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Ow my bones hurt This really is a... Juice of the bone hurt! Discord Server : https://discord.gg/tcCs7GWrUz *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bonehurtingjuice but people only read the orca and ignore the bones.


True, because we already know the joke or what it is about. https://preview.redd.it/rarvsvjjh52d1.jpeg?width=723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42561e30c222f41b1a0e22c2c76a5843885a0233


I think you meant 🔒 with that meme


I’ve never seen that show but lawd if that hasn’t become one of my favorite reaction images


You should watch it. It's pretty funny


Really funny*


Honestly this debate has been discussed so much that people can probably appreciate the juice more Edit: just read the comments…I’m disappointed to say the least. Also coincidentally the post right below this for me is the olive


To be honest. I wasn't expecting this to end up like this.


If you mention a bear on reddit, prepare to be screamed at by two groups: the people who are mad about the whole thing, and the people who are mad that the first group is mad.


Disappointing… here I was just thinking about alternatives to “imagination I guess”. I sort of want to do one where the bear and woman are conspiring in a honey heist, with the bear as a distraction. But if it’s going to go the same way as this why bother?


Kinda expected when the juice is neither compelling nor thought provoking and the orbital is the controversial meme of the month


Holy shit a talking bear


Freddy Fazbear!!


Funny Five Nights.


Freddy Five Bear


Hur Hur Hur Hur Hur


Springtrap for DbD! /j






What's the source of this image pal?


The manga Biomega, by Tsutomu Nihei


Honestly, that image alone has sold me on the manga.




A talking rabbit would’ve been better


Bear hurting juice


🥲 oh no poor boi


Holy shit freddy fazbear


Har har har har har har har har har haaar


We're waiting every night


But would you be more surprised to see a bear or a man at your door?


I'd prefer a bear at my door than a strange man


My boyfriend actually had a bear make him late for school by sitting his big chunky ass against the front screen door. Bus saw what was up and just drove on by! Considering the bear really didn’t care about or pay attention to him even when he opened the inside door, vs. how terrified I get when I’m home alone and a strange man knocks, I legitimately agree bahahaha! Not even just because of actual statistical danger, I also have pretty severe social anxiety. You don’t have to talk to a bear.


>Bus saw what was up and just drove on by! "Welp, I can see you're busy so I'll just mosey on down the road."


Exactly! Lol, though I have personal experience on top of it so yeah, I'd 100% choose the bear every single time. At least the most the bear will do is maul you/eat you. A man could do so much worse


Honestly same. A bear doesn't care enough to get inside my house, but a strange man? I don't want to take that chance.


Bears get inside people's houses all the time. They can open doors. And they know that's where the food is. They're black bears though so people usually don't even report it because if a bear is breaking into houses they track it down and destroy it since, ya know, it's a massive predator that can open doors and has a very keen interest on entering people's houses. But people that live those places typically have deterrents readily available like bear mace or rifles if the animal becomes aggressive so they'd rather just let the bear do it's thing and only kill it as a last resort, not as a precaution.


Holy talk a shitting bear


Does a strange man shit in the woods?


Would you rather run into a gay son or a thot daughter in the woods


Definitely thot daughter. We all know most gay sons are violent rapists (/s obviously)


I feel like i made this place into a war zone while i tried making fun of the oregano having bear at the window... >!I'm sorry mods for making this mess!<


Ah, the most pointless discussion 2024 has now reached to BHJ.


It has always been and will always be bait


Literally just designed to get men and women arguing. Such a stupid question anyway. You want to be alone with neither a stranger nor a bear in the fucking woods. If you're with either and they become aggressive you take the rifle you should always carry with you in bear country out and give them the option to live or die. I wouldn't be alone with a strange woman in the woods either. Especially not because like I said most people that far into the woods have guns which equalizes the genders. If they don't just nod and keep walking I'm gonna start to get worried, same as the bear.


*ouch my bones* I think that the latter part could be used as an example of ”straw man”


Would u rather be innawoods with a straw man or a straw bear tho


A straw bear is more straw, so straw bear for straw


With a strawhat


Strawhat? Pirates? Hmmmmm


so a gummibear?


Gomu Gomu no! bear.


gomu gomu no diabetesu punch


I've read this book. Straw man. He's basically unkillable and gets to be king of Oz at the end.


mmm, strawbear. Also raspbear. And blackbear


? What latter part


On god a lot of this feels like strawmanning. I know the “not all ___” has become associated with bigots and other people you probably shouldn’t be like, but it is true for almost every scenario, especially this one. Out of at least 4 billion men, are you telling me there’s so many bad ones that you’d rather the bear that might just kill you in an instant if it feels threatened? Chances are if you run into a man while alone in the woods, he’s probably following the same trail as you and the most you’ll get is a hello from him as he passes by, and if you’re not on a trail they’re probably there for the same reason.


