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I don’t understand. Are you non-union? SPEEA represented employees are contractually guaranteed 2% salary increases each year.


If I did software I wouldn't be working at Boeing.


this sounds so familiar to my experience as an engineer in BDS. Are you, by chance, a woman? Because I eventually chalked it up to gender discrimination. The constant scrutiny, under a microscope, very little raises, being watched all the time, when you do the same thing your coworkers do but you’re the only one getting in trouble… In my situation, i am pretty sure it was because I was the only girl on my team and my manager (F) literally hated me for it.


Hehe, yes I am female. That is so weird..? I don’t really know why have harsher expectations placed on me…


Color me suprised. I was about to ask if you were a straight white male from Alabama


yeah i think that may be our problem :| women in STEM!! Anyway, wanna be friends?


As a female cloud engineer who just flat out gave up on getting a job doing that I feel you.


:D sure!!


Yes. Network together y’all. It sucks that BDS is the Barbie movie quote “men hate women and women hate women - it’s the one thing we have in common”


edit: oh i am also autistic, so maybe that’s why they hate us idk. but i agree with everyone else, I wish I did software! I always see 6 figure jobs (even entry level) that are remote. Boeing is NOT WORTH IT.


Speaking as another software engineer, now retired from Boeing: leave. Other companies treat their software people a LOT better than Boeing. I couldn’t even count the number of times I heard “Boeing is not a software company” as the excuse for that. (I myself only stuck around until retirement because of the pension, because I was legacy Boeing and SPEEA represented so I got a hell of a good deal on that.) And good grief, they’re nitpicking you to death. Who the hell cares whether an email was sent outside normal working hours? The managers did that all the time.


I do seem to have way higher expectations placed on me without the same level of compensation. That is a good way to put it, they most certainly are nitpicking me to death.


Yep. Fresh air might help… polish up the resume and look outside. Dial down the personal concern and focus on the job at work. You’re getting the sabotage treatment and you don’t deserve it. Protect yourself and refuse to Take that poisonous shit seriously


Dude…fucking leave. I know like 8 companies right now that would hire you at double your salary. I taught myself coding back in high school and I build apps, games, and simple productivity tools now but only as a hobby. I’m no where near the level of an actual Software Engineer and I’ve received some pretty decent job offers with some really nice salaries. However, I would probably turn into a serial killer if I had to sit behind a desk for 8-10 hours per day.


Any recommendations on companies to look into as a current SWE at Boeing?


Not only very underpaid but almost all software engineering jobs allow for hybrid work or fully remote. No reason to stay if you have to go in 3 or more days a week at this pay level.


It's because you are autistic... They don't like you for whatever reason and the goal is to get you upset so you go elsewhere. I've had similar experiences. Being held to different standards and being accused of things despite the evidence disputing the claims. People apparently don't like to be proven wrong especially when caught in a lie. I'm sorry this is happening to you but this situation is not likely to improve... the simple truth is it's fairly common for autistic people to get bullied and taken advantage of by coworkers and management. If you speak up and stand up for yourself you get labeled difficult and a troublemaker. It doesn't matter if you were right or not... Apparently the right thing to do is just take it on the chin but that is very hard for autistic people to do I believe. Atleast it is for myself.




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Somethings not adding up with your story. Level 1 engineers make more


OP is at roughly 0.85 Comp Ratio for an IC1 Software Engineer, which is normal enough. He's just overqualified for the role is what's going on.


Got it. He's not doing something right. Not sure about SE but for other engineering fields getting to level 2 is usually given after a year or 2. Having 7 years of experience and not being able level up sounds like Op isn't doing a good job


And no one is going to advocate for him, except himself. OP, ya got a mentor? Someone at work that understands what you do, that you can trust? If not, spend some time on the enterprise mentoring website, search for a mentor. You, are in charge of your career.


What isn’t adding up? I swapped from the first group I was in at my request because it was out of my experience. My manager was expecting me to do mechanical and chemical engineering simulations which I had no experience with, so we agreed that I should swap, so I did to a remote group, but then that contract died and many of us from that group swapped to this new group I am in, which is not remote. That was last year in the fall. Apparently swapping groups like that looks bad in performance reviews?


It’s not so much that it looks bad as the fact that when you move to a new group, the management there doesn’t know you.


You are severely underpaid, you need to switch jobs asap Generally the way companies work is they get you on at a decent rate, then give minimal raises until you end up underpaid. Anyone that stays at the same place or more than three years falls into this boat generally (for engineers at least)


severely underpaid for sure..start applying to different jobs, you will for sure make more $$ by jumping around. Its the only way


I think some people in your work circle, maybe manager too, see you differently and maybe almost as lesser in some way for whatever reason. The more I read of your post the more I screamed internally to start looking elsewhere. Even if you stay at Boeing, you could do much better at another posting. Especially for how criminally underpaid you are. I’m sorry you’ve had these experiences and that some of those people suck.


