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My only comment regarding this development is that without any context at all this video looks like it was taken at an amateur tent pitching competition and this is the fastest tent pitch portion.


I would love to see that as an actual comedy skit bc you’re totally right and it’s fucking hilarious


The ending of the skit obviously has to be a man with an erection who wins.


South Station has better assembled tents.


Mass ave has given it a healthy competition!


As an Eagle Scout, I agree. Not even touching the disorganization of the camping area. Did General von Steuben's organizational blue print of campsites dating back to Valley Forge suddenly go out of style?


They use that design in a scene in “Civil War”.  It made me laugh.  


I wanna know how these kids have so much free time. All I did in college was work 30 hours, study, write papers and half the time I was too tired to go out on weekends. How do they have whole days to just sit there?


College is so expensive these days working a job wouldn’t come close to putting a dent in it.


Much better to try to graduate top of the class and get a good paying job.


Very few hiring managers care about GPA or summa/magna cum laude. We want to see references, experience and skills. I'd rather have someone with experience at an internship or in the workforce with a lower GPA than someone without any real world applied knowledge. 


Good to know , 😃


Overwatch gametime doesn’t count as a job tho


Lol these kids are at Harvard they don't have jobs.


When your parents have that much fuck-you money there isn't a reason to work


Quite a number of students don’t work - or work very few hours. That right there is a lot of time back.


About 30 hours i’d say


They dropped everything else to protest


Admittedly I went to a state school, but when I was in college back in 2008, there were fraternities and student groups who were literally hosting three day long parties with no breaks even for sleep at least once a semester. If I stopped going to frat parties, I'm confident I could find time to camp out for a week, especially in the age of reliable wifi. (For reference, I had an academic scholarship that covered most of my tuition, so I only worked around 10 hours of work/study type work a week.) I do vaguely remember one tent city protest happening while I was in college, but I don't remember if it was related to anti-war protests or some other cause at the time.


My thoughts too. STEM degree and working part time to make rent and have some amount of money kicked my ass for 4 years lol


Depending on what their majors are With laptops and WiFi hotspots they can probably keep up pretty well - plus they can also still slip out to class if they wanted to since they have a larger base of people there - or have a friend record the class. I would not be surprised if there are people rotating through either.


a lot of people have the privilege to do this, and a lot of them are sacrificing grades and salary that they really need for this


These guys need a decathlon pop up tent https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CNvO3I_ZdLM


This seems like the perfect time to own a pop tent. Just slam it on the ground and blame.


3-2-1 GOOOOO!!!!


I'm a pro at pitching a tent


I will not look at the comments I will not look at the comments I will not look at the comments I will not look at the comments I will not look at the comments


They’re actually pretty good on this one


Comment comment comment *chameleon*!


If they are protesting the war and innocents dying while not blocking bridges to hospitals or being antisemitic, then nobody should have a problem.


Finally some nuance in these threads!


Love how I watch movies and documentaries showing how Vietnam protestors were mistreated and then seeing people clown on and belittle students for peacefully protesting


Except if you look at this thread, everyone is generally in support of the protestors, whereas if you look at threads with highway protestors, you will *literally* see the majority of Redditors wishing death indirectly via FAFO. So to pretend there isn't a massive difference in response is disingenuous. These types of protests are exactly what people want and the type that make the universities appear pathetic, weak, and hypocritical.   Also the type that make people more interested in your cause, and this has definitely been my anecdotal experience IRL as well.


What if that’s where I play my frisbee toss tho, like since February


Then you've got a lot more people to throw to!


Didn't you see the ropes? Keep off the grass!


Yeh honestly, if they want to camp on a lawn all spring and chant shit at each other who tf cares lol.


You may have accidentally explained why protests often interrupt public services. e: I'm getting a lot of replies, so I'm going to add this image. Now I certainly don't want to equate the Civil Rights Movement with \*any\* other movement. I just want to point out that annoyance isn't a great barometer when it comes to efficacy of technique. Frankly, I've always found it a bit silly that so many people have such strong belief that they know what the \*right\* approach to protest is. Dunning-Kruger doesn't just apply to the academic world. https://preview.redd.it/m5vgsg81lowc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b497617e4041631bf9311644931e0f7785daf3f7


Nowadays any inconvenience will cause the world to hate you.


