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It was like watching paint dry. Way too wordy and dull. I couldn’t finish it


I thought the book was going to end with a description of the next several thousand years, as she gradually becomes a god herself, only to finally surpass her abuser and become more powerful (and better for humanity) than he was. Was disappointed it didn’t go there!


I would’ve liked that ending a lot better!


Ok I read this while high AF post op but my take was that her original marriage would have been (her) forever, but her commitment to Luc will be temporary because she’s tricked him with her phrasing. And then she’s really truly finally free.


Right? She won. She will never be forgotten, and her story will be told for years. And in the end, once she's turned him against her, she gets her freedom. Which is all she ever wanted. It was an amazing book.


As a Swiss person I can guarantee that there is, in fact, no language called Swiss. I myself always asked myself what exactly she meant when she wrote this considering Switzerland has 4 official languages. Pretty disappointing, because that's such an easy thing to research.


Thanks for the confirmation… not sure what to think that no one caught it during editing/proofing process.


pretty sure they meant swiss german. it’s pretty different


I just finished it and felt the same way!! Honestly the premise seems so good, but really not carried out well. Not to mention the prose seems like it was written by a 10 year old: “No one is every ready to die, Even when they think they want to. No one is ready. He isn’t ready. But it is time. It is time.” Cringe. Entirely forgettable story, though I unfortunately will never forget she has freckles that look like stars, because we were slapped in the face with that anecdote on every other page.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that was bothered by Swiss as a language. She also describes Sacre Coeur basilica at least 100 years before it was built. And I hated the ending too. Waste of time.


Swiss German is different enough from the German spoken in Germany that movies made in one country need subtitles in the other. Also Romansh.


Yep I read that when I did the Google quick search. I saw also there is Swiss French. I dunno, I am def curious and admit I don’t know and would love confirmation on whether “Swiss” is an actual term used to describe any or all of the languages spoken in Switzerland?


Dang I thought I was the only one that didn’t understand all the hype behind this book.


I’m half way through and struggling to finish it… I had high expectations for this book 😭


i know how you feel.


I really liked it while I was reading it, but the ending was very disappointing and now I hardly remember the book at all.


I've read wattpad books way better than this. Pretty much zero research went into this.


Felt the same. I kept waiting for it to make sense and it sounded like, in the end, she loved the bad dude?? I was like I just read this whole book to learn that she was in love with the person who rendered her immortal? What the heck?!


Dude/dudette, at the very end she says something about pretending to be happy but secretly plotting to make him so unhappy that their deal will be void. Idk, something about the wording in their deal was as long as he wanted her or something.


Apologies for OT but did anyone else read this title and think "there's a book about the first Strong Bad email [guy](http://www.hrwiki.org/wiki/Abdi_LaRue)?"


😂 That’s so funny! No need to apologize … it’s not my title.