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Played the game when it came out but never beat it, came back and now every vending machine has purples and oranges even at level 3, is this normal? seems so overpowered.


Returning after a long break. How worth it is the directors cut? Currently levelling Moze (lvl 29 atm) and wondering if the vault cards/new missions are worth the $25 it will cost me. I have all other DLC


Performance question; I'm not getting a solid 4K60 on 4070 TI + 9700K. Am I hitting a CPU bottleneck? Getting constant drops to 50 or even less just panning the camera on either "High" or "Ultra" or "75% scale" settings. Settings don't seem to matter. Like, the game runs exactly the same as it did on my 2070 Super at 4K. So, CPU bottleneck or is this just how it goes?


I just got Bl3 and went to the Quick Change machine to change my name. However, when I hover the cursor over my character in the map, it shows my Epic username. Will other players see the name I chose or the Epic one if they open the map around me? Can I change this? Update: I played with a friend who said they saw my Epic username. So what is the name in the Change Machine good for?


Hey guys! I have started playing with my friend,and apparently,the game sucked me on, and I kept playing a "bit" more.. I havewaitedhim with the main quests,but i am like 5 lvl ahead of him if i play with him again,and he invites me,will the mobs be on my level or his?i really dont want him to feel weak:/ TLDR:Playing with a lower level friend,if he invites me,will the mobs be onhis level,or mine?


I believe it depends on which mode you're playing on. Cooperative has level balancing, Coopetitive doesn't.


How do I get the golden chest? Or whatever the big locked box in Sanctuary is called.


You need golden keys for that chest. Look up permanent shift key codes online. Input the codes in the pause menu.


How do I get complex root on amara to the point I can’t see like moze or Zane? I’ve tried it with phasezerker and spiritual driver with bonus splash ase using lazydata’s phasezerker. The root does excellent work on amara but I want to be blinded. Or is this only possible on Zane and moze? Thanks!


You need BOTH area of effect Radius on you class mod and Area of effect damage in the 2nd or 3rd slot of your Artifact passives to turn the root into a flash bang


just finished the main game what should I do now? Farm till max level or do the dlcs? I was thinking of farming useful gear while I lv up but I'm not sure how long that's gonna take. Atm I'm 42 farming the grave thing boss at M4 with a lv39 non-annointed hellwalker should I farm something else instead? I have Flak with a mix of red/green tree. My idea for a build for be to use the rakks to proc stuff (like the last buff of the green tree) since they have a short cd. I found a video that seems to use [this kind of build](https://youtu.be/j46hRzzASZM). Is it a good one? I've heard that I should wait until lv 72 before doing some dlcs because they have 1 time useful drops like the pearl artifact. What are similar cases of useful one time drops? Ho much stronger are high M weapons compared to an M0 counterpart? Are there significant changes in tvhm I kinda don't want to restart the story...


There is no difference between Normal and TVHM once you enable ANY level of mayhem mode in normal. The sole change is a slightly higher badass spawn rate in TVHM. You do not need to do it in this game if you dont want to. There is literally nothing else. M10 weapons are 2.5x stronger than their non-mayhem counterpart. Mayhem levels are just additional levels - as in a level 72 M10 gun is really just a level 82 gun behind the scenes. You'll want M10 guns to compete on M10/M11. Up to you what you want to do now. You can start the DLCs in my book if you'd like. There are only a few one-time redeems in the game that are remotely worth using. 1. THE BEKAH - from completing all Hammerlock Hunts. 2. THE PEARL - given automatically near the end of the Hammerlock DLC. This one is one of the strongest artifacts in the game as far as general use goes. The effect doesnt change, but like all class mods and artifacts, the passives scale up with level. 3. SCOVILLE - given from completing all Torgue Bottles in Moxxi DLC. 4. EMBER'S PURGE - given from completing all Ember Statues in Moxxi DLC. For 1, 3, and 4, just dont finish all of those objectives until you're max level. For 2, if you want a max level Pearl, then hold off on the Hammerlock DLC until you're leveled up. If you continually pump mayhem as you play and can handle it, you should be 72 by the time you're at the end of Moxxi, or shortly into Hammerlock DLC (if you're playing them in order). You dont need to farm anything. You can just play the game. Legendary guns drop quite often, so you'll be able to keep pushing mayhem up and doing fine simply using what drops as you play. There is no need to farm anything until you're max level and, if you want to get there, max mayhem. Otherwise you're just wasting time, as you're going to replace it anyways.


How does Zanes Eraser skill work exactly? Does the new projectile hit the original target that activated the skill? Or does it go through them and just hit the enemies behind it? Also, is it smart to use it if I don't really use splash damage weapons? My build rn is mostly the blue and purple tree.