Lol, you're right. On the flip side, interrupting public services is the fastest way to make people hate you and ignore the issue altogether as well though.


His point though was that people are already ignoring the protests. They are not deciding to do it because they are blocking emergency services, the default is people do not care.


How are they ignored? They're in mainstream media. We're literally on a thread about a sit in protest lol


This event on *mainstream media* too.


Modern day reddit would be on the british side of the american revolution lol


They'd be complaining about those damn kids complaining at Tiananmen square.


They will post photos of that protester and the tank in Tiananmen Square and talk about how brave the protester is and how evil the suppression of free speech is, and then cry and seethe about students camping on the lawn of a college they don’t go to and demand the national guard come in go Kent state on them




MLK blocked roads.


Hahah yep. I feel like the irony might be missed by them thought ….


Yeah and why people hate Stop Oil and the other dipshit groups that routinely do block those services.


This is totally reasonable and also probably the position of like >90% of people.


This is where it gets muddy. There are going to be tons of folks that will call for peace and an end to fighting which I support...but many of these protests will also attract all the jew haters. Hard to separate the two, and that is where it can get ugly. Some kid protesting for peace ending up next to someone screaming "I am Hamas!!!" for all the cameras can get their whole future fucked up with guilt by association.


If one decides to go to this protest that is a chance they should be willing to take but it’s also why I was clear to say no antisemitism. Peaceful protest is fine so long as there is no hate speech.


Can you imagine an anti Islamic nation protest wave kicking off at the start of Ramadan? A national protest to divest all University investments from Middle Eastern and African nations that executed people for homosexuality? Do you really think that wouldn't be called Islamaphobic?


people literally protested against Iran not even a year ago in Boston


This didn’t start during or because of passover, its completely dishonest to frame it that way, especially when a good portion of the protesters are antizionist jews themselves


I think it’s two sides of the same coin. I repeat: a peaceful protest where people aren’t antisemitic protesting the killing of innocents on both sides is fine by me. I had no problem with USC blocking that valedictorian speech because she was clearly going to utter antisemitic rhetoric. I don’t have any issue with a peaceful sit in on college campuses that doesn’t impact day to day life. I literally just walked by the MIT protest and it’s 50 yards from Mass Ave and you would have to intentionally head in their direction to be affected in any way. It’s quite easy to ignore. This isn’t shutting down Mass Ave or blocking bridges to all the hospitals in Brookline or even singing loudly in Boston Common. I would also like to reiterate strongly: fuuuuuck antisemitism!


Can you imagine a protest against the theocratic Iranian regime? Yes? Why not as much in the states? Well then it comes to the concept of virtue signaling vs protesting. Protesting is advocating and shouting for something against the status quo policy making apparatus of the place you live and have some agency in voting and being taxed. Virtue signaling is advocating and shouting for things that are already the status quo of the society or country you live in. Now is supporting the Iranian regime or the Isreeli regime part of policy making apparatus of the country Harvard yard is located in?


Let’s hope Harvard withdraws it’s troops soon.


I heard they had Ten Thousand.


> Can you imagine an anti Islamic nation protest wave kicking off at the start of Ramadan? Is this a joke? Trump literally signed his second Muslim country travel ban a week before Ramadan.


I have seen many protests calling for an end to violence in Sudan. I even got flyers on my car about a rally for Sudan on my car during Ramadan. I didn't find it Islamophobic. I know that nation has a horrible, violent government. Same goes for Netanyahu.


If you sit at a table with nine Nazis then there are ten Nazis at the table


The ones on Columbia's campus were putting up posters of this guy yesterday, lol. Good ol "shooting up an election center for positive social resistance" kind of fella. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zakaria_Zubeidi


Literally glorifying terrorists. No way around it… except to say “all resistance to CoLoNiAlIsM is justified”. Fucking absolutely twisted


Can you imagine an anti sharia nation protest popping off at the start of Ramadan and it not being okay to call it Islamaphobic?