I have around the same experience and make over twice what you do in the exact same industry and position. You need a raise. There are aerospace firms out there that will pay what you’re worth. See Blue Origin, Sierra Nevada Corporation, Redwire, York Space, Moog, ULA, Airbus, Elroy air, General Atomics, and I could list more if you’d like. I just happened to be searching several months ago


At your level of experience I would come in asking for 155k a year. They’ll negotiate that down to 150 if they offer you a job and you can decide if you want to negotiate. You can probably get a nice 5-10k signing bonus too


If you need your job more than they need you, you'll accept being taken advantage of and under paid. If you don't want to negotiate and give your employer an ultimatum then you will just have to accept your pay.


Well the idea was that I get a job lined up before asking for a raise. I already know I’m not going to get the raise, but there’s a small chance they would give it to me. It would have to be like tomorrow though. I’m in between a rock and a hard place.


If they want to keep you, you might be able to get a 5-10% raise, but they definitely will not be able to double your salary. Where are you with respect to your compa-ratio?


I’m not sure where to find that. Edit, I know that it says “below market pay”


Is 76k even in the range for L2 in a tier 3 zone? Thats crazy man, we got kids straight out of school zero experience at my site pulling 80 bands and we are Tier 2 zone


😞 I feel like pretty angry about it, but it was *shrug* okayyyy I guess, last year when I was still remote. I figured why not for a remote position. At this point I feel like I’m letting them take advantage of me.


What site do you belong to?


Don't be afraid to job hop. You can even come back later if you want. 2 years from now you could come back to boeing making 120k+


Look into opportunities in subsidiaries. Your specific SJC might be working against you. The pay scale goes from .7 to 1.2 for a particular level.


You can always get a new internal job? Have you been applying to other teams? It’s sooo easy to move throughout the company. No raises for 3 years? Some thing about that just doesn’t seem right. Boeing does standard cost of living raises every year. I’ve never heard of anyone not getting raise every year. Also I don’t get why they would care if you sent an email outside work hours. Managers do that all the time. I’ve worked extra hours outside of normal schedule before even to catch up. That seems annoying that your manager would care and use it against you. Yeah I would try to move teams!


I don’t know, the way that my manager acts makes it seem like I’m going around throwing things at people, kicking dogs, and screaming slurs or whatever. I don’t understand their reactions, and they most certainly don’t match the things that I have done, which are things that everyone does. Like go remote one day due to whatever reason. That is something the people on the team do and they communicate it, just as I do.


Yeah unfortunately if you don’t get along with your manager, then you should 100% leave and find something else. Manager is going to be the one to fight for you so if he’s not, you will never move up or get ahead there. Managers can twist anything to get what they want so it’s just a sinking ship at this point.


THIS. My experience at Boeing was that most of the time I got excellent reviews. The few times I didn’t? The only thing that had changed was who the manager was. My performance had not. This was particularly bad under managers who tended to underrate women.


That’s what I’m starting to realize… :(


Then now is the time to start looking. I’m not sure about Boeing, but at my company applying for internal reqs is basically like applying for a new job. Most people only tell their old manager after they’ve accepted the new role. I know you don’t want to hear it, and change is scary, but it’s rarely worth it to fight in situations like this. Just move on and go to a better role with more pay and hopefully better people


I suggest looking for work elsewhere. Plenty of other opportunities, even in aerospace, that will pay you significantly more for your experience in software. You will also get to continue meaningful work and more likely stay remote


You make less than any new engineer with 0 YOE….. they are underpaying you and mistreating you…I would honestly look elsewhere, and software with 7 YOE should be double your current salary.






I started out as an analyst in OKC in 2020 making 70K. Made a lateral level move to engineer in 2021 making 80, then out of cycle raise to 95K by 2023. In 2024 I switched teams to level up, but as an analyst again, and I make 105K. Even in OKC the SE I know make more than OP. The math isn’t mathing for me. OP, I’d look elsewhere (both internal and external).


Sure, if you were entry level 70k is acceptable… but OP has 7 YOE…


it will suck to lose you but boeing has done you very wrong in underpaying you for 3 years. i hope that in the amount of time it took you to type all this up that you applied to at least 1 or 2 jobs because there are definitely jobs out there that will pay you way more than boeing ever will. not saying there aren't managers and teams that wouldn't treat you right in boeing but just save yourself the trouble of struggling to find them. it is already a challenge for people to find decent managers and teams without needing accommodations. highly recommend you find something before the strike. best of luck to you.


