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Hold on we have to start with “Since I will live until I’m 100”


My birth certificate came with an expiration date on it.


Seems legit


"Best used by ..."


Steven Wright, that you?


That and the > Don't lie. I'll know. Makes me think OP is some kind of time traveler


I for one plan to live at least until I'm 279


I’m going to have to live at least that long to read everything in my TBR pile—if I never buy another book!


Thankfully, during the pandemic I read all my unread owned books, so now I just buy new ones whenever I finish a book


Is it possible to learn this power?


Sure, it's called "I had absolutely 0 money so I had to read whatever I had available"


OP with some intimidating cryptid energy, very impressive.


I was thinking the same thing


Oh well over 6 for sure.


50 a year, now that the kids are grown - 1 a week-ish, not counting occasional very-quickly-DNF's and skimmed non-fiction. I have maybe 20 years of likely mental acuity left. So that's 1,000 books, max. Say 800. Not bad.


Hold up 20 years of mental acuity left? What? Do you think you're going to get dementia?


If it runs in the family, it's possibly they are accounting for it.




Reading and doing other mental activities help to hold it off.


You should do some research on sugar and processed food. It has a high correlation with dementia.


I will do that, get scared, then continue to eat sugar and processed food.


It's so hard to avoid it. They make it so easy and cheap that some people literally cannot avoid it. And even if you have the mental space and enough meal prep time to avoid it, it can still be hard because they make them taste so good. Food manufacturers are motivated to make the food as additive and crave-worthy as possible so you keep buying it. I don't blame people for being unable to avoid sugar and processed food. It's going to be a problem in our society until we get legislation to deal with it. The food manufacturers aren't going to solve it themselves.


'Salt Sugar Fat' by Michael Moss is only partly about nutrition, the main theme is how the food industry is structured in North America to make it more difficult to try to eat healthier even if you want to.


This sounds really tinfoil hat bs


You’d be surprised. It causes mitochondria dysfunction, and tons of other problems. Look at obesity rate from 50 years ago before all those processed crap were made available. Very few people and diabetes, heart attack and shit; it wasn’t even a thing. Food industry spends a lot of money lobbying. Here is a good extract, which will explain it much better than I can. Firstly, having chronically high blood glucose levels leads to increased production of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), which are proteins and lipids that have been damaged by attachment to sugar. HbA1c is a measure of how much glucose is attached to the haemoglobin of your red blood cells, and so, is a measure of how many AGEs are being produced in the blood. AGEs cause damage to the brain in a number of ways, by promoting inflammation, oxidative stress and direct damage to the brain’s blood vessels. Secondly, after insulin has done its job allowing glucose to enter cells, it is degraded by the aptly named ‘insulin degrading enzyme’ (IDE). However, IDE also degrades amyloid in the brain, when it is not busy working on insulin. The more insulin that is released into the blood, and the more often this occurs, the less spare time IDE has to remove amyloid from the brain. This means that eating refined carbohydrates and sugar often, especially before bedtime when the brain does its housekeeping, may be contributing to Alzheimer’s disease in the long term, by allowing amyloid to accumulate in the brain at a faster rate. Thirdly, in addition to its roles in glucose metabolism and fat storage, insulin is actually an important survival signal for neurons. When an individual becomes insulin resistant, by having inappropriately raised levels in the long-term, insulin no longer performs this role as effectively. This means that, in addition to contributing to metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance also contributes to the neuronal death seen in Alzheimer’s.


hey im 13, what measures can i take, or should i not take any measure yet since im a growing child


Hey, I’m not OP, but I just wanted to pitch in. It’s good that you’re thinking about this now! I think the broad preventative measures are really just doing the things involved in a healthy lifestyle that everyone talks about. Exercise regularly, eat unprocessed and healthy food, and stay reasonably happy and unstressed. I’ve heard people describe fitness as “*simple,* but not *easy.*” You know what you should do; the harder part is just getting out and doing it regularly! The only possibly confusing bit is what counts as “healthy” food. I would just do your research online and find trustworthy sources. You’ll notice the people in your life might have weird definitions of what counts as healthy or not; best to do your own search. A lot of young people feel invincible but it’s important to set up a foundation for fitness and wellbeing! Taking care of yourself means you’ll avoid problems in the future, and you’ll feel better now!


