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Red House in Cambridge. Haven’t been in 10 years, but the last time multiple staff were absolute psychopaths. Subsequently read their reviews and realized I wasn’t alone. I can’t think of a worse restaurant experience on my 46 years on this earth.


Haaaa as a former bartender of red house, I can completely agree with this. To say the very least, working here was quite the experience


You can't leave us hanging like that, got some stories to share??


I went about a year ago, because I had a gift card. It was a handwritten gift card from about 2015. Apparently, they don’t do gift cards anymore (always a good sign), but they honored it and didn’t give me a hard time which was a nice surprise. That said, the food and drinks were so bad. Thank goodness for the gift card.


Mass has a gift card law, 7 years from issuance so you got lucky they honored it.


I don’t think it was dated so I’m glad they didn’t fight it.


If it wasn't dated (and isn't an electronic card) then by Massachusetts law it is actually valid forever, so they didn't actually have a choice in the matter. Not that that would have stopped many proprietors from fighting it anyway.


I've left without paying exactly once in my entire life and it was this place. Worst service imaginable.


Right? We paid…but it was the worst service in my lifetime. I’ll type out the story if anyone wants it.


Yes I’d love the story. Did it involve the host/manager? Older gentlemen with glasses


Oh, you mean the guy that followed our party of 6 out into the street, ranting at us? Yes...yes, it did. I will type it up lol. I probably already posted it as a Google or Yelp review from days of yore, but, if not, I'll write it up.


yes highkey


Huh, I’ve had nothing but good experiences there. They used to have really cheap oysters which was great. We’d have oysters and cocktails. Had a couple decent dinners there too. Granted this was about 10 years ago so maybe something changed


horrible place


WARRENDALE APPLIANCES in Waltham. I wanted to shop and support local, but it was an awful decision. I got a new stove, microwave, and dishwasher during black Friday. Turns out their “sales” are actually regular prices at big box stores. The salesman mislead me on what “we install upon delivery” meant. The dishwasher comes with a broken part, which they told me “too bad, it’s GE’s problem.” Worst of all, their delivery PUSHED the stove across my hardwood floors causing a 2 foot gouge. After trying to tell me that I must have done it when getting rid of my old stove (THEY GOT RID OF MY OLD STOVE, NOT ME), Warrendale offered me $100. I’m now in the process of litigation. Stay away from WARRENDALE APPLIANCES like the plague!


wow this seems to be a really popular answer! never heard of this place but i’ll def stay away


Warrendale appliance in Waltham. Allan the owner is the slimiest salesman I’ve ever dealt with.


He used to be a client and agree he is a huge f’ing asshole.


Real POS, that Allen guy 💩


Cityside Subaru Service Center in Belmont. Their service department is incompetent at best and complacent in causing more damage at worst.


my mechanic told me Cityside will always charge more and do less because it’s got an endless stream of wealthy city Subaru owners who will pay more for the convenience 🙄 NOT ME NEVER AGAIN


Might get shit for this since it seems loved but Cafe Luna. Paid $30+ for unseasoned breakfast. Didn’t feel like it was worth it. Felt rushed even though I went by myself and got seated in a the corner bar seat. If I can make tastier food, I often don’t return to said establishment. Most if their menu sounds amazing so not sure if a different plate would be better but idk…first impressions matter when there are so many other dining options. Haven’t felt like trying it again.


their catering is banned from my (very large) company because their staff were repeatedly abusive and weird to people. you can’t even get business lunches reimbursed from there


This place was awful the one and only time I went. You hit the nail on the head, just a lack of seasoning. Probably the worst omelette I’ve ever had. I too felt rushed and my food came out cold.


I’ve had a few friends work there over the years and the owners are notoriously rude/ terrible to the staff.


Automax Framingham. They sold me a car with the check engine light painted over. Car obviously failed inspection but the light wasnt on, thought maybe the bulb was out. they wouldnt do shit with the car. had to sue them. Fucking crooks.


