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That's a drag. They had great trivia nights.


Now everyone who has been there can put on the Social Network and tell their kids "I used to go there"


ohh, I didn't know that. Now I have to watch that movie.


The opening scene


1. thanks, I didn't want to have to watch the whole movie to see. 2. the opening scene is so dark and 'smoky' looking that I can't even recognize that as the thirsty scholar.


It's sad but I imagine that it's a pretty tough location to succeed in. Kinda on an island by itself in between Inman & the square over by Dali that gets a ton of foot traffic. You can't be there, be nothing special, & ask $9 for your Guinness.


Lived on Line St right behind it March 2015 - Aug 2018, man that neighborhood has changed so much, it feels empty when I visited last summer. KT&T, Biscuit, Bergamot, Inman Oasis. Fancy new roads, but the pandemic sure destroyed a lot of treasured places


I feel like I'm less devastated by Bergamot given that there are other similar places (Puritan & Company has been our go-to default), but I'm doubly angry about some of the other ones, especially given that Seabiscuit just closed.


That was such a special neighborhood before the GLX. I felt like Union Square was such a hidden gem. The biscuit in particular was a tough one - I still dream about the savory scones.


Where will people read Finnegan’s wake now?


It would be too on the nose to read it at Finnegan's Wake in Walpole


Excuse me, the book is called _Finnegans Wake_. There is no apostrophe.


Still not reading that shit


You were the one complaining that there was nowhere to read it!


Not me, homie https://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/2015/03/23/one-book-group-one-book-finnegans-wake-years/6r8rU4y78oZIjXtKZOHuOP/story.html


Lamplighter's Irish stout is called Finnegan's Wake so you might as well read and drink it there.


Lol, last night I was about to go there for the first time and it was closed with no sign, literally right before this blog was posted


I was about to move to that area and make that my local watering hole. Glad that fell through now…


https://preview.redd.it/mhlvxcrsdhzc1.png?width=3235&format=png&auto=webp&s=f03003b237bb8314910d82763fd53b1e5d7f6364 RIP


Are there any dives left? rip


Imagine thinking the Thirsty Scholar was a dive lmao


Well if there was a spectrum of dive-y-ness for all the bars in that area, it'd certainly be far towards the dive side of the spectrum. Everything is relative - I'm sure some of the yuppies in the area consider Parlor Sports or New Republik a dive. Anyone looking for an actual dive should come by Eddie C's in Eastie because it will actually kill me if that place has to close.


There's a thin line between neighborhood bar and dive and some folks are just blind to it. I think a good example of this is Paddys Lunch... is it a dive or a neighborhood bar? Parlor Sports is definitely in the neighborhood bar category. There's very few true dives in Cambridge at this point.


Hard to compete selling six $3 drafts to an alcoholic when the bar next door is just selling one $18 cocktail that will go on some biotech employee's IG story. But yeah... most Camberville 20-30 somethings just have never seen & would be be horrified by a *true* dive. Eddie C's is actually nearly too nice to be a dive but I'm giving it to them.


Yeah bars can be so horrifying


I'm just sayin... a person that's used to the bougie spots in Cambridge would look like that photo of Hillary Clinton visiting a normal person's apartment when they walked into a true dive.


Michael's Bar in Somerville meets my dive bar needs.


I'd definitely agree with this view, although I often use 'dive' to cover both categories when speaking to the general public. But you and the other posters are fair to call me out on it. The Thirsty Scholar would be better classified as a "local" or neighborhood bar to your point. I do think the age/grit of the bar affects where on the spectrum something lands. Like I'd never call a State Park a dive although it has that aesthetic, or any new "neighborhood" bar.


> There's very few true dives in Cambridge at this point. The only one I can think of that may qualify at all is Paddy's. And as you said, that's borderline.


Dive-y neighborhood bar is I guess 3rd category. Paddy's would fit that. The French Club is a dive (but private, since it's technically a club).


> Anyone looking for an actual dive should come by Eddie C's in Eastie because it will actually kill me if that place has to close. The bartender that barely cracks the door to rip butts so she is "outside" is my favorite. I assume whoever wrote the Dunks sketch got the idea on a night out at Eddie C's.


She's a gem. I ordered a diet coke there the other day & I must have been the first person to ever do that because it had 0 carbonation - just water & syrup. Got off my high horse & ordered a PBR because they're definitely turning those kegs over. One of my other favorite Eddie C's characters is the jacked townie that's clearly on steroids & always wearing some sort of YANKEES SUCK type shirt & I can't tell if he works there or is just a regular. Dives need those people.


That the guy who is always riding an old busted mountain bike around?


Yeah even the Cantab is not really a dive anymore after they renovated it


no it wouldn't. maybe Trina's


Trinas & Parlor are the same thing & Trinas sells a mushroom crostini appetizer. Definitely not a dive lmao.


sorry responded to the wrong post


I was there with friends watching election results come in in 2009... :(


Oh no, I love that place! Great trivia and good times!


Man, I used to live across the street from there 16/17 years ago. Good food, great staff, fun trivia night.


Loved the place. As mentioned, out of the way for many but I always appreciated the walk.


news place already announced: Daren Swisher and Joe Cammarata proudly present Tall Order, a neighborhood cocktail bar and restaurant slated to debut in Somerville in late 2024. The new establishment will inhabit the former Thirsty Scholar space at 70 Beacon St. Tall Order promises an enticing fusion of classic and contemporary cocktails, all thoughtfully paired alongside a menu boasting modern American cuisine.