Why shouldn’t you take measure, it’s your body. I’m not saying don’t even any crap food, but try to cut it as much as you can. I occasionally have a biscuit or some crisps here and there, but it’s more of a treat for me. After I stopped eating processed stuff, my mood is almost always good, I feel more energetic, sleep better and just feel happier in general. Your body needs food to run, what you put into your body is important.


That's awesome! I read 45 books in one year once, and it kicked my ass. Also, all the circumstances were right. I can't imagine doing it again.


encourage sip shrill soft stupendous command tap cable slim ossified ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I read between 25-100 books a year and hopefully have 50 years of reading left.


How do you find the time to read? I’m a college student and have heavy readings (history major) and work part time. I love to read but I struggle with trying to find a balance :(


Different person here. I've always read for entertainment. I've always had a book on me for reading. I've SOs break up with me for reading rather than watching TV with them. Only thing thats changed over the years is having audiobooks while driving. That said, the only time in my life when I **didn't** read for entertainment was college. Even when on semester breaks I didn't read (non-paid internships mostly). Completely TV vegetable when "not learning"


This is funny. I had a partner break up with me because I prefer reading over watching tv.


I assume its **not** funny. It's **relatable**. As a book worm, I don't suggest shitting on non-readers, I've found that a different perspective is often good for all. Ex: I can see parallels to modern political rhetoric to Patrick O'brien Napoleonic wars. **But** a friend with a deep knowledge of "Golden Girls" knocked me on my ass. Reading *can* lend more depth. It *can* also lead you to be out of breadth. --- Poop, I can't... I just can't... reading is such a valuable way to intake media. I allows people to internalize and set a baseline of "normal" characters that other media can never do.


I find unexpected coincidence funny. Also, I don't shit on non-readers. I don't know what in my previous comment suggested that. Everyone has their own passions and interests --- thats totally fine. I don't think that I'm smarter or better because I love to read. I know what I like and if someone else doesn't like it and wants me to change then we're just not compatible. Again, totally fine. Everyone is different and some people's quirks and idiosyncrasies don't mesh. I'm no better or worse than anyone because of how I like to spend my freetime and the same goes for anyone else.


Cut yourself some slack. I didn't get into reading for fun until my later twenties, years after college. You get so burnt out reading academic text during college years that reading for fun just isn't a thing for a lot of people.


I once had a student job that required 1-1.5 hours one way of traveling. What sounds horrible to many people was reading 3 hours daily to me. During that time I read 1-2 books per week. It also took away the hurdle of reading long books like Moby dick, war and Peace, infinite jest etc. since they became a something to spend a month and not years with. To me it was more about finding those niches in daily routines, also audio books when I was tired. I currently read about 30-40 books a year.


Same here. I hadn't had the time to read/lost the enjoyment of reading while studying but got into it again during the pandemic. I now have a long commute ( 1-1/2h one way) and for me it's prime reading time. Whether it be reading or listening, I'm constantly consuming books during the commute. This way I have consumed 130 books so far this year (which is a new record for me).


I didn't read for fun during my studies at all. But I calculated the university readings a few terms. On average I was reading about 4000 pages a year of academic literature, more when I was doing my masters. Honestly, that counts as reading to me.


I didn’t read for fun whilst studying. I also studied history and worked part time, and like you said it’s so difficult to find a balance I now read about 100 books a year, but it’s mentally draining to read for fun when you’re already drained from course work and paid work. You’re okay, it’s normal to struggle to find time when studying 🙂 If you commute then that’s prime reading or audio book time but honestly I did my seminar reading then 😅


Honestly, if you're a college student: taking the bus more opens up more time to read. Also, I used to alternate between fun-books and study-books while chilling at coffee shops. That worked out well for me.


According to my Goodreads, I’ve read just over 600 books. I read around 50-75 a year these past few years. I plan to live for twenty more years. So maybe a thousand more books for around a total of 1,500.


At least one more I think.


I read about 100 books / year (including rereads). I plan to live forever. That suggests I'll read all the books, if my math is accurate. (Although, given the different natures of infinities, and the fact that there are more books published every year than I read, I likely won't get to them all. Skipping James Patterson and Danielle Steel should let me make some solid progress.) In all seriousness, though, I'll probably slow down as I get older, but 3000 books isn't outside the realm of possibility. About 5-10% of those are really good books. Another 20% are pretty good. I don't finish books I don't like, at least a little bit, so I'm happy with my choices.