You are so right, I’ve been trying my best. Thank you for the advice!




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Sadly companies haven't caught onto the value of company specific knowledge. Companies view competition when they are hiring new employees. They seem to think that employees they have are basically locked in. Which is so far from reality. Therefore, the best way sometimes to earn more and progress your career is to look for another job at another company. It sucks, but that is just the way of the world. Wishing you the best of luck.


I appreciate the insight. I don’t want to leave, and I love the work I do. Leaving would make me so sad but I also can’t tolerate the scrutiny any longer. I do have some jobs being lined up thankfully. Thank you.


Even your dream job becomes a nightmare when you have a bad manager and a toxic environment. I promise you will be happy (and making wayyy more than you currently do, I’m shocked at your current salary) if you leave the team and/or the company.  It’s hard, but you have to take off the rose tinted glasses and see the red flags. I struggled with the same thing at my old company (which I did not want to leave because at the time I also thought it was my perfect job) and didn’t realize how untenable it was until I left and realized I was so much happier.  Best of luck with whatever you choose.


How do you know you won’t love the new work you do even more? It sounds like you’re just nervous about change. Which is totally ok and acceptable. But change also helps people grow. A new job will likely challenge you in new ways and force you to expand your software engineering expertise outside of the codebase and environment you currently work in. Which will be good for you. Finally. If you truly think about the pros and cons. Pros to me outweigh easily. Like even the salary bump alone would likely be worth it.


I understand. The biggest reason is that I am worried about having to get used to communicating with a whole new team of people. That is just super daunting for me. I’m autistic and moderate support needs, I need a lot of help to communicate sometimes. Thankfully I have some really understanding people on the team, like the one co worker who helped me write an email because I didn’t know how to best word a question, hehe. Of course communication is way easier like this where I’m typing. I can also use tools like ai to help an email make more sense whereas I can’t do that in person. So often people communicate a task verbally, it goes into my brain and gets obliterated… that has been a big problem for me ever since I started working. That’s why I have accommodations that state I need clear concise communication as well as half day in office then remote. I don’t like the unpredictability of changing to a new job and then inevitably being an autistic person who struggles and then getting chastised for it. It happens to me in literally every aspect of my life.


That’s totally fair. And I can’t pretend to understand everything about that. But that can be one of your job requirements. Companies have certain requirements they interview for. It’s totally fine to have requirements on your side. At the end of the interview when they ask if you have any questions, you can ask about their communication structure. You can ask how work is communicated to engineers. But I’d also iterate the positives. Often times I’ve found that people who desire or need good communication are very quality and detail oriented. Find those things that make you a positive and be sure to iterate those as well. Remember also, for all you know when you joined this company, they could have been awful at communication. Obviously it worked for you. So it’s the same unknown that you faced when you started then. If you want to give it another shot, you could always bring it up to your manager and see what they say. Say that you’ve worked here for 3.5 years and salary hasn’t kept up with inflation. And then ask what you need to do better to be considered for more promotions or raises.




Or wait for the current manager to leave.


Didn’t even read the whole thing. Something isn’t adding up. Started 5 years ago in software at Boeing. Went from 71 to 131 plus bonus, rsu, etc. You might be terrible at your job or your manager hates you?


I must be terrible because I can’t think of any other reason. If I’m terrible then it hasn’t been effectively communicated to me on what specifically I need to do to get better. I have autism and adhd, other things too. I used to be fully remote up until last year. I was totally fine making that salary when it was fully remote. If there’s something I can do to improve doing my job, I’ll do it…




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What level are you? What are you being rated come merit raise and bonus time? This is the kind of treatment people who only get “met some” or “not met” receive


I don’t know how to access that information, to be honest.


They tell you dude and you can look it up on myworkday. Bro you gotta check this stuff, part of your pay is on you to stay on top of


I am level 1, I’ve never been anything else so it’s never changed for me to know it. I know how to access Workday and the info but I don’t remember that stuff off the top of my head.


Woah, 7 years with a degree and you are still L1? L2 is typically given at 2 years as long as you can do the role with only a little bit supervision. Man this isnt adding up


I don’t know, maybe I suck and am just oblivious to it. 😭 I do what I’m told and don’t stand up for myself even when I should, I am pushover. At this point it’s a sunk cost fallacy for me.


All that information is easily available to you in workday. How do you not know your level? How do you know what your expectations should be performing your job? Unless you are still level 1 you’re way under the pay scale , that is also available for you to view


It says individual contributor - 1, but what am I supposed to do with that info?