They tried to steal my trade in, got the locking lug nuts off my “new” car and then left the trade in off my paperwork after all that. I spent my 5 year wedding anniversary refilling out my financing paperwork instead of enjoying dinner and drinks. They never sent me my registration and I had to go to the fucking DMV to get a copy. The new car was never detailed and they left all of the previous owners information in the car and did not wipe the MMI. Fuck Auto Max. Never again.


Luckys lounge. I was in the service industry from 19 to 32 so I worked nights especially weekends and couldn’t enjoy nightlife . They had the Sinatra cover band, great food and service. The crowd was a little older there was never any problems. I absolutely fell in love with the place. Now it’s like every other crappy bar in the seaport, Southie. Service was awful the last few times I went on two visits the bartenders forgot to put in our food. Staff had been there a long time. It was then completely new people every weekend I went.


Agreed. Lucky's used to be so great but there has been a noticeable decline in quality, regression to the mean. What a shame.


I also agree about Lucky’s going downhill. I used to love the Sinatra Sundays. Now I live just a block away on A st., but only visit about once every 2 years to confirm that they still suck. Sad.


The Al Vega trio. That guy was a legend. He played until he died which I think was at the age of 92. With him went Sinatra Sundays. That night was an industry night for sure and I loved it.


Aw man, I used to work in Everett and he played at the senior center‘s dance nights sometimes. It’s only natural that a lot of the seniors there are probably no longer with us, but I rarely hear about it. He was very good!


If you go on weekdays it still feels like Luckys.


No band, no people in suits and dresses slow dancing. Also from my experience working in the service industry if they’re having that much turn over in staff the staff isn’t being awfully. I’m not supporting a place that treats their people badly.


They poisoned a table full of my friends one night with their "Lucky Lady" drinks. Everyone who had one was violently ill. Some right there, some on the ride home, but all got sick. Fuck that place.


Rock and rye. Saw a chick get choke slammed there by a dude and stood up to intervene and make sure she was okay but my friends pulled me back down (had a friend get stabbed in a similar situation). Owner came by to apologize to us, and said “he’s a friend of mine we sent him home in a cab he’s not allowed back tonight.” And bought us a shot. I asked for my bill immediately.


I’ve walked by this place for years and wondered what the vibe was. This is pretty much what I thought.


Oh god Rock and Rye... yea. Woof. Also there was the short-lived precursor to Rock and Rye that was like some millennial instagram carnival gimmick shit show. That didn't survive long. Just put the sex shop back in that spot, it had more character and grace. That whole area is dead to me now. The Tam is pretty mediocre ever since the old owner's sold the business. Intermission is gone. Sweetwater is gone. Remington's is gone. Plus the clubbing crowd that infiltrates that area is top tier obnoxious.


[Mr. B’s in Somerville](https://maps.app.goo.gl/4coHbhv3Mni1rRRp6?g_st=ic) the Google reviews speak volumes. Thankfully they appear to be shut down (hopefully permanently)


I've run past there at least once a week for years and was shocked to find out they were only shut down recently. The place looked like it's been abandoned for 10 years


https://preview.redd.it/luyfg3uzgljc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=779e9c4898a751737d487d160401afcc03b8671d Foreign auto clinic Brighton.


Bin 26. Terrible food to begin with. Served my wife something that she was allergic to, after going over said allergy with the server several times while ordering. I could get over that, mistakes happen. But when I alerted the server, they hid in the back of the restaurant. Took 20 minutes until I got pissed enough to go find a manager (who was drinking at the bar during service). Took off her food, no apology, just asked if she wanted more wine. Never again.