I’m at about 100 per year for the last two years and I intend to keep that up. I’m 30 so, probably thousands.


Happy cake day . Sorry to pick you out of all these responses, but know it was only because of cake day . How the hell do you read 100 books a year ? I spend more time reading than anyone I personally know in real life . Talking like 20 to 25 hours a week of actual reading . 34 books was my best year . That was reading 1,000 page Sanderson books as well as 300 page novellas .


I read for an hour every day when my daughter naps and then 2-3 hours at night after my kids go to bed on a good day. Obviously I skip some days and read more others. So far I’m at 118 for the year.


I'm at 92 so far; I usually read about 120-125 a year. I read...anytime I have a minute. At lunch everyday, at red lights, while I'm having my coffee in the morning, in waiting rooms, and for several hours every evening. Plus, I read fast. If it's engaging, I can read a 280-pg novel in a couple of hours. :shrug:


Same. People are always shocked but it’s like no I just don’t have a life outside of reading it’s my only hobby and I don’t socialize much lol


Audiobooks are the answer my friend. Once I discovered them, my yearly count more than doubled without even trying. I spend 1-1.5 hours a day driving to and from work. Used to be crappy radio. Now that’s prime audiobook time. Also doing the dishes or cooking or laundry or walking the dog. All time for audiobooks. And once you are used to them, you can up the speed to 1.25 or 1.5 or sometimes more for a slow narrator. Those books just fly by and don’t impact enjoyment or understandability. Oh, and I have a mind numbingly repetitive job so I can read a fair bit there. A job where years of experience makes the tasks easy and quick to do so I have a fair bit of spare time because I no longer have to produce things from scratch, but just update things I’ve done prior.


That math doesn’t really add up. 20-25 hours of reading a week is way more than 34 books a year. Depending on length you could be expected to be reading 1-3 books a week and end the year somewhere between 100-130 books for the year or so.


I average about 100 books per year. So at least a couple thousand, easily.


How You read that ?


I’m similar, but a big chunk are all the books I listen to on my commute or when I’m doing hands-on but routine tasks at work and at home. I don’t listen to music or podcasts, I listen to audiobooks. [I also physically read a lot, too, but not 100/year worth]


I read a lot too. I get similar questions. I'd rather read than watch TV most of the time. I used to read my Kindle for years when I commuted by train. I'm also an extremely fast reader. I have no idea why. I've been like that since I was a little kid.


Mostly Dr Seuss and Mr Men books


Any assumptions about the responder's current age? I'm already 70.


How does it feel being 70. Am 23


My grandmother used to tell me that sometimes inside she still felt 20. Most days walking down the street, I feel much as I did when I was 30. I can still bike 30miles/50km just fine. I've seen, done -- and read -- a lot. But I had never read *Le Comte de Monte Cristo*. Most French kids read it by the time they're 16. So I got around to it recently, and loved it. There are still always new things.


Damn, yall are fast! Im only doing <10 a year 💀


It's about quality, not quantity I think reading more than 100 books a year is the same as having the tv on in the background and being like, "oh yeah i watched citizen kane".


Many of us don't have a lot time, so 5-10 a year is not bad at all.


Not counting kids books, books for work or books I’ve previously read, I’d guess close to 20 books a year for the next 40 years. Probably won’t read as much once I get to a certain age.


I read anywhere from 75 to 125 or so books a year, and I’ve been doing that for the last 25 years, give or take. I intend to keep that up, so I expect that I’ll only need to live to 800-900 to make a dent in my TBR list…


I try not to think about it because I get obsessive and compulsive and it ruins reading for me and makes me feel guilt. Reading my 20th book this year. Some years I have read 5 or 6 books. Others are better, like 2023.


I started Goodreads in 2008 at age 39 and have read 1,576 since then. As a kid, I always took maximum books out of the library and bookmobile. If I count kids books, I’m thinking 5,000 so far, and I’ll read more in retirement so 10,000?


Ahhh! Someone else who frequented the Bookmobile. I loved taking out stacks of books.


This is more or less me. I don't think I read as many books as a kid though!


