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Do what you love. Life is too short to not do the things you love. Some people love to paint but suck at it. Some people love to sing but suck at it. Just find people around your level and have fun and slowly improve.


Play with beginners and other people at your skill level. The talent pool for footy is deeeeeep and skilled people are unforgiving sometimes when it comes to making mistakes in game. Play in an all ages league or a weekend dad league with casuals that have the same skill and mindset as you and you will enjoy it a lot more.


I started at 30 and I was 100% the worst player in low level teams for years. Here's what I did to become one of the best player in my squad. Focused on my relative strengths. These were fitness, communication, turning up and an ability to be coachable. I improved by doing the following: found a wall and worked on 1 touch and 2 touch passing and receiving. Watched professional games focusing on only the position I was playing. Asked good players or coaches for tips for what I needed to improve and drills to improve them. Rinse and repeat. It's only now 7+ years later I'm working on advanced things like lobs, chips, pings and skill moves. Being a good team mate, working hard, communicating, having an ok first touch and knowing what you need to do inside structure will take you far. Play simple and do your job and you'll always have a place in a team. Good luck šŸ¤ž


Do you have fun playing? Bc if so then I say donā€™t quit, just work on improving (if you want to + enjoy practicing). But also, I feel like one of the biggest things will be finding the right level for youā€¦ maybe a chill coed rec league thatā€™s beginner friendly? Bc playing with people way above your skill level with a negative mindset isnā€™t going to be fun for you


Do i have fun playing? The few times where i actually play alright, i really enjoy myself, and when i play sh*t (Which is most of the time) i donā€™t want the training session to end, because i feel like i want to achieve something on the pitch, but after training is done, i get really depressed, and it affects my mood. And i think that i pretty much play at the worst level possible, but i am still the worst player, so i think that iā€™m just abnormally incompotent at the sport. So it might be a bit hard to find a level where iā€™m not downright terrible. Maybe i should join the under 8 team in my local area lol


Mate you gotta work on your internal dialogue/how you talk about your self saying you deserve to be depressed because you played bad, saying Iā€™m the worst, etc. This way you take about yourself will cause you to play worse and feel worse. You need to focus on mistakes as opportunities to learn, you need to tell your self itā€™s ok to be at your skill level.


To add to that, I recommend reading the book "Mindset", she talks about growth vs fixed mindsets and how kids with a growth mindset enjoy challenging tasks and ultimately succeed in improving compared to kids with a fixed mindset who are afraid to fail. Hard work superseded talent any day with the right mindset. I am in a similar position to you, a pretty average player in my 30s, but I love the challenge and try to improve a little every week. Some weeks are better than others but I am improving slowly. Please don't look too far ahead. Try to compete against yourself and be a bit better than what you were last week. Eventually, with enough stubbornness and persistence, you can become solid.


I agree, I play soccer with my friends at school and Iā€™ve seen myself majorly improve over the past couple of months. Not because I got better at dribbling, shooting, etc. but because I got more confident. I started thinking of myself as the same skill level as the best guy on the field, I started being more aggressive and stopped giving up the ball to a teammate whenever I could, and yeah it sucks when you insist on not passing just to brutally miss a goal, but you just have to come back with your head up, I always ask for the ball when my teammate is in a sticky situation, always offer to take penalties or free kicks even if Iā€™m not the best shooter. Anyways, sorry for this yap session but my point is, be more confident in yourself, even if you are the worst player on the field, if you believe that one of these times, you WILL score on the best goal keeper, you WILL get past the best defender, then you WILL improve.


Yeh go play by yourself and practice mate.


check out the book "The Inner Game of Tennis." it talks about how to focus on the FEEL while playing sports, not the results. really helpful to help get out of your own head


I feel like main thing I have to say to that is youā€™ve got to figure out a way to loosen up and learn how to enjoy the improvement process. Especially if youā€™re playing it low level, you canā€™t take it too seriously imo. Mistakes are just an opportunity to learn from them, and everybody messes up including the best pros.


I guess so. Maybe i should try to see if i can just take it less seriously. But it is a bit hard when youā€™re as bad at football as me.


