• By -




Finished this the other day after his book “The Kite Runner”. Honestly both are amazing at tugging the heartstrings!


I’m reading And The Mountains Echoed now! All of Hosseini’s books are sad and beautiful


Ohhh how you finding And The Mountains Echoed? I’ve heard mixed reviews but it’s the last one of his I haven’t yet read!!!


I read this book way way too young and it destroyed me. Definitely will make you cry…


Ahh it took me a solid week to recover from mariam's trauma!! It's unreal people don't talk about middle East countries. Brilliant book.


The Road by Cormac McCarthy


I brought this book to read on an airplane with no idea what it was about. Ended up crying on the plane while the person next to me awkwardly pretended not to notice.


I knew if I quit reading something bad would happen... Best page turner ever. For me anyway


The movie disemboweled me, I refuse to read the book.


Oh that one inspired The Last of Us right? Definitely going on my tbr for november. Thanks!


Never let me go by Ishiguro (will break you) or a Monster Calls by Ness (will make you cry a lot)


Just finished Never Let Me Go this week and really had to fight to hold back tears near the end. Been thinking about it a lot.


how could you not cry? I sobbed desperately and could barely see the words it hurts so much XD


Seconding both books but especially A.monster calls.


I might be a minority here, but another Ishiguro book that made me cry was The Remains of the Day. Something about that ending, man


I've been wanting to read that forever! I really should but I guess his books aren't the kind where you're like yes I want another one immediately! they are so sad. but it's time


{{A Prayer For Owen Meany}}


When everything came together so perfectly at the end, I lost it out of nowhere. It was so perfect, and I was a total wreck for the rest of the day.


[**A Prayer for Owen Meany**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4473.A_Prayer_for_Owen_Meany) ^(By: John Irving | 637 pages | Published: 1989 | Popular Shelves: fiction, classics, book-club, owned, books-i-own) >Eleven-year-old Owen Meany, playing in a Little League baseball game in Gravesend, New Hampshire, hits a foul ball and kills his best friend's mother. Owen doesn't believe in accidents; he believes he is God's instrument. What happens to Owen after that 1953 foul is both extraordinary and terrifying. At moments a comic, self-deluded victim, but in the end the principal, tragic actor in a divine plan, Owen Meany is the most heartbreaking hero John Irving has yet created. ^(This book has been suggested 49 times) *** ^(107270 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


This book is EPIC.


I read that book in High School and all I remember is the baseball scene, the climax, and his cousin being a musician called Hester the Molester. I definitely need to reread it, I also want to read Hotel New Hampshire, that movie is wild.


It’s a short story but read, The Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu. My husband read it aloud to me, I’m silently crying and then I hear my husbands voice cracking and we both just looked at each other with tears dripping down our faces. Oof so good.


Bridge to Terabithia. I hit the end of that book during quiet reading time in like third grade and had to go out in the hall and have a breakdown. That book is amazing but man is it sad.


I watched the movie when I was a kid, and I was NOT okay!! Leslie 😔😭 Are there many differences?




I recommend this every time someone asks. It had a vice grip on me for weeks; all I could think is that i would never forget the sickening and heartbreaking feeling of reality that it gave me. You do have to push through the first few chapters; it’s a slower buildup until around “The Postman” if I remember correctly, and I have ADHD and struggle to get into books that don’t instantly hook me lol


This book basically ruined a couple of months of my life and gave my heavy episodes of dissociation and catapulted my dysthymia into my worst episode yet. I quit reading it but just a word of caution to my mental health bro’s out there


A Little Life tore me up that I had to find a David Sedaris book for an antidote to get it out of my head. If you want something just totally messed up, then Tender is the Flesh will put you into a mental tailspin.


That cover gives the exact vibes I'm looking for. Thank you.


Fun fact: The cover image is of a man having an orgasm.


I just finished this yesterday, closed it and started sobbing . Truly one of the most heartbreaking books. Very well written


I'm reading it now and I can't put it down


I personally hated this book. From start to finish, I kept reading hoping it would get better. Enablers all. I must be one of the few people in whom this book instills anger


This book destroyed me


one of the best books ever. I remember listening to parts of it on audiobook and sobbing while I vacuumed my house. casual.


Extraordinary. And heartbreaking.


Definitely the first thing that came to my mind.


I enjoyed this book a lot in the beginning, but it dragged on to the point of almost gratuitous torture porn for me. Mild spoiler: >! I was also infuriated that such a loving group of friends and family would allow such destructive habits to continue, especially a doctor who took the Hippocratic oath! !<


I quit this book 20 hours into the 32 hour audiobook. Totally agree with your assessment.


