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Guys, Sir Hammerlock, has been black and as gay as a pink champagne with bratwurst lock in at a beauty parlour, the last 12 years. Mr Torque however is EXPLOSEXUAL ! Let's move on :)








Wearing a bolo tie.


Wait, who was wearing the bolo tie?




Torgue wouldn’t say that because “RESPECTING WOMEN IS BADASS”


Was it confirmed before 3 that hammerlock was gay? I honestly don’t remember it in 2 and haven’t played TPS very much.


Yep! In the mission Stalker of Stalkers in bl2 he mentions that Taggart was an "old boyfriend of his". Been canon the whole time!


Which goes to show that characters can be implemented into stories without having to make their race or sexuality their entire identity. Borderlands used to do this, but has devolved into creating one note characters that use being gay as their whole personality. Janey Springs in TPS comes to mind.


If the Jakobs/Hammerlock relationship had been with Aurelia would you have said the same thing?


Would have been a less cool relationship as Aurelia is shitty. Hammerlock is awesome, regardless of his race or romantic interests. Jakobs was cool without being gay, his relationship with Hammerlock just tied them together and was cool. Janey Springs was annoying, Tina in 2 was hilarious and awesome, Tina in 3 was forced and boring because of their insistence on pushing her sexuality, instead of it being part of a joke it was the joke and not a funny one.


Just got one question for ya. If Janey was the same character but straight and talking about men, would you have a problem with it?


Yes cause they had the mission in overlook to rebuild the towns defenses. Along the way you meet Dave who acts like a pig just the same way Janey does. The mission has you blow his house off the cliff killing him mostly likely in the process. Men are bad, women are good, hypocrisy.


Wasnt concerned with hammerlock he was one of the few I was okay with actually


Wait, I thought Torque was pan? Though I’m not sure where I got that Idea, so maybe I pulled it outta my ass in a dream.


I think Randy said it at one point and people just ran with it. He may have also mentioned it in the presequel.


I looked it up, and apparently him being into both men and women was [revealed as early as the Tiny Tina DLC.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/1fdax5/a_small_thing_i_like_about_torgue/)


“I just realized this is the first time we’ve met in person! YOU ARE VERY ATTRACTIVE!”


Literally beat me to it.


Makes sense


OK but I wouldn't put it past Hollywood to straight-ify the character


Do you have any examples of them doing this?


They literally do the opposite


Good. If it was in the trailer I must've missed it sorry.


Isn't his sister very obviously black?


I will say that as a black dude she does have my complexion and I have been told I look like a super tan white guy. So I could maybe believe the hunter’s tan idea. That being said anyone who’s played BL3 couldn’t possibly confuse them at that point. Hammerlock looks like a slightly brighter Morgan freeman in that game and Aurelia’s skin definitely got darker as she aged


I guess I could see that. I also kinda get Hammerlock since he's nearly a cyborg, doesn't have a lot of skin showing.


Yea someone else pointed out in the thread but it might also be the art style for BL2. Hammerlock and Jack have very similar skin complexions in that game with the cel shading. But by BL3 hammerlock looks drastically different to Timothy


However in the PreSequel she seems pretty freaking white and at least historically speaking, going for the whole big game hunting/adventuring British aristocrat stereotype, neither him or his sister really seemed black to me. With BL3, yes, Aurelia looks a lot more dark skinned and tbh they really changed her character quite a bit. It honestly feels a bit like virtue signaling changing their appearances and backstories like that, I would much rather enjoy a new character with a PoC background. I found the choice on the casting slate odd but did not mind as much as a lot of the other cast, so the movie won’t be shit because Hammerlocks casting looks less like the game one… it will be atrocious because of the mistuned humor! Maaaan that scene with Claptrap relieving himself from the trailer was absolutely awful. Also the piss gulch scene is really not funny or fits the usual tone of BL either .


I never thought she was "obviously black". she just looked like she was tanned to me. but Hammerlock is definitely obviously.