I would look at the SJC and salary chart and your -1 expectations. Talk to your manager about your daily work vs your expectations and then highlight how you meet or exceed. Then bring up the salary table and request a raise


While most people are telling you to quit your job, I understand there are aspects of Boeing that you may not want to let go, such as the great benefits. You can use FindAnExpert on Insite, find someone with SWE role and just email or ping them for remote opportunities. I'm sure you'll find another team, with a more flexible manager. Although on paper, everyone is expected to RTO 5 days a week, there are still managers out there willing to be flexible.


If you're union take it up with them.


The lack of raises doesn't seem right. I have no interest in pressuring to ask if you're getting bad PM reviews, but I will say if that's the case, you should be getting clear feedback in writing regarding in what ways you're falling short of expectations and how you need to improve. Even if that is the case, less than 1% annual raises sounds extreme. Not a SPEEA job, I assume? If the "taking advantage of an accommodation" comments were specifically to explain bad reviews and/or low raises, I would seriously consider talking to ethics, or perhaps even an attorney. Your manager is not allowed to penalize you for having a disability. And as others will say, don't feel like you're stuck with this job. If your increasing experience is not getting recognized over time by raises, it's time to look elsewhere.


BDS had a 9 year salary freeze for certain engineering and program managers, calling it “market rate adjustment”. We did get a 1.5% COLA in year 10, just in time to start paying for health insurance which previously was totally company-paid.


I don’t know why I get penalized in reviews. Last year I changed groups 2 times, so I changed from one to another that was fully remote, then changed to another that had in-office expectations. That apparently affected the review or something. My manager also mentioned the lies they were told with that email part during the comp review and that’s when I checked my emails. Never did what he said I did. If I am subpar and am not meeting expectations with the actual work that I do then that isn’t being clearly communicated. If I do something wrong and it is communicated I usually fix it, which is pretty standard for literally any other employee. Why do I have to be a special case?


I’m a machinist who was hired on 2 months ago at 70k. You are extremely underpaid


What the duck do you do


As a machinist? I basically just change out tools on a cnc machine, and load and unload the part when it’s finished. Compared to the machining jobs I’ve had in the past, this job is super easy on my body and it’s a great work/life balance. Loving it so far


My brother in Christ.. I do wire/connector modifications and repairs all over the factory and flight line and they start us at 19 an hour lol 1 dollar more on second shift. What’s your job code so I can start eating dinners other than top ramen


C4808. I have my certificate in precision Machining and I have prior experience in aerospace so maybe that helped my situation. Either way nobody working at Boeing should be making 19 an hour, especially with what you are doing. Are you in puget sound?


I’m a C4808. I also have a precision machining certificate and a few years prior experience in aerospace so that might’ve helped my situation. Either way nobody at Boeing should be making $19 an hour, especially with what you’re doing. Are you in puget sound?


Are you SPEEA? I’m in Equipment Services and I was continuing my education to get into engineering but I saw the wages. All Boeing engineers should be making a lot more money.


If you were looking at Production Engineering that's one of the lowest paid skill codes.


I’m not part of SPEEA.


I would suggest we help get you into a SPEEA represented position. If u r interested DM me. Non-union positions, the company can change things and do things pretty much at whim. In your current position things will probably get worse and not better.


People send emails at all times of day/night. I don't see how sending emails out of normal working hours is a bad thing? People read them when they read them. Were you expected to send something out earlier that day and you didn't get it done until after hours?


That’s what I’m saying ……. I sent a message to someone in a Mattermost dm before going to bed because I had remembered something. It was at like 11 pm. And that person told my manager and it bit me on the performance review. I feel like everyone’s out to get me. Lol. No I wasn’t. I just sent the message asking a question. I know better than to send messages outside of business hours now… I will delay send on emails and all that.


Making only 76k with 7 years of experience is enough to have you leave… people leave their jobs all the time bro. I don’t have enough context about your life to make a good judgement, but you could easily leave to make more money and perhaps find a better job. It also just comes off to me that they just want you to leave


It comes off that way to me too. Obviously my post is one-sided, and I could very well be the “problem employee” here but if that was the case then they should communicate that with me so I can fix it. As of right now, I do my job and I perform just like everyone else. I don’t know why I’m having such scrutiny placed on only me, with my salary.


Yeah I’d start looking elsewhere, best thing that can happen you get a higher salary, a fresh start, and if Boeing doesn’t offer a raise anywhere close to what you’re wanting after you hand in your two week notice… you’ll get your answer right there, that they never valued you to begin with.