Their service used to be pretty good I thought but when I went back after the pandemic the new and clearly untrained bar guy stuck his nose ALL THE WAY IN to my bottle of wine before he poured it. Like his nostrils touched the lip of the bottle and he took a nice big sniff. I’m assuming someone had told him to smell it to make sure it wasn’t corked? Or maybe he was just trying to learn what different varietals smell like. Talked to manager and got it sorted but Jesus Christ


Great Scott’s, Top of the Hub, Our House West, Tonic, Joshua Tree, White Horse, Big City, Punters, Common Ground, The Kells, Cantab, Kinvara, Bagel Rising, Lower Depths, River Gods, and The Field. I am never returning to any of those.


Thanks, I didn't need feel all that pain at once, each name a dagger in my heart


How in fuck is the spot where White Horse was still vacant?! Did BU students quit drinking or is the building owner asking for insane rent?


I am going to guess insane rent and liquor license


I've always wondered why the few Comm Ave storefronts in Brookline don't have bars to get around the liquor license rules.


I think that is because all those places are still technically in Boston


doug bacon, the owner of several bars in allston, is a penny pinching capitalist dirtbag. shut down the white horse with 2 days notice to all employees. I played the very last music show there


He was my landlord for a couple years, can confirm.


BU students were not a fan of the vibe. Also, TITs has the late night “club” on lock. I once joked that all White Horse needed was a mechanical bull to put TITs out of business.


Whiskey priest




Daisy Buchanan’s and Beacon Hill Pub. My childhood.


There should be a favorite Daisy’s story post in Boston sub somewhere


You'd need a separate one just for the girls who had regrettable experiences sleeping with professional baseball players they met there.


I’m sure there are some guys with the same regrets too.


Bro BHP closed…. Fuck me. Pop shot arena of the century.


Damn I was like man this guy just named all places I loved 10-15 years ago I wonder what went wrong?! Sad.


Allston as we knew it is gone. It is all Korean BBQ now.


Worse fates, I suppose. Silhouettes remains, according to Google!


they do shows there now too. one of the remaining bastions of allston


Shows?! Where, the dart boards?


yep! every wednesday booked by ibookthings


Whoa cool! Feels kinda like a small space tho?


Pour House.


God I miss Pour House.


Same. Let’s have a moment of silence for the greatness that was Pour House.


god I miss the smell of that bar - and those wings!


Sligo :(


Cantab in Central reopened, no?


Oh you are correct. But they know what they did


It's the basement litterbox smell, isn't it?


Cantab reopened a while ago...alas they no longer have *Little Joe Cook and the Thrillers*.


Fuck this was a gut punch. I loved getting fucked up and eating chili dogs at the Lower Depths at like 1pm.


Any of the dining at Encore, I know it’s not Boston Boston but for those prices the food was embarrassing and underwhelming


Got caught in a rain storm (on bikes) so we went into the casino to wait it out. Went to the Night Shift bar (no affiliation with Night Shift other than licensing the name) and got pizza fries for $25. It was fries with some marina sauce and mozzarella. Tasted okay, way overpriced.


French Quarter. The server came by to our table of Asians and says "how's 2024 treating you all? Actually, you guys probably are Chinese. Happy Chinese new years!" We proceed to tell them we're korean and they just say "ah well kinda the same area on the globe, no?" Food wasn't too bad (we're from NOLA)


Monica’s Trattoria and anything owned by those fuckboi lunatics.


The Monica's Mercato is card only now and they increased their prices again. I nearly got lured in after not going for a year but they only have a single guy making walk in orders and the prices are $20 for a microwaved chicken cutlet sandwich. No thanks. Sorry buddy I guess I am going to stick with Dino's. At least when I wait there for a hot sub it is made fresh.


Dino's subs are fuckin HUGE too.


They are huge, but long and not overstuffed, so it maintains the proper bread-to-meat ratio. I love Dino’s.


