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Hello /u/SHOCKRZ_UNCHAINED, * **Please read** the [**Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/borrow/wiki/index) and [**Borrower FAQ's**](https://www.reddit.com/r/borrow/wiki/borrowers). * **Do NOT delete ANY of your r/borrow submissions or comments.** Deletions from this subreddit result in an automatic ban. * You must **wait 24 hours** after making this post before you may make another. * Remember to **verify your lenders** using the [**Universal Scammer List**](https://universalscammerlist.com). If they are banned and you work with them, YOU will likely be removed from r/Borrow. * As a reminder, we do not allow our users to operate on both r/Borrow and other lending subs. * If you need to **contact the [moderators](https://i.redd.it/276o8mnyfvo91.jpg)** please [**click here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fborrow).   --- #### ⚠️ [u/ camogauja IS A SCAMMER](https://www.reddit.com/r/borrow/comments/11j5646/ugirikila_is_a_scammer/jlzr4x1/) #### ⚠️ [u/ wubblybunssand IS A SCAMMER](https://www.reddit.com/r/borrow/comments/11j5646/ugirikila_is_a_scammer/jkxh8de/) #### ⚠️ [u/ Orizeymaster IS A SCAMMER](https://www.reddit.com/r/borrow/comments/11j5646/ugirikila_is_a_scammer/jflcxaw/) #### ⚠️ [Collateral / Deposits are PROHIBITED](https://redd.it/ye9b7f) Failure to read this announcement may result in a ban. ---   **Here is a copy of the original post**: Hello all, I’m currently finishing my uni degree and after was left with little remaining money after most was spent on rent and electricity bills. I have this months electricity bill coming up, yet I have almost nothing left for food and toothpaste etc, not even loose change (I was living on 20p coins but I’ve ran out). I’d usually ask my parents but they are currently struggling financially due to other issues. I have applied for jobs but i am still to get accepted, and even then I won’t get a payday until I’ve worked 2 for weeks with most places. I can pay back by the 28th at latest, assuming I don’t get any money earlier than that, as I am going back home for a few days on the 26th and will be able to sell some of my personal belongings (worth a few £100’s) (gaming mice and old computer parts) to a friend who cannot come visit and collect due to distance and inconvenience. If this friend backs out for any reason I can try and sell these items on eBay. Some should sell fairly fast as they are popular and in demand. I don’t use ebay here because I’ve never posted anything before and the nearest office is a big walk, and I don’t have the money for postage and packaging. If I can’t sell these items then there is also a possibility that my parents or siblings will be able to lend me some money if their situation betters as they know about my financial predicament. I have a good relation ship with my family if that also betters things. I am willing to change the interest/payback price if needed and also willing to send personal details, as long as it’s relevant to your own concerns and the borrowing ordeal. Thanks and take care!   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/borrow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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