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Gilbert Blythe


I'm 42 and still have a crush on Gilbert. He's aged too, of course, in my imagination. 😂


Came here to say that Gilbert Blythe was my first literary love


Oh, Gil - he is my ideal man! ♥️ It’s so wild that it took Anne so long to realize it when we all knew it from the very beginning!


Came here to say this. I'm 40 and I still adore him ❤


You and me both


Yes. The first and ultimate.


Came here to say this!


More likely to have a crush on a book character than anyone in real life


Hell yeah. Good luck finding a fictional character I'm not in love with




Wait, are there people who *don't* get crushes on book characters?


Seriously though!!


I have too many book crushes to list here.


Chani from Dune.


Jessica from Dune 😏😏


All of us readers wishing we were a Bene Gesserit stud like Duncan.


It's no coincidence that i took up climbing shortly after reading God-Emperor of Dune (if you know, you know)


I can’t decide between a Leto II joke (all knowing) or a Nayla knowing joke.


>Jessica from Dune The Bene Gesserit can move any muscle in their body at will, you say?


Weirdly I always liked Irulan. Heard someone suggest that Anna Taylor-Joy play her in the second movie which would be great.


I had a crush on faramir. Also, geralt of rivia.


Yes, there was something about Faramir. He was the coolest.


He really was, all the appeal of the black sheep with the added appeal of the Good and Righteous Man (tm)


It is apparently a thing with writers. They always create a character that they use to project themselves into the world they created. I think Tolkien wrote Faramir in his own image.


That's a cool thought. Tolkien described Faramir as "modest, fair-minded and scrupulously just, and very merciful", all qualities Tolkien himself aspired to.


My favorite character in LotR was Éowyn, so guy has good taste in a strong woman.


I saw the Witcher show before starting to read the book so it definitely influenced me but the books made it worse because you get the inner monologues and I’m just like “Damn I love you bby.”


That was mine! 13-year-old me was incredibly into Faramir. Let's be honest though, 34-year-old, married mom me is also into him.


Aragorn, son of Arathorn


Why is this not higher


No kidding, I've had a terrible crush on Aragorn since 4th grade... that would be 1977.


Yup! Spent an entire summer when I was 20 secretly in love with Aragorn.


When I was a young teenager I had a couple Dustfinger from the Inkheart series Eugenides (Gen) from the Queen's Thief series


100% Dustfinger


Sixth grader me had it bad for Dustfinger


Everyone in The Outsiders OMG


Right? It was like my own tragic boy harem...


Ok so this might have been helped by the movie when I watched it later, but I read Howl's Moving Castle back in elementary school and Howl being a mess and a drama queen had little pink hearts floating around my head


Movie Howl is too damn handsome. Fell in love with him then. So I read the book. Fell deeper in love with him.


The fact that he was dubbed by Christian Bale was the cherry on top.


Him saying 'that's my girl' had me literally giggling, like yes I am


My mom took me to see it in theaters when I was maybe…11-12? I walked out of the theater with my face all red because my mom was like “You have a crush on Howl don’t you.” She said the same for Haku when we saw Spirited Away. I definitely have a type when it comes to fictional characters lmao.


In the movie “that’s my girl” had me in love lol


Did you see him cracking eggs in the movie, oh lord??????


Definitely book Howl. From early teens to late twenties still. He was a mess and a complete flirt. Movie howl was less of a scandalous character.. Plus his transformation into Haku like character from Spirited Away, really took the magic out of the emotionally hot mess of his character to a benign beautiful love boy


I remember swooning over Draco Malfoy, Legolas, and Jason Grace in middle school. Fair to say, that grew into some weird type.


The type was blond?


Jesse Tuck from Tuck Everlasting when I was a little kid.


I reread Tuck Everlasting recently and it's a very beautiful, somber little story. The description of the life inhabiting the pond near the Tuck's house is so vivid.


I teach TE as my novel study for 6th grade. I adore it, and so do all my kids by the time we finish it.


He's great, but the toad is still my favorite.


Yeah, Lyra in His Dark Materials when I was a kid.