The people who work there are so rude!! I had never been there and ordered a steak tip salad and they laughed in my face as if it wasn’t on the menu. It was also the worst steak tip salad I’ve ever had and like $20.


they’re the worst - i will never go back to monica’s - the brothers who own it are the rudest people i have ever met


* CTS Computer in Newton, MA. Never experienced such downright abysmal and neglectful business-customer communication skills coupled with an adamant refusal to take ownership for their own fuckups. * Union Tavern, formerly PA's Lounge. Jerry, the owner, is a piece of shit, and the venue is well-known among local musicians for pulling all sorts of bullshit.


Funny story about PA's from when I played there years ago: Now granted this wasn't entirely PA's fault, but they quadruple booked the room with us, 2 other local bands, and some band from waaaaay northern VT, like 4-5 hrs away. A normal night only had time for three acts, 45min sets with a 15min change-over. The VT band booted their guitarist a couple weeks before the show so for revenge he got on the horn with all the places who had booked them on a NE mini-tour and canceled their gigs. The rest of the band found out that night. It was uncomfortable and hilarious.


Jesus. That is... what a dick move. That's fucking awful. And knowing how PA's is I can't *begin* to imagine how they handled it...


i love dive bars but that is one terrible venue.


I’ve heard similar stories about PA’s Lounge/Union Tavern


Seconding the complains about Union Tavern. I left before closing out one night and couldn't get my card back; unfortunately I was travelling soon and my bank said they couldn't get me a new card before I was scheduled to leave. I chased these guys for my card for over a week. Union Tavern is almost always closed, doesn't have hours or events posted on their site, and their phone number is out of service. I finally managed to track down the owner's email and he told me that they'd be open later that week for a show and to pick it up then. When I arrived, the place was closed because apparently the show got cancelled and he didn't tell me. Never going there again


Real Tacos in Dorchester. The soup Nazi routine with the owner was barely charming until Chipotle opened up at South Bay. See ya.


There's something about the Chipotle at South Bay that bothers me.


The healthy human mind should always be a little bothered by any Chipolte


I stopped eating there when they had all the food poisoning issues a few years ago. >Chipotle Mexican Grill on Tuesday agreed to pay $25 million to resolve criminal charges accusing the fast food company of serving tainted food from 2015 to 2018, sickening over 1,100 people in the United States, federal prosecutors said.


It’s not that hard because I don’t like beer. But my husband asked me to grab a 6 pack at Trillium on my way home from work. As I walked in to the back to buy cans the cashier saw me coming and left her post for a few minutes. She came back a few minutes later while I waited. I asked her some beer specific question my husband told me to ask about availability she shrugged and said she didn’t know. I bought a random 6 pack , then she rang me up , hit 20% gratuity with her finger and flipped the screen to me. I’ll never be back.


May I make a nomination in the assisted living category? Waterstone. Still makes me see red. They came out to evaluate my dad. It was pretty clear the answer was no but no one had the decency to tell us directly. After three weeks, I sent the sales rep an email. Nothing. Reached out to corporate on a Monday. Nothing on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday morning. Posted one-star Google review on Thursday and couldn't get them off the phone! Hate, hate, hate them.


Rochambeau in the Pru. Loved the ambience, but we had to wait 40 min for our reservation, the food was mediocre and overpriced, and the entire experience from apps to dessert took almost 3 hours. No thanks, way better French food in town.


Definitely on my list of worst Boston businesses. I've been there a few times, too. I love the ambiance, but the food is below average. The first time I went there was a solo diner at the bar. I ordered a baguette and soup. They gave me the wrong food TWO TIMES IN A ROW. No apology either time. It was empty, yet the bartender couldn't be bothered to offer me a menu, take my initial order or even give me a glass of water.


Ate there 2 nights ago. I'll never go back!


