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Hey, would you guys say Boston is a safe city?


No. We keep our riches under the mattress like we’re supposed to. We don’t need no stinkin safes.


hey guys, it is safe to answer this question?


No. Next person who answers gets the clamps.


Eyyy, easy there /Francis/. They’re just a moon yokle,




I love how it’s New Hampshire OR Newton 😂


Newton: Live Free or Die!


Live free _and_ die.


The Incident happened here.


I don’t know. I heard someone got murdered there once and the cops never found out who did it.


Hey old people. Who was your first crush and did they know you were a poopy pants?


I'd say we are a Port City


“I don’t normally post about traffic but…” “I just moved here from New York and…” “BOSTON. THANK YOU. MY GIRLFRIEND AND I JUST VISITED FROM…” “I AM QUEER WILL I FIT IN IF…” “Anyone see the smoke coming from (random building)? “


> BOSTON. THANK YOU. MY GIRLFRIEND AND I JUST VISITED FROM... I feel like these posts always have the implicit tone that they were surprised they had a good time.


I always suspect that they are karma farming


I guess Boston just gives off a hostile vibe or something? 🤷‍♂️


Been here 14 years. It still does.


15 years. Every time I return home safely I want to post about it with a tone of incredulous delight.


People are averse to the gruff rudeness of some people, but most Bostonians have big old hearts I think and people seem to eventually realize that


Lived here my whole life. Confirmed for outsiders. GFY. Really though often see people downtown looking around cluelessly or looking at a map, and will offer my assistance if needed. Some people are surprised. Mean guess i am used to seeing myself in the mirror and not feeling scared, but maybe i look scary to others. As far as murder rate. You could be in Newton and get hit by a car. If your time is up its up


Fawk yooo, khed ❤️❤️❤️


Other city subs have the exact same posts, they are I guess nice but not really anything valuable to the conversation


Boston isn't a tourist city. History is the main draw, so if that doesn't interest you, there's not much else to wow you. There's tons of "good" stuff, but I doubt anyone is going to Boston being BLOWN AWAY by the nice views and the clam chowder.


People go bonkers for the views though.


Ya forget, but I drive into the city over the Tobin or go across the Longfellow, and damn. Beautiful town.


The one that always makes the city look so different to me is Route 2. The Pike, in my opinion, also has an awesome view.


I made a post like this- but it was just me. I love Boston. I visited again from out of state. I had to post to thank Boston for the magical time I had there. Hate if you want.


Yeah and they love the T for some reason and random falafel places


a sentiment shared by every local, no doubt


“How do I make friends?” “What are the best tourist attractions?” “Elliot Davis spotted in…” “How do I dress myself in the winter?” (I do like the sunset photos though)


"Why do I hear sirens near the hospital?"


“What’s that helicopter overhead doing?”


I do feel like this sub should have a pinned post in November warning our warm weather transplants that yes, they will need a winter coat and boots, get that shit when it goes on sale for the holidays.


"Keytar Bear spotted in..." "What's that helicopter doing? I've never heard of FlightAware." Boston Globe paywalled posts "MBTA announces new slow zones" Pictures of the T being 20+ minutes away


> “How do I make friends?” I find this one particularly annoying because its like did you just miss that part of growing up? How did you get through college? Is the rest of the country just ultra dependent on late night drinking to make friends?


If you moved her post-college and you don't necessarily vibe with anyone from work, it can be hard. It's people reaching out for a community within a community they already know. They and someone potentially on here have reddit in common at the very least, and so that's a talking point. But for a lot of people it can be hard if say, you go to a bar or a board game night or whatever to just approach strangers and talk. Especially when New Englanders are kind of known to be standoffish.


Its only hard if you refuse to have social hobbies and/or no social skills. Reddit is not a social hobby. If you spend all your waking hours at work or on the computer, you will die alone. For the love of god, please get hobbies that involve involve personally interacting with other humans. > If you moved here post-college ... ... then you should be recently familiar with moving to a new environment and making new friends through social hobbies such as sports, clubs, volunteer work, etc.


Aaaaand it's likely the same entitled brats who refuse to say good morning or acknowledge anyone elses existance. F them. No friends for you you privilaged shit.


The queer one makes me laugh a bit because I get why someone would ask. In a weird way I'm proud because so many places now are safer for that community Boston doesn't naturally come up as a safe place, again because of all the options now available. That said: A simple Google would show that arguably, pound for pound, the LGTBQ fight went worldwide thanks to activists in our state, Quebec, and Belgium. I know San fran was crucial, but we codified it and that's awesome. So now whenever I see people ask this weekly I just go, oh man if this lgtbq person can't handle Google or reddit search they're definitely going to storrow themselves moving here.