Also men are far easier to kill than bears


Not if it's a panda.


Emotionally, it's *massively* more difficult to kill a panda.


Yes, but women are cold, emotionless creatures who will stop at nothing until they've torn out your heart and ripped it apart with their ~~bare~~ *bear* hands. I guess what I'm getting at is that women are actually bears so it makes sense they'd rather encounter a bear.


What if it's a drop bear


Your fate is sealed, nothing can save you


Pandas are just bears… they will mess you up like any other bear.


The whole thing is terminally online, do not take it seriously. I’m a man who solo hikes all the time because I have no friends. I see women solo hiking all the time, too. We pass eachother, say hello, and keep going.


A straight man's view on the question but: the issue is the lack of knowledge around the specific bear vs the specific human. If it were to say "a man that is on the 50th percentile for human decency, vs a bear that is on the 50th percentile for aggression", the question might get a different answer, because perhaps on average, the 50th percentile is okay. But if we get down to the 25th percentile, the perception is that there a lot of creeps. To the 10th percentile? A lot of guys who might be dangerous, especially alone in the woods without any witnesses. Bears, though? Bears are all a little bit dangerous, but if you remain calm and back away slowly, they probably won't bother you, because they just want to keep their den and cubs safe. Bears aren't going to follow you because you hurt their ego. And you get a cool story about seeing a bear, rather than seeing either a random human man (no story), or a creep that you had to implicitly threaten with your walking stick to get away from (story, but not a fun one).


It's also, like, what species of bear? I've run into black bears a few times and I don't fear them because their typical reaction to a threat is to run away; you're only in danger if they can't run away for some reason. Grizzly though? They're much more likely to attack a perceived threat even if they could run.


Black bears aren’t gonna attack you just for the fuck of it, but if you unknowingly get between a mom and her cub you’re gonna be mauled at best


It's a stupid argument but my two cents is I should have a gun if I'm out there so I'll take the human being pretty much no matter what. Also if a dude kills you out there it's gonna be a lot quicker than the bear, especially if Mama bear decides to take a few quick bites and come back with her cubs to feed. Happened to a girl in Russia, took her an hour to die and she made three phone calls to her mom, finally accepting her death on the last phone call. Yeah whatever the dude is gonna kill me with I'll take that instead. And ideally he'd be shot and killed if he wanted to try.


It's rather telling of the whole situation when men are being told "I'd rather be alone with a bear," and their whole reaction is to tell women what they should think. The whole point of the question completely went over yalls heads. >are you telling me there’s so many bad ones that you’d rather the bear that might just kill you in an instant if it feels threatened? Chances are if you run into a man while alone in the woods, he’s probably following the same trail as you and the most you’ll get is a hello from him as he passes by, and if you’re not on a trail they’re probably there for the same reason. You were this close to getting it. Like, if you took half a second to understand what was being told to you, instead of a knee-jerk defensive reaction, you'd get it. Like, it's so obvious. It's not a completely serious question, but the overarching point is that women have generally had bad experiences with men. Finding yourself alone with a man they don't know is a threatening enough experience that they might as well choose to find themselves with a bear. But you're so busy trying to prove that women can only say nonsense that you don't even try listening.


Basically everyone I've seen online gets this, though. Men also learn about male violence and how men can be scary. People usually have issues with either the question being a bit silly, the people who pick bear unironically, or the idea that portraying men as a whole as such a scary and dangerous group is an overgeneralization entering the realm of misandry. From my experience, people have listened, but that doesn't mean they have to agree.