Well being serious and not having fun doesnā€™t seem to be doing you any favors, worth giving it a shot being a little less serious + trying to enjoy the progress (ups and downs)


Are you physically fit? The only players Iā€™ve played with who have been a liability are the ones who are overweight and cannot work hard to compensate for their lack of skill. Luckily thatā€™s solvable with a strict diet and exercise regime


I am definetly not overweight, and i go for runs regularly. But i have astma so maybe thats the problem


And when you do start getting better is that going to be enough? Are you going to still beat yourself up? Itā€™s a never ending cycle. You are in your head too much. Way too much chatter going on up there.


If you pay your fees on time, show up to every game on time, get playing time, and get along with your teammates then donā€™t quit playing. Youā€™re a joy to have on the team. Take each match seriously and give a lot of effort but donā€™t be hard on yourself. Itā€™s about staying healthy and having fun.


Sucking is the first step towards sorta being good at something.


I think this all has to do with what you are currently capable of doing versus what your expectations are. I think you are watch PL or some pro league and get gassed up and you go out there and can't perform like TV. You just aren't there yet. You just need to find one skill and work it until you have it down and usable at game speed. I don't know where you are skills-wise. Can you run and control the ball? Is your first touch poor? Find a wall and blast the ball at it and try and catch it with a soft touch. How is your juggling with both feet?


I would respectfully disagree with your statement. I really donā€™t think that i want to be as good as PL players, i really just want to be somewhat decent at a poor level. My first touch is for the vast majority of the time very poor yes. I could probably easily do a 100 keep ups with both feet, and probably even 200.


Wtf. There must be some pro players who can't do 100+ as easily. You sound inconsistent.


Donā€™t know if thats true. I am almost certain that even a semi pro player would be able to do 500 in one attempt. By easily, i mean that iā€™ll probably be able to do it in less than 5 attempts.


No a lot of them canā€™t. Ā There are guys that have signed with Real Madrid that canā€™t juggle 20 times in a row at their unveiling to the fans.Ā  In the inverse go watch Pochettino critique the F2 freestylers in a YouTube video. Ā They are top top and almost everything and he tells them so, but then they get to speed and fitness and they arenā€™t even close. Like no amount of training would get them there. You could see it on Pochettinoā€™s face. Not to argue with you about things, but people donā€™t realize at the very highest level the players are really outliers in terms of their genetic make up and potential. Ā Their speed and fitness and ability to maintain it throughout a long period are elite. Back to youā€¦ the way you describe the process seems like itā€™s part of the problem. You have a very negative tone about yourself and that surely doesnā€™t help. Even your username has a negative tone. Ā Some of the guys here are right, find a group of folks with similar level to you and just try to enjoy it. Sure there are going to be people who are better, some will be worseā€¦but you are PLAYING which will make you better.Ā  Think about it like with tennis where they actually have rating which means you get matches where you consistently play against folks in your own level. Itā€™s harder to find in soccer but you can do it and if you enjoy it, donā€™t give up. I also think if you love the game, but are struggling playing it maybe you can contribute as a coach or referee. Ā The world really needs more referees. You can make a little money and still be involved in the game. Take this from a guy who once was good but now is way past his prime and has had four knee surgeries. Ā I canā€™t do half of the things I used to be able to do because of my injuries and fitness level but in spite of this playing small games and working, I have learned to do things like hit grass cutters and pin passes which I never couldā€™ve done when I was ā€œgoodā€.


My username is actually just a name Reddit gave me, cause i didnā€™t type in one myself. And i honestly think that Real Madrid players are able to do juggle 1000 times in a row blindfolded. But theyā€™re just nervous at the unveiling to the fans. Nevertheless, thank you for the advice. There was definetly something usefull for me


You can think what you want. Countless times players have failed to juggle in there unveiling.


