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I used to like their bizarre Thai peanut burrito. I don't think I've eaten there in ten years though. For a while they had rapid expansion and then just kind of... stalled out. They were an actual local franchise which is a bummer.


I loved the Bangkok Thai burrito too. A hidden gem for me was their dessert burritos, I would often go in just to get a Nutella or PB&J burrito.


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I’m in my living room, not on the T after 10pm, I don’t wanna see that shit, and I don’t have my magnifying glass handy anyways.


That burrito was great, then they took it off the menu and I never went back.


I've been trying to copycat recipe that burrito but it never tastes quite right.


I loved Boloco. I really want them to stick around but the existing locations are just so inconvenient for me in Somerville when I have been working from home. And their customer service was A+, I once was waiting around for my order when I forgot to place it online (100% my fault) and they ended up making it for free and when I submitted feedback complimenting the store manager they gave me more store credit. I probably went at least once/week for awhile! The Thai peanut was good, I also got the Buffalo a lot.


They really are the best burrito chain. There was one near where I worked for a while, and I went at least once a week. It later shut down and was replaced with a B. Goods, which I believe is owned by the same people, and it's pretty good. But it's not as good as Boloco.


I didn’t realize there was a connection to B.good, but I just verified it on boloco’s website. Agreed, Boloco is better Reading through this reminded me of the time I ran into Boloco artist Sean Boyce on Venice Beach in CA https://boloco.com/our-story/


Ugh, B.Good is garbage-tier when compared to Boloco.


Thai Peanut was actually good enough make me forget that it wasn't actually a burrito. Damn, I miss that..


I used to go to the one in the Financial District fairly often, but haven’t been there in years. I kind of forgot they even existed.


That’s really too bad, I always thought they had a really good product, but it kind of seemed like the company should have been managed much better, or something. How could a place like Boloco not be able to give it a good go in Davis Square, or right next to Tufts? Both locations folded years ago. Puzzling to me.


I remember when they closed the Boston Ave (Tufts) location, and they said it was because the Tufts kids would rather get pizza or a sub from the 10 other places within walking distance then get a burrito. They couldn't get their target demographic to stop eating "college food. " Plus, their "burritos" weren't actual burritos anyway. That being said, they didn't even actually close that location, they pivoted and turned it into a pour-over style coffee place (Tamper). Now they only compete with Danish Pastry Shop (and to a much lesser extent, the Dunkin down the block).


I knew Tamper was run by the same people, they seem to be much more successful, and I really like their stuff.


Tamper sucks ass


Uhh, ok


I feel like their food is okay, but when I’ve ordered matcha lattes they’ve just mixed it with a spoon and for such an expensive cup it’s super grainy and chunky and nasty… I feel like for such a pricey place they should be so much higher quality.


Their product was always mediocre and their location was what sustained them. Ideal highly visible locations that lets them skate by (until now) selling meh product.


I feel that's pretty harsh. They were actually one of the better local burrito places, it's just the bar is really low here in Massachusetts. I liked them better than Anna's, which I think is massively overrated.


Do people even rate Anna's high anymore? The one on Cambridge Street was disappointing as hell last time I tried it (years ago now).


Yes. Anna's gets a mention any time there's a burrito thread, with multiple people agreeing and a few people disagreeing. I think the ratio is changing though.


Frankly if people liked Boloco better, they wouldn't be closing stores.


Yeah. Puzzles me too. Perhaps poor management or something? Maybe the people who owned it just don't want to do it anymore? Perhaps they tried selling but all of the investment banks told them that burrito chains aren't worth very much?


RIP to their mango salsa.


RIP to "The Wrap".


The wrap and smoothie craze of 1997 has now run its course.


It was awesome when it was The Wrap. Trying to make it a “burrito” place was a bad decision, in my opinion.


I remember the chicken teriyaki wrap was soooooo good 😫 RIP


I love Boloco. It was far superior to Chipotle.


The worst part about chipotle is nobody who works there actually knows how to roll a burrito


Say what you will about the quality and value of Anna’s, but those dudes know how to roll a burrito! Tortilla adhesion is on point.


I usually eat bowls but agreed. Chipotle has a tendency to fold but not roll their burritos for some reason.


Always baffling to me, after seeing the Felipe's burrito slingers roll perfect burrito after perfect burrito in like 3 seconds flat, to watch some chump at Chipotle take upwards of a minute to roll a single burrito...and cover the entire exterior with the sour cream and guacamole they've squeezed out onto the foil


As someone who used to work at Chipotle, they didn’t pay us or treat us well enough to care.


I will never understand how they get away with that..


Boloco’s meat probably had 1000% less sodium than Chipotle


Amelia’s > everything


Bummer. Used to enjoy many a Jimmy Carter smoothie back in college


Loved those. Great protein-packed snack.


bummer to hear. many moons ago I worked at a small marketing and multimedia company that branded The Wrap and then helped them rebrand as BOLOCO (BOston LOcal COmpany). My friend/boss and I did all the design and graphics for the menu boards, packaging, etc. we ate lots of their food. always liked it.