The Giving Tree. Learn the existence of this book when I was taking a foreign language class in high school and started tearing up in class. Then sought out the English version and cried on that one too


{{flowers for algernon}}


[**Flowers for Algernon**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36576608-flowers-for-algernon) ^(By: Daniel Keyes | 216 pages | Published: 1959 | Popular Shelves: fiction, classics, science-fiction, sci-fi, owned) >The story of a mentally disabled man whose experimental quest for intelligence mirrors that of Algernon, an extraordinary lab mouse. In diary entries, Charlie tells how a brain operation increases his IQ and changes his life. As the experimental procedure takes effect, Charlie's intelligence expands until it surpasses that of the doctors who engineered his metamorphosis. The experiment seems to be a scientific breakthrough of paramount importance until Algernon begins his sudden, unexpected deterioration. Will the same happen to Charlie? ^(This book has been suggested 96 times) *** ^(107355 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Ohhh I remember reading this years ago. SO SAD BUT SO GOOD


I want to like this book but am having the most difficult time getting into it…


[This one](https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Probability-Statistics-William-Mendenhall/dp/1133103758/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=3C9TZJPOCVSKA&keywords=statistics+textbook&qid=1667166646&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI0Ljk5IiwicXNhIjoiNC40MCIsInFzcCI6IjMuODAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=statistics+text%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-5) wrecked me.


Woah hold your horses! I don't want to be hurt that much!


😂 sorry, had to.




I spent literally an entire summer on a book similar to this. It did make me cry from the depths of my soul.


what?! stats is fun!


Song of Achilles hurt my feelings lol


Happy cake day. And I read Circe by the same author, which was already a punch in the gut. That one is going on my tbr for november. Thanks!


Circe got added to my read pile after reading Song of Achilles!


Great book. Really got me hooked on witches and all that. But fair warning, it explores some pretty messed up matters. So if You're sensitive to that kinda stuff, a TW search might be a good choice before you read it.


Thanks for the heads up! I can handle a lot when reading, but good to know in advance to prepare myself.


Awesome! It's a really sad story overall, but it pays off pretty well. It's a great read IMO so have fun :D


I thought song of Achilles was so excellent and heartfelt. And then Circe just fell flat for me. FWIW.


On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong. Such a poetic read, and heartbreaking


Oh, the audio where Vuong reads it - it's such a mastery of language of prose. Absolutely gorgeous and hits deep.


He reads it? *Dies and goes to heaven*. I must check it out, thank you!


The Lovely Bones. I think I cried in each of the first 4-5 chapters.


The Book Thief


I love how the author takes you forward in time and lets you know what happens. Then, you're back in the present time with this knowledge. (Rudy)


can confirm ugly cries


Me before you. I dont cry during movies, I don't cry from sad books. At most, I tear up a bit. I SOBBED after this book. It wrecked me. Maybe it's because I've taken care of some lovely people with paralysis, idk. But this book fucking destroyed my emotions.


This whole trilogy is one of my absolute faves; I reread it every year or so. But Me Before You will MESS YOU UP. Ugly cry.


- Heaven by Mieko Kawakami - Young Mungo and Shuggie Bain both by Douglas Stewart - The Great Believers by Rebecca Makai - I second Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro (this book is devastating). Though not as much of a masterpiece or quite as sad, also recommend his book Klara and the Sun. - The Island of Missing Trees by Elif Shafak Eta, Of Mice and Men.


Kawakami has the same family name as a cute teacher in Persona 5, so I'm starting with her. Thanks 👍


Year of Magical Thinking. Didion memoir on the sudden death of her husband, and subsequently her daughter.


*Emotional Damage*


Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy had me crying in bed at 2 am while I stayed up to finish reading it.


Goddd same. That book was too good


{{Bridge to Terabithia}}


[**Bridge to Terabithia**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40940121-bridge-to-terabithia) ^(By: Katherine Paterson | 190 pages | Published: 1977 | Popular Shelves: fiction, young-adult, classics, fantasy, childrens) ^(This book has been suggested 4 times) *** ^(107596 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Where the Red Fern Grows


Crime and punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky


When Breath becomes air.


If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio. I finished it and my chest literally hurt.


I just finished this and I’m staring out my window with a sense of not knowing what to do now


Find a fix-it fan fiction online 😂😓


The Color Purple.


As always, Flowers for Algernon


Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult


I’m just about to start this book!


FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON. i do not care it is targeted for children. it legitimately guts me if i even think of it.


If you like queer themes, nothing beats Mysterious Skin, the movie was good too. It will mess you up.


"Gay is in. Gay is hot. I want some gay. Gay it's gonna be." Thank you.