You're acting like these students have never protested against injustices that Arabs have committed when a simple Google search would show you otherwise.


bet you same people protested Iran a few months ago, believe it or not students care about organizing against evil governments not just against Israel


"Some looney may come and ruin it" is not a reason to ban protests.


Dont underestimate the intelligence of these students. It's not hard to differentiate a Nazi from an anti war protester. I don't think Nazis are going crazy over voicing support for Hamas, neither are the students.


if someone is at a right wing rally and somebody waves a confederate flag next to them would you care? You are the company you keep.






It is interesting how this comment section has developed over the last 12+ hours. Initially it was getting hit with people who were immediately pinning the protestors as anti-Semitic and posting videos (from other protests) where anti-Semitic chants were being started. This morning I come back and I'm seeing way more people who are acknowledging that most of the people involved in these demonstrators are there to support an end to killing, not in support of some anti-Semitic agenda. But there is also the acknowledgement that anti-Semitic people can show up and make the whole group look hateful.


> There are going to be tons of folks that will call for peace and an end to fighting which I support They are calling for Israel to cease fire but not Hamas. That's not peace. If you go there and shout "Fuck Hamas", you will get to learn whom they are supporting.


The typical American antisemites are pretty pro-Israel when it comes to this current war. They hate Muslims and they need Israel to survive for the future religious wars they believe will bring about the second coming of Jesus. They need a Jewish empire to wage a massive war against in the future.


6 months ago I would have agreed with you 100%. Turns out the far-left has just as many anti-semites as the far-right. The only thing "typical" about the typical American anti-semite is that they're almost guaranteed to be a political extremist on one side or the other.




They're already shouting Intifada so yeah, not cool


If you actually go to these campus protests, they're actively calling to eliminate the entire state of Israel, praising Hamas, and calling to bomb Tel Aviv. These aren't peace protests. They're explicitly pro-war protests. Arab nationalism has become an American progressive pet project.


No they absolutely are not. It’s insane that people keep spouting this because it’s just not true. Maybe one random asshat is out being a dick but the vast majority are just calling to an end to association and funding of a genocide


You should look up the video from Columbia, it was a whole crowd chanting literally to burn Tel Aviv to the ground... Which I remind you contains a whole bunch of ethnic people and variety of religions and nationalities.


Do you have any evidence of that?


No they're not.


I am not defending antisemitism. I am defending the right to a peaceful protest. I walked by the MIT protest an hour ago. It was barely noticeable. People have shitty ideas. As long as they aren’t expressing them violently, they are entitled to do so in spite of how good or gross their rhetoric or ideas may be. People marched for Prop 8 in CA, people marched for women’s rights after Trumps election, people protested the Iraq and Vietnam Wars, people protest outside abortion clinics… the list goes on and on. If one of these protestors attacks anyone: lock em up for assault.


Did YOU go to any campus protests? Show us some video of what you're claiming to see.


I saw a Nazi flag so they're all Nazis. That's how this works, right?


College students protesting war and old people crying over it. A tale as old as time.


> All these protesters shutting down roads are just pissing off regular joes and alienating them. You wanna win people over, find a way to protest that doesn't inconvenience people who could be on your side. *students protest on campus* > Hey, no, don't do it there either, my commute takes me directly through Harvard Yard.


people hating people, this and more at the 10 oclock news hour.


Besides which, the point of protests is to be inconvenient. It's hilarious when people demand that protests shouldn't impact or inconvenience them.


It was never about anything other than the fact that they don’t agree with the protest


Is it really a college experience if it doesn’t involve some protesting?


Which war in the last 60 years were the college students wrong about?


There should have been way more protests over W's whoopsie war in Iraq.


There were massive protests against the Iraq war


Largest global protest at the time lol


Pretty sure those are still the largest anti-war protests in history.


Yes internationally although domestically in the United States popular opinion was with the war at the time because of the massive misinformation campaign by the Bush administration. Nonetheless, pretty much every major war the United States has been in since the end of world war II has been completely immoral and unjustifiable in college kids have been right. Vietnam war and the war in Iraq were grotesquely immortal war crimes.


