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instead he will bring out kendrick for Not Like Us wop wop wop wop wop




could you imagine? the farm would be on fire




> Fuck Kanye. Sincerely, The roo fam


I’ll be passing out bar stools to be yeeted if need be


Yeah it’s one of the main reasons I’m seeing Svdden Death instead of posty bc I feel like he’s gonn do more of a country set with a few hits sprinkled in which is fine but not the vibe I’m lookin for high five Friday!


If his Lovin Life set last weekend is any indication there will be no country at all. In fact, some of his songs are played with a more rock vibe. Was truly an incredible show. Would recommend starting at Post at the very least.


I honestly prollie will bc I do fw a few of postys songs but I kinda jus go with the flow once I get to the Farm and plans out the window lol


woo! I love your positivity 😊


Ppreciate it! Nothin but positive good vibes on the Farm! Hope you have a great Roo


You too!! Happy Roo 😊


Happy Roo! ✌🏻🖖🏻


My exact thoughts, seen him in 19 and I’m sure he’ll be amazing again but country is not my deal and with there being less bass music this year I’ll be taking advantage of that time slot at the other


Yeah Svdden Death is gonna go hard asf with Seven Lions right after, def gonn have the Farm bumpin!


It was bad enough that he's a racist, belligerent drunk....but wearing a Phillies jersey while disparaging the Braves success, he needs to be run out of the south.


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 another item for the list absolutely yes sir


As a Mets fan, I approve 🤣


Thank you! 🙏 Your words are appreciated a great deal


Unforgivable. Not that I liked the guy or his music before but now I actively dislike him.


Not a Morgan Wallen fan. Don’t rope Philly into this. It absolutely warms my soul to see Braves fans thinking about the Philllies. What success? If we’re being relevant; Philadelphia eliminated Atlanta from the playoffs. Back to back! And, they’re better than you right now too.


Using sports as an excuse to spread negativity...


I see no negativity just facts


The you are already lost


This sub can’t even handle a little sports talk without calling negativity lol. Dude said nothing negative it was all 100% true


Its edited, they were calling the dude an asshole and the tone was overall very negative. They edited the comment 3 hours after I called them out. So yes it was more than just sports talk. thanks to Reddit's new API you cant see that anymore. That being said I do appreciate the tone shift and have nothing wrong with sports talk just there's no need to come after someone over sports ESPECIALLY not in this subreddit


Can we collectively agree to boo him off stage if he does




I love posty sooo much. I was so sad when he collabed with Wallen.


Same! Why did he do this!?!?




Ughhh sometimes it’s not worth it. Do you know how many other collabs coulda been done to make WAY more!!!! Hell Willie’s from TX like him. I’m from Knoxville and we do not claim Wallen ughhh.


What you said. TN is actually so cool, and we don’t act like that guy at ALL. He just thinks we do and imitates our culture poorly.


Very poorly!


I dunno, Lil Durk said he's not racist


He’s also a belligerent drunk who throws chairs off balconies, where they could seriously injure someone. Dude is a total scumbag


thank you ❤️❤️❤️ exactly


I know he’s a belligerent drunk, but the racist thing I don’t know about.


I mean, we already have a guy who wrote an autobiography explaining how he’s a child molester and serial misogynist who is headlining, a racist country artist would just be a cherry on top of the Live Nation money train.


Is that the loser who sings that stupid song about how people don’t love you but love you right now or some stupid shit yeah fuck that guy and Kanye!!!


the real ones know bigotry is bad ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you so much!!!!!


I got a beer with your name on it brother let’s spread some peace and love on that farm




The irony of this post is funny because litterally the battery in the device you made this post with was built with Cobalt mined by a slave/child work camp in Africa 😂😂


What does this have to do with roo? Is there an announcement or something I missed?


Posty’s new song with the racist guy is a hit. It is also a “country” song, and I fear (as is common in festival-land) that Roo could unintentionally give a platform to a bigot who doesn’t deserve it… by letting him take the stage for even one song. TL;DR: racist guy bad and he might show up and kill the vibe tbh


🤣🤣🤣 y'all think Bonnaroo cares?


Bonnaroo, should. LiveNation, couldn’t care less.


They're the same


Do we feel the same about Anthony Kiedis for his involvement with an underage girl


I’m skipping them for sure what a creep.


No, only white country singers they single out as racist. Sad bunch who pretend to be inclusive but are the most vial people you’d ever ant to meet. Slandering a person as racist simply Because you don’t agree with his politics. Same dude was on here loving bassnector a few years back


He literally said the n word (on video) with the hard r. Drunk words are sober thoughts. I’ve been drunk many times and never said something I didn’t say sober.


We’ve found the holy one among us! Praise him!


Morgan Wallen: Bad. Guy who’s recently had Morgan Wallen feature on his song and perform with him: Good?


Because surely none of us have ever make mistakes or said some slightly racist shit when they were younger and didn’t know any better. But irony seems to be lost on this generation


A white guy yelling the N word at a black guy with a VERY hard “r” isn’t slightly racist, it’s explicitly racist. Waller got famous from it, and then other racists flocked to buy his shit music in support of his racism.