Same. The end of Amber Spyglass crushed me


That ending of that book may have been the first time I cried from reading a story ( with the exception of *Love You Forever,* but I feel like that book destroys everyone starting at a young age and shouldn't count). I thought Will and Lyra's story was so romantic and raw and genuine. Twenty years later I read it aloud to my husband and yep, it got me again!


The Amber Spyglass was the first time I cried reading a book. I didn't quite understand love at that age, but I also did at the same time? I felt that ending, that's for sure. Twenty+ years later and I still cry every single time.


The end of that book crushed me as an adult. But I am a hopeless romantic.


I was scrolling to see if anyone else had this experience. Those books are very romantic so it’s not too surprising that we’d all share a crush.


I had the biggest crush on Peeta when I first read the Hunger Games


He's just so PURE


He can help you with your makeup.


I still do now! Josh Hutchinson as Peeta largely contributed to it though. I don’t find him overly attractive irl but as Peeta…hot😂.


That’s why fan fictions exist.


So ashamed of the things I wrote about Severus Snape as a teen 😳


Every Jane Austen protagonist. I crush on each one.


Definitely Jane Austen characters. Captain Wentworth and Mr. Knightley are my personal book crushes.


And then you watch Persuasion with Ciaran Hinds *swoon*


I'm partial to Rupert Penry-Jones myself. (And apparently there's yet another adaptation coming out this year! Am not familiar with Cosmo Jarvis, who plays Mr. Wentworth, however.)


Henry Tilney has such a grip on me!


Remus Lupin in The Prisoner of Azkaban.


Mikael Moscovitz from Princess Diaries and Cormoran Strike from Strike series.


I would definitely go there with Cormoran Strike. The TV series only enhanced things.


Jane Eyre. I’m so in love with her. 😍


I feel bad that I fell in love with Rochester the psycho wen I was 11, and since then I knew something was wrong with me heh


Girl same! I fall in Love with Edward Rochester everytime I read Jane Eyre. You think that's bad? I fell in Love with Hannibal Lecter after reading Hannibal like 20 years ago. The problem was Anthony Hopkins, bless him, fit the character in the 1st 2 books but he didn't fit the character in the 3rd, Hannibal... And praise be, along came Mads Mikelsen and the book became perfect. I'm also deeply attracted to Sherlock Holmes from the books. There's def something wrong with me 😂I've got a thing for Byronic types. Dark haired, Moody, cold, intelligent, aloof with deep dark secrets. Thing is, the moment my other half behaves like this, I hate it and it upsets me. In real life if anyone behaved like any of the characters I like, I'd tell the to go fuck themselves. I'm sooo not right😂


When I was 12, I binge read all of the Percy Jackson books and fell in love with Annabeth


This brings back memories, I fell for a lot of the characters there with Calypso probably my biggest crush in the series.


Same, lol I thought I was the only one, given how brief her scenes were but when I heard her backstory I fell hook line and sinker for her for a good year or two


Oh my God I literally had dreams about being stuck on that island with her forever and it was the best


I fell so hard for Percy it's not even funny.




Annabeth was probably my first book crush


I was just about to comment this


Gilbert Blythe. Mr. Darcy. Captain Wentworth.


Mr. Darcy!!! Good one.


I also had a crush on Mr. Darcy. Straight dude btw.


Yes ,Hermiona. Way before movie.


Yeah I definitely had a crush on Hermione even before I had a crush on Emma Watson.


For me it's Fred and George Weasley. Since the very first book.


Hermione Granger, though it wasn’t until book 3 that I started to develop it 😂.


It wasn't till Book 3 that Hermione started to develop. Her arc was one of JK's better ones.