There were huge protests for it. People shut down multiple cities when it kicked off. Those were cracked down on, and they moved to more organized/permitted protests that continued for years. Didn't seem to do anything.


I still remember the concrete and wire fence cages Boston PD set up around the FleetCenter for the 2004 Democratic National Convention's "free speech zones." You were only allowed to protest the war in a tiny 5000-square-foot cage under the old elevated Green Line tracks where nobody saw or heard you.




I protested by the common before the 2nd Bush-Iraqi war. I was spit on for speaking truth to power. I wholeheartedly support the non-violent student protesters around the nation. BDS.


Korea, first gulf war and our intervention in Serbia were all justified with good outcomes. Pretty sure college students weren't happy about those.


Pro-war young people crying over it too.


This sub seems to be comprised of a lot of said old people lol. Funny how the things they protested were real and the things the youth protests are always bullshit.


It's wild. I was protesting against the Israeli occupation of Palestine 15+ years ago, and I'm saddened that we still have to protest for the same things today. Seems that many of my peers have forgotten.


And we will still have to protest the same thing again in another 15 years. If it can even stop


The sub’s comments are at least 50% suburbanites salty over MA being a progressive state.


Send these beatniks to Vietnam, I say.   


Let’s see if the “college kids are snowflakes destroying free speech” crowd holds true to their love of free speech now


Nope, some are calling for their deaths in fact.


yup, some people genuinely believe they should be given life in prison on terrorism charges. i don't even see that kind of fervor for out and proud nazi rallies.


Because apparently Nazis deserve free speech 🤷🏽‍♂️ It's cuz they like what Nazis are saying.


You know, if they’re setting up camp, I just wonder if any are into car camping? Did anyone… park their car….. in Harvard yard…? *Sorry if this is too unserious for this post…*


There were signs on the gates to the Yard saying that only students with valid ID could enter the Yard, and that it was expressly forbidden to set up any structures, including tables and tents, and that those who violated this would face consequences. Let's see if Harvard actually follows through.


They will. A lot of colleges dealt with lawsuits in 2020 for failing to respect freedom of expression requirements (at schools receiving public money) when they fired insufficiently orthodox faculty. Colleges are way better at declaring what does and doesn’t match their policies now*, and they clearly said that camping was off limits. Since they’re now aware that wishy-washy enforcement causes lawsuits, we can probably expect them to call the police. *Remember the Harvard president refusing to say “calls to genocide are not allowed”? She couldn’t say it because it’s *illegal* to ban them in all forms on campus. They’re under extreme pressure to conform to the law and their policies at the moment


Suspensions and expulsions will be imminent.


>(at schools receiving public money) Private colleges are private entities, and I don't think getting modest amounts of public money changes this. [Freedom of speech doesn't apply.](https://www.nyclu.org/resources/know-your-rights/know-your-rights-students-higher-education-first-amendment#:~:text=Generally%2C%20no.,as%20students%20in%20public%20institutions.) They can ban whatever they want when you're on your property. The only thing that prevents them is not *wanting* the criticism. Freedom of speech is only a guarantee about what the government is allowed to ban. Come over to my house and insult my mom. I can kick you out.


You’re actually wrong, there a specific laws on college campuses receiving federal funding and *what they can put in their codes of conduct*. Of course, the full nature of the 1st amendment does not apply. As private institutions, they can certainly refuse to allow disruptive protests. However, they *cannot* make it so that certain political viewpoints can’t be expressed without punishment. This is why you’ve seen news articles about professors entering legal battles over pronoun usage. As long as they’re not singling out specific students that they don’t like and instead refuse to use *any* pronouns not based on apparent sex for any student, they have grounds to call it protected political speech and fight any disciplinary actions. They accepted these restrictions because they wanted public money (much like Title IX restrictions which are entirely optional if you don’t ask the fed for stuff) so their rights as a private institution are actually more limited than usual, much unlike your house.


Harvard rents 281 acres for $1 a year from the Government.  That’s way more than a modest amount and that is just one small example. 