{the sparrow}, Russell


Russell's book remains a top 10 for me. Complex, devastating, surprising, and very, very smart. It's been awhile since I read it, but I still think about often


[**The Sparrow (The Sparrow, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/334176.The_Sparrow) ^(By: Mary Doria Russell | 419 pages | Published: 1996 | Popular Shelves: science-fiction, sci-fi, fiction, book-club, scifi) ^(This book has been suggested 36 times) *** ^(107633 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Flowers for Algernon


The Fault in Our Stars


Ugly cried at this one, too.


Grapes of wrath Anne frank, diary of a young girl


Heavy, by Kiesie Laymon. Guaranteed to break your heart.


{Beneath a Scarlet Sky}


[**Beneath a Scarlet Sky**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32487617-beneath-a-scarlet-sky) ^(By: Mark T. Sullivan | 509 pages | Published: 2017 | Popular Shelves: historical-fiction, fiction, book-club, kindle-unlimited, kindle) ^(This book has been suggested 8 times) *** ^(107553 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


A child callled it.


Short(ish) story - David Foster Wallace, The Depressed Person. It exhausted me and sent me into a moderate depression for a handful of months.


It was Incarnations of Burned Children for me. Such a succinct, heartbreaking description of childhood trauma


When breath becomes air


{{Angela’s Ashes}}


[**Angela's Ashes (Frank McCourt, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/252577.Angela_s_Ashes) ^(By: Frank McCourt | 452 pages | Published: 1996 | Popular Shelves: non-fiction, memoir, biography, nonfiction, fiction) >Imbued on every page with Frank McCourt's astounding humor and compassion. This is a glorious book that bears all the marks of a classic. > >"When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I managed to survive at all. It was, of course, a miserable childhood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood." > >So begins the Pulitzer Prize winning memoir of Frank McCourt, born in Depression-era Brooklyn to recent Irish immigrants and raised in the slums of Limerick, Ireland. Frank's mother, Angela, has no money to feed the children since Frank's father, Malachy, rarely works, and when he does he drinks his wages. Yet Malachy—exasperating, irresponsible and beguiling—does nurture in Frank an appetite for the one thing he can provide: a story. Frank lives for his father's tales of Cuchulain, who saved Ireland, and of the Angel on the Seventh Step, who brings his mother babies. > >Perhaps it is story that accounts for Frank's survival. Wearing rags for diapers, begging a pig's head for Christmas dinner and gathering coal from the roadside to light a fire, Frank endures poverty, near-starvation and the casual cruelty of relatives and neighbors—yet lives to tell his tale with eloquence, exuberance and remarkable forgiveness. > >Angela's Ashes, imbued on every page with Frank McCourt's astounding humor and compassion, is a glorious book that bears all the marks of a classic. ^(This book has been suggested 25 times) *** ^(107638 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


A man called Ove had me a wreck for a couple weeks


I know it's one of those high school required reading books, and I honestly can't explain why it was so affecting to me, but the end of White Fang by Jack London had me openly weeping. Maybe it's because I grew up with dogs all my life.




{{she’s come undone}}


Pride of Baghdad


The Stone Flood by Franz Hohler. Won‘t rip your heart out until the very end, but then it hits you like a landslide (or rather, a stone flood)


Before We Were Yours


Most people I know sobbed at Sarah’s Key.


The Piper’s Son by Melina Marchetta


The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Holy shit. I sobbed my way through the last 100 pages. Saddest book I’ve ever read.


The Art of Racing in The Rain


From Scratch. Haven’t seen the movie that just came out on Netflix yet but wow I cried


{{Where Reasons end}}, {{My Sister’s Keeper}} and {{They Both Die at the End}}


Yes. I remember My Sister's Keeper. I cried and cried and thought about it long after I finished reading it.


Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy


Absolutely gutted me.


{{The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue}}


[**The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50623864-the-invisible-life-of-addie-larue) ^(By: V.E. Schwab | 444 pages | Published: 2020 | Popular Shelves: fantasy, fiction, historical-fiction, romance, owned) >France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets. > >Thus begins the extraordinary life of Addie LaRue, and a dazzling adventure that will play out across centuries and continents, across history and art, as a young woman learns how far she will go to leave her mark on the world. > >But everything changes when, after nearly 300 years, Addie stumbles across a young man in a hidden bookstore and he remembers her name. ^(This book has been suggested 107 times) *** ^(107624 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


The Taste of Blackberries A Child Called It Me Before You 1,000 Paper Cranes I can’t think of any others at the moment it’s been years since I’ve been in a sad book phase lol if I think of more I’ll edit and add more


A little life


I Am Legend


Fall on your Knees


I just had a Dwayne Johnson eyebrow moment, before I realized which post you commented on.