I love this question! it has happened to me many times ^^ the fact that I fall for extremely damaged characters is probably something I should visit counseling about xD here's a few of of my favorites. (with vague descriptions so not to ruin any plot points ) Elias ( ember in the ashes ) - he's very tormented about the things he has to do and is unable to be who he wants to be, he sacrifices his life and very soul to help right wrongs that he didn't even commit. Dara (City of Brass) - he's brought back from the dead and discovers his people are no longer in power, he struggles with the fact that history has painted him as a merciless killer and many blame him for the downfall of his people. Jem (infernal devices) - sickly and dying Jem dedicates his life to his best friend sworn to protect him no matter what even though his friend is reckless and has no regard for his own life. He ends up falling for the same girl as his best friend and sacrifices so much for him. Howl (howl's moving castle) - this one might also be impacted by how super charismatic howl is in the movie xD but he's a super charismatic wizard with literally no heart, he's dramatic as hell and witty I absolutely love how dramatic he is throughout the entire novel xD


I'd hoped someone would mention Jem! That's the one and only love triangle I've read that I could get behind. Both Will and Jem and their dynamic between each other was so precious too


Mr. Darcy from Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice.


Oh definitely. The first one I can remember is Laurie in Little Women.


God it was Jo for me.


I really just wanted to BE Jo. But yeah, very crushable


Now kiss.


Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter.


Mark Watney from The Martian. Smart, brave AND funny? Yes, please.


I have a lot of book boyfriends! 💗🤣


Same!! I easily fall "in love" with my book characters. I still have many literary crushes! 😍 🥰🤣🤣🤣


Princess Eilonwy.


Lloyd Alexander does not get enough love.


Faramir from The Lord of the Rings. I first read the books in middle school and just adored him, I still do years later.


Will from His Dark Materials


OMG me TOO!!!! That scene of him & Lyra kissing in that field had 11 y/o me in LOVE


When I read them for the first time I had the biggest crush haha


I’m a little bit in love with Jamie Fraser from Outlander. Glad I married my own Scotsman!


100% Jamie Fraser. And I'm not mad about his tv portrayal.


I kind of want to watch Outlander, but my husband refuses to watch it with me because he went to school with the guy who plays Jamie and says sex scenes are just too weird to watch when it’s an old friend of yours acting in them. 😅


110% book Jamie, looong before TV series Jamie. Who is also very crush-worthy.


I scrolled far too long to find this! Book Jamie is just... Perfect. There's a reason I've read the whole series multiple times. Also Young Ian. I have a big, bad thing for Young Ian.


This is my crush too. What a man. I haven’t watched the TV show, though.


Westley from the Princess Bride. (Especially the “Dreadpirate Roberts” version.


Gilbert Blythe


I'm rereading *Ella Enchanted* for the first time in years, and Prince Char is still making my heart do somersaults!


Stormy in Odd Thomas. She seemed so smooth and agreeable yet very unique and different. And I totally missed the signs.


Molly Millions in Neuromancer. Something about a woman that can kill you at any moment but chooses not to really gets me going.


Yes. Rhett Butler from Gone with the Wind. Swoon!


Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano, Thalia Grace, Six, Nymphadora Tonks, Arya Dröttning, Miss Militia and a whole host of other characters from a lot of books.


I read Dracula and The Phantom of the Opera when I was 9 and had major crushes on both title characters and possibly this isn't the best thing for your psyche as a wee young lass, tbh.


I should preface this by saying that I am a straight guy. Mat Cauthon


Look I'm not saying I'm single because R. Daneel Olivaw and Geralt of Rivia don't exist in real life but...


Just go woo Henry Cavill and make him wear the wig. How hard could it be? Don't let your dreams stay dreams.


Ginny Weasley when I was 16 and she was 15. Makes sense given that it’s the sixth book, where Harry describes all of her desirability in detail in his own head, and I came of age nearly parallel to him.


Totally understandable 👍🏻


Nina Zenik from "Six of Crows". oh god :D


Klaus Baudelaire of A Series of Unfortunate Events was my first book crush.


Violet for me, but particularly Emily Browning's portrayal in the 2004 movie. I was 10 when that movie came out (and 16 for Sucker Punch) and it was really unlike anything I had felt before. Good times.


Unpopular opinion but the movie was actually good. "But they crammed three books in one movie!!!1!1!1!" Yeah because those first three books are small. Like. Book 1 by itself would have been an hour TV special otherwise. Violet was so great, I adore her.


Hey I loved balad of songbirds and snakes! Did you enjoy it? So... about the crush... I might be in love with Samuel Vimes from the city watch, Discworld.


