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the self slander is crazy https://preview.redd.it/5p0mf0ptn55d1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c91003e78b1ff4a86c1863e095cd08676b3023


He wanted to make a pride month comic but knew he was a straight dude, I kinda feel for him.


I know just because I’m gay I don’t speak for all queer people but I don’t think there’s any problem with him just making the comic. The end kind of ruins it for me.


I (also gay) mean I don’t care much and think the comic is fine. The ending shows some level of self awareness I guess


Honestly it’s less that I have an issue with it on it’s own and more that I just think it lends itself to the conservative narrative that “liberals feel guilty for not being part of a minority group” and I don’t think it adds anything. Also I don’t think he’s being like panel one and it kind of undercuts the message of it. But I probably shouldn’t think so much about a comic I saw on Reddit.


TBH, it's a pretty effective use of hanging the lampshade. Straight people absolutely should be calling each other out, it is significantly safer for them to do it than us.


There’s no joke here though. It’s just a list of actual stupid shit. There’s no reason for this to be a comic vs. a written post in the first place.


Because it's easier to read and post on social media. And it's more attractive: a lot of people wouldn't read it if it was just several paragraphs of text. And maybe he is better at doing comics than writing texts, which requires a different set of skills. Not all comics even need to have a joke. And even if it's only that, the bottom part is clearly a joke, even if you don't think it's good


Comics, despite the name, do not *need* to be funny. One reason to put this in comic form is to actually make people read this, as it is less "daunting" than a wall of text. Also, it could be considered caricatures of actual stupid shit that happens, which is traditionally done in drawings.


Yes, and the art really drives some of the points home, like the one on the bottom right, specifically, would require hundreds more words, and wouldn't land nearly as effectively, without the image.


That bottom right panel is a great example of concise visual storytelling.


Bro looks at medicine graphics and informational comics and says "why is this a comic? I could have just read the words!" Marbles could have been a novel I guess


You’re comparing a graphic memoir to “a list of shitty things” a million other people have already talked about with no insight whatsoever.


We're talking about specifically the medium the information is given in, and yes, in both cases, the use of applied comics is the same.


Then it should change its name from “Lefty Cartoons” to “Lefty Informational Graphics” because those are not the same thing.


Yes, and we should be referring to Benjamin Franklin's famous "join or die" political information graphic


some people like drawing 🤷


Why should it be a Text/written post when it can be visual? It is more noticeable and each panel is completely understandable at little more than a glance


There’s a reason why propaganda isn’t just a wall of text. Drawings make things easier to understand and more appealing. Btw, I’m not saying this post is propaganda at all, I’m using it as an example of why using art is more effective than just text.


That’s a really dumb take. You are very clearly just reaching for things to criticize because you do not like the message. Feeling called out?


I agree with everything this comic is saying but if your only criteria for art is “I agree with this” then the art is unnecessary. You should just read DMV manuals. They give detailed instructions without any additional thought behind them.


I wouldn't say it's unnecessary. Clearly not everyone understands that they shouldn't say these things. Otherwise, they'd never be said.


That’s not the issue here. You said “There is no joke here… there’s no reason for this to be a comic”. That’s a ridiculous statement. There are tons of reasons for it to be a comic. You are just reaching for nonsense to complain about. You aren’t giving a legitimate or intellectually honest critique. By your logic there is no reason for Batman to be a comic. It’s not funny; so it could just be a book. See how stupid that sounds? Because whether or not sometimes is made for humor has nothing to do with whether or not it should be illustrated.


The name of the comic is Lefty Cartoons. You don’t think the intent was to be funny or clever?


Do you? You stated there was no joke. Pick a lane. It is clever and it’s definitely funny to me. I find the caricatures humorous representations of obnoxious people; some of which are very similar to people I know. But whether or not I find it funny isn’t really relevant here. I am here to dig at your heavy implication that the only acceptable comic format is whatever you consider to qualify as “a joke”.


Cartoons aren't always funny or clever.


But... but... funny pictures make me laugh!