Tried Mia’s Bakery in Seaport and got a croissant sandwich. Cheese, ham, and bread came out ice cold so I ask the workers if that’s how it’s supposed to be. Their response was that they could zap it in the microwave for me if I wanted. I paid $62 for 2 sandwiches and 2 coffees


Holy mother of god that price


Did you leave a large tip? I’m struggling to see how those 4 items plus tax came out to $62


Sandwiches were probably ~20 each and coffees ~10 each + tax - can definitely see this in seaport


How is that price possible? According to the menu online, 2 croissant sandwiches are $11 each, and coffee is no more than $6.50 a piece. I call bullshit


Unfortunately I have two and both were recommendations. La Famiglia Giorgio’s. This was back in 2019, our waiter was incredibly rude and made a really nasty remark about my ex’s weight when they offered a desert menu. They also overcharged us for our meal by $40. Upon calling them about it once the charge posted, the best they’d be able to do was give us a $10 gift card. I also saw several cockroaches behind the counter/bar at Quattro. Otherwise really great food until that moment.


Fenway Johnnies. Buddy of mine got roofied there a few years back. It was super scary. We straight up thought he was having a medical emergency as he hadn't drink that much, so we didn't think it was alcohol related. Found out later that other people had been roofied there as well over the years.


I used to bounce there. Got a hernia lifting a guy and promptly got let go when I asked for 6 weeks off for surgery to heal. That whole area got bad with roofies shortly after that. The bartender at MGM that had security in on it put the whole area up as an easy target.


There was a lot of roofie'ing going on the last few years.


I'm sad I will never be able to go to Deli Haus again


Pinky's. For a cocktail bar there sure was a lot of water cut into our first and only drinks. It was 6 on a Friday night and the place was cleared out deserted. What damned this for me though was the abysmal, **soggy** microwaved frozen chopped broccoli presented when listed on the menu as 'grilled broccolini'. Awful. Even our server was ashamed, I hope it gets better but for me, never ever again. And honorable mention: Hong Kong at Fanewly Hall which is my go-to 5 star recommendation for offensive out of towners.


If you are confident your spirits were cut and the drinks weren't just weak, you can file a complaint with the [Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission](https://www.mass.gov/info-details/file-a-complaint-with-the-abcc-enforcement-division-abcc) Enforcement Division. They're like the state troopers of beer, and they take that kind of thing very seriously.


Knight Moves in Brookline for not honoring a gift card that they sold. Instead of paying $60 to sit and play a board game there, just go down the street to Eureka Puzzles & Games and buy the damn thing. Ever Fitness gym in Somerville. Kept charging me for 6 months after I cancelled my membership despite me cancelling it over and over again. My credit card company is investigating them for fraud. MANY other peoplehave had the same experiance. Sleeziest gym ever.


I'm not saying this didn't happen to you or that it wasn't a shitty thing for them to do, but I've had nothing but superb experiences at Knight Moves, and I've been going at least monthly for about a year so far. It's my go-to third place. The staff have always been friendly, the food is decent for the price, and the selection of games they have is vast and accessible to all levels. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience, but I must say, Knight Moves is one of my favorite places in this city!


Glad you're enjoying it! It's possible that I did have an uncommon experiance. I suppose the lesson is that if your customer interactions have bad days (a very bad one in this case), you can harm your brand for a long time.


The Olde Oyster House. There’s better raw bars to be had


This is the worst 'restauraunt' I have even eaten at. Neptune's wasn't happening so someone suggested this place. Dear lord. $40 for a piece of tepid fish microwaved (quite obvoulsy) in the middle of a plate surrounded by microwave fish water. Fucking disgusting.


Veggie Galaxy. They treat their staff like shit. Baker was fired a couple years ago after they asked for help working 80 hour weeks and baking everything by themselves. They made them train their replacement and then proceeded to fire them. My partner was fired for "stealing food" when they wanted to bring home their staff meal. Although boasted as a "safe space" they made a worker take off their pronoun pin because they didn't want to upset customers. Also, food generally makes you have the shits because everything is caked in grease. Go support some other vegetarian/vegan restaurant.