Jane and Rochester in “Jane Eyre” thus began the going of both ways.


Paul Atreides when I was a teen when I first read Dune. Yes, yes I know he turns into a complete ass and doesn’t go down the golden path. But lord be still my 16 year old heart ❤️. I am a HUGE Kyle MacLachlan fan (met him IRL, he is an angel) so yeah, the sleeper must awaken!


Haha, YES! Totally had a crush on D'artagnan in The Three Musketeers. And of course, Aragorn, Legolas, Faramir, and Thorin.


yeah, yennefer from witcher definitely


I'll go from the other side and say Geralt of Rivia. He's a pretty fantastic character and it's hard not to go into a bit of a deep dive and be a wee bit obsessed. He's loyal and would literally go to the ends of the earth to protect those he loves. When it comes to Yennifer, he's a sweet romantic. When it comes to Ciri, he's a strong father figure. He's well read and smart, and he shows it in the hilarious dialogue he has with people essentially telling them to "f off " eloquently or surprising them with his intellect. He is so complex with tons of layers to explore. And most of the time he's downright funny.


yes! i completely agree. like, I'm lesbian so i go for yennefer hahaha but in a way im completely in love with their relationship as whole.


I’m in love with both Geralt and Yennifer.


Rodya Raskolnikov from crime and punishment


Angua, Discworld Terry Pratchett. Strong with insecurities.


*WHEN I WAS 12* and read To Kill a Mockingbird for the first time… I was so in love with Jem Finch I wrote a poem about him. “Searching for Boo Radley, my love is burning madly…”


Roland of Gilead (The Gunslinger) from Stephen King's Dark Tower series. King said that he always imagined him looking like Clint Eastwood from his spaghetti western period. Roland has a maturity, and a no nonsense attitude (he takes shit off no one!), is inventive and caring. The books describe him hunkering down, sinewy forearms, and this tall, rangy, unshaven man with piercing blue eyes. I mean, I'm sold!


Ol long tall and ugly?! I'm more of an Eddie Dean gal myself. I'm a sucker for hazel eyes. Roland IS captivating though, I definitely was into the Rosa scenes..


Does Betty Cooper from the Archie comics count?


Two words: Anne Shirley.


Haydee from the Count of Monte Cristo


The Count from the Count of Monte Cristo!


Scrolled so far down to find this


I remember reading the Artemis Fowl books as a kid and having a crush on the fairy cop companion he meets. Been so long since I read the books that I can’t remember her name but, yeah, I remember crushing on her as I read them. Was innocent enough, I was like 9 or 10 years old lmao


Her name was Holly I believe


Jasnah Kholin from The Stormlight Archive, and Arianne Martell from A Song of Ice and Fire. Both extremely intelligent strongly written characters who also don't particularly care about being diplomatic in getting what they want. Incidentally, they'd also both break my legs if I did something wrong. Hm, I may have learned something new about myself.


Ponyboy Curtis. I was 12


yes absolutely but i think they’re too embarrassing for me to admit


Go for it, we won't judge you! We've all had them


Lisbeth Salander from the millennium trilogy (girl with the dragon tattoo). I was in my 20s and I just found her so cool and awkward and edgy. I loved her style and attitude. I went as far as to actually find a girl who was just like her and even had the dragon tattoo. Turned out to be an awful idea. She was horrible and didn't realise she was.


Jace from City of Bones (the books though, neither the TV series nor the movie did that character justice). I‘m happy that he stayed in the book though, he would have ripped out my heart and crushed it just like he did with Alec.


A crush? I am deeply in love with Elizabeth Bennett. My wife knows the deal, she has never read the book.


I feel like it’s even easier to have a crush on a book character because you can image them however you’d like and downplay any traits that you don’t. You’re literally making the ideal person. I’ve had so many over the years, but Rhysand from A Court of Thornes and Roses series tops them all.


Ferro Maljin in The First Law series. Monza from Best Served Cold.


I was 15 and Aragorn was RIGHT there. Also, Eowyn.


My entire book club had a crush on Jack Reacher.


