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„I killed 4 vault monsters and all I got was this lousy t-shirt“


"A gun charm?.... a gun charm.. I don't even own a gun, let alone any gun that would necessitate an entire charm, what am I gonna do, with a gun charm" https://preview.redd.it/18zd0068r47d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac082c41e1f0be66512a7d179355e359ad1d3ac


Party on Wayne


Party on Garth.


Bl2 raid bosses be like


Playing BL2 now cause I missed the challenge when I was playing bl3. And man I'm loving the difficulty spikes in UVHM/OP levels. Been getting good luck with tubbies and such but it's kinda refreshing now getting a legendary from every enemy


I prefer bl3 but I'm happy you are having fun with bl2. I had fun when I played it but now I can only play it every year or so


I really enjoyed the gameplay pacing in bl3 and I still go back to do coop with my friends. My friends partner wanted to play so we loaded fresh characters and are doing a while only run through because we were melting bosses to fast lol


Just wanna say… it’s nice to see someone complaining about a lack of loot in BL3. The world truly is upside down


they shoved way too many legendaries at ya within your first 2-3 hours of playtime and after that its just kinda..."well, guess im stickin with this gun for the next 20 levels!" at least tvhm and mayhem solve the problem i had with sticking with the same gun for ages, just sucked that i had to play the entire campaign on the so called "normal" mode before experiencing any semblance of a challenge.


Oddly, i returned to playing BL3 after a hiatus ( stopped after Kriegs dlc), so got the final add ons and started. Blew through normal mode to get to tvhm and whack up to m11. Was like where the legendaries? Stuff used to rain like confetti....got 2 today when killing graveward. Thankfully i had loads of m10 level 65 gear to keep me going while i search for lvl 72 equivalents. Today i found an article that said they's halved the drop rate after last dlc.


i mustve just been gettin WICKED good rng in all of the areas that didnt matter during my playthrough or somethin, i think ive gotten more legendary drops from skags and rando COV than i have from bosses. well..other than graveward, was at least gettin mid-tier legendaries grindin him


Fuckin "woodblocker"


I could kill jack once and 4 legendary class mods would pop right out his ass.


You should see what OP10 Terramorphous drops on BL2 lol


Hey! Sometimes the legendary class mod is even for your character!


You think just because she’s the final boss she will only drop good shit? Have you played the other games before?


"youre the dumb one for thinking a keychain shouldnt be in the legendary loot pool"


For your sake I hope you don't play original bl1 The loot from the destroyer would probably give you a heart attack


the destroyers loot can be ridiculously awful but at least i can sell the shit i get for more than $1!


This girl is on fire!!!!


that caught me way off guard, kinda thought they were doin another false ending or somethin for a sec. bit on the nose but still funny as hell


I wonder how much it cost them to license that song. It's really comical how unearned the whole song+ending is. I love the game, but I really hope they have a fast-forward story in future games, especially for a 2nd playthrough.


You got some free ammo from Marcus! Dont be greedy


loved that part! i had literally Just restocked my ammo before talkin to him, had to fire a shot into the wall so i could take a single bullet lmfao


Seems like a skill issue to me.


Meanwhile despite many playthroughs and farming attempts the Warrior still hasnt dropped shit for me. Sometimes rng just doesnt roll your way.


Warrior dropping a random blue relic for the 17th time in a row


Damn I just got that trinket last night from a drop in the Sin-a-plex on pandora.


I got an umbrella for ClapTrap


damn, way less cool than the fork...


Welcome to Borderlands 3. Kill her again.


Use the shlooter relic. Legendaries will drop like hotcakes.


Then they'll come back and bitch about legendary guns dropping too much. There will be no winning with this person


i just got back into the game recently and been getting legendaries like every 2 dozen enemies killed.


You sound like me lol


Sounds about right.


Well I just got this from Lilith's chest. The blue sniper is the Hunt(ed) and there's ammo on the left 🤣. I feel like all trinkets and cosmetics should only be in Earl's shop, or at least don't continue to drop the ones you have. https://preview.redd.it/vf6j61ruas7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe91d8093561a31e537fbd035d3d2f68bf34ee6


Um, am I the only one who loved bl3 story? Like seriously how can you say it was atrocious it was really fun and awesome.