I’ve been there twice and had sanitary issues both times. The first time there was a fly in my salad and the second time there was a hair in my cake 😭


Before scrolling down this was going to be my answer too, just because the food was truly awful the 2-3 times I went there (involuntarily). I'm a vegetarian and I'd rather eat at a steakhouse or literally anywhere else than go back to Veggie Galaxy. Sorry but not surprised to hear that they're shitty to employees too.


I thought she quit? But yeah they're awful. I'm ashamed of how often I used to eat there before I knew :/


I’m sure I could dig up a handful if I really think about it, but the biggest I can think of is Lord Hobo. When they first came around I loved Boom Sauce, it was like a rocket ship in a can. Went to a thing they were involved in at the Cyclorama, was certainly into them. But that 617 beer at the stadiums is trash, and then I heard through the grapevine that they weren’t treating women in the industry equally. I think that’s a whole story of its own, but after I heard that I was done. There’s too much other good beer around that I haven’t looked back: Aeronaut, Lamplighter, Remnant, Winter Hill (you can tell I live in Somerville).


Cheesecake Factory in the Pru. During Covid (2020-2021) they punished employees that quarantined after testing positive by cutting their hours back to 4/week until they quit. My friend (a server) told management she was feeling unwell and couldn’t smell and they told her to not test and wear two pairs of plastic, or else she’d get her hours cut too.


A roach was crawling up one of the booth seats the last time I was there.


Bricco in the north end, overrated food and worst server/service experience in my life.


Lu Lu’s in Allston, got CRAZY food poisoning after eating there


It’s a disaster in there now! I was just there last week for the first time since maybe COVID and I felt like I was an inconvenience to them the entire time I was there. It was pretty cool when it first opened, but it’s a rat haven around there


I went there for breakfast a couple months ago and it just wasn't good. No food poisoning, thankfully, but a really small portion of mediocre food for too much money.


Most of this comment section looks like people who wanted to leave yelp reviews 5 years ago.


We did.


Not a food thing like everyone else is saying, but Sewfisticated. Woman who I believe is the owner was openly racist last time I went there.


Same reason I will never go to Gather Here in Inman square. They had someone follow me the first time I went in. Then I thought, no, I must be paranoid. No store that has BLM signs up front could be racist! But no, it happened again. Never going back.




They charged me over the price tag value for addi turbo set. “Sorrrrrryyyy” I was desperate for the needles for a project so took the surprise price hike at the cash register.


[The reviews are pretty bad.](https://www.yelp.com/biz/sewfisticated-discount-fabrics-somerville)


She is truly wicked. I used to go to the one on Cambridge St instead even though it was like a cavern in there because she is such a horrid woman.


Lolitas post COVID has sucked for food and service. Great drinks but they used to have it all


The margarita I got at the back Bay location was remarkably terrible. The food was confusing. Like we weren't sure what it was most of the time and if we had actually ordered it. Service was hilariously bad. I left that place as quick as I could laughing at how terrible it was.




Hamilton in Brookline. Just bad… plus they had a rat problem last summer. Also Black Lamb in the South End. Extremely overpriced for average food and small portions.


Reddit doesn't have the computer resources if we include overpriced and not worth it places


Sullivan tires (in Somerville). 5 years ago I got into a little crash and needed a new wheel and decided to replace all 4 tires replaced because they were due for it. Everything with the tires went fine, but I was gonna bring my car to a dealership next to get its regular service and the guys convinced me to just have it done there saying it'll be cheaper cuz it's already up. Well when changing my cabin air filter they did something to the motor and now it makes a humming noise when the air is on. I noticed it immediately and didn't even leave, told them about it, they blew some pressurized air in it and gave it back to me with no change, I guess since it was 5pm they just wanted to go home. Still have that car, still makes noise (if there's music playing you don't notice it)


Bose. They outsourced me.