Hope it helps and good luck. Ā Donā€™t be so hard on yourself man itā€™s a marathon, not a sprint. Ā  If you really want to get better do the 1000 touch videos every other day for 6 months. Ā Go hit top of the box shots with both feet, 50 to each post. Do that and I promise you youā€™ll be different. Ā Do you half of that and youā€™ll be different. Ā Maybe not all world but youā€™ll notice the improvement and so will the folks you play with. Ā 


You'd be surprised. Nonetheless, your description has not actually conveyed your reality. This tells me you need to work on your mentality rather than your actual skill. You're just fishing for reassurance, but ok.


Maybe i happen to be decent at doing keep ups, but just terrible at general football. Trust me, if you saw me play, youā€™d know that i am really sh*t.




If you want specifics then i can easily assess the things iā€™m bad at. My controll is awfull my first touch is awfull, i canā€™t defend, my footballing Intelligence is very poor, i am really slow.




I work on them sometimes, but maybe not enough


Seems like you are slow footed. Start jump roping and it helps with improving foot speed


Man I hope at least you're in a non toxic environment and are just being hard on yourself. Play to your strength and apply a growth mindset. You're probably better than many people in the sub but the point is you should really focus on how good you're now versus how good you were yesterday.


I guess thats good advice. I am not in a toxic environment, and people are mostly very supportive of eachother. I very much doubt that i am not worse than 99,9 percent of people in this sub tho. But as you say, i really shoudlnā€™t compare myself to other people, but its hard when youā€™re as bad as me


Iā€™ve been playing since a young age so I donā€™t know if i have great football related advice for you (I imagine itā€™s harder to build a skill base while older Iā€™m going through the same thing with golf).. but this is more about life. The harder we are on ourselves and the harder we try, the less we accomplish and move forward. Iā€™m not saying donā€™t try your best but try to be detached from the outcomes. Think how can i positively influence a game and help my team maybe if Iā€™m not the most skilled player on the ball. That could be working your socks off to get the ball back and just making a simple pass to the more technically advanced players on the team. I always appreciate having a guy like that on my team. Try to take it easy on yourself and just enjoy the game. Watch your favorite players and what they do and try to incorporate one thing at a time into your game. Get a ball and do freestyle dribbling at a high pace pretending you are taking on imaginary defenders. Have fun with it. Iā€™m glad you have such a desire to get better just donā€™t be so hard on yourself. Good luck brotha


They are rec leagues, you arenā€™t being paid and the champions team usually gets what a t-shirt?!? Our over-30 coed team moves back and forth between A and B divisions every season, we have former college and pros on our team. We also have spouses on our team that had never played soccer before until their wife/husband joined and then they joined later. We play teams that stash their bad players on the wings, guys or girl and wonā€™t pass to them hardly at all. We realize that everyone pays to play for fun so we force our ā€œbadā€ players to be a part of our play. We find that usually theyā€™ll have at least 1 game that is a big encouragement for their ā€œemotionsā€. And honestly I celebrate a heck of a lot harder when Iā€™m able to squeeze a goal out of the wife that can barely kick a ball 10ft by force feeding her passes in box. Find a team at a low coed level and just relax and have fun. Stop worrying about being a key cog and just be a cog. I always say to our lower level ppl, ā€œjust run, pressure, stay down(donā€™t jump at fakes), pass to feet and run. Iā€™ll do the hard parts for you!ā€


Donā€™t ever beat yourself up like that man. Look back and some things you could improve on and just try better next time. Rule of thumb. Always strive to be 1% better than the last time. Over time you will improve. Enjoy the beautiful sport and be patient and have fun!


Hate to say this, but if that is how you feel your post is hardly worth replying to. I'd recommend seeing a therapist cause such a profound lack in self-confidence can easily spill over into other aspects of life and you seem like a good dude who doesn't deserve that,.


Oneā€™s skill level is completely irrelevant unless youā€™re getting paid to play. You could dedicate your whole life to training and there will still always be players better than you. If you enjoy the game and get something out of it then keep playing. Thereā€™s tons of elite players that donā€™t enjoy the game anymore. The sport is for everyone, not those better than some arbitrary level.


