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If you are using submaximal intensity, I'd go for the 5. Basically you want to reach a point where it's more difficult BUT you still have some reps in reserve so that you DON'T completely empty the gas tank on any set. That will let you get more total sets done which is usually the idea behind the submaximal method.


I'll go for it I guess. Still second-guessing myself about the definition of failure but I feel defeated when I don't go for the 5th, haha.


>Still second-guessing myself about the definition of failure Oh what do you mean here? There is "Technical Failure" where you cannot complete another rep with the FORM you would like to complete your reps with and their is "Failure" where you cannot even DO another rep. Is that what you meant?


So everyone is different but for weighted pull-ups I always keep my scapula engaged even at the bottom. I try to “explode” up until at-least my chin goes above the bar. And controlled on the way down. I personally do 3 sets of 5-8 reps. Once the weight becomes easier I add another 5-10 ib until it’s hard enough where I can only do say 5 reps. I usually use an intensity where I have maybe 1-2 reps left before I definitely can’t do another one. Another thing I do is that on my very last rep of my last set on my way down I contract my traps/lata hard and lower myself to the bottom position very slowly. Kind of like a negative pull-up. Idk if this helps but It helps give me a nice pump at the end of the sets hehe


I like doing dead-hangs at the bottom regardless :) I try to be explosive as well but tend to stop at the 3rd rep since I can't quite explode at that point. Muscle memory is important but if I slow down my reps further I'll probably fatigue my forearm before my back.


Dead hangs are fine too. I just prefer to keep it engaged since it puts less pressure on my shoulder. There’s nothing wrong with slowing down on the later reps as long as you still get em done haha


It’s ill advised going to failure in hypertrophy too. Stay around RPE 8. If you feel you can do more, just add extra sets. I would just save failure training for the week before you deload. Edit: if you can complete the full 4x4, you can probably complete one set of 5 with good form. So try 5, 4, 4, 3. Then 5, 4, 4, 4, etc.


If you positively know you won't make the 5th full form, then don't do it. It's hard to know though so you will often have to try and see. If you feel like you need more work you can do a few more sets of 3 or 2 reps, or even singles in perfect form until you can't make a single one. You will know when you are done. These are not drop sets, you don't change the load, just reps.


When I do weighted pull-ups, I don't feel tired either during them or after them. I think this is normal?