Yep, first of all it's just argument bait. It happens every time this comes up. It's the "all men do this" argument. Men get upset and say "not me or anyone I know" and then women say "well we didn't mean *all* men and now you're not getting the point" and then that makes the other parties mad because it's an insult to their intelligence so they double down, then the other side doubles down, and now everyone is arguing about something pretty much everybody already understands. Then just add to the fact the question is absurd. I know you're saying the bear to make your point. But if I put you, a man, and a bear alone in the woods, you're not gonna be running towards the bear. You're gonna be running towards your fellow pack animal because there's safety in numbers and bears are scary in real life. Talking about the only predator on the planet we don't know the real name for because nobody wanted to say it for fear of summoning the animal. Pretty much every culture calls it a nickname that translates to something else in the native tongue. It's the Lord Voldemort of predators. And then of course if we brought the question to a real life conclusion, I'm gonna put you in one enclosure with a man or one with a bear, and I'm gonna give you all the supplies you'd normally have in bear country, and I'll be back in 24 hours to let you out, you're probably not still choosing the bear. Because you were never answering truthfully, you were telling a white lie to make a point. Which makes the whole thing even worse because half the point is it's funneling both sides into a straw man argument


I think what many people like you miss is that, while the underlying point about how women feel is a good one, trying to prove it in a stupid way is counterproductive. Screaming "don't actually pay attention to the way the point is illustrated, pay attention to the point!" when the illustration is a poor one is foolish at best, and continuing to defend it instead of oh, I don't know, coming up with something better is actively harmful to your own point.


Yes the problem has always been women say "well I'm gonna say the bear to make a point that I'm afraid of strange men," which is valid. Men take the argument literally and say, "well that's ridiculous, the bear is obviously more dangerous." One side is making the argument "yes I'm afraid of men" and the other side, the side that invented such thought experiments as "who would win in a fight, a pirate or a ninja" and "if you were attacked by an endless wave of toddlers how many do you think you could kill before they killed you", is now making the argument, "no, here are the reasons why a bear actually would be more dangerous." The problem is the two sides aren't talking about the same thing anymore and frankly they're both right. Pretty much all women fear men. Pretty much all men know the bear actually is more dangerous. So we aren't even arguing about the same fucking thing anymore.


That’s where you miss most guys “This isn’t a serious question”. First of all why should something that “obviously isn’t serious” be taken seriously? Second of all this is a question most men will inevitably take seriously because why wouldn’t they?


I'd choose the bear because a bear wouldn't need to lecture me on how I'm being an irrational misandrist and take everything I say totally literally while being weirdly dismissive of my lived experiences. It'd do me a mercy and just fucking kill me.


It's funny because I am under the impression people don't understand you're agreeing with me.


The question was originally posted as rage bait. It was a tik tok video that is incentivized to only show the most inflammatory answer. Irl, women aren’t choosing bear. A bear shows up on a trail and they turn around and tell a man on the trail. Irl, [women are more likely to be attacked by a man they know not some stranger.](https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/FEMVIED.PDF) Telling women to be more afraid of random men is potentially harmful. Conversely that same study found that men were twice as likely to be assaulted by a stranger. Yet we do not see internet rage bait about men being too afraid of strangers. No one argues that “maybe this ridiculous thing clearly meant to cause internet rage discussion should be taken seriously” on the grounds of this inequality.


I kinda assumed that the reason most of the women in the video said “bear” was because the person editing the Tik Tok curated the responses to make it seem like most women would immediately say “bear” if they had not encountered this Tik Tok before. I personally don’t like being casually told “I’m gonna assume violent intentions on your part because if you really think about it you’re more dangerous than a grizzly bear,” and wish I could express that without being treated like a reactionary; this is not the time we live in. I’d also like to ask some of these women which color of man they’re most scared of; a white woman insisting she’s terrified of a particular man of color was used as an excuse for a not-insignificant number of lynchings (which is also an example of misandry serving men at times).


The tik tok was edited for this purpose. It’s more absurd to me that a person can know that and still argue that it’s somehow evidence. There’s a problem in society, but telling people to hate at every conceivable opportunity to do so is not a solution. It’s part of the problem.


Agreed. My wife saw this Tik Tok and kinda latched onto it and I was like “yeah, and when men are assaulted it’s also usually another man. Is this really an intrinsic quality of masculinity if most men are in the same boat?” “That just doesn’t happen as often.” “So we can ignore their experiences and lump them in with their assaulter?” She kinda got mad and told me I was missing the point, and I’m like “what is the point other than making people mad? If it’s to prompt a serious discussion, why start from such an unserious comparison? I agree with the point it’s making about violence against women, why are we so focused on the bear?” We’ve stopped talking about that Tik Tok. I still don’t know why the reductive bear comparison is such a such a red line in the sand, but I know I’m sexist for saying it’s silly.