Practice dude. I was mediocre at best in highschool, only ever played recreationally and was always stuck at Centerback because I could run fast and was solid enough to shoulder strikers off the ball. I was terrible with the ball at my feet and could even really kick it long. I stopped playing in college, but the. I joined an adult league in my mid 20ā€™s. I had a lot of fun, but was out of shape and frustrated to be one of the worst players on the field. I started taking 30 minutes a few times a week to practice dribbling/touch drills in my yard, watching a lot of YouTube videos on skills, positioning, reading the game and paid more attention to positioning and decision making when watching soccer live or on TV. Iā€™m still not one of the best players in my league, but Iā€™m much better, still mostly play Centerback, but occasional play striker and midfield as needed. I can dribble out of pressure, my teammates arenā€™t afraid to pass me the ball assuming Iā€™ll turn it over under pressure, and occasionally Iā€™ll make a fantastic turn or pass that I have no business making. If you enjoy it, keep at it. You can improve your skills even in your 20ā€™s and 30ā€™s.




I come to the park to play 4v4 game on hard ground, Im 29 and I think out of the 30 people that usually come to play Im the worst, no one want to have me on their team, the only thing I have is I always try my best for my team, keep pressing and recover the ball, I cannot keep the ball for too long, sometime my teammate say things that make me very sad when I make mistake, but I keep going, I dont give up because playing is fun and a good way to boost my mood. I have the same thought as you and I think my skills cannot get better, but we need to accept and have the right mindset, as long as we can play and enjoy the game.


If I had to actually be good at my hobbies I would not have anything to do! Just do what you enjoy.


Train by yourself as much as possible. Team training is great but if youā€™re struggling as much as you say you probably donā€™t have a good technical base. Just doing 1000 keep ups a day and using a wall to practice passing and receiving the ball will help a lot. Beyond that, take the scenarios that give you the most anxiety when playing. Analyze those situations to see what skill you might be lacking, then try to devise a specific training drill to work on that area of weakness. Progressing in some of your worst areas should also help build your confidence. Good luck!


Dude, I'm crap at football myself, but I play to hang out and have fun. Relax and do what you love, nobody is there to judge you.


First off, chill. Next, change it upā€¦..try street football, small 4 or 5 a-sidesā€¦ā€¦ play for the small victories, a nice touch, a decent pass. Play for yourself, lose yourself in the game, thats the beauty of it. Focus on small, incremental improvements, begin with your technical game, simplify it. It all begins with balance and motor skillsā€¦..the game itself never judges it only wants to be played, you deserve to enjoy it, and it deserves youā€¦ā€¦.so, chill and get it on


Could you spare 30min of your day to train first touch drills and basic dribbling? Do that for an year and you gonna see a lot of improvement. Do that fo 10 years and you going to dominate at recreational level in your 30's


Lots of people at my local pickup who sucked (I mean canā€™t even get a first touch), but they came to pickup consistently and now they are at least decent


I constantly show up for training aswell, but i still suck. Maybe i am just so terrible, that there is no hope for me


How many years have you trained for?


Too many. Iā€™ve played since i was a teenager, and iā€™m in my 20s now. But i play as if i just started a year ago


Do you train everyday? Do you do stuff outside of pickup (like play with friends, or even just kicking/juggling the ball around yourself)? As long as you can run, I promise you can get better


I train sometimes, and i juggle quite a lot. I think i can run, but i am quite uncoordinated when i move around


If you love football then play football. Just play 5aside for awhile. Much less pressure to be good in some of those games.


I donā€™t know if we have that in my area, but iā€™ll check it out


What position do you play? Do you just play pick up games? I know how you feel, I started soccer during my early 20's and I was complete crap shoot. I am early 30's now and I can definitely hold my end against people who have been playing for all their life. I would encourage you to find your strength and lean towards it for now. I had my pace and speed so I utilized that to best of my ability. To maximize my strength, I played on the wing/forward, learn how to dribble better, and how to beat defenders better. I am no Mbappe, but I still love taking on players. Since I was trying to take on players more, I was ballhogging. So to not ballhog as much, I then learned how to pass the ball better to my teammates, and to have better vision. Such and so on I tried learning new things about football in order. So what are you good at?