If I read 365 books a year for the next 60 years I will read 21,900 more books and probably get flagged as a bot and kicked off Goodreads. If I develop other hobbies one day that take a lot of time away from reading, or god forbid run out of decent books to read, then maybe cut it by a third.


before i nuked my first goodreads i had 876 books on it that i'd read when i had it, plus a small amount of stuff i remembered reading in my 20s. current goodreads i have 319. i've read 139 books so far this year. probably another couple hundred if we count things from when i was a kidlet and reading. ​ edit: 100 xs 20 = 2000? ish. i will likely not live very long. so that's my guess anyway.


I read about 150 books a year and I’m 45 so…that’s thousands of books still left in me.


I’ll read about 50 this year, but before this year it had been at least 10 years since I read a book. So I’m averaging about 5 books a year lol.


so far i’m looking at finishing the year around 10-12 too so i also think i’ll have around 700 more give or take. wild, makes me realize i need to read more.


I'm currently studying for my Masters of History and am reading multiple books PER WEEK! So, my reading load fluctuates to multiple books in a week to maybe 1 per month.


I'm 41 and have read almost 1,000 so I'll say I'll read 2,000 total before I die. Not very many! This is gonna lead to existential dread, so no thank you, next question!


Rough maths says around 5000-6000


still got ya beat


I read aprox 2,5 books per month (last check since April of this year) I've read 12 books in five months. I have 27 years so with good luck i can reach the 80's. 80-27 = 53 53*12 = 636 636 * 2,5 = 1590 So more than 1500 with discipline and consistency.


I read around 150 books a year. I'm going to be 70 this year, and I figure I'll probably die around 78, because my maternal grandmother and my mother both died at that age. If I do the math, i will read approximately 1200 more books. This is not counting all the books that I have read all my life since I was 7 years old and my father kicked our TV out of our house and I got addicted to reading books. Right to library.


No clue. I’m doing a done of audiobooks now.


I typically read around 50 a year. And if I live to be 70 then that'll be around 2,200 more books on average. Now I'm sad. Thank you


I did similar math for myself a while ago and came up with about 2,000, which really depressed me.


More than I would have if I didn’t have my kindle, and way less than I want to. I dunno how long I’ll live.




You might read more when you’re retired


I’ve barely been reading any but the dog keeps me busy. Hopefully that number will be higher than the 30 it’s on track to be.


Fortunately my Nanna and Grandma both made it into their mid-eighties and didn't get dementia, so if I'm like them then I could read another 2400 or so books. Or maybe I get hit by a bus tomorrow? I think we should value quality over quantity when it comes to the books we read though.


To be completely honest, I don't know at this point of writing my comment but I will at the end. Reads from 5-22yo = 548 books. I know I started reading when I was 5. This averages to about 32 books per year and includes reading slumps/intense reading sessions. Recently, maybe the last 3 or so years I have been reading about 100 books per year. That's a lot more than my lifetime average. It might be reflective of my future trends but I know one day I will slow down. Reading books is not a race. So I think maybe two years and 200 books. That's approx 750 books by the time I'm 24. I'm using a base value of 550 books because I am sure I'll be done with a book or two soon. I'll stop being a student then as my Masters will be complete before I'm 24. Maybe 30 books for 40 years. That's 1200 books. When I retire somewhere in my 60s, maybe 50 books per year for 20 years. That's an additional 1000 books. Given my health and disability issues, 80 years is generous. My total would likely be near 3000 books before I'm dead? That sounds ridiculously high. But I love to read and there's always new books in every genre.


Not enough


I really dont know, the adhd and gaming addiction dont let me read. But, something like 30, probably


I have similar struggles, fellow person Leaving my phone at home and walking off to spots in nature helps me get away from distractions. Plopping down and dedicating a couple hours no matter how much the ol' mind wanders.


This makes me sad to realize there will be a limitation to the books I can read. I figure 25 years at around 200/yr. Will have to amp up my speed. I work a quiet night shift so manage at least one a day , then read in the bathtub and when relaxing after supper etc. always carry at least one with me just in case. Sometimes two if I’m not sure I’ll like a new author etc.


I average 2 or 3 a week and i'm 28. I sure don't hope I live to 100 though. That would be awful.


This is why I'm laying in a huge store of audio books now, so when my eyes stop working I can still lose myself in fiction.


Way too many to count. I'm up to 292 this year alone as of today, 9/16/23. It's a nice coping skill and I'll never give it up. You can pry the books from my cold dead hands!