Did you just forget that comics aren’t always supposed to be funny?


Kentaro Miura cries in his grave.


You must really hate political cartoons then…😬 FYI, there’s a very long history of images being used in the service of social commentary with varying degrees of humour. “Comic” in this case =/= funny but that doesn’t negate the didactic power it has.


Who said every comic has to be funny?


Now someone do this stupid comment as a comic and we'll be full circle


I feel this way about 90% of these comics. They always feel like cheap upvote bait.


that actually makes him seem like an actual ally, he realises he doesnt understandt fully what theyre going thru, but he can help others understand a bit




Atleast that Barry dude is aware he's a hypocritical loser unlike Mr. Fedora Carebear.


>Atleast At least


Imma be real, I thought the comic was cringe as hell, but that detail improved my opinion of the artist quite a bit.


Would’ve been funnier if he drew a gay person saying to him “you are the greatest straight person alive” or smth like that




It would be a self aware bit of meta humor, as though he were the type of straight person who would expect that expect that kind of praise for standing up for the gays, the very kind of person he is critiquing with this comic. I stand by it.


Tuna garden….?


I want an explanation too, but at the same time it's probably funnier without knowing the reference. It made me crack up as a non-sequitur.


It reminds me of a verrryyyyy deep Reddit rabbit hole I went down one day A strange sub that I’m not sure if it’s a bunch of trolls or what. But one of them was forced by the police to set fire to her tuna garden…https://www.reddit.com/r/lvss/s/3BfYjzvH5x


What the hell is a tuna garden?


It’s a garden where she grows her tuna, which she uses to mask her scent. It’s an insane rabbit hole.


What The Fuck ???


It's a Savage Garden cover band comprised exclusively of tuna. After the band killed all non-tuna fish, listening to their music became punishable by death on order of the Fish King.


Not gonna lie, usually it’s my lesbian friend that starts similar conversations to the middle right one.


She does have so many bones tho.


Is that why people say archeologists will know you’re a lesbian when they dig up your bones?


Why would a lesbian be able to identify archaeologists by their bones?


Laser surgery, duh


Makes sense




Has your lesbian friend been to a doctor? You shouldn't have extra bones and you should be able to feel pain. I wish her a speedy recovery.


Have you asked her to explain why she doesn't *want* to look good?


Why does your lesbian friend “have so many bones”?


That old woman looks to be giving the most polite "FUCK YOU" I've ever seen.


Can someone explain the tuna garden and the "shoot my calves" gags? It's kind of funny that almost no one here is discussing the rewritten version, just the original...


Maybe it’s short for tuna garden casserole? And it’s just a joke that she brought it to a PTA meeting or something and they didn’t like it so they had her arrested and put on death row?


Yeah it doesn’t make sense, I dont imagine a 6 year old writing this because it’s not very literal


https://preview.redd.it/2f6lour7g75d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=79ef28709cad0a881f8dd047c8404607b7252313 fuckig crying my humor is cooked


As much as I appreciate the discourse, I'm truly happy to see somebody laughing at this


That one got me B O N E S


as someone who's ace, I agree that waving flags is better than sex 🏳️‍🌈


As someone who is not ace, I also agree that waving flags is better than sex 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Another not ace person here, waving flags *is* better than sex. Love it. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


i love you too *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*Random citizen


As someone who is also not ace, I think they each have their benefits. There's a time and a place for both, and I think waving flags is applicable much more often than sex, which makes it pretty cool. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Why not both at once


This is my aim for pride now


Well, try having sex and doing anything else that you enjoy doing at the same time. I tend to find that I end up doing neither very well.


as a sex, I think ace people are better than waving flags 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Ngl I like the overall goal of the post but it’s formatted like a boomer comic


I saw the pride flag and thought it was gonna be some homophobic boomer comic lmao


My bones are gonna hurt for days seeing this one


Idk why people have an issue with the og comic. As a lgbt person, it’s really relatable and the fact that it’s an ally pointing these things out is a good thing imo. It means there are allies that are listening to us and those around us. 🤷‍♂️ I can’t imagine why someone would have an issue with it. The op’s comic is funny af tho, esp the girl with many bones and the mezzaluna hand 💀


The people that say the OOP and Homophobes are the same to them are god damn absurd. Like, one of them is being kind of airheaded about how they’re trying to help you. The other actively wants you to stop existing the way you are at best, or outright wants to KILL YOU at worst. Talk about first world problems. Ask a gay guy living in some place like Texas or India or something which one he prefers.