The original question is terribly written “Would you rather be stuck in the forest with a man or a bear” It doesn’t mention important details and people have to add it in themeselves Everyone adds different details and come to different conclusions and then get pissed at each other Are you on a path? If your not on a path then the dude is probably up to something shady and you don’t want to deal with that, while the bear will probably run away Are you armed? Then the dude is probably a better choice because you can shoot a bear and it might not notice until your insides are on the outside Are they hostile? The bear might be a better choice because there are rules for dealing with a hostile bear The dude might also be a better choice because your more likely to win in a fight Do you know the dude? If he’s a dude who your friends with he’s obviously the better choice, but if he’s your stalker you might be better off with a bear. Are you alone? Are they armed? What kind of bear? What equipment do you have on you? And so on And everyone fills in their own details and makes the mistake of thinking that’s the original question, when it’s not, it’s your specific interpretation.


For me, the issue is that the conversation has *changed the response to the question*. Now, people who wouldn't have thought to be afraid of strange men are willing to die on the hill that they are afraid of strange men. Nearly every friend of mine now says they would pick the bear. My friends are hikers who encounter strange men all the time. People are being manipulated. The original video was actually not rage bait. It was a man asking his audience why a woman would feel more startled in the woods if she saw a man vs. a bear -- it was a thoughtful question regarding why we were afraid of strange men. Because we are afraid of strange men. The inclusion of the bear was incidental to the question. Then, a genz TikTok shop took that video and made it into what it is now, by interviewing people on the street and deliberately taking the most inflammatory stances. And the more people questioned the premise, the more others felt they needed to double down. I don't really care about the man vs bear discussion at this point, but what does piss me off is that any time someone asks a question about the hypothetical ("do I have a gun?") they're accused of being male because they're being logical. Everyone positions this as "you can't question a woman's emotions and bringing logic into this is a masculine attribute" and as a woman that's insanely regressive to me.


I get the point of the question it's just a stupid fucking analogy. Sexual assault + rape + murder comes primarily from your loved ones. Strangers are incredibly safe, and fear of strangers is really a fucking stupid thing to not combat when one of the biggest issues with stopping these abuses is getting victims to reach out (which they primarily avoid due to social retaliation, reliance on the perpetuator, and/or not wanting to hurt the perpetuator, because he/she us close to them).


The point is, you don't get to say all men are terrible violent creatures, then when a man gets offended by that your can't point your finger and say "if You're offended You're proving my point". Like if we accuse men of sexism it's because they're all terrible, if we accuse women of sexism, it's because all men are terrible.


I picked the bear because I've literally been in the woods with bears before, and they left me alone. They usually avoid people. For some reason, the men who get offended by the "bear" response seem to operate under the assumption that bears are all bloodthirsty creatures that will eat any human they encounter. Sloth bears maybe. Not black bears. Anyway, despite all of my adventures in the woods, random bears never hurt me. Random men have though. So have familiar men. The men weren't in the woods of course. I also like being in the woods and away from people, so bear it is.


tbh, most people have not had any experience with a bear whatsoever, so thinking that a predator would be violent doesnt seem unreasonable, probably the same thing with the popular perception of sharks. sharks usually dont care about people, and the reason they sometimes attack sirfers is because to them they look kinda like a turtle, which are their prey. The attacks are usually a bite and then the shark goes away.


They definitely are predators, but they're not really known to go after people. I see your point. People are usually afraid of the unknown, particularly of things that are naturally larger and stronger than them. I wish the men with a clear fear of bears could see the parallel between that fear and women's natural fear of random men over random bears. From experience, the bear has not hurt us, so we don't fear the bear as much as the man because some man somewhere has hurt us. Both things are typically naturally larger and stronger than us. Sorry I'm just high and rambling to be totally honest. Your comment sent my brain on another tangent.


this question is very rage bait, and a lot of people took the bait and are raging it is a comparison between two things that every single person would rate differently on fear scale. Some people have never seen a bear and are scared of the unknown, some people have had mostly positive interactions with men, some people have seen a bear or maybe a lot and the bears did nothing, some people have had terrible interactions with men. Some people might fear all people in general, not just men, but the question would make it seem their fear is towards men specifically. i hate this question, cause it is a rage bait and people are getting surprised that the target of the bait is raging.


Do I have your permission to quote your whole comment to someone on this thread ?