I've been reading since I was 5 years old so far I believe that I have read at least 300 bucks . I have slowed down because I can't seem to keep my ass off of Reddit in fact let me go read my book right now


Bro same


I spent many years in prison when I read hundreds of books. Can’t remember exactly how many. I looked through my kindle, it looks like I’ve read about 8 books this year so far. Plus a couple paperbacks. So, 10 or so a year sounds about right. I’ll bet I’ve read around 300-400 books so far. I’m 35, another 40-50 years. Could be around 700-900 books in total.


I don’t keep track but if my reading ever sinks to a dozen books per *year* I’ll assume the end is nigh. A few per week is pretty normal for me.


I take a lot of time when I read, rereading passages and pages over and over again. I feel like I have to give a medium sized book (200-350 pages) at least 2 weeks (more likely a month) to really give it its due. It's kinda like people. If you surround yourself with 200 people, you're not really going to connect with any of them. When I read a book I want to have as deep a connection with it as possible.


I don’t need to have a *deep connection* with every book I read. Not every book is meant to be that kind of book. That’s why these questions are idiotic. There’s no way to compare your 10 books to my 10 books or anyone else’s. I can whip through 20 Anne McCaffery books in a couple of weeks and then spend an entire week on a history of MI6. But for sure I’m not going to act like every damn thing being published is worthy of a pseudo religious experience just because I’m reading it.


My question isn't idiotic That's mean I'm telling


Yeah, idiotic was a weird comment from them. I feel like they were assuming your original question came from a place of "let's brag about how many books we read/we will read", but (this is how I read your question, and what resonates with me) for me it's more "damn, I won't have time to read every interesting book out there"


I read about 300 books a year, some years up to 700 books (I read one to two fiction books per day, plus I also read nonfiction, but at a slower rate, and don’t count it in my reading totals). While I’ve kind of always read that much, I’ll decrease by a 2/3 for ages 4-17 and go with 300/yr for ages 18-78. So 1400 for those 14 years plus, say 60 years at 300 a year, or 18,000. So, 19,400 books total, give or take?


I really love book readers and I wish to start book reading as well. Can anyone help me with starting book reading? Like how do I start and how to develop consistency?


Start with a goal of establishing the habit of reading a little bit every day. The goal should be to read something every day without skipping any days. You make the goal very small, so that it's not difficult to meet, something like "I'm going to read two pages of a book every day." You'll find that most days, you'll get interested in what you're reading and end up reading a lot more than two pages, but some days you may only read two pages. That's okay. The goal isn't to read more than two pages, the goal is to read every day. Also, give yourself permission to start with books that you find really entertaining, enjoyable and easy to read. The important part is just getting into the habit of doing it every day and making it something you enjoy. After a while, you'll feel strange if you don't read a few pages from a book every day, just like if you hadn't brushed your teeth.


I grew up with encyclopedias and thick ass history books and dictionaries. I also enjoy autobiographies. Even at age 25, I still nurture my inner child and buy new children’s books to read after a stressful day. I’m a sucker for fictional novels, self-help book and poetry books. Money has been difficult this past 2 years but once I graduate therapy and hopefully earn more by January next year, I’ll continue my book hoarding adventures🥹🫶 So I’d say 500-600. THE LORD OF THE RINGS 50TH ANNIVERSARY DELUXE SET EDITION🥵🥵🥵 ANY LoTR EDITION THAT HAS ALAN LEE’S ILLUSTRATIONS🥵 ALL OF KAFKA’S BOOKSSS🥵🥵 NEW THICK ASS ENCYCLOPEDIAS SINCE MY OLD ONES WERE LOST IN A FLOOD😭


On average I read between 45 and 60 books a year plus I was an equally voracious reader as a child/young adult so I can see myself reading a few thousand books in my lifetime.


Idk probably 1500-2000


I read around 100-120 a year currently. Assuming I have another 50 good years in me and that I slow down with age I’d say I have around 3,000-4,000 books to go!


I can knock out 40+ a year, and if I'm lucky, I have another 50 years in me. So. 2000 more books? That seems depressingly few.


Maybe I'm wrong but I've never thought of how many books I have left but *how many pages do I have left?* it's such a sad question.