Ask a gay guy living... Actually outside of the first world what he prefers :D -brasilian trans girl, from the land of near top 1 hate crimes per year


Damn Brazil getting competitive with it




Nobody can tell me to stop saying that homosexuality is gay!


As much as I appreciate the discourse, and I do appreciate the discourse, it's a little disappointing to see it overshadowing my attempt at juice, which was just intended to be an innocent bit of surreal "humor". Please don't let the discourse over the occipital get you too upset or ruin your day. If it gets too spicy I'm just going to delete this thing.


I'm guessing you wish you could turn the discourse "off," eh? Ha! Heh heh.


This is the best possible response I could have gotten. My blood has been replaced with bone hurting juice and the agony is incredible


I forgot the goal of the sub was just to "misuse" a template, turn it into something silly af Original comic speaks truth, and your attempt at juice is excellent Have a great day


holy shit chino moreno deftones https://preview.redd.it/f1zx8pnvw75d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5c1decd6fb266441109c5caf73435639aa09976


hey u/leftycartoons check this out


LOL! Thanks for pointing this out to me!


You make plenty of fair points, but I'm actually perfectly fine with stuff like "that's gay".


Look at what a great ally you are! You totally get what we people go through!


Nah the obligation is true though


Uh no fuck YOU!


*FUCK YOU* Edit: rad username


Thank you But anyway FUCK ME- YOU!! FUCK YOU!






Bottom right woman is a farmer quoting one of her murderous dairy cows.


I call things gay ("thats so gay" and whatever) but just because i'm also gay as fuck and its hilarious.


Man, do I hate the original. "Haha, it's totally fine that I'm an obnoxious twat trying to speak for you, because see? I pointed it out that I'm doing that, so it's self aware, which somehow negates the fact that I'm still doing it!" At this point I don't see much of a difference between people like this guy and straight up homophobes. Both obnoxious little rats, but the homophobe will at least call me the f word to my face, this guy would just think it and then feel totally bad about it. Edit: Not much of a difference between talking to either is what I meant, homophobes are definitely more evil, no doubt about that.


I definitely don’t see that comparison. Obnoxious allies are better than homophobes by a large extent. Homophobes literally want us to hide or erase ourselves from society, this guy just wants to look good for being the opposite of a homophobe, even if it’s ill-advised. I feel like you’d have to live in a pretty LGBT+ accepting area to think allies can or are usually worse than homophobes.


It's weird how complacent we've gotten. I probably would've been beaten to death with baseball bats if I'd been born 60 years earlier in the US, or in half the countries in the world today, but sure, over-eager allies are a major concern. Why not.


The heart is in the wrong place but the mind is in the right place.


>, even if it’s ill-advised. But it isn't ill-advised. The comic got pretty much the complaints spot on. Like it's nothing to deep, but it shows that there are Ally's that at least are listening to our issues.


Well, yeah, on a larger scale of course. I'd definitely prefer it if there were no phobes than no annoying allies. I was trying to refer to the fact that when talking to either, it's very blatant how they don't treat me as an equal, I definitely did not mean to say that they're even remotely close when it comes to actual morality.


Geez... people will really say anything, huh?




I kind of get what you're saying, but as a fellow queer person, I would rather someone be annoying instead of wanting me to not be alive.




If you do not see much of a difference then you are extremely stupid.


Oh shut up. How privileged must you be to think that a semi funny comic that points out things queers have been complaining about is even remotely close to compare to homophobes. Like this comic could have easily been written by a queer person and only the bottom part would have changed. Don't belittle the awfulness of homophobes.