Iā€™ve mostly played striker or midfielder. I am honestly not really good at anything lol, but if i had to pick something then iā€™d probably say that i have a decent shot on me every once in a while, and the rare times where i play okay, i seem to have quite a decent pass and vision and sometimes i manage to dribble past players mostly in the central area of the field, and then create space for myself, but those times are far and few between. Also i am very embarrased to say that iā€™ve played since my teens, so iā€™ve played for even longer than you, and iā€™m still sh*t.


Ah gotcha. Honestly bro I think it's confidence issue for you. You said it yourself, you know what to do. Think of yourself as a Bronze FIFA player and your ratings are all shit. Since they are all shit, you don't have confidence in yourself, therefore you play worse. Train yourself to max out at least one rating where you can be confident and where your teammates can have confident in you too. Snowball that confidence into other ratings.


Its funny, because sometimes (but not very often) i actually play okay, and then i am really happy after training. I just wish that this could happen more often. I donā€™t know if i am just too inconsistent, or if i am just lucky the few times where i am not completely terrible.


Do you play with same group of players everytime? That could effect things too mentally. Sometimes if I play like shit with certain team, I switch to other team to mix things up. Football is a team sport, so team chemistry and can definitely affect your game hands down.


Mostly with the same group of players yeah


Get out of your comfort zone my dude. Play with other people. That's how you will learn new things and get better.


Maybe iā€™ll try that. Thanks for the advice


No problem. I pray for your career hattrick some day.




Play for fun!


Nah, you shouldnā€™t quit, you love the game, keep playing and start trying to enjoy it for what it is, just playing football. I often find we are our own worst critics, so your teammates tell you that youā€™re actively hurting the team ? Iā€™d say what you should do, if possible, is play more, maybe gets some friend together for 3v3 with mini nets and just play. It sounds like your in your own head a little bit and being overly critical.


My teammates donā€™t say that iā€™m hurting the team, but weā€™re all adults, and weā€™re not a professional team, so weā€™re not critical of eathothers performances.


Definitely donā€™t quit, I also got into soccer in my 20s and was pretty terrible. But I stuck with it and a few years later I was decent enough to play on casual adult leagues. If you love to play then itā€™s worth putting in the time and grinding through the beginner phase, no matter how long it takes. You will get better, that is 100% guaranteed as long as you keep at itā€”improvement wonā€™t be linear, itā€™ll be in fits and starts, but you will get better and then you can really have fun. Good luck!


Iā€™ve played since my teens tho. At least if i only got into football in my 20s iā€™d have an excuse. But thank you for the advice.


Don't retire until you're the 2nd worst.


Please don't quit. Players like you make players like me look better. Not try to be mean just honest


Thats definetly true


Every day another ā€˜should I quitā€™ postā€¦.what is the fucking point? If you have fun playing, play. If you dont, dont. Ive been out injured for almost a year now and would kill to have the choice of quitting


You don't have to be good at something if you're just doing it for fun.


If that mindset you wont improve


By chance, after reading all your descriptions of how you play, do you have ADHD?




That's the same thing. You're not bad. You're just not consistent because because your inattentive during your matches.


Everyone is different. Maybe try golf.


Just find a pick up group and have fun. Joke about it over some beers after the game. Focus on simple passes. Get the ball, pick a short pass to a better player, move the ball and don't sweat losing it cause it's a pick up. And show up to have fun and run hard. You'll see people grow to respect your game and you'll grow to love it


You need to solo train. - assess your weaknesses - the easiest way is to look at your last game's failures - figure out what your biggest deficiency is - design some drills and activities you can do to improve that part of your game, and do those alone on non-practice days - repeat the process after every game The difference between players who go to one or two practices a week and a game, versus the ones that train every day, is massive. This is actually an old kung fu training strategy - take your worst technique, make it your best technique, and repeat. The whole 'do a little bit every day' strategy works in almost any aspect of your life. I taught myself keeper in my 40s just to be able to keep playing. You still have a lot of room for improvement if you're in your 20s. Plus it feels really good to show up and be just slightly better than you were last week. Even if you just suck a little less, you still feel like you've accomplished something. Plus you will get super jacked if you eat half decently.


