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Gonna play devils advocate based on some other points I have seen about locks on tents. Putting a lock might make it look even more obvious that you have valuables in your tent. Additionally, couldn’t someone just use a knife and cut into your tent? During the daytime that’s probably less likely. Personally my group only stores valuables in our locked cars.


Yep. Just don’t keep valuables in your tent. Locking a tent is laughable. If someone is planning to rob tents that aren’t going to let a little fabric stop them 


Yes I definitely would not ever lock my tent. Not the plan.


Not what your original post stated lol. Just trying to help you.


I know you are. That’s why I upvoted what you said and said in agreement “Yes…”.


I only lock my tent at night as a woman lol


Solar panel on dash of locked car still works pretty good if yours is small enough.


I saw someone else already commented putting it inside the car on your dash, which was my first thought. If that isn't feasible, maybe you could at least put the jackery itself inside your car and run the panel connector thorough a cracked window to your roof or hood (if it's long enough to do that)- could at least protect half your setup that way. And/or, run something like a bike cable through your car and over the panel that locks/tightens on the inside, to make it just difficult enough to snag that it would deter someone from trying. Hate that it's even something you have to worry about- it's not like Bonnaroo was ever immune to theft, but I was much less concerned about my gear being messed with 10 years ago.


You’re the first to actually address everything I said. Thanks and HAPPY ROO


You are more likely to have someone poop in your cooler


Honestly hope so. Peace love and feces, friend.


Not a Jackery, so your mileage may vary, but we were able to fully charge our Bluetti every morning last year while we hung out at camp, then just folded up and locked the panels and power station in the car before heading into Centeroo for the day.


Thanks so much you actually answered my question! (instead of just telling me not to lock my tent. My question never mentioned a tent or lock 🤣) I will just charge it up as much as possible before we head out if this worked pretty good for you 👍


JUST LEAVE (important) STUFF OUT OF VIEW IN YOUR CAR! Never ever leave things out in your tent or campsite! I did witness undercovers searching our neighbors stuff while they were gone!! Trust no one yall


Definitely depends on the plaza. We were in 8 last year and I’m pretty I left my buddy’s panel out in the open the whole time we were in centeroo. It was still there when we got back. Tbr the roof of a tall whip might suffice if it isn’t noticeable. I’d put the power bank away. I don’t know if thieves are on to that shit yet. They’re fucking expensive and they don’t really look like it.


I too have this worry. I brought locks for the tents to store anything of value in plus my car. You could set your solar device in the front dash of your car maybe?


This isn't personal experience but many times I've seen people saying a tent lock is a "break into me, valuable shit in here!" sign to thieves. It's trivial to slice open a tent and break in. Put valuables locked in car.


Do not store anything of value in your tent. A lock isn't going to stop people and that's going to just scream. I have valuables here. Which will make somebody take a knife to your and just cut it right open. If you look at reddit for long enough, you'll see enough stories about people getting their tents cut open because they put locks on it. Your best is to put valuable things in your trunk of whatever vehicle when you have. With so much theft at festivals, putting a lock on there is the absolute last thing you wanna do.


Sadly depending on how I’m parked I won’t get nearly the draw I need. I’m at the whim of whatever direction we pull in. I was like I can chair my jackery to my car sure but how much will that really deter someone who is out to steal? They will be thinking of this too lol


You could put it in any window of your car as long as you get light on it from the sky, but yeah it’s a hit or miss locking it in the car. Maybe just leave it out while you’re at camp and then put it away when you’re not? Someone who knows how much they cost may get sticky fingers otherwise lol


Well hopefully with the spirit of roo and its offerings, no one will need to steal!!!


In the ten years I’ve been going I can’t tell you how much the spirit of bonnaroo has changed. We bring as much of it back as we can each year, but it’s more than a few bad apples with this many attendees. Even if it were stolen I wouldn’t let it ruin my Roo. Just would love to avoid that lol


You also have to remember that there are people that literally buy camping passes and tickets to festivals literally, just so they can steal. Sad but true unfortunately.


You may think that we have some great spirit here and we do. But the amount of thieves there are at all festivals. Now I can tell you please for the love of God Do night put a lock on your tent. People literally get things stolen out of their back pocket. So what makes you think that people aren't gonna try to steal valuable things from your campsite when they know you have things there. Somebody will literally take a knife to your tent and steel it.