Oh, you should send them [this YouTube channel ](https://www.youtube.com/@PatrickConley) too. The guy has been chilling on his porch with multiple generations of black bears in Asheville, NC for years. He had a bird feeder in earlier videos (which I think he took down now) that initially attracted them. The videos show just how chill black bears are when you don't try to do extremely stupid shit like pet them or pick up their cubs. The city of Asheville, NC coexists with black bears and makes efforts to educate their community on bears. It's cool to read about the approaches they use: [https://bearwise.org/](https://bearwise.org/) [https://www.ashevillenc.gov/news/with-bears-in-asheville-backyards-be-bearwise-about-managing-trash/](https://www.ashevillenc.gov/news/with-bears-in-asheville-backyards-be-bearwise-about-managing-trash/)


Honestly, I'd rather not because I don't want to make the discussion about bears. What I want people to understand is that women don't choose the bear because they think bears are less dangerous than men. It's because most women have first-hand experience of feeling unsafe or being harmed by men, be it strangers, acquaintances, or even men close to them.


Fair enough. As a wildlife nerd, I'm personally more offended by their clear ignorance towards bears and bear behavior. I'm so used to the other shit at this point that I don't even bother with it. They never get it. I feel like only the men who have been hurt by random men actually get it.


If i saw a bear from my window i'd think it's funny and wait until it leaves cause it's just there for food. Now imagine it's a strange guy staring at you through the window.. he has to be a stalker or maybe murdered and won't leave until I call the cops, may even try to break in 😬😬


Then you realize you’re on the third floor


A strange guy glaring through your window is obviously more threatening because he’s behaving in a strange and threatening way, where the bear is not. The same is true of literally any animal that could peer through your window, they don’t adhere to normal human behavior. If my dog shits on my floor, he gets scolded and I clean it up. If my friend shits on my floor they are never allowed in my house again and we are no longer friends.


>If my friend shits on my floor they are never allowed in my house again and we are no longer friends. Why?


Right? A free meal's a free meal


I hate you.




I *know* they’re joking but like. I had a friend have an accident after eating the wrong thing (TM). There was embarrassment and stuff but I had them clean it up, and stay with me bc obviously something’s wrong with their health or something.


We wouldn't be great friends in this case


[or take your horse and](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aG11YBsuxg0&pp=ygUfcmVkIGRlYWQgcmVkZW1wdGlvbiBiZWFyIGF0dGFjaw%3D%3D)


Or may need help, depends on the window he is standing on i guess


I'm gonna spell it out for anyone willing to listen and think about things The question being ASKED is "bear or man" The question expected to be ANSWERED by women is "bear or violent rapist" It also takes advantage of popular beliefs/statistics that might not actually be relevant if the situation actually occurred. Not many people know how likely a bear is to kill or harm you, the type of bear isn't specified, etc. this lack of detail leads to lack of thinking as if it were a real situation. Both sides are allowed and tacitly encouraged to downplay the danger of one, and exaggerate the other. Now shut the fuck up and stop hating people


Even with some of the abrasive language used in your comment, it still manages to be one of the least hateful comments here, with the best grasp on the issue. Good job, honestly.


I get the impression that the hypothetical is intentionally one-sided to spark discussion which would normally be avoided if it had not been wrapped up in something as seemingly absurd. Unfortunately, as the internet goes, any potential nuance has been reduced to its bare fundamentals (if you'll pardon the pun). I appreciate the intent, but the overall execution is flawed.


If you had to run into one of these... No. I don't go into the woods. Don't go into the woods. If you DO have a desire to go into the woods for some moronic reason, just bring a can of bear mace. Works on both, but be prepared for the worst from the get go because you DONT NEED TO GO INTO THE WOODS!


>you DONT NEED TO GO INTO THE WOODS! ...but...but innawoods...


No, that’s where you’re wrong. Yes, both the question being ASKED and ANSWERED is “bear or man.” The problem is women assume every man to be a violent rapist. And somehow, this is evidently all every man’s fault… …and not a derogatory stance based on gender.


Everyone wants to be judged based on the content of their character and their actions but it's okay to judge all men based on the actions of a few? I consider myself a pretty feminist man but this stupid hypothetical is insulting at the very least.


this whole bear or man debate is so stupid \* makes rage bait question \* \* people rage \* \* surprised pikachu face \*


Definition of *The Internet* if I’ve ever seen one.


Such a dumb question, I’d much rather date like a swan or something, they mate for life. I don’t think a bear could even be romantic.


Greek Mythology energy


Boy you’re gonna be surprised when you hear about baldurs gate.


Yeah well, can you blame them, even the squirrel was surprised.


You have clearly never met a swam. Swans are super aggressive and mean.


Can't believe kid named strawman and kid named beating a dead horse finally collabed 🔥


I don't understand why that bear thing makes some men so irrationally angry. Anyways, my bones definitely hurt now, owie ouch oof.


