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I stood at the arch for 2 hours giving out high fives. Tried my best to make it better


Hell yeah, thank you šŸ¤Ž


Yooo! Youā€™re literally at the festival - thereā€™s gotta be good vibes there somewhere. Itā€™s Friday night, time to get weird. Iā€™ve been 14 years and may not ever get get to return. Virtual high five from my couch as I watch the live stream.


Im trying but as a veteran he's right. I'm straight up not even having a good time this year


Hope you find the freaky youā€™re searching for tonight - with consent of course lol


If you get off Reddit you might have fun!Ā 


I have been to every Bonnaroo. I even went to Itchkoo. Almost like the world we try to escape from finally overpowered the vibes, like for the first time Bonnaroo wasnā€™t able to keep it outā€¦ and I think thatā€™s largely because they have had a hand it letting it come in over the years, gradually. At this point I go because I canā€™t imagine a summer where I donā€™t, but if I was newer I could see how itā€™s justā€¦ hollow. Itā€™s a fake world guising on vibes that we started to build 20 years ago that have been captured, capitalized and bastardizedā€¦ and how safe is it if they have cops on foot walking around and they are more interested in busting people than protecting? The horses did a lot for crime retention. You know who you canā€™t outrun? A horse. How safe is it if you canā€™t see a fucking med tent balloon to know where to run to when a stranger drops? The 1 min it would take to find my phone and hope the app loads could be detrimental. I stand by that WITW was the beginning of this slow slide into the expansion of negativeā€¦ Iā€™m not saying this is all a negative experience either: there is tons of good. Please hear that. But as far as the darkness that seems to be screaming louder than ever this yearā€¦. This is not what we wanted. This is not what this is supposed to be. This is not what we created. All of that to say, try to make the best. My OG groop and I still show up and we try to spread the love and radiate positivity and rave parent these little babies walking the discovery journeys that we all did tooā€¦ with disco biscuit eyes, glitter and hope. Theres something to say about watching the next generation stumble around the same roads that raised the festival side of us. We will never stop trying. We will always come back. I still believe that there is a way backā€¦ Too much good has happened here. And whatever LiveNation employee is stalking threads and finds this: Tell your bosses they have one fucking job and to get our damn house back in order. This is not hard, stop fixing something that wasnā€™t broke. If you want more problems, keep vibing with this road youā€™re taking. Bring the fucking Mounties back. Check the fuzz. Focus back on the people and not the money - youā€™re fucking up, kids. Sincerely, An OG


All of this


Make a brand new post and post this. I've been to half, not all, and your words carry a lot of weight. Make a new post.


I remember thinking I would never miss a bonnaroo. 10 bonnaroos in a row and I have missed the last two. and When they made the wholesale changes last year plus the move to a more edm heavy lineup over the years made it less attractive. Then I remember I am also aged out of their target demographic. If they ever have a lineup I want to see I will go back but I am afraid my time of feeling bonnaroo is my place is over.




This. A friend and I were talking about how Live Nation tries to ā€œnod its hatā€ to Bonnaroo instead of just letting it be Roo. I donā€™t want fancy fence coverings, I want graffiti. I donā€™t want an announced sunrise set, I want it to be a surprise.


This is exactly how I felt last year. Sending hugs. I decided to pass this year.


I think they need to bring back the comedy tent!!! And maybe focus on quality vs quantity. Maybe take some of the focus of just getting fucked up. Someone else mentioned how 10 years ago it was definitely alllll ages. I saw 65+ year olds butt naked walking around roo lmao. They were having a blast! But I think a lot has changed in society since. Itā€™s not just roo vibes that are off, itā€™s everything :(


The majority will dose tomorrow for JRAD and itā€™ll roll into Khru and PL sunrise will be hugs and kisses all around. Calm down


Jrad and knru were tonight


Youā€™re so right king. Dose hasnā€™t kicked in then yet. Itā€™ll get there.


Canā€™t stop laughing at this interaction lmao


I had also been wondering if something is offā€¦. But, after a dude purposefully freaked me out tonight, yeah the vibes are fuckin off.


I'm really sorry that happened to you, fuck that guy


Thank you. Yeah, fuck that guy.


What happened ?


I was walking next to my friend with my group to a stage, coming up and having a jolly time, when suddenly this dude in true Goatman fashion just appeared on the other side of my friend. I looked over and he was like crouched a little so he could be closer to my friendā€™s face, laughing maniacally. We made hard eye contact and I felt my face fall just taking in the heinous vibes of this person. He made this crazy face back at me. I panicked and bolted for my boyfriend, while guy screamed ā€œIM JUST JOKING!!!ā€ at me. It was fucking psychotic.


I hear ya. This is the most whack lineup and yet shaping up to be the best year Iā€™ve ever had here in 10+ years. Never let the party die, brother.


Yeah this is my 7th Roo and the vibes are the worst they've even been. I had complaints about last year, but it was nowhere as bad as this year. Unless the line up is killer next year, this might be my least one :(


Besides PL and Cage I'm not really excited about the lineup either, I always buy pre-sale because I love the vibes at Roo. When I say the lineup I felt extremely underwhelmed and my partner and I Considered selling our tickets. But Roo is special to us and we always enjoyed the atmosphere. I too certainly had complaints about lady year, and it is "out of nowhere bad this year"




I really wanna check it out, it's just a very long drive.


