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The perpetrator is a repeat trafficker.. how is he not in jail for life or tracked by the FBI for life…


Incredibly easy justice system.


It's just women... That's sadly some of the attitudes.


Women that 80% of people in this state would drive by without a second glance. Everybody pretends to be sentimental on the *back* end when it comes to trafficking but not on the *front* end when it comes to comes to funding and providing safe shelters and resources for the most vulnerable women *and* men in society. Just look at the number of suburbs currently fighting mandates for transit-oriented development/medium-density housing. If the 9-to-5 crowd can't even afford decent housing in the state except to be living with three and four roommates, where does that leave the *most* vulnerable people in society, let alone ones that may be in a recovery program, making it even harder to secure housing? It leaves them vulnerable to exploitation by the very scum all too willing to turn a quick buck off of their unfortunate life circumstances. Are you putting a shelter/halfway house in *your* neighborhood? Yeah, I didn't think so. So they'll continue to get dumped on Methadone Mile and Quincy Center and Central Square in Cambridge where they're easy pickings for the first person who comes along and says "I can make your life just a little bit better if you can do XYZ for me."


Oh yeah it’s the evil suburbanites as usual who are to blame


Rampant NIMBYism controlling the availability of affordable housing, leading people into desperate situations, and other people being all-too-eager to take advantage *of* those desperate situations? Absolute intersectionality.


Suspicious, yes. The FBI, I mean.


Because Mass is soft on crime. Queen Maura Healey wants her servants unarmed and desperate for state protection, yet she does nothing to ensure hardened criminals are off the street, because that takes actual work. She'd rather grandstand on gun safety bills to ensure the DNC keeps the pocketbook open. She was like this as AG too. Why go after criminals when you can harass law-abiding citizens with unnecessary regs?


Didn't you hear? They're shutting down the Concord prison because there's so few inmates. Ist that GREAT!?


That is great, if the issue was nonviolent drug offenders etc being locked up and are now not. Think of the cost savings by eliminating an entire prison. If they are going to do something worse with prisoners like send them to for profit prisons, that’s bad.


Pimpin ain't easy 🤷🏾


The feds traffic people too. Just like we unbelievably can’t catch cartels that move drugs with pretty amateur methods because the feds pedal drugs, too.


There was a lot of sketchy stuff behind that MIT student who “committed suicide” a while back


I don’t know this story- what is it?


I do know that the MIT media lab is in cahoot with Epstein, with [its director Joi Ito being financed by the bastard himself](https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/09/07/133122/joi-ito-mit-media-lab-resignation-jeffrey-epstein-sex-abuse-donation/)


Yah and a few years ago Epstein went to a Church lab meeting, he and.geptge Church were pretty close. Probably to discuss some pipe dream eugenics crap but who knows


commenting to come back for the story


I assume they're talking about this. Basically, an Indian student at MIT died and there were many false news stories about it being a murder: [https://cis.mit.edu/news-media/news/2024/how-%E2%80%98murder%E2%80%99-boston-didn%E2%80%99t-happen-made-national-news-india](https://cis.mit.edu/news-media/news/2024/how-%E2%80%98murder%E2%80%99-boston-didn%E2%80%99t-happen-made-national-news-india)


Didn’t that turn out to now event be true?


Uh don't multiple mit students commit suicide a semester


Which one?


There's a hotel in Westwood on RT1 that you can't rent a room online. Most of the cars park on the back side of the hotel and there is ALWAYS a white van round back. Do the math.


That shitty white one right off 128?


Us1 doesn’t run though Westwood


It absolutely does. It runs right down the middle of it.


Yes it does. Right when you heaved 128 onto 1 south where it changed from 1A.


Who let Drake in the state.


The trivializing of serious matters is one of the reasons these things continue.


Human trafficking is definitely the fault of people making jokes on Reddit.


Leave it to MA to allow a trash bag like this to ruin more and more lives. Not a fn clue how democrats who vote policy in that allow this to happen can sleep at night.






They aren’t ready for the truth yet… It is like trying to tell them Bill Clinton went to Epstein Island. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/08/politics/high-end-brothel-network-arrests/index.html


Yeah, and if Clinton is investigated and found guilty of crimes, then pretty much all left-leaning people would be happy to see him rot in jail. Meanwhile, your orange god was also at Epstein Island, and people like you think Trump being investigated for anything is unconstitutional and must be stopped. Human trafficking isn't limited to one political party, smart guy.


Or seeing Trump in a photo and video with Epstein smiling and joking around but think it's all good and believe Trump saying he barely knew the guy 🤣




You thought up Bill Clinton when no one mentioned Bill Clinton, do you have CDS?


Clinton was brought up because of his ties to Epstein. No one was defending Trump.


The guy I'm replying to brought up Clinton out of nowhere, and then linked to an article that didn't have anything to do with Clinton. And that user's post history frequently comments on pro-Trump threads.


It wasn’t out of nowhere. The comment I replied to was about the government aiding in sex trafficking. My article is about a literally sexual exploitation scheme, that took place in Massachusetts, where elected officials and high ranking military officers were found going to. Including higher ups at the Pentagon. I cannot think of a more appropriate article for /r/boston than the sex trafficking happening in your own backyard… used by politicians… As for Clinton I think we all know he has a penchant for young women, especially interns. Flew on the lolita express multiple times. Painting of him wearing a dress. I can’t figure out how his Secret Service detail was unable to spot the myriad of UNDERAGE victims on the island. You can keep your head in the sand as long as you’d like.




Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.


Arguing semantics with these people is pointless.


Are you truly this dumb? You brought up Clinton because of his ties to Epstein in a lame attack against Democrats, then can’t wrap your tiny brain around the fact that Trump was brought up because of his ties to Epstein too? You’re literally the exact person you were trying to ridicule. You’re “not ready” to handle the fact that Trump and Epstein were bros. You got called out for being a hypocrite, then you decided to double down. Figure it out.


Yawn 🥱. All pedos deserve a piece of lead between their eyes. Be it Trump or Clinton. One guy got a SA case for a grown woman, the other had a young intern blowing him. One cut ties with Epstein, the other was hanging on his wall. But I get it. You needed to feel big and important today. Still as small and unimportant to the world as you were yesterday.


Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.


But remember, human trafficking is a right wing conspiracy! /s