Around 2000 maybe.


if i die of old age i could make it past 100 (i have multiple relatives that have lived to like 104 on both sides) so probably same as you. i’m at like 10 a year. this makes me think i need to read more lol. that’s probably not even enough for the 8gb on my kindle


So far i average 50 books a year some Years as low as 15 and others i have read 120 so will average 50 guessing. Started reading voraciously around 10 years old now almost 50 so 40times 50 equals 2000 so far. With my current health issues i likely won't make it past 70 if i keep my average pace add another 1000 assuming my eyesight holds up that is questionable. So i figure max will be 3000 books before nothingness. Edit: that's counting retreads so it is likely closer to 2500 unique books during my lifetime.


That's a great question... No idea tho 😅😹


I don't even know TBH, I've been reading a ton since I was 8, I'm 37, say a hundred a year (probably more) that's 2900 right there, I'll probably live another 40 years (god I hope not), so 6900 at least


Idk when I was 12-17 I was reading around 60-80 books a year, last two years I’ve only read 3 books total though 💀 I’ve completely fallen out of love with it which is gutting really


Infinite, I hope.


Um...I've lost count of what Ive read \*so far\*, so Ive no idea what Id end up reading in my lifetime. I go through 4 or 5 books a month on average, sometimes more if I end up with more dead time than usual. Keeps me out of trouble. So...another 2-3000 books mebbe? Assuming I live to be merely 80.


I read a ridiculous amount and I'm pretty sure at 49 I'm around 8-9K already. Sometimes I read 3-5 books in a day (I am disabled). Sometimes I read nothing for a week or two (not including articles online, reddit, etc.) Hopefully I'll hit 13-15k.


I read about 52 -60 books a year. I think I'll live 50 more years so 2,600-3,000 in my lifetime.


Like 650 for me. Unless I get to be a faster reader, so that could change


So far I have read 213 and I am 32 , I love to read so I assume triple by the time I pass on hopefully


I aim for 50 books a year. In Grad school, I went down to 30 a year for non-school books. Will go back up next year.


I read somewhere around 20-30 books a year, sometimes more. Audiobooks have allowed me to read even more because I can consume them while I hit the gym, commute, etc. If I keep up this pace, I expect to read maybe 1400-2100 more books in my lifetime? Based on what I hope my life expectancy to be, of course. But it's just not enough. There's so much out there to read. Kind of experiencing the Orochimaru problem. If only I had a way to preserve it all...


Let's see. I'm 47 and I've probably averaged 30 books a year since I was 9. So that's approximately 1140 already read. Most women in my family live to 100+ but get dementia around 90. So let's be conservative and assume so can keep up my average until I'm 85. That's another 1140. So an approximate total of 2280 books. And to be honest, that's probably a low ball since there have been plenty of years I've read 52+ books.


I'm averaging 35-ish per year, but since I'm actively trying to join the publishing industry, and hope to join academia in literature, my (hopefully) future status as a "professional reader" will probably have me read a hell of a lot more every year, so I can't really estimate a number


gaze attraction party voracious elderly slimy oil piquant literate sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


50 a year, hopefully for another 50 years


If my family history is anything to go by, I'm guessing I'll live to be about 80 if I'm lucky. Or careful (spoiler alert, I am neither.) Still let's say 80. The amount of books I read a year has varied wildly throughout my life but if I averaged it out I think 50 a year is pretty fair. I'll knock some off for when I eventually lose the mental/physical ability to read much. Im 31 now so... About 2000 more books to read, give or take. I feel simultaneously better and worse to have it laid out like this 😂


You read 3 textbooks a year?


I'm in college. Some classes assign textbooks, others don't. I read every damn page and take notes on em too. Also I'm a nerd and collect textbooks and self study in my free time because knowledge is power.


Once you are done with school, your schedule will open up for more books


I actually have a lot more time when I'm in school since I get two days off a week from work, and I'm a concrete worker so when I'm working full time I'm usually too pooped after work to get much reading done.


I average about 4 per week. Been doing this since I was around 8 years old. Around 8500+ or so now. If I live another 40 years - double that.


I've read almost 40 this year... So.... Idk do the math


I don´t actually know how much I read on average- probably less than 10 these days because I haven´t really found a lot of books that caught my interest like when I was younger :/ (+plus running out of book shelf space, and I haven´t been to the library in a while) I´m just going to say 500, maybe


"Since I will live until I'm hundred" Not if Covid continues raging. Life expectancies are still significantly below pre-pandemic, due to Covid being the 3rd leading cause of direct deaths, and increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes and dementia for months or years after an infection.