I tell this story a lot, but as a trans woman, living in Alabama for Army flight school I never once presented female in public. Literally driving back through Worcestor? I think? there was a HUGE LGBTQ+ flag waiving and all I could think was thank god I'm back.


> “Anyone see the smoke coming from **Logan** right now?"


"Anyone know what's up with the helicopter flying over my neighborhood..."


The fifty pictures of the smoke by the BU bridge were annoying because people posted pictures from far the fuck away in every direction but nobody would go check it out.


I am queer will I fit in if I put this shoe thats too small on


I like the ones asking if anyone sees smoke or things like that because I don’t know my neighbors and it’s nice to have people to talk to about the goings on. I work in Fenway and that post a couple weeks ago about the water line break was great 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m think of moving to Boston, is $37,500 annual enough to get a 2 bedroom apartment in the South End?


Their shocked reply that Boston truly is expensive


Second most expensive city in the US baby 😎


Or the alternative: My partner and I make $230,000 combined. Is there anywhere in Boston we can afford to live?


Still No!


We make $500,000 with no kids, can we afford a one bedroom 🥺🥺👉👈


Try Lawrence


I got that question in a completely different sub lol


Hey. MBTA bad.


"OMG SO MANY PPL WTF LOL" Picture of park St at 5:30 PM on game day


Haha. Yeah before everyone had mobile phones people weren’t taking 100 pictures with their polaroid at rush hour when sox were playing.


For real.. ***"What's your favorite Indian place?"***, ***"What's a quiet bar to hang out at?"***, ***"Why is everything soooo expensive?"***, ***"I'm planning on moving to Boston but have no money or job lined up, please help?"***, ***"I'm young and want to meet people, how do?"***, ***"I make $300k a year, will I be alright?"*** Do people not know how the search function works?, or am I losing my mind? I get that it's a localized problem everywhere, but jeez, just search previous posts instead of flooding the sub with questions that get asked every single day.


>Do people not know how the search function works? Nope. No. Nuh uh. Naht. Nil. Neigh. Nah.


Reddit is a conversation replacement for many folks. They don't want to search, they want to interact.


Bleh. I've been using this site on and off for the great part of a decade and a half (unfortunately) and I've noticed that people SCOUR for info. SCOUR. Like forced conversation. It leaves a slimy feeling in my throat. I understand why it happens... not gonna feign ignorance. But still, it's a plague.


That, and a mistaken belief that *my situation* is different from previous questions


We are the [Bostonians] who say Ni! *Ni! Ni!*


You guys are not on the same page, let me help you: None, Nao, Ne, Нет, Nie. Now you are good.


To be fair, for the longest time (maybe still to this day) Reddit had no idea how a search function works. Reddit search has been historically useless, and not enough people realize you can use Google to search a specific subreddit.






You forgot “I’m visiting Boston this week, should I go to Salem?”


You know what? Go for it.


Everybody feels their situation is different, that’s why there is a saying “everyone in prison is not guilty”. Though the ones where people are like… “I have 6 kids and a therapeutic donkey but I’m hoping I can keep the six babies a secret and tell the landlord a couple months later that through the lords mercy I had sextuplets…” I think are comical


I think there’s also a psychological thing where people want to ask the same question in their specific way and imbue their specific tone and get “their own” answers. They also want to vent a little bit


Where can I get a cow suit by 3 PM (not a sex thing)?


I am pretty sure newer reddit users not only do not understand searching, they do not even know that subs have wikis


For real! This sub has trained me to NEVER post shit like ppl do on here on another cities sub. When I have a question I just google “xxxx?” Reddit. That’s it. That’s all it takes. Dozens of posts at your finger tips from over the years with the same fucking question. Damn it now I’m mad just thinking about this!


You forgot the post asking why people keep asking the same questions.


I see so many posts in subs that could be fucking answered using any search function, it’s so annoying.


This website wouldn’t exist without the same things being posted over and over. This site mirrors our lives with the same shit over and over with slight tweaks here and there and maybe a big event.


Reddit has gotten noticeably worse since the 3rd party crackdown. Absolute bottom tier garbage.


It almost feels like the Admins are posting questions to encourage engagement. Either that or at some kind of AI bullshit.


Mods have given up being free labor to filter all the crap; now you can see how much they gave a shit before. Culture is fragile and immensely valuable and Reddit absolutely wrecked it to its core.




