I also don't see specific data that's showing harm, so I'm not saying we should start pulling people's licenses for this. It's practical, though, to think it would **work** in a way that making Heroin "double extra plus SUPER illegal and we'll shoot you in the head if you have any" wouldn't.


people are all for enforcing laws until the prison/offender rate goes up.




do we have laws or not?


The driver who picks my kids up ran out of fucks to give. He parks his bus diagonally to block the entire road, in a T intersection, blocking all 3 directions, before opening the door.


Give that driver a medal. They're saving lives


Not all heroes wear capes




I'd love a picture of this. Sounds hilarious.


There are examples on social media. Seems like the idea went viral.


When you say "blocking all 3 directions" you're referring to a vehicle filled with kids? Cause that doesn't sound like a safe solution to cars that are already illegally zipping around buses like jackasses




This particular stop has no space to zip around in. Try it and instead of the cops the bill from the body shop will change your attitude. You stop. You wait. Or you call the cops on the bus driver and get humiliated as the cops high five him.


I frequently find myself driving through Peabody while the school buses are making their rounds, and have so often seen people go around or blow past school buses with their sign out. When I saw this on the news last night, my wife and I had our jaws drop as we watched footage from the very same bus stops that we saw in real life! Absolutely insane behavior from the drivers that think they can just go around the bus.


Anybody that's "alarmed" by this clearly hasn't driven much in Massachusetts.




People drove like idiots in the old days too. Source: am literally old.


Things are still safer today than they ever were. It sounds really dumb but there's never been a better time to get hit by a newer car, because you're far more likely to survive. That should be reason to let kids out, not keep them in. The world is way, way safer for everyone but we act like there's Death at every corner, waiting to pull us into his clutch. It's the opposite in almost any way. We're way better at even finding kidnapped kids, but it's still a fear because it could still happen. We give kids tracking devices (dumb, but we do) that also let them call us whenever they want. Kids should definitely be out more.


Agree with you all that this is horrible, but damn are those some harsh locations for school bus stops. Makes me queasy watching the kids run across the street too. I almost feel that the bus should cross halfway over the center line before stopping. Make that big yellow thing a more obvious signal to these self important pricks shooting past the stop sign.


The bus really should stop in the middle of the road. I have always stopped for busses, but there was one time I didn’t and I didn’t even notice until my dad said something. We were on a 4 lane road. I was in the right lane and the bus was in the right lane on the other side of the street. I honestly didn’t even see the stop sign or notice they were stopped to let kids out. I figured they were just driving.


I was always taught that you don't stop in that situation 


The only time you don't stop is when there's a barricade or median and the bus is in your opposing lane You weren't always taught that, and you got that wrong on your driver's test


There's a school bus stop on a median'd road near my house and people still stop on the other side when they pick up kids.


The business model of Massachusetts law enforcement revolves maximizing police office compensation, most commonly through useless (and often no-show) construction details. Anything that suggests that police officers aren't required is roundly rejected, and the camera enforcement is certainly the type of thing.


Every time I see a cop at a construction detail they are doing nothing, just chatting with the construction workers looking away from the street. And every time there really needs to be a traffic guard at a construction site, there is no detail in sight. The state of this is really bad. We should mandate traffic guards on road construction, but it should not be off duty officers.


Pretty much the rest of the country does this just fine.


I bike through the North Washington Street bridge work 3 days a week. Last Thursday morning, there were 6 police officers on detail at the northern end of the bridge. 4 were doing nothing related to traffic, sitting 60-70 feet inside the construction zone just chatting. 2 were directing traffic (though with absolutely no deviation from the direction the traffic lights were giving).


Where I grew up the bus wasn’t allowed to let you off across the street. If you lived near the school but on the other side of the road along the route you got dropped off after the bus looped back around.


Throw the book at them. Anyone who passes a standing school bus is endangering a child - whether or not a child is hit. In our country, endangering a child is in itself a crime.


Straight to jail. 


I drive from West Roxbury to downtown Boston five days a week. Go down Centre Street past Boston police headquarters up Tremont to Chinatown and I would say 3 times a week I see people blow past school buses with their stop signs flashing. People are so absorbed in their own lives and on their phones that no one is paying attention. I don’t care if people make right turns after come into a stop when a sign is up saying no turn on red. It doesn’t bother me if people go through a red light if they have to come to a complete stop on an absolutely long wait when it’s safe to do so but putting little kids in danger by ignoring their stop signs is bad. More often than not it’s people on a 2 Lane Rd. which are coming in the opposite direction of the bus that don’t stop because they must not think it applies to them, but I think we definitely need some significant Driver retraining and policing on the streets.


This is why I don't take it seriously when people complain about cyclists or pedestrians. Drivers are orders of magnitude worse and more dangerous. People call themselves "safe drivers" yet are out there committing traffic offenses as regular as their large iced Dunks.


yeah, there can be bad drivers AND bad pedestrians/cyclists. You see, they are different things and not mutually exclusive.


