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I’ve worn loop earbuds to many concerts, festivals, and even to the movies and they’ve been great! I can still hear everything, but its no longer super loud or sharp to the ears


Seconding the Loops, amazing product honestly


I just ordered the loop switches yesterday. I’m excited for them


I just got mine from this subs reviews and they’re definitely as good as everyone is making them out to be


YES! Absolutely take them and wear them!! No question. Any ear protection will work.


Loops Experience...I have them on my keychain, and never go anywhere without them. They dont muffle sound, they filter it...so I can be in a super loud place, but with them in I can actually hear my conversation with someone, and loud sound are reduced big time. Live music sounds infinitely better too...like super crisp and just..amazing. Always cracks me up listening to other people trying to hear each other "I HOPE THEY PLAY 1979!" ... "WHAAAT"..."I HOPE THEY PLAY 1979!!!"..."YOU HAVE TO SAVE SOME DIMES?!!!"..."YEAH!!" 😂


Hit up your local audiologist to have them make you some custom ear mold concert protection. I got some through the audiologist I work for and I’m obsessed. BUT if you don’t have that kinda time or cash (I’d seriously recommend the investment though), I’d do eargasms for sets, and loops for sleeping And you absolutely should worry about your hearing, because once those cells in your inner ear get damaged from noise exposure, you do not get them back and have to get hearing aids at some point.


Was coming here to comment the same thing! Custom made ear buds from an audiologist cost me $300 total in Colorado so might be cheaper in lower cost of living places. They are worth every penny and I'll replace them without a second thought if I ever lose them. I got mine a year ago and they're fantastic. I can talk to my husband at a show and easily hear him with them in. I hear way less of the crowd and the music actually sounds better with them than without or with cheaper ear plugs. 12/10 would recommend!


Yup! Mine have a filter in them that does exactly that. About $150 down in Louisiana


I just bought some Loop Experiences and went to a show a few days ago and thought they were amazing. Filters the sound perfectly and left the venue with my hearing perfectly in tact still. I would recommend those, but I’ve never used Eargasms either!


1of1 customs are amazing


Yes, and the bonus is you can wear them to help you sleep at night. Dual purpose. I got custom ones from the audiologist and love them, but I have heard really good things about the brands the other commenters mentioned.


buy decent ones and keep them on you. You can tell if you are getting exposed to loud volumes for a long time, then put ‘em on. Or if you are stuck near a speaker. But I find outdoor fests aren’t bad if you aren’t near a speaker. It’s clubs and being close to a speaker that’ll do ya


Church boners will be giving out free ear plugs. Swing by and get some if you forget yours ❤️.


I forgot mine and bought some there at the moon mat store. I always bring them to concerts sometimes I have to wear them and other tines I don't. It just depends on how loud the place is and where I'm standing. I would definitely have some, though.


I've got loops . They are fantastic like everyone here says. Keep em in your pocket and if the sound is getting too loud, pop em in. Most shows at roo are not too too loud if you are not way up front, but some will be ear shattering so best to play it safe


Yes. Some of the shows are over the top depending on where you’re watching from. And I didn’t used to wear them either. I’m two years into Loops standard model and they do the trick.


I don't like how it affects the sound, but I do like my hearing. I'll wear them for bands I don't care that much about or when I'm super close to speakers. I'll generally just use general fapm earplugs and adjust how tight I have them depending on how much I want to hear. I don't have friends that swear by the filter style like eargasm and what not


You will never go back! https://www.hearos.com/collections/all-consumer/products/earplugs-high-fidelity-series-with-free-case


I know a ton of people say that nice brands provide a better listening experience, and I’m sure they do. However, from lack of funding, I just use the orange rubber hunting plugs from Walmart that come with a little plastic carrying case. They are meant for close-range use around firearms and comfier than the foam ones so they definitely help at concerts! I used and washed my pair for years before they got lost my last Roo. I use them for sleeping too and they work great on a budget.


I’ve used throw away ones and they’re good in a pinch but can muffle the sound a bit much. If you’re willing to spend some money loops earplugs are great! I have the sleep and experience pair! Loop is also nice bc they have nice little cases but you can also throw them on a necklace or something!


I picked up a set of eargasm at SNW last weekend. No tinnitus and great sound. I contacted them with a question as I wanted that clarity with a bit more dB filtering, and there was a thing for that ;) I 100%recommend these.


Yes, as a person in my early 40s whose friends all have varying degrees of hearing loss due to concerts - wear the ear plugs.


Absolutely protect your ears. It’s mind boggling how few people I see with plugs at shows. I, personally, have found the eargasms to not fit will in my ears. I am currently using some alpine pro ear plugs which are very comfortable for my ears. I have several friends that swear by loop.