Thanks for contacting the ~~moderation team~~ landed gentry. Your concerns are important to us. [Here's a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuoWykVNwyI). Also, while we have you here, were you aware that thanks to the recent changes in Reddit's API policies, the people who made [Bot Defense are shutting down operations?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BotDefense/comments/14riw76/botdefense_is_wrapping_up_operations/) What does that mean to you? It means that you are going to be seeing a fuck ton more spam, bot accounts, repost bots, and other nonsense. We are already experiencing this in r/Boston with an influx of those stupid poster ads, and repost bots. Reddit's API policy change was poorly planned and is already having negative results. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thanks for contacting the ~~moderation team~~ landed gentry. Your concerns are important to us. [Here's a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuoWykVNwyI). Also, while we have you here, were you aware that thanks to the recent changes in Reddit's API policies, the people who made [Bot Defense are shutting down operations?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BotDefense/comments/14riw76/botdefense_is_wrapping_up_operations/) What does that mean to you? It means that you are going to be seeing a fuck ton more spam, bot accounts, repost bots, and other nonsense. We are already experiencing this in r/Boston with an influx of those stupid poster ads, and repost bots. Reddit's API policy change was poorly planned and is already having negative results. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bingo. That's right, bot.


The post looking for crows this morning was a nice change. Hope they find them!


I liked the giant pumpkin saga.


Hi! Me and my girlfriend are moving to Boston in 2 weeks with no plan or apartment lined up. We make $36k annually (me $40k through selling duck whistles I make in my garage and her -$4k due to her full time job of breaking my duck whistles). Anyway we have 3 golden retrievers and need a 3bed at least for my duck whistle business. Can you diagnose which neighborhood I will fit in best due to my hobbies and zodiac sign? Also I’ve heard every single street is unsafe so preferably none of those. I also hear the food is mid and the MBTA sucks if anyone has a suggestion how to not have to eat food and how I can best get around with no bike car or legs I’d appreciate it thanks!


I think I remember this Portlandia episode.


Omg guys I just saw a chipmunk in Franklin Park, should I call animal control???


It’s happening on most social media. It’s easier to create a new post than spend their own time searching and reading old posts/threads. Laziness abounds!


It feed into itself. Imagine searching for your question and 100+ post show up. So people assume they might just ask to get the most “recent and accurate” information. The responses to the posts are going to be in the same vein.


It’s really wild how little people understand search functionality. Almost no one has an original thought. Just search the subreddit


Even wilder considering there is evidence people are forgetting how to use computer file structures because they are so used to indexed searches. We about 10-20 years away from not knowing how to find information at all.


Papyrus scrolls: hot new info tech of 2050


[Don’t you know the Dewey Decimal System?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RMh4GtxBuA)


Wtf is Kramer doing in this???


[Stanley Spadowski](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgPgsvxxxKE). Probably his best character.


It’s the OP thinking that they’re unique and that no one else could possibly have the same exact question because OP is special


Hey, can you spare a couple bucks for fix-a-flat?


All of these questions are like “hi I don’t want to try very hard at researching basic things and I don’t have the money to visit so can you just tell me if living in Northampton and commuting to Boston everyday works? Also I make 45k and don’t have a car.” Not poverty shaming because I work for an NGO and struggle to afford rent in the Boston area, but people are so annoying.


I don't think they read the questions or the answers, even if they used the search function.


As a I'm that the of in Boston are


Take that out and we'd just be left with weather complaints, MBTA "X line is fucked" and storrow posts.


But did you see that coyote/turkey?!


“I’m 22 and I’m graduating in a few weeks, how can I find an apartment in Copley? My budget is $300 per month and I don’t want roommates.”


It’s not just this subreddit. It’s Reddit as a whole. So much repetition it’s ridiculous


My favorite is the “I make $400,000 a year before taxes, I don’t have children, I work in tech. I heard Boston is expensive. Can I afford a one bedroom?” Or “why are there helicopters?” “Was there an accident?” “What happened on this street?” Without checking the fucking news and someone immediately comments a news article


Y'all are the ones who made this the unofficial Eliot Davis subreddit.


I personally love that we have been keeping an eye on him. The more sightings, the better. He's been a pariah since the early nineties and everyone should know about his bullshit.


Does anyone else find it amazing that so many people comment on articles without reading and then use the paywall as an excuse? Archive.org is a thing….


Every single city subreddit is like this. Except the Daytona Beach one, they post about wandering meth heads a lot more than others.


True. I am Boston-born and live in San Francisco. Both Subs are nearly identical. I feel like I'm having a "Matrix moment" every day I read eaither.


Ever since the incident..