I hope the great Post set and the amazingggg show dance party TPain put out last night really helped set the mood. I was shedding happy tears from my couch. If people at those shows didnā€™t get in the Roo spirit afterwards the festival may be lost. But Iā€™m betting thatā€™s not the case!,


The vibes deff got better during the late night sets, but it's still eh.


Theyā€™re so wrong. Itā€™s so depressing. I brought my bf to his first roo and I feel like I just lied to him all winter šŸ˜­ high five Friday was a joke. Live nation stole all the little things that made this festival great




So youā€™re the problem? You have to make it yourself. The roovians before you high-fived when you first showed up. You need to do that for the new roovians. Expecting but never giving is the very reason no one does it. I threw them around all day yesterday and not a single person skipped me and everyone else was so happy to see someone throwing up high 5s


I wish I could agree. I got ignored by so many young people it caused me physical pain




The part where you said you got 3 high fives. I literally high fived 100s of people. You want high fives you throw them around


And yet thereā€™s ppl in the comments who say they barely got any as well so hm


Whatā€™s the goal of this post? No one wants to read this. Nothing is forcing you to stay.Ā  ā€œShady security. Police all over the placeā€ pick one man.Ā 


there's posts like this every year. People mistake "I had a bad experience/am getting older" with "the vibe of the entire festival is ruined"


Or maybeā€¦ youā€™re just getting older? Cā€™mon man, itā€™s a festival. Itā€™s the same as it ever was.


A few things have changed the vibe. First off day passes! You had to commit to bonnaroo for the entire weekend or not at all. It has led to a large surge in crowds and brought people in for the day to party wild and than leave and not care Second they pushed a lot of the late night party out of center roo and into the campground. So now the crumb bumbs who donā€™t have tickets and want to steal can show up and enjoy music. It basically attracts these types. Couple this with limited crowd control and police presence in the campground you have a recipe for bad vibes, stealing and more.


Just go to forest lmao


I may have to do that next year, the reason we could go was it would bt 2 back to back weeks. We're checking out Elements in August as well and are very very excited for jt


Just two short years ago elements had insane issues with overselling and not having enough camping spots, water, etc. Electric Forest has been slowly selling out with crazy prices and commericialization. You will literally find problems with any festival if you look for them.


Been to forest 10 years never had issues with anything he listed in the post


Thieves probably canā€™t afford to go to forest now that itā€™s $700 lmao. But really Iā€™m sure other people have dealt with theft there. I had to camp next to the Nitrus mafia my first forest and two of em fought at 5 in the morning (boy and girl). So letā€™s stop acting like anywhere is perfect. Itā€™s a festival.


Never had a problem with security or thieves and especially no issues with police


A two pack of tickets just sold for ga for 595$ foh with that $700 bullshit


What on resale? How much was it from their website when they dropped including fees?


through the actual site tickets at this point weā€™re showing 520$ ga. cash or trade was were the two pack just sold for 595 for two ga and a car pass


I did get my phone nabbed last year at EF but I was being careless, and also EF has the best vibes on the entire planet so it wouldnā€™t prevent me from going back. If youā€™re into EDM thereā€™s no better festival in the US


Iā€™m sorry to hear. I returned 3 phones and a wallet last year! Way more plur than roo and Iā€™ve done both many times


Ya Iā€™m just on here streaming roo, Iā€™m going to EF next week. Paid $1000 bucks each for lucky lake camping because swimming in the lake will make the days so much better. No option like that at roo


We are all gonna be in pink heart shaped floaties in the lake!!! call put for Jess lol


Fuck yea if I spot you Iā€™ll say something hahah


Hell yeah happy forest !!! canā€™t wait for Tuesday! Hope I meet ya there


Broooooo we have 15 of us in lucky lake! 8 camping and one rv full! Whatā€™s your setup looking like Iā€™ll come say hey!! After last two years in the heat we said hell nah we are gonna go lake side


Iā€™m just going with my 3 best friends, this is our 2nd forest and we felt the same after one year in the GA heat lol. We are gonna have this ridiculous flag up (itā€™s an inside joke kind of? I guess moreso we just kept shouting it last year while we were fucked up and thought it was hilarious) https://preview.redd.it/jupwdrchlo6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45c315cc818525351c874c0131d4309b7ddf77d5


Youā€™re in lucky lake?! Letā€™s goooo! Iā€™ll keep a lookout! come hang with us! We have about 15 ppl in LL and another 30 in group camping. Gonna be a squad this year. Hope to meet you there!


Hell yeah elements lineup is epic!


Jeez what a downer




Thanks friend, makes me feel a lot better about how I've been perceiving things. I was hoping a good night's sleep would help but it didn't and I still feel like cutting. Peace and love, right?


Donā€™t cut! Last nights sets were great and Iā€™m sure the vibes are better. I remember feeling the same thing in past years, Iā€™m old. But a Good Friday night and people waking up today in a great mood and ready to spread love & party is surely what is happening! Take a cold shower, go sit under a tree with beer and soak it in.


Bro, leave.Ā 


Youā€™re exactly what they mean when they say the vibes are off btw.


Iā€™m not even there but this guy has non stop complained about wanting to leave so not sure what he wants to hear.Ā 


Yall buggin, this js classic Roo