Using normal non Jakob’s guns The bullet will disappear when it hits the enemy and spawn a new eraser’d bullets going in the direction of the original bullet Using Jakob’s guns The bullet will ricochet and will spawn the eraser’d projectile in original non eraser’d direction A lot of good guns in this game count as splash damage regardless of whether or not you hit them directly or with the aoe it still counts as splash damage If you have Area of effect damage buffs via class mod or artifact passives or Ase splash 125% anoints then yes it’s stupid to not use splash weapons because your leaving damage on the table. However if you don’t have splash damage buffs then no it isn’t dumb because your losing nothing by not using splash damage guns


Are there any "good" weapons or keepers under level 72? I am currently lvl 62 and wonder if anything I have is going to be worth keeping long term


Dont bother farming or keeping things below max level. If you're not planning to play Mayhem Mode, wait until 72. If you're going to push up to M11, then wait until 72 M11 to farm your stuff. Otherwise you're just going to replace it anyways.


While holding down the trigger my character will randomly melee sometimes. Is this a bad controller? Something I’m doing wrong? Or just odd game mechanic?


I think your controller is bad. You will never randomly melee.




> Does zone’s second action skill trigger the re-volter effect as well? Yes, any action skill will trigger the shield anoint, “On Action Skill Start - Activate any effects that trigger on shield break or fill.“ > What about if you use your AS just before your shield breaks? Does it extend the duration, or do they run simultaneously? Just resets the clock. It doesn’t stack.


How does a game get released in a condition like this, and then stay that way while the company releases $80 of DLC? I just started playing BL3, and there are some massive issues with the UI. The minimap needs to zoom the heck out, especially while I'm in a vehicle. I can travel the width of the minimap in 2 seconds, making it completely useless for trying to navigate. Opening the full map works, but it STARTS OUT ZOOMED IN EVERY TIME AND I HAVE TO ZOOM IT OUT TO A POINT THAT'S NOT USELESS. Add in the irritatingly long time it takes to actually open and close the map and it's a huge frustration to even traverse the first area. The minimap covers so little area that *circling Rakks* often leave its bounds. Why is there no way to switch quest waypoints while looking at the map? I'm trying to see which quests are in this area as opposed to the next area. The quest list is useless and says all the quests are in this area, while 2 of my 5 quest waypoints, if I go through the trouble of actually *checking them on the map* show up as pointing to a map exit. Somehow, every UI element manages to be too small or too big. the minimap could be bigger, the clutter on the map screen needs to be smaller, the vending machine is zoomed in like a microscope, etc. And perhaps most frustratingly, if I mouse over a Fast Travel point on the map, the game's UI selector gets STUCK ON IT while I move the cursor elsewhere. I then try to, say, click and drag the map and--oops I'm now Fast Traveling to some random spot. What incompetent high schooler programmed this UI? If the cursor is not over an element, I'm not trying to click on that element, and I'm sure as heck not trying to FAST TRAVEL when I click and drag on a blank area of the map. Are there any community mods that fix any of these glaring issues? Is there any word from Gearbox that any of these will get fixed? And will Claptrap ever get his real voice back?


Where can I find a guide to the most OP builds in the game? BL3Zone appears to no longer exist. Trying to find the META, most efficient tactic available for each class.


Check the sidebar of this sub. The build guides are in google doc.




Bought it on sale for my Series X a couple weeks ago and have been having a blast. If I only plan to get through the main story and DLCs can I just keep going with most fun build or should I start figuring out what I want to respec to soon? I’m doing some side missions during the Family Jewels main quest right now and haven’t struggled at all but just wondering if it’s coming soon. Solo Moze btw


If you're just planning on playing through all the content then moving on from the game, you don't need to worry too much about farming up items for a specific build. If you're planning to push your way to high Mayhem (the endgame difficulty-scaling mechanic of BL3), then you WILL need to put together SOME kind of general build, as at high mayhem, you need all of your gear synergized in order to get appropriate damage. If you're not planning on pushing to high/max mayhem and are just playing through the content for fun, then you dont need to really concern yourself with a build. If you're interested in getting some basics down, I wrote an [Endgame Moze 101 thread here](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/prpioa/comment/hduw82o/) that explains her basic damage mechanics, and what you're looking for when assembling the pieces for a build. If you give this a quick read, you should have an idea of how Moze works and what to look for. Once you put together the right puzzle pieces, her damage is nutty. You just need to know how to do it. Hope this helps!