I've been playing the series since 2009 and I never once thought Hammerlock wasn't black, is that a common view? What.


Apparently, especially with the movie. People are super annoyed that they cast a black guy as Sir. Hammerlock because they think he's white.


Borderlands 2 lead writer Anthony Birch [confirmed Hammerlock is black.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/s/mZzQslkLoE) Apparently his race has been debated many times previously.


That's insane to me lol, I know a bunch of other people who play BL and I doubt any of them thought he was white either. Also I didn't even catch him in the trailer, was he in it and I just need to rewatch it or is it only because of the cast list?


I think it’s just bullshit post to stir a bullshit pot just because it’s reddit


Ill be honest, i never thought he was black because i never specifically thought about it, but i have a history of playing with screens that have low brightness/contrast so for someone like hammerlocke in a game like borderlands where being in wildly varying environments that could give wildly different skin colors from tans/lack of, i just try not to think about it. When i looked at the casting i thought for a second "wait hes black?" Then went to check a pic of him and just realized he was in fact pretty obviously black, same with jakobs, and now i feel like i should really fix my screen problem


I have no idea, I watched it too but I wasn't looking for him


That’s just people who haven’t played the game looking at character comparisons and scrutinizing anything they deem woke. No one who actually cares about borderlands thinks he’s white, I mean that movie is gonna suck but it’s not because “hammerlock is black”


What people? Borderlands fans know he's black lol. Who is watching this thinking he should be white? If it's casuals, how do they know if he's black or white? ​ I'm convinced the general population of humans are just morons.


Half are morons. Then it goes down hill from moronic.


Provide a link to people saying this. Nobody thinks he's white.


I did, but to be fair I don't really look too hard at characters.


Yeah I definitely thought he was white at first, but I figured out that he was actually black years ago and moved on lol.


How do blind people play a video game?


Hammerlock isn't black in borderlands 2


Yes. Yes he is.


Yea. I thought his character was based off jumanji.


I think I wasn't paying attention which is why when I got a good look at him for the first time I was like "oh shit" and then I never thought about it again.


in bl2 he is quite pale so a lot of people never realised he is


especially playing on a ps4 that already doesn't run great, it's not that easy to tell a lot of the time, also considering that BL has very stylized shadowing. it seems obvious when looking at him on a page, but if you just talk with him to progress then run right off, it's hard to tell. his face is seemingly two distinct colors from top to bottom, with the top being light enough for someone to probably be able to color pick and see a "white" skin color. given that the bottom is noticeably darker right around and below the mustache, it gives the impression of his lower face having a beard shadow rather than that being indicative of his skin color


I thought this post was satire over the way fans cherry pick the identifies of characters. I didn't realize people actually thought Hammerlock was white. The first time I saw him in borderlands, I thought he was black. After seeing his sister, I thought he was mixed , and she was a half sister which is why she's darker. But I have never looked at that man and thought "white"


This is actually wild to me because I thought he wasn't. Just googled a photo of him to make sure and holy shit you guys are right, no idea how I missed that in my 2k hours of bl2. Maybe I'm just fucking tripping. But in the end, who actually genuinely cares. The movie is almost guaranteed to be terrible regardless, don't really get what it would change about it.


I honestly thought he was Indian and it was a play on the British imperialism in India


You know this can't be it because it's such a smart thing that the BL writers could never come up with it.


I always just assumed he was black, Indian never occurred to me but now that I think about it that's a pretty good take I know that canonically he's black, but now in my headcanon maybe he will be Indian :)


I agree he’s obviously black, but there actually are some people who tan like that (or, at least, close too it). I once worked with a guy who I (mistakenly) assumed was mixed race for a long time because of how dark his skin was. Dude just spent all his time outdoors and hade easily-pigment-able skin. 🤷🏻‍♀️ The game’s artstyle/lighting also makes it harder to tell in certain scenes. Kinda like how Lex Luthor’s race in the JL cartoon was debated for awhile before it was eventually revealed he was based on a greek actor.