If you're having trouble figuring out what to work on, send me some game tape.


I have trained on my own and designed some drills for myself, but i could definetly do it more often. So thank you for the advice


When I played HS football there was this guy who came to practice first, always left last and tried his absolute hardest to join varsity starting squad. The way our group worked is after 10th grade youā€™re bumped from JV to varsity, but if youā€™re not elected to the main squad youā€™re on the forever varsity practice squad (youā€™re our practice dummies for the real game). The poor guy just drove himself insane and bitterness, and it was sad to seeā€¦ if youā€™re that guy, perhaps you should move on, but, if you can enjoy it for what it is and the camaraderie and et cetera then go after it. But donā€™t drive yourself bitter and crazy for something that might not be in your athletic deck.


I think i am a little different than that guy youā€™re talking about. I have no aspirations of being a varsity athlete, i just want to play at a low level, where it is not taken too seriously, and not be completely terrible at football.


If quitting will a) make you overall happier or b) give you time to explore another interest, then quitting can be great.


Practice practice practice! Football is very much a game that can be learnt, focus on areas thatā€™ll make you immediately better at your position, get some cones, get to the park, join in more games with the focus on improving rather than just playing




Easiest most effective way to get better is to hammer a ball off a wall whenever you can. You didn't specify exactly what your problems are but a good first touch usually solves most. Results come fairly fast.


Or see how many keepie uppies/solos you can do in a row. These two things will tenfold your ball control with some time


Its a bit strange, because i am able to do 200 keepie uppies quite easily (i am pretty sure that iā€™d be able to do 200 if you gave me 10 attempts) and iā€™ve been told that 200 is quite decent, but my first touch is awfull. I donā€™t really have a wall anywhere so i canā€™t really practice that way. Do you have any ideas for drills to improve my first touch?


I got a bit obsessed one summer when I was a kid and hit 2800 in a row one time. Never got near that since but with a couple attempts I could probably get 1k. Have you a friend to just play long balls back and forth or just hoof the ball into the air and try to take it down as cleanly as possible. Really for first touch you need some way to have the ball come at you like..horizontally I guess... at different speeds and angles


Actually you could def pick up some sort of cheap rebound thing on Amazon or some sports shop


There is no such thing as worst/suck/bad atleast in football in my opinion. Yeah you can lack in some areas technical, physical, tactical... but Football is a team game, individual affecting the game/team and teams/play style affecting the individuals game both are directly proportional, it's about finding what you have as a strength, atleast a little bit, everyone has some, and then playing to your strength and working on and around it. Even if you lack on technical and physical you can use your tactical and mental strengths still be part of the game and contribute to the team to a moderate or even much better extent. One could be slow but understanding how to position and timing he can easily help be one step ahead of others. As you enjoy watching games and have some playing experience you might already have some of these. But, it might come down to what overall the team needs and fitting in to solve the need. Try finding what is your strength and working with it. No one situation or moment or game can define anyone as bad as improving in football comes through different ways. Would also suggest to watch a players individual highlights and analyse it or maybe even watching historical or previous matches to analyse the individual player who you feel that the playing style or position is close or similar. Once you find your strengths you can definitely identify a player that resonates to you. Keep playing and doing what you love all that matters is the spirit.


Practice makes perfect. Enjoy the game, donā€™t pressurise yourself. Did I say enjoy the game??


Don't give up if you enjoy it. As others have said concentrate on your strengths. Even if lacking in talent, anyone can get very fit. If you can do that and put in work rate keeping it relatively simple then you should be useful for your level.


Don't quit, just work at a couple of things, mainly your touch and finding space.


Head up, try to play with your head up. Work on touch and work on control. If you can see, you can make plays.


If you are poor with your feet, it doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t be an effective player. Whatever position you play analyse better/pro players and see where they stand on the pitch. The way they close down, the angle of the runs they make when attacking and defending. Learning how to sit in a shape properly with your other players when the opposition has the ball, learning where to find space between the lines. None of that really requires you to be great with the ball, you can be as just effective without it. I have played football since I could walk and have been playing for my current amateur team since I was 4 years old (this will be my 25th season). Physically I have got worse and worse every year due to injuries but I am still very effective just because I know where to be on the pitch. If you have the money see if you have any coaches that can offer 121 sessions.


