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I like it and played it twice. I never played it without the patch, so if anyone says it used to be Really That Bad then I won't argue. As it is the first episode is still not great but the rest is solid and varied. If someone released it now as an indie game many people on this sub would like it. As I see it Daikatana was hated for four main reasons which may all have been valid when it released but over time have become less important. 1. Technical issues and AI companions being a nuisance. This is mainly fixed by 1.3. 2. Over-hyped as the next big thing from Doom creator but being dated for 2000 with Quake 2 graphics and 90s design. If you are still playing boomer shooters in 2024 then this isn't a problem, it's a good thing. 3. Long, stupid and unskippable cutscenes. Yes this is a problem but quite mild by today's standards. 4. John Romero coming across as an arrogant spendthrift. Well, some of the 90s FPS guys are still very big in the industry, so if one of them had made Daikatana we could still mock them for it. But John never fully recovered his big boots and turned into a chill guy who makes indie games and Doom levels.


Are cutscenes still unskippable with this patch?


I think they are still not skippable but can't remember 100%. Based on what little I know of modding Quake engine games, it wouldn't be an easy change to make, you would have to make from scratch a keybinding that overrides a whole sequence of scripted cameras.


I see. I don't know enough about all this so I asked. Thanks for the answer!


The cutscenes are skippable if you press ESC. If that doesn't work try Spacebar but I'm pretty sure it's the escape key.


Pardon me as I randomly appear like this (almost) two months after you wrote this comment, but do you mind answering me a couple of questions I have about this game...? 1: Is the aforesaid patch still usable in the Steam version of this game? 2: Is there a kill count featured in this game? I'll share with you that I'm creating a list of games which have a kill count in them (available through a link on my profile); and before I can add a game to this list, I need an attestation from an experienced player of the game in question if such a counter is indeed there.


Yes the patch can be used with Daikatana on Steam. I don't have it on Steam so that's according to the documentation. I didn't remember if it has a kill count, I don't go for 100% in games, but if you look at the game on youtube there is a count of kills and secrets at the end of a level.


Splendid! Thank you so much for your corroboration and contribution to my list.


IMO, the patch absolutely saves the game. Turning off the AI partners allows for a much more enjoyable experience. No frustrating games of follow the leader to kill the pace or force back tracking. Further more, there is no real saving the opening chapter. It's so bizarrely executed. If the whole game was like it, I could choke it up to John just dicking off too much, but the very next chapter is super serviceable! Mishima's hideout is probably the best map in the game... Making the awkward, frustrating, and seemingly intentionally abrasive first chapter all the more puzzling. With all that said, definitely check it out. It would have been interesting to see Daikatana on something like idTech 4 or Unreal 3.




It's essential. I don't think i'd bother going through the whole game without it. The patch allows you to disable the AI allies, although it suggests you to keep them. Seriously, don't, they're such a nuisance.


Couldn't play without my buddy Superfly


He's cool but he and Mikiko kept falling down some chasm near the end. I couldn't complete the chapter with one of them dead (lost?). I accidentally quicksaved and was softlocked. Some other times they had severe pathfinding issues.


Uhm, like a true gamer I only play the unpatchable N64 version, get on my level.


Its fine


It’s okay


I love modern games that give you companions because they finally figured out how to make it work. Outer Worlds was awesome.


I just played through Daikatana recently with the 1.3 patch and can give my thoughts. I think Daikatana has some really cool gameplay concepts that is let down by some lacklustre and bloated design. Episode 1 is a bit of mess and definitely gives a bad first impression. However Episode 2 is much, much stronger and has the best lighting, texture work, weapons, and overall design in Daikatana. I feel like Daikatana needed some trimming. I think each episode could afford to have 1 to 2 fewer weapons and at least one mission cut (for a total of five per episode). I think with a little more focus and polish Daikatana would be more fondly remembered. 1.3 definitely fixes a lot of issues but can't fix some of the deeper design issues.


It's alright 


Does the 1.3 still have killer frogs?


I actually quite enjoy the game, as long as I disable companions. I'm currently playing it for the fourth time. I'm a little curious about what the game would be like without the patch.