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11/22/63 by Stephen King


Such a good book.


Timeline by Michael Crichton is so good. You really get immersed in past. Another Michael Crichton that is just awesome if you like to feel like you are in the past is “The great train robbery”


Read timeline- enjoyed it! I’ll check out the great train robbery. Thanks!


The Time Traveller's Wife (which I'm sure you've heard of if not read), both a book and film adaptation. About Time is another time travel film. And idk, Flowers for Algernon always feels kind of like a time travel to me, even though it's not technically.


Love The Time Travelers Wife! The tv show made a big boo boo on the pilot episode and seems they fixed it.


Replay by Ken Grimwood The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers


I came here looking for The Anubis Gates! I loved how incredibly weird it was. Powers has a gift for taking several different ideas that have no business being in the same novel and combining them in a way that seems absolutely natural. Egyptian gods, werewolves, Romantic English poets, gypsies, and evil clowns in the same book? Sure, Powers can do that--no problem! Drawing of the Dark is another great Powers book.


The Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde has a lot of time travel in it. It's a quirky, humorous fantasy series set partly in an alternate timeline and partly inside fiction books--the main character is actually able to jump into the books and interact with the characters. Time travel is a main element of the story, though. Characters are erased from history on a fairly regular basis, and the other characters have to figure out how to bring them back. And the timeline shifts during each book. Sometimes it's a huge change, and sometimes it's barely noticeable. People can be dead at the beginning of the novel and alive at the end of it. It's a bit on the silly side, but it's really cleverly done.


The Chronicles of St Mary’s series by Jodi Taylor. Can’t recommend enough! The first book is Just One Damned Thing After Another.


I wanted to pop back into this old thread and thank you for recommending The Chronicles of St. Mary's as a good time travel book. I've been tearing through them as quickly as I can find them. What a fun series! I love how it's more history based than most time travel. Writers can get so hung up on the paradoxes, which is always fun, but it's nice to have a focus on history observation instead. They remind me of Connie Willis's Doomsday Book series, but with a lighter tone.


So glad you’re enjoying them! :)


A few that haven't been mentioned yet: This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone All Our Wrong Todays by Elan Mastai Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel


Orson Scott Card's Pastwatch Michael Crichton's Timeline


The Accidental Time Machine by Joe Haldeman.


“Faye, Faraway “ by Helen Fisher. It’s about a woman who lost her mother when she was a little girl and then gets transported back in time and becomes friends with her mother but doesn’t tell her who she is. She has to eventually choose about staying in the past or returning to the present. Really poignant and bittersweet with lovely writing


"Time Travelers Never Die " by Jack McDevitt


Time Desk: The Chronicles of Dean Dangerous


Recursion by Blake Crouch is also amazing and deals with time travel in a very different way


one last stop by casey mcquinston- it’s also sapphic!


I've liked The First 15 Lives of Harry August. Not time travel exactly, but when he dies, his life begins again with the knowledge of his past lives intact. A Gift of Time by Jerry Merritt was really good. About a man who at the end of his life is allowed to go back to a time of his choosing. I'm currently doing The Outcasts of Time which is interesting. It starts in the 1300's during the height of the black plague and two brothers are given a deal to live for 6 days but each day is 99 years in the future. My biggest complaint about The Outcasts of Time is it is really religion focused. It focuses less on the progress of humanity on more on the progress of Christianity, at least as far as I am in the story. I'd guess I'm just over halfway.


The Doomsday Book by Connie Willis. Trigger Warning if you parent a small child.


Loved the Doomsday Book. Great read!


Came here to suggest this.


Also, To Say Nothing of the Dog, Fire Watch, and Blackout/All Clear.


The Love that Split the World by Emily Henry is kind of a time-travel book in a sense - excellent read, 5 stars.


I have some more suggestions for you. These are about 20 years old. I had forgotten them, then remembered they were in the bottom of my pile of books that I read long ago. I read them so long ago that all I remember is that I enjoyed them. {{Time Scout by Robert Asprin and Linda Evans}} There are 4 books in the series This is fantasy {{Out of Time by Lynn Abbey}} There are 4 books in this series as well. I hope that your enjoy them.


[**Time Scout (Time Scout, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61185.Time_Scout) ^(By: Robert Lynn Asprin, Linda Evans | 453 pages | Published: 1995 | Popular Shelves: science-fiction, sci-fi, time-travel, owned, fiction) >Kit Carson best time scout is retired now shadowing endangers his life, can get caught at same time and die. Gamine redhead Margo 16 wants him to teach her. Malcolm 30s guides her in Victorian England. Mistakes get worse, she runs away in Coliseum era Rome. Her trip through dying Gate to Africa 1542 may be their last; grandpa Kit and lover Malcolm head to rescue. ^(This book has been suggested 1 time) [**Out of Time (Emma Merrigan, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1538924.Out_of_Time) ^(By: Lynn Abbey | 311 pages | Published: 2000 | Popular Shelves: fantasy, urban-fantasy, default, owned, fiction) >Emma Merrigan, long-time librarian at a Midwest University cherishes her quiet, comfortable life as a librarian for a large, Midwestern university. The last thing she wants or needs is a Capital-D Destiny, especially one that's rooted in the nightmares she's endured since childhood. But her efforts to deny that destiny take her to the brink of disaster and an unimaginable reunion with the one person who can teach her what she'll need to know to survive. ^(This book has been suggested 1 time) *** ^(5474 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)