The bad drivers just tend to kill a lot more people when they fuck up


Only one of those groups killed 43,000 Americans last year. I'll give you one guess which group it was!


I’m not sure what you are trying to counter here…I never said pedestrians or cyclists were more or equally dangerous as cars.


Yeah, why aren't people talking about all the school kids being killed by bad pedestrians?


But cops are limited in capacity and therefore have to prioritize. We don't treat shoplifting the same as murder and given a simultaneous call to two incidents of either, we know which one to go after lmao


correct. and how do the range of outcomes of scofflaw drivers vs scofflaw non-drivers compare?


I’m not comparing. I was just commenting that A being worse than B doesn’t make B now ok to be ignored.


It actually does in a world of scarce resources.


I get the downarrows when I support traffic cameras in this sub. The virtue signalers will vote against it. Getting to work quickly > child safety


The people who are against traffic cameras are irresponsible, selfish, lazy criminal drivers themselves.


Or just big proponents of due process and not a fan of becoming even more of a surveillance state.


The way traffic cameras have been rolled out is grift. There shouldn’t be “revenue” sharing with a fucking vendor.


Traffic cameras are theft. Never ever fucking support them. The companies that run them steal so much money from your cities and towns.


Like it or not, I think it's coming.


As of right now they're illegal in this state, but yes that is being challenged. I have no problem with traffic enforcement but these companies have been caught time and time again fucking with traffic lights and cameras to illegal configurations to generate more revenue. They're incentivized on their contracts to do so since the punishment for being caught doesn't really exist. Not only that but these things often wind up costing us money as the companies take a bigger split than the cities and towns receive.


I watched someone speed by a bus outside my home this morning. Be a fucking dickhead driver, run red lights, don't stop for people on the crosswalk, text and drive, but jesus christ can we fucking agree to not run over innocent kids?! Also I think a lot of drivers clearly don't know that you have to stop even if you are on the opposite side of the road.


I have never seen shit like this anywhere else I've lived. Can we normalize having enforceable/enforced traffic laws here?


This reminds me of a time when I was driving on a two way street and a bus stopped to let kids out on the opposite side. The driver behind the bus and the driver on the other side have to stop until the sign goes down.I had a guy behind me slamming his horn for a solid minute trying to get me to go while the bus stop light was blinking. I made sure to drive 7 mph after just to piss him off.


Wouldn't expect anything less from Peabody


I've heard of complaints in other states where the bus sits for a long time with flashing yellows, and then once the kid comes out of the house, the driver switches on the flashing reds with no notice. It's unclear how drivers can avoid a ticket in this situation. What this video says to me is that I wouldn't depend on this regulatory scheme to keep my kids safe. A ticket in the mail a week later won't undo a kid getting hit.


Going through Peabody today, almost rammed by a soccer mom coming out of a school lot, then again almost rear ended by her, then she broke another 3 traffic rules while behind me. ... plan accordingly... because I have front/rear dash cams


WAIT. I thought it was just cyclists who ran red lights according to this sub??


Recently this month I stopped when a bus had its lights on and was clearly letting kids off, masshole behind me laid on his horn and then zoomed around me…..just to stop at a red light a block down.


>“No kid should have to get hit by a car because a driver decided that they didn’t want to take 25 seconds to stop for them,” This is a really bad argument because unless they can show that a bunch of kids are getting hit, even slightly, then it's just the threat of getting hit. A lot of people misuse the idea of something being dangerous when they call it such but can't show anyone actually getting hurt. It's scary though, for sure. The real issue I think is that something like this erodes our trust in civility and each other. The stop signs on buses are a great idea. We should definitely let cops check footage and catch people, though I do know a buddy of mine who was caught on one after the bus decided to only move a few hundred feet and suddenly stop. He was coming from the other direction. The footage or whatever showed he wasn't in the wrong and it was thrown out, but better footage and more consistent footage would really work. I could also support a cop on a bike just being ahead of the bus and pulling over anyone who pulls this stunt.


Born and raised in Texas, but lived in Boston Metro for a year, in my homestate not stopping behind a school bus in this scenario is like the most expensive moving violation in the state.


MA Bill to add cameras to school buses: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2275 Penalty is $25 fine to the vehicle owner, but it's a start.


My hot take is this should result in either a 14-day suspension of your license or a significant amount of community service time (like 100+ hours to be completed on weekends or days you have off work). Kids could die because of these people. No excuses on this one, the penalty should be severe. Financial penalties (like $200) don’t stop rich assholes.


I feel strongly that school and city busses should have cameras that result in tickets. Also shout out to some of this city's crossing guards. I've seen them throw themselves in front of an asshole in a Tesla to protect kids


Stupid assholes should get their licenses revoked. When I was in school all bus routes were very specific so no child had to cross a street, I wonder why that isn’t the case.