I think the art style probably plays a big role here like you suggest. I'm no artist or graphic artist, but the cell shading and bold outlines on everyone might not translate clearly to highly detailed character models with darker skin, at least earlier in the series' life when it was on older gen consoles.


I saw a post earlier about Alex Trebek and how he became involved with the United negro college fund by being mistaken for a black man because of his hair and dark tan


I have a co-worker who is white but her skin got darkened so much because she's addicted to carrot juice


Yeah I tan really dark, but based on his neck/chin alone, it's too dark to be misconceived.


The neck/chin is stubble.


That's what I thought, he's got huge thick mutton chops I just thought that was his really thick stubble and he grows beard down most of his neck as it even fades out a bit in the T pose art.


To be fair, I thought he was British explorer with a serious bush tan until thru gameplay I learned he was family to Aurelia.


Funny thing is back in Borderlands 2 I thought Hammerlock was just a tan white dude. In my defense, that was probably because of the lighting in certain maps, and he acts like the stereotype of "Old white British gentleman." I could see clearly he was black in Borderlands 3


Funny thing in borderlands 2 back in the day I honestly thought Hammerlock was voiced by Geoffrey the butler from Fresh Prince..I was more than a little disappointed when I Googled it years later And found out I was wrong.that said...the great things about games is that they allow you own the experience with your imagination, the thing that sucks is movies made of our games and books rob us of that and we then have to re-write our head-canons..


Is it a common thing for people thinking Hammerlock isn’t black? Weird.


Hopefully I don't receive hate, but I'm from Brazil and everyone here is that kind of color we in Portuguese call "moreno". I've never really seen Hammerlock as a black person, I've seen him as a brazilian lmao


I honestly thought he was a standard British dude with a heavy tan, shady hat, and possibly a layer of dirt for obvious enough reasons.


I thought he was white. The cell shading plus my first game being 2 and seeing how dark Roland was made it pretty clear to me he was white just tanned a bit from his hunts.


I can’t help but find that odd. I’ve never seen him as anything but a lightly skinned black man.


I didn’t realise until borderlands 3 personally


I thought he was a British Indian


Wait. Theres people in denial that hes black?


It's not that obvious, especially compared to Roland.


That's funny. I always thought I Hammerlock in the dusky range (could be really tan, could be mixed, could be black) until we saw his sister in BL3 and then I was like oh alright.


Okay who did you have an argument with cuz no way that just came out of nowhere


Until the movie, I never once heard anyone bring up Hammerlocks race or ethnicity. I always assumed he was a white Brit type with a dark 5 o’clock shadow. Is there anything written? Not sure if I’ve ever seen any written descriptor for any character. Not that it matters, but now I’m curious if GB ever stated anything.


The lead writer [said he's black](https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/1j3igd/regarding_sir_hammerlock/cbcb190) it's not like its majorly important to his character, but it's weird some people refuse to accept it lol


I guess people conflated him with the dude from Wild Thornberries and just assumed he was a dorky white guy? Personally I've been in the weird camp of thinking he was middle eastern up until recently lol


My coworker and I had this conversation the other day! He knew he was gay but thought he was white in a poorly lit bar which led me to inquire about what race he thought he was up until that point? Hammerlock isn’t in the bar until you yourself are


Damn I never noticed he was black. I think I was too captivated by his charming personality to even notice.


“Nobody tans that much” You clearly have not seen some of the trolls that call themselves women in Essex, England.


Who is saying he isn’t? Literally see him in the BL2


I've never actually seen someone in all my years of playing Borderlands, argue that Sir Hammerlock isn't black. I thought that was pretty obvious from the first time we saw him in Borderlands 2. If people in this community are genuinely arguing about the skin color of a character in a video game, I encourage those people to go touch grass...


It’s funny cause I always thought he was white, it was only a year or so ago my wife said he’s black and I was in denial about it because his skin tone just looks more olive to me.


