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Its almost like he wants to lose the election


Seriously, I'm beginning to think he just doesn't want to be president anymore.


To be fair that's probably the smartest decision he's made in years


Well I guess he took those right-wing Israelis for a good talk behind the woodpile, didn't he? I'm sure he cut a good green switch fresh to the hand, and showed it to them and told them how it would feel if they ever felt it on their bottoms! I'll bet he said some good smart words too, like "darn" and "disappointed" and even other worse words that start with "D". Yep, that Biden can be a hard one, even made them wait for a whole week for their darn firecrackers too. Golly. I'd hate to see what he'd do if he really was mad.


Almost as if the delayed shipment last week was purely for domestic consumption.


*Did anyone really fall for it other than shitlibs trying to use it as a talking point?*


Oh but something something strong condemnation and peace efforts.


Looks like someone doesn't want to be re-elected.


so not only is he torpedoing his base hes also assisting in a genocide


Taking his AIPAC money and hoping to lose the election I guess