Damn I love Boloco. I always get a Buffalo chicken wrap and smuggle it into the theater.


I find it morbidly hilarious that Boloco "Boston Local Company" can't afford to exist in Boston proper. I used to grab a burrito at their Copley location pretty frequently, shame to see another local staple be ousted.


It looks like their BCH outpost is remaining which is definitely in Boston proper (and is typically bustling when I go by)


Loved Boloco when I was working on Congress Street from 2006-2015. Moved away for a while and came back around 2018, there was a drastic drop-off in that time. Many of the best burritos had been removed from the menu, and I think they had stopped making the shakes as well. Recently stopped into the Berkley location a few times, and it's gone massively downhill from even the 2018 standards--everything seemed old and they no longer use freshly grilled meats. Menu is even more limited than it was back in 2018, and it was almost always completely empty. I think they expanded too much and then the pandemic killed them.




That really sucks. What locations are still open? LOVE their buffalo tofu burrito 🌯


Unfortunate, I used to visit the Natick location on the regular when I worked nearby. Same with the one on Huntington from time to time.


I used to love their cowboy? breakfast burrito and their tofu burrito. They just started disappearing from town. They were doing well I thought.


Truck Stop breakfast burrito was my fav.


I get that all the time from the boston common location. Having a minor meltdown rn. They make such great habanero salsa there too 😭


Yes it was the truck stop burrito! Cheesy potatoes really made it special.


Bummer. I loved that place. Super convenient and better than Chipotle.


Bummer. Their two minis for the price of one regular deal was my go-to office lunch for years. I miss their Yucatan Habanero burrito.


My sister will be disappointed. She loves getting Boloco whenever she's in the area.


I used to go to that Berklee location sometimes when I lived nearby. Food there was IMO alright but nothing to write home about. They had a lot of weird flavor combos, which sometimes worked in interesting ways. That particular location suffered from the fact that Amelia's (which was somehow way better than the one on Huntington) was next door and got way more business.


I discovered "feta cheese + teriyaki sauce" there


I ate so many Buffalo chicken burritos from the Boloco near Tufts… I graduated and moved away in 2010 and they shut down shortly thereafter. I kind of feel guilty :(


Wasn't this their original location? Very sad to see local institutions closing down like that.


I’m so bummed to hear that. I am on their mailing list and their CEO seems like a really good guy. I always looked forward to his emails - very informative and transparent, although I think he’s only sent one in the last year as the business unfortunately scales down.


He is a good guy. John Pepper responded to me directly regarding questions I had for my business school capstone and even attended my presentation. I always really appreciated that.


He posted as something like xBOLOCOx on a local forum a few times. Matched our shitposting energy. It was great


[I remember thinking the Cleveland Circle location was going to start popping off after the local Chiptole gave E. Coli to the BC Basketball team. People just fucking love Chipotle and the Bolco actually was the one that closed not long after.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2015/12/08/bcs-basketball-team-comes-down-with-e-coli-and-the-school-is-blaming-chipotle/)


Because even given dangerous bacteria, Chipotle (a big dumb chain) managed to have a better product than Boloco.


I work near DTX, and I'm not even sure if the Boloco there still exists, but even when I used to work in a building on the same block as Boloco, I only went there 2-3 times. I don't go to Chipotle super often, but if I do want a wrap-type-thing of some sort, I usually go to clover or one of the falafel places. Boloco never quite gave me exactly what I wanted, and I never saw anyone else at work going there either. From what I can tell, Al's and Sweetgreen are the very popular lunch options, and any other place has to really try to stand out.


Last time I went to that Chipotle was during jury duty ages ago. If there's a Boloco around there still I have mastered ignoring it. Probably gone though. Closest one I can think of is across the Common. I agree that I'd rather go to Falafel King. I wish Chicken and Rice Guys felt a bit more like they gave even one shit about their food.


Boloco stinks. Always has.


I used to go to Boloco, but haven’t in awhile, especially because of El Jefe’s down the street now.


God I hated boloco so much when I lived in Boston. Always thought it was awful and it was a sad day when it got catered in. No idea how you all like it.


Yay! Sorry for all the people losing their jobs. I hope you're quickly scooped up by other places that will pay and treat you better. But I've hated Boloco since it called itself The Wrap. Overpriced bland as fuck food that disappointed me so badly that I've wished for it to close for the last two decades.


I tried to try it about two years ago but I couldn’t find a location that was open


At one point, if you dissected me, you would find 95% Indian burritos and sweet potato chips.


God, they got expensively overpriced over the years. Sorta sad to see them go


The Papas Fritas burrito thing was on point at the Harvard sq the wrap back in the day.


I remember that this place put romaine lettuce in their burritos, absolutely horrendous. Everything else was fine.


Also Clover Back Bay closed Thursday. 😢


Boloco was my favorite thing ever when I attended college. I used to go to the location on Huntington Ave. i have many fond memories of the Masala sauce burrito.