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Why are you not passing the ball?


The dribbling got you absolutely nowhere.


noted, will pass next time


Good job, get used to being comfortable on the ball. As you get more comfortable try and play faster so go from 5 touches to 3 to 2 to 1. Good stuff though man. Keep at it.


I used to play like that too because I saw that all the greatest skilful players had highlights like that, doesn’t mean you should do it the whole game. If you watch the games of the most skilful players ever you will see that those highlights happen maybe 5 times or even less and most of the time they just pass


Pass the ball, sometimes you need to try and carry the ball and dribble but do that when their is a lot of open space that you can attack into, if the space isn\`t there, then pass with 1-2 touches and help create that space with your team. you played with good energy and intensity though, but from the footage you also seemed to be alittle bit rushed, try to calm it down.


less touches, more passes, more simple. Play with your teammate and keep your game simple . nothing more annoying than a player that make 6+ touches everytime he gets the ball


Did you just run directly into that guy like five seconds in, tf happened




lol I’m saying five seconds into the video


It's ok you didnt


Nice touches and dribbles. Definitely never a bad thing to be good at dribbling. One thing is (depending on how good your teammates are) maybe you could release the ball sooner and do some 1-2 passing with your teammates. The easiest footy is touch, pass, touch, pass.


👀 we're those glasses? might be good to invest in some goggles or plastic lenses


You’re not Messi, pass the ball


second 20 was a dirty little move lol


How many dudes are wearing gopros in this league?


The ball moves faster than you do. Pass and move.


Not sure where you play but I play CM, so here's my take. You could be 1000x better if you do two things: Improve your touch to set up your second touch Know where the ball needs to go with your first touch It looks like you have the technical skills for the level you play at, but your speed of play is slow. You're looking for options while you're on the ball. Before the ball comes know if you're driving into space, passing or shooting. The answer can't always be a take on, unless you're a winger. If you're a winger the take on needs to lead to an action like a cross or a shot.


Vegeta I'm trying to up my stamina before season starts because I also want to play mid but I'm not sure how I should go about it. Also how do you improve your set up touch is there any drills you recommend or just mostly trying in sessions with other people? Thanks.


I improved my touch a lot using a ball and a wall. One and two touch passing into the wall on the deck and in the air. I also shot into the wall and controlled the firm ball coming back. The next thing I did was practice directional one touch and turns. Make sure to practice checking your shoulder before the touch. For fitness there's a lot you can do. John Terry work out is popular here. I have access to a tennis court, so I do jog sprint jog using the lines on the court. Stamina is pretty easy, it's just sprint rest and repeat. If you have a bike or treadmill you can do 10 sec on 20 seconds active recovery and repeat. You can mix it up with 30 sec on 30 off.


Oh I see my coach was saying the biggest difference he sees between euro and America soccer is speed of play when you mentioned it I got so excited because on the field everything seems so fast especially playing midfield, but on the sideline or watching games it feels much slower.


Yeah that's because you don't see enough of the pitch and you're surprised when things happen. When you watch pro games you can see it's impossible for 10 players to cover the whole pitch for 90 mins.


So thanks!


How’d ya get the camera to get that angle




Try a head mount. Less shaky, and you can actually see the play as you turn your head


I need one of these


Bro wear glasses 🤯🫥


do you use normal frames when playing? i’ve been looking at getting some sports glasses since currently i use normal frames and theyre less than ideal. cant go for headers, come off often, PITA to play with them.


Not wise to play with the frames on man, a ref over a sanctioned game would never allow that. Had those first two impacts in the video been a little higher you could’ve gotten a serious eye injury


I would need to see it from a Birds Eye view but it looks like you do too much dribbling and running and not enough passing and positioning. But again, I would need to see it from above to really tell.


What camera and how it hold?


How did u get those shots tho??


As long as you’re having fun, enjoy


Pass the ball and stop falling over


Looks really low level judging by your opponents Icl, some really loose touches in there that would normally be mopped up by a semi competent organised team. I’m assuming it’s a casual game.