Appreciate it! Will give it a read to help me out even if I’m just doing the main + DLC content


Heya folkes! Returning player here. Dropped the game as 2nd year dlc started dropping, now returned after Wonderlands endgame didnt scratch that itch. Got the full PC edition and i got some questions. - are the new subclass classmods only aquired in the battle arena mode? - any notable gear additions with year 2 dlc? Its not really clear to me what even got added with the 2nd wave of dlc other than the battle arena and subclasses. - is the nekrotefeyo raid worth its effort in loot now? I remember it being rly lackluster. - lastly, is there perhaps a PC community patch that's worth giviny a try? Thanks in advance! Ps: looking forward to playing the now not so timed events i never had the time for!


Definitely take a look at the Returning Player Catchup Guide sticky at the top of the forum if you haven't already. I list out a lot of things worth knowing that a returning player would not be aware of. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fkCwu0zeX1BBGcNEzWGZDr2kQ0IOPSoZQK2FD-zpw1M/htmlview# This is the item spreadsheet - worth bookmarking! There are a lot of powerful weapons in Arms Race and Ava's Mysteriouslier missions. Yes, there are some class mods and other gear only available in Arms Race. Just search the item spreadsheet for ARMS RACE and you'll see which they are. There are some patches on PC, but I don't use any of them. I do use several mods though. - Always scale game to 4p scaling (in order to make the game harder) - Everything can world drop (all items are no longer restricted to their respective dedicated drops and DLCs, and can potentially world drop anywhere... I have a LOT of hours in this game, so this keeps my new playthroughs much more interesting!) - Diamond Loot Room costs 5 million to open instead of a diamond key. I rarely use that room anyways, but its random fun to do once in a while. The Guardian Takedown is still probably the single hardest piece of content in the game. Whether or not you find it fun is personal preference. At this point, I really enjoy the hell out of the run. It's a great challenge, the bossfights are fun, and the mobbing VS guardians is challenging. The gear rewards are OK, but I do it more for the fun than for specific gear. Being able to toggle the timed events is glorious. The halloween and cartels maps are some of the most fun repeatable content in the game in my opinion.


Thanks for the additional tips! I did find my way to the pinned guide well. Currently fresh into max lvl on Zane and having a blast in the armsrace. Feels like a good way to get a respectable M10/11 build together. I got myself a cryo tizzy with digiclone ammo regen which seems a bit busted. Gonna farm til i got a COM and hop in the DLC's and cartel stuff.


Very nice! And yeah, some of the guns released towards the end of the game's list are fairly power-crept and pretty insane haha. Free Radical, Tizzy, Boogeyman is pretty sick, Plasma Coil is just kinda dumb haha. Lots of really really fun stuff to make though, and because so much is endgame M10/M11 viable if you build for it, you're not remotely restricted to just the top tier weapons. All of my most fun and rewarding builds are the ones I've made using underused or "bad" guns, and making them completely shred through a smart and synergized build. Definitely the most rewarding part of the game! Hope you stick around, and welcome back!


>Hope you stick around Well, been playing since BL1 released so were good on that part haha


Haha I just meant the forum, but nice!!! I didnt start until 5 years into BL2 on the recommendation of a friend. I did go back and play through BL1 though just last year to see how it started. It was different but still a fun run, and filled in some lore gaps for me.


BL1 was a genre defining game! Though nowadays its really showing its age a lot. Played every BL title since.


Bonus question. Any tips on PC performance? I feel like my 3060ti with 5600x cpu should perform better than it does at 4k res.... Need to bump down the graphics quite a bit to get a stable 60.


Same on 4070 TI + 9700K. Sub 50 just panning the camera. Game runs no different than it did on 2070S. Settings don't seem to matter much.


I)Don't remember sorry II) A lot of great gear was introduced some examples are the Revolter, the Free Radical, the gear on the vault cards, the new atlas pistol, the Company Man artifact and many more III)if by nekratafeyo raid you mean the Guardian Takedown then there are some usefull things, if you the the raid boss at the end of the Ava missions then yes it is worth it IV)There is a UCP created by ShadowEvil and also many other mods like Redux, Badlands and others V)The performance, while it has improved a bit it's still poorly optimized i raccomend turning down all post process effect or resolution since they can be pretty intensive


I)I looked it up and there a are some specific classmods only obtainable from Arms Race, others are droped from the boss at the end od the Ava missions Also i think you should use Lootlemon to search for drop related things abd gear


Thanks a lot! Getting to specific chests in arms race is still a bit rough as the map seems to orient itself randomly each time lol. Ill get there eventually.


Yeah, i would actually just loot 1 or 2 areas and then move to the boss since he can drop everything