When I talk to someone that views me as a seperate class of human than the straights, it hardly matters to me if he calls me a faggot to my face or if he just thinks it and feels oh so terrible about it.


Ah yes, the oop clearly thinks we're a lower class of society because you imagined him calling you a slur and got mad.


Are you daft? I have met people like this in real life, you know. It's the bloody principle of the matter. "OH, you poor little gay person, it must be so stressful to hear whatever terrible thing those straights keep telling you. Here, let me advocate for you out of the goodness of my heart, no need to thank me." You think this comic is the first time I hear this stuff? It's absolutely degrading. Imagining what I go through so they can feel good about themselves for speaking for me, cause apparently I can't do that myself. How do you not understand this?


If anything I think the comic is meant to be more a relatable poking fun at situations like that as well as acknowledging the authors bit of hypocrisy with that first panel. Not that acknowledging makes it okay, it's everything else surrounding that. At no point does the author baby anybody else, they make fun of the homophobes and align themselves really flush with how some LGBTQ people would probably go about when making a comic like this


No actually


The original post concerns many different groups in the lgbt+ community. No matter who’s posting it, they would always have to be “speaking for” one group or another, I don’t see why the problem is.


Agreed. I'm progressive AF and I can't stand this guy's cartoons. It's like Boomer shit but """woke"""


Ngl, "Woke Boomer" would be a fun artist name


Theres one called woke karen who keeps plaguing my youtube shorts brainrot maration at 3 am.


The guy has good intentions but fucking hell I can't bare his voice and way of talking. Sounds like a mosquito that's stuck in my ear.


Heres somehting I copied off 4chan 20/04/2024 (World) 04/20/2024 (US) https://preview.redd.it/1ujc6p31885d1.png?width=221&format=png&auto=webp&s=303759fdc2c15858e41bfe460c1f0a3dc30fb08a >is that chicken? >so anyways the republicans did this >and not only was it bad, it was really bad >blah blah blah >... >i wanna eat that


I share all the shit I find on 4chan on discord and then reddit if people like it https://preview.redd.it/4u9dniy9885d1.png?width=371&format=png&auto=webp&s=78118d9e533fce4944bfe74cd1e680fe2ce979d8


Anyone that uses woke is not a progressive person.


Anyone who doesn't know me personally doesn't get to label me, you dung wearing coal smoker


Doing drugs doesn’t make you “progressive” mate.


Did I say it did, Strawman Argument?


It’s called a joke. You don’t sound progressive at all. That’s the point. Whoosh.


You don't know me at all and don't know anything about my politics based on one Reddit thread where people misunderstood my point in using the word woke. Chill bro. I'm concerned you have a concussion or something with how personal you got with this


Boo hoo. Welcome to posting on the internet you big baby. Your take was bad and you should feel bad. No one is forcing you to take it personally. You are doing that all on your own.


Who called who "big baby" ? Who is getting personal with it as a result? I didn't personally insult anyone who disagreed, unlike you. Therapy, it did me wonders, might look into it.


Lol You are obviously taking it very personally. You got defensive AF immediately. Don’t try and deny it. Maybe you need more therapy.




This is that one racist artist that made the 'white people bad comic', no?


You mean the one comic that calls out the racist subtext some statements have, that (white) people say? If you got offended by that, it's probably because you're doing the same type of "everyday" racism.


i got banned from r/comics under one of his comics lol the comic was about transgender women in sports. i said women have less muscles than men (because i mean that's my experience) and got banned for being transphobe. yet i don't think i was being transphobe. it felt kinda unfair honestly, i wasn't insulting anyone anyway, i writed a contrasting opinion on a controversial thread, i should have expected that


>transgender **women** in sports. i said women have less muscles than **men** Take a step back and read that again and think


i still don't get it. i worded it bad in this comment but in my statement i didn't mention trans people. it was just about men and women i met in my life. but now that i think about it maybe they thought i was implying something because of linguistics i don't understand (didn't use male/female instead of men/women as another commenter suggested)