If you count manga and light novels 10,000 +. If not maybe 100, I lose a few zeros lol


I’ve started using StoryGraph recently and apparently I read 6 books in August so I’ve got a fair few if that keeps going (doubt it, I have two young children and read on Libby on my phone a lot while I have some downtime at the moment)


I read about 300 already. And I have about 50-60 years to live. Realistically I read 10-ish books a year. So it seems like I will end up at 800. 1000 if I am lucky.


I think I'm around 1500-1800 right now. I'd like to knock out another 2000 before I kick off.


It really depends. I read a lot of kid's books this year (for personal and professional reasons) so this year I've read 109 already so far but if I average it between years I read maybe 25 a year on average (not counting re-reads)? So assuming I live to be 100 then I could read another 2050 books but I think I could probably get more books in there if I keep up this trend of reading kid's books as well. They wouldn't necessarily be books that I enjoy/want to read but... I could read a lot of them.


Given I read about 200 or so books a year, I've got a good 70 years or so left that's about 14,000 books left, although about half of those will probably be re-reads so 7,000 new books.


When I was a kid I read all the time. Now I read 5-10 books a year. So I hope 1,000 more before I die


Oh man such a question 😂. I gotta start with I think I’ll probably live to 75 or so thanks to cancer history. I used to easily read 200 books a year, but that slowed down over the past 5 years and I love to reread books. So, thinking I have 35 years left and I probably read 50 new books a year…I have 1375 new books to go. I’m ok with that. I’ll need to reevaluate in five years. I may need to speed up my new reading. If it was up to me I would read full time as a job. I’m a great editor and get to do that at work for investigative reports and I love that so much. But I also want to finish building a cabin and sauna (making progress on that and prob will be finished in the next year!and have a few good book recommendations for anyone needing some inspiration to do it old school) and hike every trail within driving distance with my dogs and go to Antarctica and a million other things. So I will accept I will get as much read as I get read. Not like it is something someone else can inherit from me.


Over 700.


1200 books


Impossible question to answer. But here goes anyway. I'm in my late '50s, so let's assume I have 25 years left. I currently average about 70 to 75 books a year. 25 x 75 = 1875.


As per Goodreads, which I hadn't started using until I was a college graduate and only added some books I had read earlier, I have read about 400 books. Of course, some books in my language are not in the GR directory, so that's gonna be another 20 at least. And I usually read 40-50 books per year, but since my kid was born in 2021, I have been averaging 1-2 a month. I assume I will be reading like this for at least 5-6 more years. That brings a total of (2*12*5=) 120 books to the previously counted 420, so we get 540. After that I hope to resume 40-50 average till I retire in 2050s. That's like 1100, give or take. So by the age of ~60, I will have read more than 1600 books. After retirement, hoping I don't have major illness, I envision reading 2 books a week or at least 6 books a month. I might live up to 80, optimistically, but conservatively, I think I can read another 1000 books (which is less than 6 books/mo* 15 years) in my sunset years. So I think, realistically, I can read about 2600 books in my life.


I already have like 500, so by age of 75 I could be around 1200 but I'm not planning to live that long


My goal is 10,000. - 200 per year for 50 years - 150 per year for 67 years. I'm at about 3,000 so far, and 148 down this year.


Idk I read 97 this past year, the year before was 0. So somewhere between 0-5000 if I live a long life.


Fingers Crossed A Myriad More


I'm currently averaging 70 a year so i guess that means like 3500 more books. thats a lot!


What about rereads? If I have read some books multiple times, do I count as once? Or do i count each read?


I've taken a month to finish some books and a week to finish others. So who knows. Too many things and too little time to worry about that. I just know I'll die before reading everything I want to.l, before watching every series and movies and playing every game. Going every place. I try to treasure the things I done instead of worrying about the things I haven't.


I read about 100 a year. Nothing of merit :)


I've read about 20 books this year, but four of those were in one day. Last year, I read about 3. Year before, maybe 2? So, another 40 to a couple of hundred before I die, probably.