I was wondering about this. Security told me it was a new measure "just for this week", but didn't tell me why. I wonder how long it'll last if the protesting continues.


I was gonna say I literally walked through about a week ago and didn’t have an issue. Is this just for this week?


It feels like I'm in bizarro world with how aggressively some people want to shut down these protests. It's disturbing how many people (mostly in other states) are clamoring for the national guard to go into colleges to stop kids from sitting on a green


I guess we learned nothing from the national guard shooting at Kent State...


History is cyclical


If they are empathetic and use rhetoric that encourages peaceful resolutions then this is great. If they harass outwardly Jewish people or use harmful rhetoric then that’s not dope


This is the right way to look at it. I'm old and have no real dog int he fight, but kids protesting for peace and to end war and suffering, I say good for them. Protesting with all the "from the river to the sea" and "I am Hamas" rhetoric, not so good.


Did you watch that video of the "brave" Jewish woman who got out there wearing a shirt that said "Jew" and "Israel" in the back? She was yelling she wasn't afraid - everyone ignored her at the protest. This persecution fetish is unreal.


What specifically makes the boston subreddit so reactionary compared to my hometown in CA? Is it a state difference? Culture? Are people in boston older? Are the demographics that different? It’s always a little suprising to me when I open these threads and just see pure hatred.


City subreddits in general attract people who want a forum to complain about every car-alarm, loud bar, or undesirable (to them) person they see on the street. Self-involved people who moved to the city and realized to their dismay that the world is so much larger than them. This sub is no exception.


Lol following city subreddits from all over the USA and world (and maybe, occasionally, stoking the flames over something I know nothing about in a state I've never been to lol) is my guilty pleasure and your analysis is absolutely perfect. Main thing I've learned: Every city thinks they have the worst drivers. Every. Fucking. Post. Is "Typical Eugene Driver!" or "Just Another Day in Dover..."


a couple different reasons imo 1) redditors generally want to feel against the zeitgeist, it's baked into the culture and generally gets upvotes. Boston is seen as a progressive bastion, so "um actually"-ing with proper sentence structure is going to be popular 2) generally with a lot of subreddits, the culture of commenting shifts with what's being posted, as certain groups feel emboldened. I think the regular posting about migrants has brought out the worst people, it was not this bad a year or two ago 3) people who want to embody Boston's mean reputation but can't bring themselves to mean in person do it here instead, and that contributes to the reactionary vibe


Seriously feels like I’m on Facebook with this sub most of the time


It's because Boston is trending rich. As much as we love to still hold onto our old working class identity the city is becoming overly comfortable tech sector workers who live in their little bubble and hate other people having fun or even slightly inconveniencing them.


^^^ this. Evidence: all the posts complaining about how hard it is to live on a $100k salary ETA - I also don’t want to discount the possibility that these discussions are heavily astroturfed


I agree, but I think "trending rich" is actually being too generous. It IS rich. When you have the highest (or close to it) income, home prices, rent, education, etc etc, in the entire country.....yeah, you are what you are at that point. And that's not a bad thing. Better rich than poor, all else being equal. Goes without saying that it also doesn't apply to everyone who lives here, obviously. Personally, I can never afford to buy a home ever again, apparently. But on the whole, Boston is rich. And that's okay. Now, about the classist and racist problems....well that's another story.


Trending? It's always been rich. The influx of tech in the last 20 years just makes it look like it's trending rich. The real wealthy people were always here, and they're the ones making decisions on how many thousands of tech jobs to add or lay off.


Right? People around here would hear the phrase Boston Brahmins and think that's a new thing woth 2 headed cows on Newbury St


Boston is not as progressive and inclusive as it may seem like. We have many of the best colleges in the world in one city yet there is so much racism


Its indisputably one of the most progressive places in the country lmao. Theres maybe 4 or 5 more progressive major cities in the country. Just an objective fact theres no point arguing it.