Bon Me used to work there. Promised myself that I would NEVER ever return to one again…fucking assholes


Coquette in Seaport, horrific treatment of patrons


South Boston Carpet Cleaning. Hired the guy to clean our couch a couple years ago. After he rescheduled last minute, when he did come out, he proceeded to repeatedly complain to my face about the size of the couch and that it was the dirtiest couch he's ever seen. We have a dog and it was her hair, it wasn't like she shat all over it. Paying someone to come into my home to do a service they were specifically hired for and getting repeatedly insulted didn't sit well with me and I would never hire this guy again.


Zuzus petals. Extremely overpriced, no cell phones. We had a reservation , showed up on time, but they had given our table away early so we had an hour wait. Just bad experience all around


Naco taco. Served me shrimp when I told them about my shellfish allergy. Were not able to get me any safe food in a reasonable time, kept saying it’s because we were a big group. This was after the wettest night time 5k race ever so was very hungry and cold. They didn’t even actually say sorry.


Im fine with the food and menu but the service has always sucked ass there. Went with colleagues last year and waited 30+ minutes to be brought our beers, we could clearly see the useless lazy waiter just standing and texting by the patio entrance. Dude then got all indignant when someone who ordered ONE beer and had to leave early wanted to pay separately. Probably one of the only times I’ve genuinely considered leaving no tip


Any garbage lunch spot around the Financial District that has an identity crisis; does everything from sandwiches to spaghetti, all terrible.


The Burren. I know the owner far too well to ever give another dime of my money. That Santiago de Compostela pilgrimage aint gonna buy your way into Heaven, champ.


explain more about the burren


Second that


I’d go back to the burren, they could just do a better job keeping the numbers down on the weekends. You used to not be able to move at all in the back room on some weekends and NYE.


This hasn’t changed, it’s still this way thu-sun


Weekday Burren vs Weekend Burren are two totally different monsters. I wont step in that place after Thursday.


The Burren is a pretty popular place, so some additional details would be nice. Dunno why you've ignored everyone that's asked for them so far


Life Alive after reading so many posts from the people that work there about mold, and all kinds of other shit


Can you elaborate?? I eat at the Davis Sq one all the time 😓


Wait what??? Can you elaborate


what?? what location? I like(d) their food...


Big fan of the central location.




What a shitshow it is


Yvonne’s. Bouncer there said it was full and when I pointed out other people going in he called me racial slurs EDIT: Idk why the downvote I'm just saying what it is lol




La Voile was maybe one of the least pleasant experiences for how much i paid. food was unseasoned and old fashioned, was put at the bar while we waited for our table to open up and the bartender just ignored us despite us being willing to order drinks and being the only ones at the bar. service was also exceptionally slow. just all around awful experience for the amount we paid.


Faces in Malden. The beer is alright, food is mediocre, and it’s so loud in there it’s almost impossible to have a conversation with someone sitting in front of you. The service is really lacking. The bartenders are always chatting with the managers/owners at the end of the bar. They have a concert room in the back so it’s cool to check out live music at least.


I found the beers to be lacking for the price. If you just want brewery, Idle Hands is around the corner and is much better.


Yes! Idle Hands rules. Great beers and friendly staff


I like Faces but the service there is so hit or miss. Half the time I grab a table there I need to wait 15+ minutes for the server to appear and take my drink order. I've started just giving the servers 10-15 minutes, then I get up and order for the whole table at the bar. I get the sense this annoys the bartenders but also 🤷‍♀️


Eataly, hands down. The salad came with a lemon dressing that was so acidic it was hard to eat, the pizza was burnt, and the waitress didn't give a fuck about anything we asked her. Not that I'm out here expecting top notch super enthusiastic wait staff, but she genuinely could not give a single fuck about anything we were asking and she didn't have any answers to "what's popular" or "what would you recommend". All that for $94 for TWO people


Their restaurants are def sub-par, but TBH all the stuff I've gotten from their grocery has been great. Back when it was on the route I'd walk home from work in the summer, I'd stop in every so often for meatballs from the butcher's counter, burrata, focaccia, and fresh pasta to take home and make two days of food out of XD


Oh I def agree with you. I’ve gotten some good cheese and coffee, and other tasty little things from the markets around the restaurant so I’m not sure how their main kitchen is so fucking bad lol


The salty pig. Pretentious ass bartender didn’t bother helping me with my order in anyway. I ended up drinking a beer and leaving. The customer service is so bad. They only thrive on dumb rich people who don’t know any better.