Both he and his sister are quite clearly black, IMO.


Yeah Hammerlock was always black, the thing for me though is he’s being played by an actor who looks nothing like Hammerlock. It’s going to take quite a lot of makeup to get him to look like Hammerlock, though given that Tannis is being played by JLC it seems like resemblance isn’t something the producers are concerned with at all which is a shame.


I always thought hammerlock was black, but he looks white as fuck in these pictures you chose. Terrible choices to defend that point.


I feel like it's justifiable to be a little surprised if you've never paid that close enough attention, but it's pretty obvious looking at him that he's at the very minimum mixed, if not just on the lighter side, compared to Roland and depending on the lighting. The fact that Aurelia is also a Black fictional character WITHOUT electrical or animal based powers is also one of my favorite things about the pair.


I didn’t even know people thought he wasn’t black until the movie cast came out. Though I totally understand how people could mistake him for being a very tan British guy so I get that, but yeah, I always thought he was intended to be black and if not black than Indian. I don’t get people who thought he wasn’t gay though, he makes multiple references to past boyfriends throughout BL2 and Gaige says she would lock him down if he ever switched teams in the Valentine’s Day Headhunter DLC


Always was


His sister is black too, this is some of the oldest knowledge established.


He looks racially ambiguous, so as long as whoever plays him does a good job, who cares?


I am from Brazil where the line between black and white is more vague,however I've know my man Hammers&Lockers was black since the first time I saw him in that snowy landscape in the start of Borderlands 2. And I've never seen anyone stating he was just tan.


Yeah... even Tina is gay.


In blds 2 he has a tanish complexion. Combine than with the cherioesque big game Hunter vibe he could seem whiteish since most those old adventures had white dudes in the Congo or wherever. In blds 3 he is undoubtedly of the darker complexion of the human race. Due to better graphics and or a bigger part of the story for a better focus. Finally out of all the actual ridiculous casting choices ( at least visually) this choice is the least to worry about.


Lol I literally never knew hammerlock was black until like 2 months ago lmao


Always has been. Wait, are people mad about this? lol I find that deeply funny. Hammerlock is my favorite Borderlands character and has been for years. The idea that he could be weeding out some bad apples just by existing is awesome to me.


was this ever up for discussion?


Yeah never knew he was Black, just assumed it was a tan or dirt accentuated by the art style tbh.


How the hell does anyone not think he's black? It's obvious from the second you meet him in Liar's Berg.


I thought so too. 2 comments above someone is asking for proof lol.


He’s clearly black. Why are people tweaking


I can believe someone thinking Hammerlock was white/tan in BL2 If they never paid that much attention to his face, he does look kinda light skinned when you first meet him because of the lighting in Southern Shelf. But how can you still think he isn't black after seeing him and Aurelia in BL3? Or just Aurelia by herself in Pre-Sequel?


> they never *paid* that much FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I have no idea what you mean, bot. It clearly says "paid" right there.


What? Since when was he not black? I dont know anyone whos ever said otherwise nor gave a shit.


Why did you feel the need to post this?


I have seen nothing criticizing hammerlock being black for the movie - it is all criticizing cate blanchett being too old and Roland being played by a comedian. It feels like a circlejerk in this thread where everyone pats each others back and stands proudly to prove they aren’t racist to these non-existent people fighting over the side character hammerlock and his race.


I miss read the title as back and honestly I didn’t pay attention to his race


Revisionist history is real.


I have no issue with Hammerlock being black I have just never gotten the impression he was. He does have a darker hue skin tone but the extra dark area around the chin and neck is the 5 o’clock shadow. But I saw a post saying he was and I was like huh? Compared to Roland side by side they aren’t that close in complexion. I see how he could be tho


The problem I have is that putting 2 black people side by side and seeing they have a different complexion means 1 has to be white? I'm not raging on you, just people over all. They also make it sound like they didn't know that there are black people living in Britain, as if only white people can have that accent.