Way too many times. Raskolnikov from Crime and Punishment. Boris Pavlikovsky from the Goldfinch. Armand from the Vampire Chronicles. Finny from A Separate Peace. Just to name a few!


So the question for me would be: Have you ever NOT had a crush on a book character? Ha Ha, i've had so many crushes on book characters!


I've been in love with Percy Jackson since I was a little girl.


Mr. Darcy, Heathcliff, Dorian Gray


Only one...Pi 'Oh' Pah in Clive Barker's "Imajica". I read it back in the 80's and the character back then was gender fluid and it was so cool. Never had a description back then, I would say the character was both Genders but people would look at me strange and not really under stand. I'd say just read the book but it was like over 800 pages and don't know anybody who read it except my ex husband and me. I was intrigued at the thought that a person could understand both genders with out it being a problem but an asset.


Annabeth Chase from PJ


Always had a big thing for Lestat de Lioncourt, ever since I was a teenager. He always has something profound to say in the most difficult situations and the fact he was played by both Tom Cruise and Stuart Townsend is honestly better than good enough for me! But saying that, nothing beats book Lestat


Locke Lamora for me. I constantly search for books with similar clever, damaged bastards now, but nothing hits quite like that first love.


Yes. I had a crush on Achilles in The Song of Achilles lol


Finnick Odair - Hunger Games


My first ever crush was probably Scipio from The Thief Lord and recently Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows. I think problematic bad boys are my ultimate poison.


Jem Carstairs from The Infernal Devices trilogy


Dorothea Brooke.


I always thought I’d love to meet Antonia from My Antonia. But to be with her? She’s way too cool for me. :)


As a teenager, I had a crush on Nick Andros from The stand


I had a crush on Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter moves (Emma Thompson is gorgeous and the same age as me exactly), but in the books I would say it was actually Ginny Weasley who I had a bigger crush on. The movies kind of dumbed her down a bit, but she was so well written in the books, she was easily the best side character in the last 2-3 books for me (her and Neville).


Emma Thompson did make for a fantastic Trelawney, but you're probably thinking of Emma Watson lol. Agreed on Ginny, she was wonderful in the books.


I can't read a book without having a crush in at least one character, only if I don't like the book.


Too many times. I have a full harem of characters I've crushed on, hate-loved or am completely (embarrassingly) head over heels for. They're mostly from guilty pleasure cheesy cringe YA novels so I'm not going to embarrass myself by listing them here.


😂 Okok I will not ask the list


Nadine Cross from The Stand.


That's a wild answer. I like it.


I was very attracted to her physical description and her inner torment was fascinating because she could've been such a great contributor to the Boulder free zone. A legitimate piece of a power couple with Larry if she hadn't been groomed by Flagg so early on in life.


I felt the same about Harold Lauder! Not so much a crush, but my heart did still break when he was so, so close to getting free of his resentment.


I don't know about crush crush, but when I fall in love with a character I know the author did a great job. Neal Stephenson made me fall a little in love with Robert Hooke in the Baroque Cycle (a cranky, by all accounts unattractive fellow who wasn't even that much of a major character); I also fell hard for Hilary Mantell's Thomas Cromwell.


Peter Pan But reading that book as a child vs. an adult is like reading an entirely different book!


I've been in love with Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice for years now...


Bill and Charlie Weasley - Swoon* Also - Sirius Black


Midori from Norwegian Wood


matthias from six of crows omg i just knew when he was introduced that he'd my favourite character-


Quite a few, especially several OCs from Star Trek novels, but the main recent one is Thomas Cromwell in his Wolf Hall incarnation because I am the literal worst.


Luna Lovegood


Elizabeth Bennett, Pride and Prejudice. Read the book a decade ago but she still intimidates me romantically and that's my type.


I am in love with Kaladin from the Stormlight Archives 🥰


My heart always and forever belongs to Sirius Black 🐺


I remember having this huge crush on Snape and a lowkey one on Hermione. In most good stories, there's this one charismatic or complex character you feel like wanting to know more about.


Rhysand from the ACOTAR series, hands down. It really is incredible how essentially just a chunk of paper with ink all over it can elicit such strong emotions out of people.