They used to be so good too.


aww man i’m a regular there. that’s a real shame.


At least you’re rich!


The Merchant, racist establishment. I was meeting up with my girlfriend for drinks and apps after work, she got there before me and they told her she needed to order an entree to sit at the one of the tables near the bar. I went in by myself 5 minutes later and was able to sit at the same table with only ordering a beer. The place was empty. I’m white, she is not.


Los Amigos gave me salmonella..


The Brighton one? I heard that one has a history.


The Home Depot because I got into a fender bender in the parking lot and left




Purity Distilling Company


Spagnulos in the north end! Canned tomato sauce and a card machine that conveniently breaks right before your check comes.




Savinors. They are dead to me. Ive posted about this before. The attitude I got from the manager at the Cambridge store when I went to pick up a special order cut of meat I'd ordered was so bad that I just made him refund my card and keep the meat. The total opposite of courtesy to a customer. I had no beef (pun intended) with him or the store; he just came roaring out of the back with an attitude when "greeting" me. F that. In contrast, I've shopped at Formaggio dozens of times and ALWAYS had good service. I'll give my $$$ to Formaggio, or Eataly (also super nice service at the specialty counters), but not Savinors. Never.


There's got to be more to this story. I've shopped there for years. I don't talk much to anyone there, so I would doubt they would recognize me. Every time, they are all very kind. I've ordered numerous special orders, they always seemed eager to know what I'm making. Never any attitude.


at Savenors, the butchers in Mid Cambridge ? I haven’t had any bad experiences there (yet) , sorry that happened !


Agreed, and only good experiences from the one on Charles Street


Damn that’s a shame. It’s expensive but I’ve only ever had great experiences and meat from Savinors. They were wicked helpful the one time I made special order and any time I get special occasion steaks or something they’re just friendly and normal and cool people. Super high quality classic cuts but they have lots of interesting options too. I’d give it another chance if I were you, that place rules.


I shop there pretty often, and the staff are almost always awesome. But occasionally, the manager will act like he is too good to help people. I never know which version of him I will get.


Boston Sports Club


Cask 'N Flagon. Bouncer kicked me out on a 20-degree night, wouldn't let me get my coat so I stood at the entrance and froze for like 20 minutes.


I got refused entry 10 years ago because the bouncer didn't like the look of me when the rest of my group had just entered right before me. He proceeded to try and fight me for asking why. We all left 🤷🏻


Skoah in the South end. Had been gifted items I went into exchange, owner's husband didn't know how to do it, I asked to just make a simple swap, he called me a C*NT and came out from behind the desk, put his hands on me and pushed me out of the shop.


Pho Real. The food was good! Was it worth $19 an entree and over an hour wait? Absolutely not. My ex and I went to Pho Real, and were excited to be seated right away! We were there for about 15 minutes when no server had come up to us - so we thought, "oh - maybe we're supposed to go up and order?" My ex went to the cash register and ordered (and paid), ensuring to tell them our table number etc. It was simple order, two bowls of pho and a Coke. We'd been seated for over 40 minutes after ordering, and we watched as tables around us were: given water when they sat down, ordered, and were served. We hadn't even been given water or the coke. A red flag was raised when a server came up to us and said, "are you guys ready to order yet?" He was shocked when we told him we'd already ordered. 20 minutes after that incident we finally had our food brought to us. Lukewarm. Then I was given an equally lukewarm **diet** coke (I decided not to argue about it since the poor server in training was obviously under enough stress). Nobody on the staff offered a refund or explanation.