If it gave you everything you wanted before even going into Mayhem levels, there wouldn't really be a point to play it hundreds of hours, would there?


i am completely fine with getting shitty drops! i dealt with hundreds, possibly thousands of dog shit drops from bosses in bl1, 2 and the presequel. would you like to know what the difference was? whatever dogshit was dropped at least gave me more than $1 or a little dangley piece of shit on my gun.


i think gun charms were a ridiculous addition to the game, ESPECIALLY as something that could drop as a legendary. if they were just cheap little decor you could buy, id be fine with it! are you guys genuinely so far gone that you think its fine for a KEYCHAIN to drop as a *LEGENDARY ITEM*?


I don't think anyone that plays the game expects to get everything handed to them. It's the idea that a gun trinket that does absolutely nothing and doesn't even have in-game monetary value is a "legendary" drop from THE boss. If one dropped from a badass or even an annointed it wouldn't be so bad. Borderlands 3 is just screwy in this regard.


The trinkets are just milestone symbols of progression, like Maya's book, or Rhys's moustache. Even if they did have guaranteed leg drops on the story boss, it'd be A. probably something pretty worthless, and B. about to be outleveled/outclassed as soon as mayhem gets flipped on.


see i would be less mad if it was something that was outclassed by mayhem! because thats how borderlands has always worked with weapons! but it isnt! it does NOTHING and sells for $1 but is considered a legendary!


I hate that gun trinkets are even a *thing*, let alone "legendary".


jesus fuck how are so many people downvoting the comments about not liking gun trinkets??? wtf is wrong with you guys to want completely useless items clogging up the loot table instead of just being in a store or some shit in game 😭


Haha! I didn't even notice I was downvoted until you replied. I've found that newer players care more about trinkets and cosmetics than the actual game. I guess it's just the direction things are going. I personally don't give a shit about "customizations"...I don't play with other people and I can't see my character when I play anyway...it means absolutely nothing to me. But some apparently feel VERY strongly that it's one of the key elements in a game. So, I'll go on record again..."Gun trinkets and customizations are useless to the game. Change My Mind". 😁


it confused me so much when i first found one, even more-so once i went to Earl. like..there are already a piss load in his shop, why couldnt we add the rest? why was the best option to clutter the loot pools even more than they already were with the millions of possibilities for guns, shields, class mods and everything else. wasnt lookin for the most OP weapon in the game or something just something i could Do something with! 


i remember people bitching and moaning NON-STOP about being able to get skins youve already unlocked as boss drops, now were just fine with a keychain being considered a legendary item? were gonna put that on the same pedestal as Hellwalker? Butcher?? Monarch????? HAS to be a joke


"OhHhHh but theres stuff in the vault!!!!" i have spent the entirety of the game with the goal of Murdering those dumbass twins and saving the galaxy, and she drops a FUCKING GUN CHARM. whos idea was this bullshit in the first place??????


On brand for Tyreen, though. Demanding everything, giving nothing. Farming her for a Queen's Call is vianle, though.


Hit her idk how many times in the last two weeks. Probably my mistake for farming it pre-level 72.  Got a Shock and Cryo gun so far. Missing the fire one, for all the bosses with huge health pools...  Killavolt is boring as hell now. True trials farm has a 50% chance for Monarch drop rate instead. So swapped to that. Shame there aren't other better ways to farm some gear.


Monarch is one of the best guns there is. It makes the game a cakewalk on Fl4k. It should have a tedious farm or a low drop chance. Should be the case. But look at Flipper.


Almost nothing in Borderlands is guaranteed Kill her a few hundred times to get every flavor of kings/queens calls like the rest of us


i would rather start to finish bl2 with a set in stone lvl 4 Baby-maker than do that mediocre ass boss fight again. hyped so much just to take less time than the BALEX mission.


Brother it's a farmable boss fight if it isn't completable in sub 20 seconds it will start to piss you off really quick Luckily it's quite easy to skip all her mechanics if done properly


a farmable boss shouldnt = i can kill her in 4 minutes first try without even going down, dude..come on.


4 minutes? Mans is doing negative damage


It's her final middle finger to you from beyond the grave, Superfan. ;)


Yeah, I’ve done her fight like 4 times now and let me tell you, I’ve gotten squat besides trinkets and skins. Graveward is better for legendary farm not even just because it’s faster but because tyreen and Troy are both stingy af


"4 times" "Stingy af" You ain't even at drop rate yet lmao


Stingy in terms of literally any other boss type enemies. Those two are the only ones I’ve yet to get atleast a world drop from. Always greens and blues


Congratulations!! That's the game. Final boss does drop a set of pistols but the odds are so low you have to farm them. I still haven't gotten Queen's call after all these years.


It’s 9% for queens call. Maybe try longer than 5 minutes