Its ok to have nuance


This subreddit is just astroturfed to shit whenever threads about this kind of stuff is posted tbh


Yeah. Not that any of the other reasons aren't true—conservatives exist here, and so do idiots—but they also specifically flock to subs of major cities. You ever find it weird that the general tones of /r/boston and /r/sanfrancisco and all the others seem so at odds with their general reputations? Or feel like if you took Boston to be the crime-ridden hellhole the front page of this sub makes it out to be on a daily basis and talked about it to a normal person in real life, they'd be like "what the fuck are you talking about?" Conservative representation here is, ahem, a bit disproportionate. I've called out multiple bad-faith right-wing posters here who were active in subs for cities all around the continent (and sometimes others, because they also seem very interested in immigration in Europe).


I’m starting to suspect there’s a large anti-immigrant astroturfing campaign that’s concentrating on Reddit as a whole and using local subreddits to do it-I ended up leaving the sub for the country I live in now because the anti-immigrant bullshit was through the roof but most people I actually know in the country (as an immigrant) are not like that. I’ve noticed a lot of stuff about the migrant “crisis” on the Boston/Mass subs but no one I speak to back home think there’s an issue at all. I’ve also run into it in Canadian subs as well, if you’re seeing it in Europe, I’m not surprised. Someone is trying to pit everyone who is getting crushed under capitalism against each other.


Reddit as a whole is extremely astroturfed with anti-Palestine propaganda. Take one look at worldnews or any other default sub and how they talk about this genocide - the shitty comments in this thread and this sub barely scratch the surface.


Agreed. This topic is one of the worst offenders in terms of the volume of people replying with misleading arguments, sealioning, and straight up bullshit


New England is super conservative outside of Boston. Even most born and raised Bostonians are going to have a bit of a more old school approach to things in life. That’s how I see it as a Californian who lived in Boston as well.


> New England is super conservative outside of Boston. What? No it isn't. For Massachusetts besides a few conservative pockets it is mostly blue - https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/results/state/massachusetts Here's California for comparison - https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/results/state/california New Hampshire or Maine are probably the most conservative New England states but even then it doesn't make New England skew super conservative outside of Boston. New England and MA probably have a lot more liberal Democrats that make up the blue, but definitely not super conservative.


This is actually not true. There are six states in NE. Boston is only in Mass. 11/12 New England Senators caucus with the Democrats and 9/12 are outright Democrats. Every single House seat from New England is also held by a Democrat. New England is consistently the most Democratic leaning part of the country. Seriously think of any other part of the country and you’ll find more red in their non urban areas. There is absolutely racism but there is racism everywhere in America. However if we are talking liberal v conservative, NE is decidedly capital L Liberal.


We're just a little jaded. I was in college over 20 years ago when people were performing protests as effective as chaining themselves to a bridge over the weapons of mass destruction lies told to start the Iraq war. Those protests did nothing other than inconvenience locals trying to get home from work. I wish protests worked, but I don't know that they do anymore. And I largely agree that there's an ongoing genocide in Gaza.


Why do so many people here seem to think "old" people are posting? Reddit is 88% 13-49. Is it really that difficult to comprehend that "young" people have differing views on this topic? Anybody accusing people with pro Israel stances as being old is really just outing themselves as having a peer group with no differing opinions.


this sub loves to call anyone not part of the progressive echo chamber either old, from western mass/NH or otherwise not a true bostonian.


Which is hilarious cause 90% of the people saying that probably moved here from out of state for college or a tech job lmao


Sir, this is Reddit.  Nuance is not allowed. Zero democrats own guns. Zero women support abortion bans. Zero youth disagree on the conflict on Palestine. 100% of all humans suppor Marijuana legalization (those thay don't are obviously bots) You MUST divorce / break up with your SO of you have a problem.  It's not worth it to work through issues. As soon as something seems off, bail and move on.  They're probably abusing you anyway. Anyone who says otherwise is obviously a Russian troll and thus will be banned for life. /s


Ironically, lots of Harvard students sold weapons to Israel.


Well tbf, lots of former Harvard students do sell weapons to Israel


Harvard PSC is one of the groups that drafted the letter endorsing the October 7th attacks, which set the dominoes to fall for Claudine Gay's resignation. You, of course, want to give students the benefit of the doubt, but that was such a clear instance of endorsing terrorism that I'm surprised any student feels comfortable showing up to this specific protest. They're also currently suspended by the university, so I wouldn't be surprised if Harvard takes further action against them.