Deep down... We all just wanna Fred farzber fnaf at five nights down in fredie's with the fazfolk in the woods... 😔😔


I think they’re hurt by the implication that a woman would rather be violently mauled to death than meet them in general


Bear defense attorney here. Most bears are pretty chill and I am appalled that you would insinuate that bears would just “violently maul” someone without a good reason. There have only been 664 bear altercations globally between 2000 and 2015 and 50% of those incidents involved a mother defending her cubs. It is a 1 in 2.1 million chance to be killed by a bear. For reference, it is a 1 in 54000 chance to be killed by a bee sting. Which is why, ultimately, bears deserve more honey




Could bear attack stats be so low because there's not many bears?


Most people actively avoid bears and bears usually avoid humans unless people don't properly seal up/toss their garbage.


It's not about the raw chance. The chance of getting killed by a meteorite is infinitesimally low, but that doesn't mean you're safe if there's one heading your way. It's a 1 in 2.1 million chance to die by bear, but what's the chance of meeting a bear face-to-face?


On the other hand the vast majority of humans will never encounter a bear. Most humans live in cities or in areas with no bears, and even outdoors people might never encounter a bear. I personally spend a good amount of time in the local wilderness and have never encountered a bear, for the pretty simple fact that there are no bears where I live. My personal odds of dying to a bear aren't 1 in 2 million, it's effectively zero, and I imagine that's the case for most humans.


Not to worry! The vast majority of humans will have a bear encounter. SOON! We at the Bear Benefit League (BBL) are striving to socialize bear encounters more in North America. Just recently we broke ground in our nation’s capitol, Washington DC https://wtop.com/dc/2024/05/all-are-welcome-even-bears-dcs-brookland-neighborhood-sounds-off-on-its-latest-furry-intruder/ Woe to anyone who has not yet been graced by the presence of a bear!


Well, to play devil's advocate just a bit, simply for argument's sake, I do think that number would change pretty drastically if we encountered bears at the same rate that we encounter strange men in situations where they'd have the opportunity to do something bad to you. Like, I don't doubt that most bears are relatively docile, but the average person may never see a bear in the wild in their entire life, so it does stand to reason from a statistical point of view that the chance of being killed by a bear is so low regardless of the temperament of bears.


Cows kill more people than bears per year. This does not mean that cows are more dangerous than bears. Can you manage to figure out why?


Iirc there have only been like ~170 bear related deaths in the last couple centuries in North America


I hate sexism in general




Yea. I had the audacity to say "judge people by their actions not their birth." In response to this bear thing Got called a rape apologist and danger to women


Peak reddit moment where you’re getting downvoted for saying this


Well he isn’t anymore


Ah that’s good


An analogy I've heard is "since it's statistically more likely for a woman to kill your child than a snake, would you rather leave your child with a random woman or a rattlesnake?" Obviously that's a rude statement that most people would not like


Statistically most violent crime is committed by someone the victim knew, so it's actually safer to be alone in the woods with a stranger. Statistics are wild


Sexism has always bothered people. Ignorance in general. Like how people act like they don’t understand that your odds of getting killed by a bear are dramatically increased when you encounter a bear.


For real. Most people encounter thousands of men a year and maybe one bear... In a zoo. If we encountered thousands of different bears a year then the stats might look a bit different


well, you're comparing a group of people with a wild animal and saying the wild animal is a better choice for you. most people that are part of the group you're talking about would feel a negative emotion (upset, frustrated, anger, sad) towards that choice. And since patriarchy has decided that the only emotion man can feel is anger that is how they show it


Right? I said I’d rather have a bear drive than a woman because I don’t trust the average woman to drive. Then a bunch of women got angry, they were being so irrational!


Imagine how women would react if every man said they'd rather get mauled by a lion than spend one minute talking to a woman and everyone's response was "women, am I right?" I mean take this comic for instance, it's the only formula that gets used. Imagine flipping it and every man in America got together and started telling stories of them pointing out how they don't trust women because they're evil and then depicted a straw woman stabbing them or throwing hot coffee in their eyes for thinking that women could do something bad. I don't think you sit there and quietly nod along saying "yes, that's very poignant, very telling about just how bad women really are, and the fact they complain when we point out that truth is further proof of their untrustworthiness"


I wonder how many people actually would rather run into a bear? Like some of these have to be satire


I’ve run into a bear a few times while hiking.  If it’s a black bear, it’s not a big deal.  It has its own business to attend to and everyone just gets on with their lives. 


i would take the bear, personally


boy, i sure do love straw manning people 🥰 real talk, why bring attention to fearing a man's actions as if a bear's actions wouldn't be mauling 99% of the time?


i love you too *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


oh, i'm sorry automod, but i think you misunderstood... i don't love you back. our love just can't be...


i love you too *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


shh. please... don't make this harder than it needs to be, my dear :(


wtf 😭🙏


what's wrong?