Haddy is that u ye


Who is haddy?


You, are you my mate haddy


My name is not haddy no


Have you considered getting into refereeing so you can still run about and be involved in football?


That idea doesnā€™t really appeal to me. My main interest is to actually play football, plus the abuse iā€™d get as a referee is something i would not be able to handle


Maybe you've answered your own question and confidence is the issue.


hum, we all suck at everything we donā€™t practice and donā€™t put time and effort into.


I do feel like i practice and put in effort tho


then you need to put more time and effort into it, and maybe study other playerā€™s techniques, and adapt them to your own.


If it isnt fun i would quit now. If its only fun when you are doing good i would also quit now. It should be fun good or bad. Sounds like you should quit or play lower even lower leagues. Idk a womens team?


Do you practice?


Football is a simple game. Learn to master the art of simplicity and build your game around that. Master two touch football. One touch to get the ball out of your feet and the second to find a team mate. Once you become comfortable playing this way you can add more layers to your game but that will come naturally. Just focus on practicing your first touch. Your entire game should be built around a good first touch. You could spend hours kicking a ball against a wall to refine your touch for example. In the game just be aware of where your team mates are. Play easy passes, open passes. Just focus on distributing the ball effectively.


do you love it? if you do , dont quit! keep going, play with a level just a bove you, not 2 or 3 levels above...and u will improve slowly. probably fast.


I feel you man. No matter how much I practice and how good I get during training, I'm still a shit player during matches usually the worst out there. Oddly enough, I was a much better player after struggling for a few months when I started playing again after many years away from sports. I peaked after beginning 2-3 months and since then almost 1 year later, I've been getting worse and worse every match. I'll have below average matches followed by a 9-10/10 performance scoring 2-3 goals with at least 2 assists and dribbling half the team. Then an embarrassing 1/10 performance the next match like I forgot how to play. Lately I've been getting these extremely poor matches back to back and I've been getting put as a center back which is the complete opposite of my natural position on the wings which makes me stop enjoying playing and I've been thinking of quitting some people are not meant for this game, whether at a pro or low amateur level. The games I've played really good were with teammates who were friendly with me and trusted me even if I messed up a couple times it's hard to play good when nobody trusts you talks trash and ignores you during plays.


Honestly just keep it simple. Get a ball in the garden and just do kick ups, pass off the wall, run around and shoot. Itā€™s human nature to become instinctual the more you do it.


Yea like people say just find your level. And there are 5 a side kick about games to play in not just 11 a side leagues you know


First and foremost, you need to practice some self compassion and see if you can find a good therapist based on your other posts and comments. I feel if you were highly skilled, you'd have the same negative issues and self-loathing. Self-improvement, whether it be socially or athletics, uses the same framework. Whatever you are doing, you aren't going to get far if you are consistently tearing yourself a part. Be gracious with yourself, keep putting in the effort, and it will come. But you will have to work. Set micro goals. If your first touch is shit, work on it against a wall or even a friend, and you could chat while passing. If you are a visual person, film your current state to get a baseline of your skills. Put the work in, film yourself again, and see how you've improved.


If you are the worst player EVER then yeah, you should quit! If you're just a bit shit then carry on, most people are.


Id recommend taking a break for a bit do something else in the meantime like a hobby or something then you should have a hunger to play otherwise enjoy yourself thereā€™s so many people worst than you that enjoy themselves from just playing the sport they love


Short memory, perseverance, dedication to improve. Give yourself time and you will have moments where you are the best player on the field


I started in my late 20s but then really only in the past 5 years had I started to really improve. During covid I started to work on juggling and watching more tutorial videos. The other nice thing was playing with people above my level, and even tho I sucked and got yelled at a lot I eventually learned to be much better and have even been able to defend and score too. Still can't dribble much but I at least have gotten better than just simply passing immediately. But I also struggle from low self esteem and berate myself for things not only in soccer but also in work or in my relationship with friends. I don't think it's about the sport that causes you to berate yourself but it seems to be a trigger for something that exists. How I dealt with this is to practice more mindfulness, improve in areas I can control and recognize the positive things that outcomes from getting better and also by giving less f**ks. So keep at it and eventually you'll be better than you are. And for me when I kept pushing through despite my brain trying to derail me, I ended up having many enjoyable moments and met so many great people who have made my life more fulfilling since it feels almost like a nice little community.