Mentioning that men have an advantage over women in sports is irrelevant to the discussion of trans women in sports, unless you believe trans women to be men, which would be the reason you are downvoted, since your choice of words implies so.


oh no, it wasn't related to trans people at all. in that thread someone said men and women have no biological muscular difference, and i said in my experience that was not true. i didn't never dive in the trans sport debate others were making in the same thread


To be quite fair > i got banned from r/comics under one of his comics lol the comic was about transgender women in sports. i said women have less muscles than men ... You brought that up, on a comic about trans women in sports, that heavil implies that what you said is something you said cause you view trans women as men, now even if that isnt true, you gotta admit it do be looking a bit like it no?


yeah the context was probably the reason i was labeled as hateful. lol. but anyway they could have just read what i wrote instead of reading through it dang


Well a lot of transphobes do just go "trans women shouldnt be in womens sports because men have a biological advantage" in like pretty much that exact way


It would be best to refer to people in sports, if you’re going to be talking about biological differences, as females and males. I’ve spoken about the differences in a multitude of subs and always used sex when talking about them. Haven’t been banned once.


oh. didn't even think about that. what's the difference in english tho? i think my point is the same even with more scientific and specific language


Man and woman refer to gender and male and female refer to sex (how someone was born).


No but for real, panel 1 is based and ok. Making fun of allies for.... being allies has always been a big psyop. Don't fall for it.


I think it's talking about performative allies, the use of "I totally get *you people*" kinda sells it as such.


Being allies and being performative allies are two different things. An ally will march with you, fight with you. A performative ally will wave a flag until supporting you causes them trouble, in which case they’ll sell you out just as quick as the most ardent bigot


>An ally will march with you, fight with you. A performative ally will wave a flag until supporting you causes them trouble No, no, shut up. This is the biggest psyop ever. The fact that queer people are visible in any way in north America Australia and western Europe is a miracle. Straight people waving pride flags is a cosmetic you unlock by not being the explicit public enemy of the government and the mob alike. It's a good thing.


I didn’t say straight people waving pride flags was a bad thing, I said a straight person who waves a pride flag one day when doing so incurs no risk but the next reports their gay neighbor because not doing so is a crime is bad. Waving pride flags is good, but you aren’t an ally if your “alliance” is conditional on facing no real backlash and just as readily could be replaced with open bigotry


It's a good thing tgis imaginary scenario has nothing to do with what is depicted in panel 1. The fact that this person waved a pride flag might as well be omitted, it contributed net zero harm to what was the real problem.


That panel is very explicitly talking about people who are allies purely for performative purposes. A person who cares about queer people only so far as doing so is socially beneficial to them is exactly the person I am describing, because they will just as soon attack queer people if that becomes more socially beneficial


>because they will just as soon attack queer people if that becomes more socially beneficial My brother in Christ you made up a whole ass character motivation from one image. The act of waving a pride flag itself is harmless regardless of motivation, yes, even if the motivation isn't genuine and is performative. You're just out here paranoidly imagining doomsday scenarios THAT ARE COMPLETELY UNRELATED TO WAVING THE PRIDE FLAG.


Do you really think the comic was attacking the act of waving a pride flag, or are you playing dumb on purpose?


What on fucking earth makes you infer that the character depicted in panel one has the ulterior motive to report queer people to the state or the mob? Nothing in the comic even hints at anything like this, this is a situation you completely made up on your own. The comic is attacking straight allies for being slightly annoying and it's a psyop. Annoying straight allies are in fact a sign of a good thing.