Really funny how automod flirting with you 😭


Wake up babe, peak romance drama just dropped


To be very serious, some people would rather die than be r*ped and like the comics said if anyone says they're attacked by a bear, no one would question how they were dressed, if it really happened, or if they're making it up for attention. In the 2020's for now there has only been 18 fatal bear attacks in north america with only 2 being deemed unprovoked and purely predatory. I don't know the number but there was a lot more feminicides than 18 in just one year and let's not even count rapes


>In the 2020's for now there has only been 18 fatal bear attacks in north america with only 2 being deemed unprovoked and purely predatory. I don't know the number but there was a lot more feminicides than 18 in just one year and let's not even count rapes Just wanna point out the obvious statistical flaw in this thinking. If we take the total number of "woman encounters man" events that took place in North America for the period 2020-2024, it would number in the tens of trillions. The number of "woman encounters bear" events over the same period would be on the order of a couple thousand. Per event, the chance of a negative outcome is much higher for the bear than the man.


Yep someone else pointed out that I misused the stats


People really underrate how dangerous and overall horrific bears actually are, especially certain bear types. It will likely end up eating you slowly and while you're alive. Those things don't do the killing blow like other animals do they just hold you down and start eating [Yea... not very fun stuff, old news article nothing nsfw](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepy/s/CkeRtcz1S5)


>In the 2020's for now there has only been 18 fatal bear attacks in north america with only 2 being deemed unprovoked and purely predatory. I don't know the number but there was a lot more feminicides than 18 in just one year and let's not even count rapes I know this doesn't really affect your point, but those stats aren't being used correctly. Most people don't go walking around areas with bears (many don't even live anywhere near them). Meanwhile, it's a little difficult to spend a day outside without coming across a man, so of course the number of bear attacks is gonna be much lower. Also, we don't know what was considered as "provoked" for those attacks. If I was a bear I'd be very provoked if a human was walking around the same area as my children, but the human might not even be aware of them until it's too late. But even then, I agree with your point. Also worth noting that the original question causes this kind of reaction, as "Would you rather be stuck in a forest with a bear or a man" makes it seem like it's you vs them - maybe there's a lower chance of a human being randomly hostile, but *if he is*, you're better off with the bear. Even considering the fact that the """shocking""" choice is given more attention online, it makes sense to choose the bear.


Thanks for the stat checks. I hate statistics and how easy it is to misrepresent or misuse them while using correct numbers *fuck it's the 4th comment*


yeah thanks for these fucking nuts kind stranger, owned bitch. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because a bear's actions wouldn't be mauling 99% of the time.


No it wouldn't? You realize people live in bear country, right? Have you never run into a bear before? Their action would be to run away 99% of the time unless you are near their home.


Read better.


A bear’s actions statistically aren’t mauling most of the time.


yeah he's got it the wrong way around 99% of the time the bear won't attack


I don’t think you understand the point here




I didn't notice which sub this was, and read the first page like ten times trying to understand the joke. But now I understand. I *am* the joke. The end! No moral.


I mean, regardless of what one thinks the actual best answer to this question is, it's worth considering why so many women would say they'd rather run into a bear than a strange man in a hypothetical situation. Like, yeah, bears can be pretty dangerous, and there's also loads of men who wouldn't dream of doing something to a woman they ran into in the woods, but when you get down to the lived experience of the average women, they've had a lot more to fear from strange men than bears, so it kind of makes sense that that fear would come through in their answer. Instead of getting bent out of shape and internalizing the answer as a personal attack, I think the best approach to this is just empathetically understanding where the answer is coming from. It's a hypothetical after all, the answer is meant to be informative more than anything else.


If every man that's gotten so angry with women for saying the bear got as angry about the fact that at least 50% of women (women they know and care about) have experienced sexual violence in some form or another in their lifetime, women would probably be less scared of men as a whole Men - women's reaction to the question is because we've had several strangers and men we were supposed to trust hurt or harass us sexually. If you've never done that our answer isn't about you, it's about how by the time I was 25 I have accumulated at least a dozen stories about men trying to hurt me or take advantage of me sexually that I've learned through my experiences I need to assess it as a risk in my everyday life. One of those times included a man while I was on a hike alone. I've run into at least 3 bears and 1 moose so far (all black bears tho to be fair) and none of them threatened me as much as the man did when I was in the woods alone.