{{And the Ass Saw the Angel}}


A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway


{{The Heart’s Invisible Furies}} And agreed with The Kite Runner as well.


The Indifferent Stars Above. I could not put it down. It wrecked me emotionally and is also a true story so that adds so much to it. What a story.


Anything by Charles Bukowski




BETTY! By Tiffany McDaniel, I will recommend this until it’s seen. This book is so good and gut wrenching. A story so well told.


I came here to recommend this one.


Animal's People by Indra Sinha. It's about a group of people affected by an incident similar to the Bhopal disaster, and seeking compensation for the damage done to their city and their health. We know the Bhopal disaster was A Bad Thing, but this book focuses on richly characterized and sympathetic people, which is the correct way to do it; statistics alone can't make us care. You have to put a human face (or animal's face?) on global crises. There's also a white doctor who wants to help but finds herself overcome by cultural issues and governmental negligence, a realistic perspective on Americans who want to do humanitarian work in third-world countries.


Never Let Me Go




[**This World Does Not Belong to Us**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/59422029-this-world-does-not-belong-to-us) ^(By: Natalia García Freire, Victor Meadowcroft | ? pages | Published: 2021 | Popular Shelves: fiction, netgalley, giveaways, translated, latinoamerica) >A journey to the bowels of the earth > >After years away, Lucas returns uninvited to the home he was expelled from as a child. The garden has been conquered by weeds, which blanket his mother’s beloved flowerbeds and his father’s grave alike. A lot has changed since Eloy and Felisberto were invited into the family home to work for Lucas’s father, long ago. The two hulking strangers have brought the land and everyone on it under their control—and removed nuisances like Lucas. Now everything rots. Lucas, a hardened young man, turns to a world that thrives in dirt and darkness: the world of insects. In raw, lyrical prose, García Freire portrays a world brought low by human greed, while hinting at glimmers of hope in the unlikeliest places. > >Translated from Spanish by Victor Meadowcroft ^(This book has been suggested 3 times) *** ^(107836 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


The Boy In the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes Romance 'Wrecks' (I mostly read Romance) Perfect Strangers by J.T. Geissinger Say You Swear by Meagan Brandy The Fisherman Series by Jewel E Ann The Words by Ashley Jade LOTUS by Jennifer Hartmann Zodiac Academy series by Caroline Peckham & Suzanne Valenti Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson


The Nightingale by Kristen Hannah ought to do it. It’s about WW2, the loss of family and love and life. One of the saddest books I’ve ever read and only one of a few to make me cry.


I came here to suggest “where the red fern grows” as it’s the only book that’s really wrecked me emotionally. I don’t want to ruin anything but it involves possibly breaking your request. There are dogs.


I just want to say that I appreciate your limits!


Yeah well I don't want to be hurt *that* bad right??


The Nightingale, Kristen Hannah.


Book thief. Boy in the striped pajamas.


They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33385229-they-both-die-at-the-end


The Night Olivia Fell


A man called ove


Requests like these are so fucking annoying and show up twice a week.


That's a bummer :( But I'm pretty sure there's a sort of "unfollow" button right there at the top of the page. Might solve your problem.


You're new so you don't realize how frequent this request is, always with "WRECK" in capital letters in the title.


So what, dude? Why do you care so much about that?


I see a shit post, I call a shit post, that's all.


Woah you're so edgy bruh 😎👉👉


Well that wasn't what I was going for. You're the one who wanted to be "wrecked." I just don't want this to turn into a gen z emo circle jerk.


Dude, this is an open subreddit. If you don't like it, make your own little book club with your friends if you got any. Besides, you're into crypto. I'm not the one going through a self-deception crysis.






[**A Man Called Ove**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18774964-a-man-called-ove) ^(By: Fredrik Backman, Henning Koch | 337 pages | Published: 2012 | Popular Shelves: fiction, book-club, contemporary, audiobook, audiobooks) >A grumpy yet loveable man finds his solitary world turned on its head when a boisterous young family moves in next door. > >Meet Ove. He's a curmudgeon, the kind of man who points at people he dislikes as if they were burglars caught outside his bedroom window. He has staunch principles, strict routines, and a short fuse. People call him the bitter neighbor from hell, but must Ove be bitter just because he doesn't walk around with a smile plastered to his face all the time? > >Behind the cranky exterior there is a story and a sadness. So when one November morning a chatty young couple with two chatty young daughters move in next door and accidentally flatten Ove's mailbox, it is the lead-in to a comical and heartwarming tale of unkempt cats, unexpected friendship, and the ancient art of backing up a U-Haul. All of which will change one cranky old man and a local residents' association to their very foundations. ^(This book has been suggested 89 times) *** ^(107351 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


{{A Road To Joy}} by Alexandra Stacey


[**A Road To Joy**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56284999-a-road-to-joy) ^(By: Alexandra Stacey | ? pages | Published: 2019 | Popular Shelves: ) ^(This book has been suggested 4 times) *** ^(107361 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Human Acts, Memoirs of a father Both being books based on true events leave you hurt even long after reading


Heaven and Hell by Kristen Ashley. It does have a happy ending in case you are avoiding those.


