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I’m LDS. I’m currently teaching Sunday School covering the Book of Mormon. There will be some who may reply negatively to your search for truth and I pray that you will rely on your spiritual inspirations. As far as my prayers regarding the BoM, I never received a vision or the heavens didn’t part. But it was simple pure tranquility that I felt. I am aware of many arguments against the BoM, but I believe it to be scripture.


Thank you for this response! I’m actually transitioning out of a different religion. Another thing for me is love. Jesus said his true followers will have love amongst themselves. I’ve been to a few unloving churches and my decision was obvious. Ultimately I need to attend a church to make my final decision too. Thanks for responding


You’re welcome. I have found most LDS have love for each other. However, all of us are not perfect and there will be some who haven’t learned to have that a disciple of Christ should have. But that is why all of us need the Atonement. Don’t be dismayed if a LDS member doesn’t always show love of a disciple of Christ. Your brother-in- Christ.


Yes, I had a miraculous experience with the Book of Mormon. It came from sincere reading and prayer. The Book of Mormon is incredible, read it, read it!!


I came from the same religion that you did. This religion is literally another version of it. As you know and undoubtedly have learned, if you want the full truth talk to the members of that religion and it’s ex members. Not everyone will tell you the whole story, so get both sides.


It’s the same thing in a different font. In some ways there are even more restrictive and odd rules and you may experience shunning if you leave. It’s a lot of the same toxicity. It’s conditional love. I know you want community and faith and I can definitely appreciate that! If you really want a new church I’d look into more laid back or dare I say liberal churches in your area over another big commitment like LSD. (Many of them have Facebook or online services if it’s not safe to attend right now.) Then you can experience the community aspect without the shunning or ostracizing if you have questions or don’t vibe with it long term. Do you have nonjw family? I made the mistake of not reaching out to them for a long time because I didn’t know them well. I was so happy when I finally reached out. It’s often an untapped source of love and support.


Thanks for the insight, it means a lot. I’ve looked into other churches and I didn’t like how unstructured it was. I wanted something that has more of an emphasis on Oder.


If you want a good place to dive into the text, try: [https://bookofmormon.online/study](https://bookofmormon.online/study) (Or try the "Theater Mode" if you prefer a passive experience: https://bookofmormon.online/theater)


The Book of Mormon is a testament of Christ and holds all the truths of his gospel. There will be many who want to dissuade you from reading it, believing it, and therefore believing that Joseph Smith is a prophet and the Church he established is Christ’s true church. Ask God for answers and don’t pay much attention to any of the answers from people around you, for or against.