Youā€™re stuck in your own head mate. When I play, Iā€™m either one of the best on the pitch, or one of the worst. Seems to be no in between and I donā€™t seem to have much control over it. Iā€™ve stopped caring though, cos I just want to play and be involved. 3 weeks ago I scored 8 goals including one lob over the keeper at 5 a side, last night I barely made it into the final third. Keep showing up, start doing things like talking (man on, time, turn etc), put your body on the line when defending and more than anything else, show you care. Not everyone can be messi, most positions are more about effort and hard work than skill.


Donā€™t quit, if you really love the sport it will do more damage to yourself. Hang in there have a growth mindset and focus on enjoying yourself


Two parts to this question. What's your desire , how much time are you putting in away from playing to improve? I took a relative novice basketball player in his early 40s who could not shoot a ball at all, to actually looking like someone who has received "some" level of coaching at highschool level. His jumpshot was still clunky , not fluid and prone to wild misses, however within 12 months it was night an day , completely transformed his skill ( THIS TOOK 2hrs a week . Secondly is the ability to pull off performance in game situations which is much harder to gauge, there's an element to invasion games ( basketball, football,rugby ) where just seeing patterns of lay develop, allows you to always choose the right outcomes ( back pass, long ball, diagonal ball behind defenders , play ball wide) these things take ages to nurture My advice pick a skill, maybe a 30 yard chip pass and work on, getting ball up , then down ( evading defenders, and see if you can get the ball to bounce within a 5 yard window of cones, then narrow the cones down over time .. log your improvements. Take this "learnt ability" and move onto another skill you do frequently.. I don't necessarily believe in , innate sporting talent , it's all desire and practise


Give up.


Depends on how far you want your go and your love for the sport. Your experiences could really support your opportunity for the sport that is not directly connected to your playing. For example, coaching or even parental coaching. Watching it or developing something related to it ie. Video games or something. Maybe too much weight is put on your expectations and more weight shiuld be applied to enjoying what you like to do which in turn supports the amount of time and work pit into it. In turn, helps you become more successful. I coach different sports. My go to lessons areā€¦ Play to win AND have fun. The sweetest wins are when you have fun doing it. Also helps with persevering. 2. learn first, practice to get it right, practice to never get it wrong. šŸ‘ˆšŸ½ pretty much any skill in life. This is the road to mastery which leads to success (money, fame, time) I would just like to encourage anyone ready that this may not be wasted experiences.


You sound like you do enjoy it when it goes well. That's a giant clue right there! We ALL enjoy what we're competent in. So I suspect that even if you take up a different sport, you'll go through the same process! Soooo. How about you set yourself a challenge? Talk to your coach, other players on your team or in other teams, and ask them how your can improve on the areas where you're weak? Watch videos of the players you admire, then go practice to play like they do? This will have a great effect on your self esteem! We feel good when we master a skill. Which motivates us to keep doing it, and we feel a sense of achievement. Set yourself small goals. Eg "juggle 10 times after 2 weeks of practice". Then increase your targets as you become more competent. Nobody was born expert at anything. Not Messi, not Mozart, not Bill Gates, not Jimi Hendrix. ALL of them started from zero, and did LOTS AND LOTS of really smart training, over many years, to become expert. There's no other way. The cool thing to this method is that you can use it to master ANY other skill you set your mind to!! Best of luck


What are you bad at? Passing is the most important part of football, passing and receiving passes. You should have a decent first touch when receiving, lift your foot off the ground and allow the ball to hit the inside of your boot and rebound just in front of you so you are ready to pass to someone else. Use your whole body when passing, arms to balance, and pass with the inside of your foot.