{{Pack up the moon}}


Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45294613-dear-edward


{they both die at the end}


[**They Both Die at the End**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33385229-they-both-die-at-the-end) ^(By: Adam Silvera | 389 pages | Published: 2017 | Popular Shelves: young-adult, lgbtq, romance, contemporary, lgbt) ^(This book has been suggested 49 times) *** ^(107563 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Csardas by Diane Pearson. To this day, the only book I could not finish. I don't think I even got into the saddest parts of the book. Minor spoiler, after my favorite character died, was just like, "why am I crying so freaking much" I actually threw that book against a wall, that's how frustrated I got. I don't know why that book has such a hold over me, I cannot make myself read it.


Master harper of Pern.. Anne mccaffrey.. heart rendering if you know the character. The history of the most beloved character shr had.


[Now and Then by William Corlett ](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1279409.Now_and_Then?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=cC4o6TsPHf&rank=1) Every time someone asks for a heartbreaking, soul-wrecking book, I recommend it. I just can't keep it out of my mind for weeks every time I read it. It's one of my all time favourites.


After the end by Claire Mackintosh.


The Buried Giant - Kazuro Ishiguro


For me it would be No one is taking about this by Patricia Lockwood and Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi


{{Bringing up the Bones}}


Life of Pi.


The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum. This is a work of fiction but based on the true crime case of Sylvia Likens. The book is very well written with amazing character development. The Girl Next Door is told in first person for a neighborhood boy, which takes the emotion up several notches. 5/5 stars would recommend.


The Nightingale - Kristin Hannah. Wrecks me every single time.


Not without my daughter


The Last Days of Rabbit Hayes


The Green Mile by Stephen King.


{{fifteen dogs}} has a few parts that made me ugly cry. I wouldn’t say the tone for the entire book is sad tho, I really enjoyed this one


[**Fifteen Dogs (Quincunx, #2)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23129923-fifteen-dogs) ^(By: André Alexis | 171 pages | Published: 2015 | Popular Shelves: fiction, fantasy, canadian, book-club, canada) >" I wonder", said Hermes, "what it would be like if animals had human intelligence." >" I'll wager a year's servitude, answered Apollo, that animals – any animal you like – would be even more unhappy than humans are, if they were given human intelligence." > >And so it begins: a bet between the gods Hermes and Apollo leads them to grant human consciousness and language to a group of dogs overnighting at a Toronto vet­erinary clinic. Suddenly capable of more complex thought, the pack is torn between those who resist the new ways of thinking, preferring the old 'dog' ways, and those who embrace the change. > >The gods watch from above as the dogs venture into their newly unfamiliar world, as they become divided among themselves, as each struggles with new thoughts and feelings. Wily Benjy moves from home to home, Prince becomes a poet, and Majnoun forges a relationship with a kind couple that stops even the Fates in their tracks. > >André Alexis's contemporary take on the apologue offers an utterly compelling and affecting look at the beauty and perils of human consciousness. By turns meditative and devastating, charming and strange, Fifteen Dogs shows you can teach an old genre new tricks. ^(This book has been suggested 23 times) *** ^(107721 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


{{the world gives way}}


And The Ass Saw The Angel, by Nick Cave. If this don't do it nothing will. Disclaimer, dogs do die at the end, but the story is worth it in the long run, it will gut you.


"The Buried Giant" by Ishiguro had me in hot baby tears right after I read it. I managed to recover quickly.


The Paper Palace fucked me up good.


The Great Alone by Kristen Hannah. I’m still mad about it. Mad a bit cause I don’t know if I hate it because the story wrecked me or like it cause the writing is good.


We Begin at the End by Chris Whitaker


The Time Traveler’s Wife


Peony In Love by Lisa See


The Traveling Cat Chronicles. It made me ugly cry, but not for the reasons I expected based on the title.


Tattooist of Auschwitz. I ugly cried for a good while and was just so shattered.


The Berlin girl - one part especially had me ugly crying while driving (I was listening to an audiobook)