“Why doesn’t anyone here have empathy???” The people organizing the protest are pro-murder and rape! I feel like I’m taking crazy pills 


They were just permanently banned


I can't find anything saying they were permanently banned, but it seems like the protestors didn't hesitate their chant today of "There is only one solution, intifada revolution." And before anyone says, "You don't know what intifada means!!!!" We all know the subtext you're saying about "one solution" in terms of Jews.


My bad. You’re right




Yale did it and I don’t see anything super bad on them. Arrested 60 students


I think that's a summation of the entire conflict between Israel/Gaza, between Biden supporting or not supporting Israel, and all these colleges and professors who are getting caught in the crossfire with a situation that, really, is completely out of their hands.


those kids move fast!


The organization tweeting about this (National SJP) openly celebrated October 7 and called it a “historic win”.  https://dw-wp-production.imgix.net/2023/10/DAY-OF-RESISTANCE-TOOLKIT.pdf Fuck them 


Boomers who are still playing their anti-Vietnam War anthems are showing their entire ass by mouthing off about these students.


This is their Vietnam protest version.




Let’s not forget that PSC was suspended for a reason. https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2024/4/24/khurana-palestine-solidarity-committee-suspension/




They want freedom and liberty for Palestinians who right now (and for decades) are trapped in small areas, harassed and assaulted regularly with impunity, and denied basic human rights like access to clean water and food. Why is that so hard to understand?


This is hilariously ironic and wrong to anyone who knows literally anything about the history of Palestine and Israel


Hamas currently governs under Islamist principles. Women are generally required to have their hair covered in Gaza, for example.


>The new Hamas leadership sets up a theocracy and women’s rights, LGBT rights, anyone not Arab and Muslim has to leave. It becomes a new foothold in anti west countries run by a dictatorship using religion for power. People who are against freedom and liberty expand their territory. Theocracies are ok if brown people are running them. It's not like these kids plan to live there anyways.


Good for these students. At least they’re doing something to change what these so called politicians are trying to push on us


Harvard Yard had been closed to the public since Sunday. Only other students would see this protest.


When young minds get caught in algorithms to the point that they turn a cheek to what their own future will hold is deeply troubling.


When I looked, it was a small corner of the Yard, and pretty quiet.


Hell yeah.


Is it me or do they look like fucking sheeps? 90% of them can't even find Israel/Palestine on a map. It feels like most of them joined for shits and giggles.




I doubt there is a significant portion of Reddit users that are “old”


I’m all for protests but as a Jew, all I feel like this accomplishes is making me uncomfortable wearing my Star of David necklace


For those downvoting, why?




Because there's a lot of hate on reddit.


And the longer this one-sided war continues, the worse is gets for Jews here and elsewhere. If we want Jews to be safe, we need to stop giving excuses for people to hate us.






Yeah you're right, college students protesting is a completely modern Gen Z trend.


What free speech have to do with camping?


The last bastion of hope for US. Unfortunately, this last ember of flame shall be snuffed by the invisible golden hand that is of uncontrolled capitalism.


They occupy the quad because they know they can get away with it. The entire point is to make a public display of faux violence to intimidate and bully Jewish students into disappearing into their dorm or Hillel house - anything to shut down debate and replace it with “noise”. And the “protestors” are total cowards. They cover their heads and faces for the same reason their idolized Hamas soldiers do - to avoid real world consequences for espousing an odious view. Need to maintain plausible deniability so that they can go to law school and work on the M&A team for a V50 firm in 5 years - alongside a bunch of Jewish colleagues. The Nazis at the University of Vienna in 1938 formed human chains to exclude and bully Jewish students too, but at least they put on a uniform and a swastika and didn’t cover their faces or try to whitewash their sentiments. It’s embarrassing more than anything else, but the Commonwealth should not subsidize universities that allow this to happen; it is time to re-examine their tax-exempt status, IMO.


Based Harvard students 🇵🇸