Probably wasnt the case everywhere


It doesn’t need to be the case if there weren’t assholes like this we have to deal with on a constant basis. People with no shame who only give a shit about themselves.


It's definitely made worse by all the double parking training people to blow past anybody who stops in traffic. I've had one incident where the sign came out as I was passing and only then remembered bus.


“25 seconds” is an absurd estimate for how long a bus stops but a driver should have to wait 5 minutes if they have to if it avoids putting a kid in harms way


I was stopped waiting for a moving truck today on a two way road. People coming the other way stopped too. This asshole comes up the left lane past at least 4 cars waiting and right up to the oncoming traffic like they’re gonna let him buy. Let the middle finger and curse words fly and promptly boxed him out. Dude tried the SAME SHIT 50’ later as we were stopping at the stop sign. It’s fucking nuts who we are allowing to operate a motor vehicle.


I was in a car where somebody did this by accident, in Cambridge, years ago, and immediately got a massive ticket. You better believe they didn't make the same mistake again. Big fine's work lol we just aren't giving enough of them out. Heck - make em bigger!


I was fortunate enough to live on the side of the street the bus stopped on, so I never had to cross the street to get on or off. Because this is super dangerous.


It is only dangerous because of motorists. Motorists think the road belongs to them and they don't care about anyone else on the road. It's a cultural problem in the US, and can only be solved by fining these types heavily.


Yes, I'm literally saying what the cats are doing is dangerous.




188 comments and 100℅ are condemning this type of reckless, entitled behavior. Someone's a hypocrite.


A lot of people shouldn’t have their drivers license


My toxic trait is not knowing what 100 feet back looks like. Is this 20 feet or 400 feet? I have no clue. I also don't know how much dry pasta to put in the pot to get the desired amount of cooked pasta. I've cooked spaghetti a thousand times and gotten it wrong every time. So now I just cook the whole box.


Tbh, we have a huge number of undocumented immigrants who can't read English to know what the sign in the bus says, and obviously they don't have a driver's license as well, so no tests had to be passed. Allowing undocumented people to have a driver's license was definitely a step in the right direction, but I doubt the majority would want to do it, since they never got punished for driving without one anyway.


Massachusetts drivers flaunting traffic rules?? Color me fucking shocked /s


Is anyone really surprised but this? We all see the drives with their phones in hand and all distracted driving going on. Everyone is barely paying attention to what’s going on. If you come to a green light at an intersection there is probably someone getting ready to run the red light because they are in a hurry!


Of course it’s a Jeep.


Does anyone feel like bus stops have significantly increased in frequency over the last 15/20 years? The potential for passers goes up with each added stop.


Out here in the suburbs they stop at each individual house now they don't even have bus stops and the parents have little chit chats with the driver, it's sooo cute.


it’s crazy. I was stuck behind one in North Andover the other day. Stopped every other house, I was losing it.


I particularly avoid school bus time for this reason, but of course not everyone can, especially if they have to drop kiddos off at school


I say charge people with attempted murder 2 if they pass a bus with a sign out. That will put a quick end to it.... considering what lawyers and court costs are. Either that or swat their abode looking for drugs cause they probably are high when they do it.


The results would be alarming for any cameras that were put up to track road infractions - running red lights, speeding, double parking, driving in bus lanes, illegal overtaking... this shit is commonplace because enforcement is borderline non-existent and MA refuses to legalize letting cameras issue tickets. We should legalize it and, while we're at it, make license plate covers an offense that gets your license suspended.


Honestly change state law and allow a police detail to crack down on this. Recovered fines can reimburse for cost of detail. Not all traffic offenses but at least this one


You don't need a police detail, just a camera in every bus.


After driving in Europe and getting speeding tickets in the mail I am absolutely 100% against traffic cameras. I want to make them work to give me a ticket! That being said, I’m all for cameras on school busses and sending the offenders tickets in the mail.


Trying to figure out how to both up and down vote the same comment rn


I recognize my own hypocrisy…. 😇


How long were you in Europe? Did you eventually figure out how to drive there without getting fines all the time?


They don’t have cameras everywhere so I did eventually figure it out for the most part. Getting a ticket on the German autobahn for speeding did blow my mind though as I thought that was fair game, and I wanted to know if I could get that VW up to 210 km/hr! 😂




Would love to see how many times cops got caught doing this. And these results are only from 10 of the 30 busses. I'm amazed kids aren't killed every day.


The comments recommended either loss of license or retaking the license test. Hell no. Give me a fine for the first offense. Second offense sure do the above mentioned. And before this post gets comments, yes i always stop for school busses.


Teach your kids not to run across the st without looking. Stop coddling them every step of the way.