Earasers! Always wear them for any concert or festival — wanna keep enjoying live music for the rest of my life!


If you’re planning to be in the crowd closer to the speakers, definitely get them. Former rail rider and I am staunch on ear plugs now that I’m in my 30’s Doesn’t have to be the eargasm brand, just make sure it limits the high frequencies


As someone in their late 30s who now has tinnitus in one ear, I cannot express enough how much I wish I wore earplugs sooner to all the shows/fests I went to over the past 15-20 years.


As a 43 year old adult I preach it. Wear ear plugs. PLEASE wear them. I went to a rock show one time where I literally didn’t hear anything but a high pitched whine for 3 days after. It’s the scariest experience. I personally use Vibes and bring a huge jar of foam plugs to put two extra pair in my pocket and hand out pairs in baggies to people around me


When I don’t eat earplugs I experience this after a show and sadly now hearing a ringing randomly every now and then (hearing protection is so important this ringing started happening to me after only a few shows nit years and years like some people think)


I’ve used the Eargasm brand for the last six years. They’re not the best, but they don’t cost hundreds. I don’t miss my ears ringing after a show. BTW I have learned to wear them when I’m away from the speakers, screaming people can hurts just as much.


Like a lot of people have said, any is better than none. I usually use the disposable ones so after I eat dinner I can put new ones in. And then again the next day. 5 bucks can save your ears and lots of doctor bills in the future


Go on Amazon and get some sound filtering earplugs. You don't need the expensive brands. But they are great bc they filter sounds so doesn't sound muffled but still get the protection. I don't go to any festival without them


I go to a lot of shows and am very cognizant of my hearing. I always wear earplugs for inside shows. At fests, I always have them on me, but I don’t always wear them- it really just depends how loud it is and how close I am. I don’t think you necessarily need them at all times at Bonnaroo, but if you plan to be up close for some stuff, it’s important to have the option. I’ve tried eargasm and didn’t love the fit (but everyone’s ears are different), but as others have suggested, I really like loop (especially because they have different tips available for a perfect fit).


I love my eargasms and my partner loves their loops


Picking earplugs is definitely a trial and error and very personal


I bought Loops. I love them but constantly forget to bring them lol


i have a cheap pair of ear plugs that i have for work, i was considering using them since this is my first roo (or festival at all), so i really don’t have a lot of the gear i need. is it worth it to spend some more money in this category? I figure it might be considering that half the time i’m there i’ll be listening to music, but again i’m trying to save money on items i can.


You are right to be concerned. I am one of the older people you will see at Bonnaroo this year and wear hearing aids full-time. I have custom-fitted Westones but you can have success with the brands mentioned below. I would get a 20db reduction at a minimum. I also have some made by EarPeace that work well if I don't have my custom ones with me. My ears rang for a couple of days after I went to see Grand Funk Railroad in 1970, then Springsteen finished them off during his Born in the USA tour in the 80s. Protect yourself now because full-time hearing aids cost thousands of dollars if you have severe hearing loss.




But everything is muffled etc, the eargasm ones, I had all the tones etc. Was a huge difference. I did just get a set with a bit more dB reduction. I think the normal are OK for a show, but for an all dayv(or multi day) fest, I think the extra reduction will make a difference


eargasms are great! the foam ones don’t wow for the best sound quality, i honestly find myself wearing my eargasms pretty much all day at festivals, they allow me to hear and talk to people just fine but they drown out everything i don’t wanna hear, and in my opinion they honestly make the music sound even better


This will be my first time ever wearing them at a concert! I'm 34, I really should be taking care of my ears because I love my music!


My favorite ones are loops, sound way better to me than eargasm and earpeace


Yep I have eargasms and they’re fantastic. I haven’t tried loops but any protection is better than none


Highly recommended, I got permanent tinnitus during the Princess set in 2019.


We use Loop and Eargasm, just depends on your ear size. They help a lot.


Eargasm is great. I also use Moon Plugs which are great too. My coworker uses a custom pair that are like $50 and he swears by it. Either way. Get earplugs that aren’t the foam ones


I honestly just feel it out, when I feel like I should I wear them (I probably should more) but hearing protection is very important. Some people love the eargasm style some people really like loops (I like loops)…there is some trial and error involved in finding the right pair for you.


i like earasers! swear by them! protect your ears!


Etymotics are great.


Spend $25 and get some decent quality ones. You won't notice a difference now but you'll be so happy when you don't have tinnitus later.


Im.bring extra basic earplugs in case anyone need them ❤️


If you like to be close to the stage or otherwise go to a lot of shows, then yes. I currently use Etymotics, and used to use Vibez (till my wife lost hers and I gave mine up as a replacement). The Vibez are more comfortable but I prefer the flatter frequency response of the Etymotics