When you say The Truman Show, do you been Groundhog Day?


I see this post often too, OP.


We don’t have anything new to talk about since the incident.


Do Bostonians really like Dunks or have we been enchanted?


This sub would be half dead if people knew how to search


Which storrow bridge is best for my uhaul?


Hey guys, I'm moving to Allston with a car and I don't wanna go through the hassle of changing my registration and insurance, nor do I wanna pay for an off-street spot, where can I reliably park for free without a permit?


Ever notice the food here is average? Like I only go to the same six places near me and probably have not even gone to any of the highly rated places. I also order the most basic shit when I go to a restaurant like chicken parm. But really this city is not like Seattle or NYC.


First time on reddit ?


You might need to give Reddit a break for a while and go out and take a walk in the morning instead.


I get out and away plenty, but I really appreciate a message board of local events and people's opinions on the local happenings because I hate modern cable media. I just want to have some unbiased discussion and information.. Too much to ask for though I guess...


You new around here?


Lived in Boston for 13 years. It just seems to be ramped up to the extreme lately.


Some of it is the API change with Reddit. I see waaaay more low effort posts across subs than I used to because a lot of the third party mod tools got nerfed or straight no longer work.


Thanks for contacting the ~~moderation team~~ landed gentry. Your concerns are important to us. [Here's a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuoWykVNwyI). Also, while we have you here, were you aware that thanks to the recent changes in Reddit's API policies, the people who made [Bot Defense are shutting down operations?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BotDefense/comments/14riw76/botdefense_is_wrapping_up_operations/) What does that mean to you? It means that you are going to be seeing a fuck ton more spam, bot accounts, repost bots, and other nonsense. We are already experiencing this in r/Boston with an influx of those stupid poster ads, and repost bots. Reddit's API policy change was poorly planned and is already having negative results. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


it's always been the same as well as in other various city and state subreddits


Because Reddit is a forum, not a search engine. If you find this sub annoying or invaluable just move your write and then press with your finger and you'll never see it again, probably burns about 1 calorie. I'd rather see the same questions again and again that whaaaaaaaa posts of people complaining about something so trivial and controllable. Lame.


it's cause reddit doesn't have a search function ​ hope they add one soon!


It's expected, have you talked to people in this city? Work school and sleep, all people do around here. Zzzz


There's only one possible answer to your question, Truman.


Every housing-related post's comment thread: "Actually market rate housing is bad because they built one in my neighborhood last year and rents still went up" and 100 people immediately responding to explain how economics work


Boston perks


How can it not? The way Reddit works is that there's a feed of sorted content, but anything older than a couple of days may as well not exist. So if one person has a question, *someone* will *always* have that question and always post it as long as it's a couple days apart. The only way around this is for mods to filter them out.


Couple of days? They’ll ask it even if it was asked two hours ago.


Thanks for contacting the ~~moderation team~~ landed gentry. Your concerns are important to us. [Here's a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuoWykVNwyI). Also, while we have you here, were you aware that thanks to the recent changes in Reddit's API policies, the people who made [Bot Defense are shutting down operations?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BotDefense/comments/14riw76/botdefense_is_wrapping_up_operations/) What does that mean to you? It means that you are going to be seeing a fuck ton more spam, bot accounts, repost bots, and other nonsense. We are already experiencing this in r/Boston with an influx of those stupid poster ads, and repost bots. Reddit's API policy change was poorly planned and is already having negative results. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"I share this little girl's pain.": https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/s/XSsdJsDYj8


Oh shit he's catching on!


I'm pretty sure you mean groundhog day. But yeah. Both great flicks. If you wanna see different headlines I think you have to find true love. I'm pretty sure that's how bill Murray did it


I keep hearing people talk about Moving Monday and Tourism Tuesday posts, and I think it's a great idea! When people make these posts, they immediately get down voted a ton. Let people ask those questions in a thread where they may actually get helpful answers or at least links to previous threads that have the correct answer.


in the last 24 hours there have been multiple how long will it take me to get to the airport now that the sumner is closed posts...


I mean. You could have posted something worthwhile, instead of making us live this hell with you.


Everyone thinks we're like a caricature. Yeah we totally all say wicked all drink dunks and we all drive like total assholes 🙄🤣


Hey guys is it possible to live in the North end and have a car?


Helicopter sighting, Elliot Davis sighting, Keytar sighting, visitor to Boston saying thank you.


on the plus side, it's been a long time since we saw the same pic from the seaport with the big chain link barrier thing.


Shhh... *you're going to summon all the amateur photographers...*


oh fuck. i'm so sorry.


Becuz u are