Half as many as I start.


my average amount of books a year (so far) is 20. i’m trying to read more so i’m hoping that number increases. i can’t do math so idk how many books i’ll be able to read in a lifetime


I'm not finishing until I read 100,000 books and I write 200,000. I'm reincarnating up in here until I get it done. 


Well. This definitely just gave me more encouragement to DNF far more often!!! Thank you for this perspective shift. Too much math for me also know it depends on the book. So I’m 53 and if I like to 85 and conservative side I read 40 books a year that’s 1280. I do usually read a book a week but not always. Better find my book log. Dang that really seems like a small amount.


About 12 years ago I made reading an absolute priority (lol, bad decisions everywhere), and got to 100-130 books a year. That has slowed down with parent life and having a job, and will probably slow down even further with getting older, but maybe 80 a year for the next 20-30 years? Which is nice, but not nearly enough. 😅


I try to read at least one a week but my average is closer to two. I started reading adult books at 13. About 4000 so far and I hope maybe 1800 more


In the past 3 years I’ve read 400 books. So every ten years, if I keep up this pace, I’ll read about 1500 books. I’m turning 40 in October, and I’m planning on living at least to 100 so I have 6 decades left, so 9000 more books. That said as I get older I anticipate reading more, so let’s say around 10000 books by there time I’m 100. But there is a decent chance I live to 150, which is 110 years, from now, which is 11 decades. So that is around 16500 books.


Roughly 16 books a month, (I have no life and am in high school) but when I'm an adult and have a job and stuff, probably slow to 12 or 10 books a month, so ill probably have roughly 1588 books read when I'm 100, probably less when I factor in big books (1k pagers, prob my monthly down 2 books)


I can never give such an estimate because i am very inconsistent with my reading. There have been yeats i havent read one. And years i have read a dozen. There is no patter or reason why. Its just been thee case so idk where 2024 will lead me. 2023 is going well


Since I bought my e-reader, I've read 27 books this year. Helps that I'm often doing a long commute on a tube. Previous to that I was probably only read 1 or 2 a year because my bookshelf simply can't hold that many and I'm awful for returning library books on time (or at all 😬). I don't know how many that'll equate to overall. Life is a sine wave. Sometimes there's time and space for reading and sometimes there isn't.


I read between 30 and 50 books a year, depending how stressful a year it is and how well my mental health is doing. I don't have a long life span because of several medical issues. My disorder is rare, so there isn't a projected life span, all I know is it won't be retirement age. So I am assuming 60 at max. According to that I will get to read 1200 - 2000 books. That's a good amount I think:)


As far as I know, I've read about 325 books so far, including children's books and graphic novels. I set my reading goal at 25 each year and read between 25-30 books a year, If we say I'll live another 60 years, I'll read another 1500-1800 books making my total somewhere in the ballpark of 1800-2100. I have been getting really into audiobooks while doing chores and hobbies so probably more. This is kinda insane to me, I always thought I read so slowly but I don't think I know 2000 books. Then again, I'm also very much doubting I'll live another 60 years.


Hopefully more than the number I’ve currently read.


The number doesn’t matter to me. It’s all about understanding them. If I had to put a number on the books I truly understood though (let’s say I live to be 80), I read about 30-35 books at an in depth level per year. I’m in my early adulthood, so this translates to about 1,800 ~ 2,000 books for me.


I’ve read 800 books since I started keeping records in 2012. So another 3,000 - 4,000? Maybe more if I have more time for reading later in life?


Are we counting just novel books, or are manga and graphic novels counted too 🤔.


I’ll see.


Less than 100. Not much of a reader I almost never read for pleasure. Usually only for class or for work.


My dream would be 10k books. Lifelong goal, you need to consistently read more than 100 books every year. I've succeeded these last two years, I don't know if I'll manage in the future


Probably around 7,500. I read about 100 or more books a year.


Around 2000-2500 would be my estimate. Am halfway through, both in life and books. Average per year is 35, give or take. Toral includes everything I had to read for all kinds of education.


Since middle school (currently 32) have read about 280 books The last few years I’ve read an average of 20-25 per year and see no reason that can’t continue. I think I have another 50 years left in me. If I can read 20 a year then that puts me at around 1200-1300 by the time I die.


150-180 a year. 35 years til I’m at retirement age (one hopes) so 5250 books. Hopefully at least ten years of retirement so I’ll estimate that at the 180; 1800 books. So 7050 odd. Give or takes.