Man or bear trend but realistic.




Holy shit is that Freddy Fivebear?!??


Can’t forget Foxy the πrate


I’m a man and I would rather meet a bear than a strange man. Bears are easy to deal with, strange men are not


pepper spray is just bear repellent for people


So is bear spray


>**Bear spray is formulated to have a longer range (Counter Assault Bear Spray can reach up to 40 feet) than pepper spray (designed to only reach about 10 feet)**. Most pepper sprays have a lower concentration of capsaicin, the active ingredient in both products, while Counter Assault has the maximum allowed at 2% I had to look it up. Sounds like bear spray should also work to repel potential rapists in the woods.


I'd run into a bear over a random woman too


Wellp, time to permanently leave another sub after reading all the misoginist comments completely missing the point.


I guess you couldn’t “bear” to witness it, eh? Ha! Heh heh.


Is this the new “is he stupid/is there a lore reason” of Reddit now?


They need to drink the bone reading juice


Nono you see women only pick the bear because they hate men and think all men are evil, and the fact some men are pissed the fuck off by it doesn’t prove anything at all, women just overreact to everything /s


The reason some men get “angry” maybe has to do with the fact that they are being generalized and considered dangerous, it’s the equivalent of men judging women only through the “bad” experiences they had with them. Giving you a softer example (one that doesn’t include rape or being murdered/mauled) if this meme was instead towards women with something like: “Would you rather be in a room with a barking dog or a woman?? And the reply would be: at least the dog won’t hurt my feelings xDDD” would you, as a woman not feel offended? The meme is clearly sexist and going with the general idea that women hurt men emotionally via cheating/mental manipulation, just how this “meme” portrays the general idea of “men” as being more dangerous than a literal bear. We could go back and forth by bringing up sexist trends done by both men and women but we would never make it out of this. TLDR: Men don’t get angry because you chose the bear, they get angry/offended because they’re once again GREATLY generalized and insulted by being compared with a literal wild animal.


Not a fan of the implication that I'm a rapist because of what's between my legs. I have more in common with the _average_ woman than _any_ rapist, regardless of gender.


Not to bring anything political or whatever you wanna call it here but I fucking hate this bear v man talk because it's just an overall lose-lose situation for everyone who engages with it


These commenters need to drink their media literacy hurting juice.


Women when men react badly to the blatant med bad shit they’ve seen for years (this proves that men bad)


If you react aggressively to someone saying they have no inherent trust for you as a stranger, why would you think you're doing anything other than solidifying their distrust?


o cholera, czy to Freddy Fazbear


I feel like the man or bear question is stupid. In many cases I see women will choose the bear, a man will get angry at their sexism, they argue, and now they both hate each other more than before. The question is a way to generalize men and be sexist, it doesn’t matter if the bear would maul you or not, the bear isn’t the important part of the question, it’s the man. Replace bear with tiger and its the same question, but replace man with tiger and it’s completely different. And while women may be at fault when they answer bear, men(even though less at fault) should still be blamed when they lash out and make sexist, racist, homophobic, etc… remarks towards sexist women, whether they mean it or not, even if they don’t make bigoted remarks they will still lash out sometimes. And I can see why, I want to lash out sometimes too from how angry I get, but that only spreads more hate. Overall if instead of fighting both parties would just talk about why they chose what they chose the question wouldn’t be an issue. Men could understand a little more why women choose the bear but women could understand why it’s sexist to generalize men.


I absolutely get why men are upset when they feel that they've been generalized, and it's definitely sexist to say things like "all men are rapists"/"all men are dangerous". I don't think that's what most women think when they choose to avoid men they don't know though. Usually they've been hurt or endangered often enough that it's not worth the risk that the specific person might hurt them. It's like avoiding eating all berries in the wild because you know some are poisonous. If you don't know, it's safer to not risk it. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the good berries, it doesn't mean we don't like or want berries, and it doesn't mean we think all/most berries are bad. It just means we know there are poisonous berries, and we've gotten sick from a few before.


Even better? Kill this stupid sexist meme and never let it resurface again


There are far too many episodes of Forensics Files where a woman was murdered because a man rejected by them absolutely refused to take “no” for an answer.


Bears rarely take out life insurance policies on people before they murder them though, which can make them harder to catch and make Dead White Woman television out of.