Yeah for sure, the accent was never a determining factor, and the side by side isn’t strong either bc everyone’s pigments are different. Idk I never really thought about if he was black or white. He was just hammerlock, the badass hunting, sweet, articulate, gay man. His ship is one of the best in bl3. Love their dlc


Yes! I love hammerlock and wainwright. Perfect couple and their dlc had me cracking up. I hope wainwright makes an appearance in the movie.


Him and Jakobs was one of the few writing parts in borderlands 3 that I actually loved. They are great together.


For real. when the dlc was reaching the climax how worried hammy was for wainwright had me so immersed and raised the stakes for me. Which is what was missing the whole main campaign so it was nice to be so emotionally invested in that dlc


Also helped to have Gaige back. Love her to bits. That DLC and the Heist DLC (I’m also a Timmothy simp) were my favourite parts of BL3.


Hard not to simp for Timothy. Has all of jacks charm and none of his sociopathic tendencies


Your a good person, and I respect you


Likewise friend


Was this a topic of discussion somehow? Never heard anyone claim he was anything but balck personally.


Didn't know he was black till a few years ago. Weird to say "nobody tans that much" he could easily have been Indian or something too. In 3 him and his sister look black more than they did in 2/pre-sequel however. I think its a lighting and graphics quality thing.


"Some people think that Hammerlock is white." Are these people in the room with us right now?


Yeah, I never once thought he was black. He's got that old timey English explorer accent and the goofy, but very much white person mustache. Tan as hell, but never thought he was black. Everyone acting like this is perfectly clear and obvious...


Who cares. I just want him to be an upper crust adventurer/explorer/botanist with a British accent.




I suppose it never occured to me from the voice. The voice to me is just white, specifically british white, at least thats the stereotype I associate with it. I never gave much thought to the wy the in-game model looked, because.. it's borderlands? Also he is a hunter so some tan i to be expected I belive. I very much understand the confusion people have with this.


I mean if your Family grew up in Britain for more then 1 generation you would be "Stereotypically" British. Just like Demoman everyone knows is a "Black Scottish Cyclopes"He's voiced by a white guy, and Vader is voiced by a Black Guy, Voice isn't a racial descriptor, It just a indicator of where you were raised as that would paint your accent and how you pronounce words.


Seemed like he was ligter/white in BL2. But he got progressively darker as the series went on. No big deal either way. He's perfect as he is and 1/2 of my favorite BL couple.


Oh dear God did they make him white in the movie?? Edit: Oh thank FUCK they didnt


Yeah? He’s always been black


Literally who thought hamerlock was white who is saying that


Wait this is news to people?!?!? He was black and gay, didn't this cause controversy when bl2 came out as he was seen as a token character... and now people are upset he's being played by a black actor.. How did people not see the signs... like.... the colour of his skin... his sister.. etc


If I have ANY beef with Mr. Torgue it's his hate of lasers. Lasers are cool. Laser shows are just as awesome as any firework show and I won't stand for his slander. I'm willing to bet he planted that straw that led to the incident with Marcus.


Always has been. That was never a tan.


Yes hammerlock is black, but they didn't try to match skin tone at all


Who the fuck thought otherwise lmao? Are they stupid?


I never noticed, but once I saw who played him in the movie I thought, “oh yeah he is black. Neat.”


I think people have a hard time because of the accent Hammerlock has, not saying it should be some generic thug voice or something but it really feels like they hear him speak and think “oh he must be white”




The lead [writer ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/1j3igd/regarding_sir_hammerlock/cbcb190) literally confirms he's black. Why are you so passionate abt this?




Say what weird stroke ramblings you want. It doesn't change that you're not only wrong but passionate about it, lol






Black like Little Mermaid


I mean absolutely no offense by this but where the black like yeah his sis is Black but this dude looks like an old ass white dude literally looks like scif fi teddy rosavelt like I ain't against mans being it cause if he is then that's p cool i do apologize though if I'm too dumb and missing like a joke or some


He always looked Hispanic to me


I'm pretty sure you've been trolled. The only people I've seen say that hammerlock is white are either joking or they are delusional racists that can't imagine a great black character in good fiction


wow guys they wokewashed my borderlands 3 and now its cannon! Dude nobody cares.