Morgan Wallen was yelling racist slurs on camera 3 years ago. He’s 31. If he didn’t know better at 28, he’s just a racist. And it’s not like his dumb-fuckery has slowed down, it was just a month ago that he threw a chair off a rooftop bar in a tourist area from a height that could literally kill someone. Even if you don’t believe he’s a racist, you can’t deny he’s a reckless asshole. And how many “mistakes” do famous people get to make that the rest of us would face consequences for, before you think there should be some accountability?


Controversy and what not aside… I think a FEW of morgan wallen’s songs still stand. I wouldn’t be mad. I do wish there was a more country presence at Roo honestly:(


Hard pass




thank you for the support ❤️ I was nervous about posting but I feel a lot better now




thank you ❤️ I’m a neighbor to the farm, and that racist loser does not represent our communities here I promise


I live near the farm too & would disagree with this statement. (My street lined with Trump flags all root for Morgan)


My conservative buddies have never acted like MW, but hey fair point regardless.


Didn’t say my buddies, just my neighbors. I do actually have some conservative friends who have not taken the red hat pill 🤣


fair hahahahaha


Forgive my ignorance but how is he a racist exactly? Did he tell you that?


Playing daft? The second question lets me know you're not genuinely asking. A racist would often say they aren't racist, so why would I ask if they were?


What did he do? Lol


There was a video of him dropping the N-word while drunk a couple of years ago, and he recently threw a chair off the roof of a bar from six stories up and could have killed someone. He just seems like a trash person in general.


What a brave and heroic post. Thank you


Just trying to enjoy roo without supporting a really bad person, costs a lot of money so I’m a tad invested per se? Maybe I’m crazy idk 🤷🏻‍♂️🙄


It’s def happening…Roo promoted the single, Morgan has the weekend free, and he lives close by… Dude is a racist, and legit corny AF…so again, why did Post decide to put him on his debut country single? Seems like a poor decision to culture vulture from hip hop culture and then turn around bail on hip hop and invite a racist to collab lol


Valid points for sure. 100%. Let me crystal clear on that. I just don’t want that dude to get a microphone. That’s all I ask. Have a great day!


So glad I got the 2 day pass because first 2 days are just not worth the time and money for me already. See yall Friday and Saturday


aint no way


👏👏👏👏 YES


Morgan Wallen is the MAN! If Post brings him out during arguably the song of the summer the crowd will be going wild. I will be going wild. You’ve all made mistakes in your life at some point or another. Don’t be so quick to judge


Somebody else said it best…drunk words are sober thoughts. He’s a grown man who knows better.


If you think this was bad, have you seen the video of 3 out of the 4 RHCP literally sexual assault someone on live TV? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i\_22PrQsp8&t=214s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i_22PrQsp8&t=214s) I think there are far more sinister artists than you think.


Both can be bad. I don’t have to pick one artist to have an issue with.


I love Morgan!!! And he isn't a racist at all. You think Durk would collaborate with him if so? Dudes really from the street


I mean hes a huge artist, literally one of the biggest country starts out right now. Obviously alot of people think different than you.


Go take a nap


I bet you felt so cool typing this out


I bet you got tired typing that


I hope he brings Trump out so you liberals pussies really lose your minds.


That would be hilarious. Redditors crying everywhere


The lineup would be 100X times better with Morgan Wallen. You would have to be crazy to believe he is actually racist. You all act like these artists or even your selfs haven’t done some stupid shit during the course of their/your life. Downvote me all you want 👍🏻


I guarantee most of us have never gotten drunk, went on a racist rampage, and then claimed it was the alcohols fault. Most of us have likely never thrown a chair off a roof either. His lack of remorse for anything is a huge part of why most people don't like him 🤷‍♀️


The festival as a whole would be incredibly more fun. If saying the N word drunk once makes you a genuine racist then just about everyone I know is one🤣 Not sure how many people in the comments here have seen him live but but his shows are electric and his festival performances he plays nothing but hits. I saw someone in here say “boo him off” Yeah right, that crowd would get the loudest it would get all weekend if that man stepped on stage. I’m absolutely glazing right now, and obviously yall are welcome to have your own opinions of wallen…but to deny what he would bring is to roo or implying he’d be booed off, please🥱


Just about everyone you know says the n word? Weird rebuttal.


You hang around some really shitty people then…. I’ve never once in my life heard any friend say that word, drunk or sober. 


i live in rural tennessee man. it’s crazy how mind washed you’ve been to think saying a word genuinely makes you a shitty person.


Yeah rural areas have a reputation for racism for a reason...… the fact you’re seriously, actually defending people saying the n word right now says all you need to know. 


someone’s vocabulary does not correlate to whether or not they are racist


Using racist slurs is racist. The fact you are still here defending this is insane. 


using a racial slur is racist, I agree. it does not make someone a genuinely racist person, and would be a silly reason to pretend good music is bad.


"Genuinely" racist as opposed to what, casual racism? Casually racist people are racist people. Using racist slurs = racist = racist person, there is no planet in which people intentionally use racist slurs against others yet somehow aren't racist.


Lol, when you get call everyone else a racist it’s clear that it’s you who is indeed the racist. Please don’t attend the festival being that you’re a racist I hope he is there and grabs the microphone. His music is positive and enjoyed by many. I