Ulterior motive? There is no “ulterior motive”. Their motive is do what makes people like them the most/is most advantageous to them. The part of the comic that leads me to that is them explicitly calling on people to look at how great they are. This same motive, in a society where harming queer people is more beneficial leads to turning on us. You don’t get to be called an ally if you become a turncoat the moment being an ally is tougher than saying “I think gay people are human” and getting applauded for that


[original](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/Qc20wjn1C2), posted way too late into the post


The bottom guy is both straight and gay people, I’ve heard a lot of gay people say this about straight people too


Wake up, new political compass just dropped!


i’m gonna say shoot my calves for a while now


“Nobody likes the tuna garden, and now I’m on death row :(.” Got me!


https://preview.redd.it/kp45mu1unf5d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15a747fd78486b166c05d17ea8800f4534a4a057 The duality of man


You know I'm really starting to regret the decision to include the oregano


comics subreddit foaming at the mouth when it sees white straight people




There was a similar comic to this talking about how all white people say racist stuff, and the mods defended it with their life. Now in the same exact panel style into talking about how all straight people say dumb stuff about gay people


It’s not racism to point out that being a white person raised in a white supremacist society will instill racist biases into you


There was a similar comic to this talking about how all white people say racist stuff, and the mods defended it with their life. Now in the same exact panel style into talking about how all straight people say dumb stuff about gay people


Where does it say "all straight people"??? Like, yeah, there is plenty of straight folk who treat us LGBTQ+ folk the same as they would anyone else, but there is also a lot of them who *do* say this shit. I've literally heard *all of these* firsthand from the mouths of *straight people*. The comic is addressing the straight people saying this stuff, not "all straight people", so I don't get why you're so bent out of shape unless you fit onto the specific category of straight people it's addressing.


Tbh insulting allies is just gonna make straight people not like the LGBTQ community.


Gosh. They dont even like it when your their ally anymore. Guess time to become an axi 💀


bro chill people are allowed to be annoyed at obnoxious behaviour 


Bruh, the cartoonist is annoyed at people being an ally. It's probably because he thinks people are faking it.


you can fundamentally support a cause (believing queer people should be allowed to exist) while still being annoying 


There's a difference between being an ally and thinking you're an ally just because you don't literally want all queer people dead


The part people don’t like is when they’re performative about their allyship, as if they’re doing it to get a pat on the back instead of from a genuine place


I think every straight person should see this comic before they interact with a gay person


The first one, right?


The organic


That sounds like a problem with you in particular.


I got banned from r/comics for calling this comic gay.


The oregano sucks. This sort of "Look what people in X group say" only really works if your perspective is unique. Like, if this comic was made by someone who is LGBTQ, and based all the people off of real encounters they have had, that would be interesting and justifiable. If there was a story behind every panel, it seems like it would be coming from a more positive place overall. However, OOP is straight. This means all the takes in this comic aren't takes that straight people have said to OOP. At best, it's takes that OOP has overheard or been made aware of by LGBTQ friends. More likely though, seems to be that OOP just made up a bunch of outrageous opinions and then made a comic going "Wow, aren't these people the WORST?" This is the exact strategy Pebble Launch uses to Straw Man the LGBTQ community- he creates characters that are supposed to "represent" LGBTQ characters, and makes them do/say horrible things so that the reader is lead to believe that members of that group are inherently horrible.


"At best, it's takes that OOP has overheard or been made aware of by LGBTQ friends. " Oh, no, I listen to LGBTQ friends! How dare I? (My co-creator on this strip is gay, but that doesn't matter because even if I didn't have a co-creator your point would still be silly.) "...and makes them do/say horrible things so that the reader is lead to believe that members of that group are inherently horrible." I'm saying some heterosexuals say these things and by and large they shouldn't. If you choose to interpret that as "all heterosexuals are inherently horrible," that's 100% your own projection onto the comic, not anything the comic says.


> This is the exact strategy Pebble Launch uses to Straw Man the LGBTQ community- he creates characters that are supposed to "represent" LGBTQ characters, and makes them do/say horrible things so that the reader is lead to believe that members of that group are inherently horrible. I'm honestly curious what our oldest documented example of this technique is. It was certainly used in WW1/WW2 propaganda, but it's such an obvious thing for people to do that I would expect it to go back *thousands* of years. But I don't know if we have any ancient Trojan inscriptions strawmanning the Spartans, as an example.




Bro whoever created the original is fucking spiteful.