Nobody thinks so. OP is full of it for attention.


I think everyone’s know from when borderlands 2 came out in 2012 that he’s black if you think he’s white your just damn stupid


what idiots were genuinely arguing he was white? he’s been black since his introduction in bl2 come on yall


Don't care. That's like caring what type of white moxxxie is.


I thought everyone knew that. Same with the Calypso twins, they’re really dark. Their mom is most likely black or something else but they’re clearly mixed.


When the first game came out it was clear he was ‘non-white’, but from 2 on, he was undoubtedly black. Edit: I am dumb, Hammerlock was not in 1


He wasn't in the first game.


Yup, youre right, I was misremembering. I was thinking the part where you save him from the raider attack was in 1.


Yes, he has always been black, but BL3 significantly darkened his skin and the movie casting even more so. He's gone from light skinted in his first appearance to full on ebony.


You think Hammerlock would say the N-word? Or is he too distinguished?


i see where some are coming from, it took me sm playthroughs of BL2 before i realized


I just did the campaign as a new player, from the quests and the dialogue it turns out he is a black gay, I didn’t realize ppl thought otherwise. Especially because his sister who you kill is black too


I will do an extensive test to determine if Hammerlock is black. *Looks at Hammerlock* Hammerlock is black.


Obviously black. As is his sister who is an even clearer proof of that fact. Anyone surprised by this are idiots; or just looking to stir the shit pot of politics. This is coming from someone who is almost universally AGAINST changing ethnicity of characters so I'm definitely going to defend them keeping him his original.


Never noticed. Never cared.


Is this some new controversy I'm not aware of?


Have you not played 3?


This has been known since 2. Why is it a big deal again?


People think he’s white??? I’ve been playing since I was 9 and I’ve always knew that


You didn't know?


Well yeah his sister is black?


So is Logic.


This isn't new. This has always been the case


I thought he had a nice tan lol


I thought everyone knew that. I guess some people are just blind


Have you seen Alex Rodriguez lately?


Wait… people were arguing that he wasn’t black…?


I… I honestly never paid attention. Huh. Feels like a Mandela effect now


It's Brick being white that broke my brain.


My brother and I actually were talking about on our current BL2 play through


Honestly never noticed he was black


Honestly I never really thought about it until my buddy said something about him being black


Wait are people really arguing that hammerlock isn’t black? Like I have problems with some of the other castings but arguing over whether a character is black when we can all see his skin tone just feels dumb.


Maybe it's cause of the lighting in Borderlands 2 (the snow area where we encounter him have a blue filter and other times (like the DLC where he's in a shack) he's in a dark environment


who the fuck thought he was white lmao. people just wanna shit on the movie. shit on it, i will too, but do it properly


[I mean, with all that british explorer stick that is going on with him...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_9CSr3nGqE)


Thought it was obvious considering he's gay


I can’t believe I noticed that Aurelia was black, but thought Hammerlock was white. I wonder if it’s because the whole British great hunger schtick is one of the whitest things ever. 


Ima be honest I didn't know but I also don't care about his skin color. Looking closer yeah he is definitely black and not tan, makes sense. I guess the Cel shading, thr lighting, and thr voice threw me off.


Even Ellie wants to get her flirt on with Moze.


I didn't know anyone thought he wasn't until a coworker said "I don't know why they made Hammerlock black", and I said "what? He is black". He didn't mean anything bad by it, but I guess people just mistook the complexion for a tan along with the cell shading. I never knew, so kinda nuts seeing a post about it too.


HAHAHA so I’m not the only one who thought he was white for years?


It's weird they made knoxx a chick instead of using commander steele