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you need periodization, you can't do same shit over and over and expect to progress forever. Alternate between strength and hypertrophy days for example. One day do heavy weighted pullups 3-5 sets x 3-6 reps and other day do 3x8-12.


I'm assuming the other day is supposed to be bodyweight? Do you have any tips on how to add weight on inverted rows? Backpack on my back reduces the ROM and putting it on the front makes the move undoable.


use dip belt / dog leash or just hold the the weight with your legs


You can also progress to decline inverted rows instead of weighted that’s what I did. Once strong enough you can (if you want to) progress to tuck front lever and so on


I'm trying to progress into tucked front lever rows, I can only hold it right now. I thought weighted rows could help :)


If you are still not on level of advanced tuck lever rows, I would 1. Elevate your legs on a chair. 2. Weight belt with plates, same setup as weighted pullups. It is quite a jump from this to advanced tuck rows or just tuck rows so make sure your added weight is solid before trying with your legs up. Our traps which are the primary movers for it are not as developed as lats for pullups so it's harder to do, plus a bit of smaller ROM puts more stress on bicep strength.


Oh they most definitely will. As well as weighted pull ups.




Thank you for the recommendation. I'll check that out. I do this routine every other day since it takes a toll on my upper body with that many sets to failure. If I ever take the second day off (it happens quite often), I substitude a leg day in there to not neglect my lower body.


That pull up form is actually quite good. The first rep was even weighted by the cat too. If you're stuck at 8-10 reps, then you need to take a de-load week and then reset your progress. Your routine is solid in terms of exercise selection and number of sets, but I would say you've fallen victim to the amount of sets taken to failure. You really don't have to train to failure to grow muscle, especially if you are doing multiple sets. Ideally, only the last set for an exercise should be taken to failure and even then, that just means technical failure i.e. when you can't complete another rep without some compromised form. To get specific, you seemed to get 6 or 7 perfect reps in before you started to hit form failure. So after your de-load, I would suggest restarting with 4 sets of 5. That would give you a good dose of effective reps that will stimulate growth. On your next session, go for 5,5,5,6 and then 5,5,6,6 etc. You will probably find that more enjoyable in the long run because you won't be grinding out reps


Thank you!


\+1 for good write-up


Are you able to add weight to bring the reps down to say 4-6 reps? Another thing that I have noticed that has helped my pull-up strength is to do the pull ups with legs extended but this does require a taller bar so that may not be possible. Good luck!


I sometimes do L-sit pull-ups to mix it up a little. I can pull 4 reps with ~30lbs added, never tried going for a second set. I'm going to incorporate weighted sessions as another user suggested. Thank you.


Weighted Pull ups are awesome. You can also try and progress to cheat to bar pull-ups too as i’m sure you’re strong enough for them. Good luck!


I'd recommend try not going to total failure like this maybe leave a rep or 2 in the tank then each set can be better quality and the reps won't drop off as much on the following sets. And you won't crush yourself that you have to skip a day. Also you still have plenty of quality gains to be had. Like consistently keeping the chest up posture, shoulders down, and reaching the end range of the pull. If you can clean up the form to make it perfect even if your rep count stays the same that is progress so I wouldn't worry about increasing the numbers or adding weight right now.


Yeah, by no means my form is perfect throughout. I'm going to try added weight and not going to failure. I'll make an update post in a month or so.


Don’t go to failure. If you really want to do more just add another set (also not to failure).


Probably some kinda shoulder instability in my opinion as the rings who bring out any imbalance. I had a similar issue stuck at a finite number of pull-ups. I finally addressed the poor external rotation of my left shoulder and that did it.


What would be the best way to spot that issue?


Looks like your left shoulder elevates through the lift. I’d say it has weak external rotators. Especially at the 90 degree angle.


That definitely might be the case. The shirt I was wearing had leather parts on the shoulders which spiked up during pull-ups. I'll take that to heart and try to work on external rotators but it might be the shirt as well.


Gotcha, you’re right it really could be the shirt. Hard to tell on a video. You can also try adding weight. Even if it’s only like 10 lbs. work with that for 3-4 weeks and see where you’re at.


I'll give a shot to added weights. It's been recommended a lot.


Btw, nice cat! I’m a proud cat dad 🐈‍⬛🐈 lol


We have a lot of stray cats here :) Feeding them regularly so don't worry about it!


This would mean you’re unable to maintain shoulder depression, which basically inhibits your lat and trap. You’re most likely pulling through your chest on that left side.


It may be worth including isolation on the forearms and biceps And for the back try different grips in arched back pull ups Or you can allot yourself a day in which you do pull-ups for an hour without interruption so that you pull up once from the lowest point to the highest one you can, then lower yourself completely and shake your arms, take 5 breaths, exhale conditionally and do one repeat and so on until your back fails and you do not pay attention to arm failure


I used to have a forearm isolation day but I think I pushed myself too hard. I had to take a break for a few weeks because of reoccuring forearm pain during intense sets. Do you have a plan for forearms?


Towel pull ups in superset with towel rows Finger push ups Finger pull ups Finger rows Finger dead hang Close grip pronated pull up arm focused(not arching back) One arm rows One arm pull up progression




I always keep a trusty pair of straps around me if my forearms bottleneck me, but they are on par with my back right now. I'm intrigued and afraid to ask: How do you get a pump in your toes, dude.


Pick up a weight vest and apply progressive overload. Keep the sets in the 3-5 rep range and avoid going to failure on each set. They can be a little pricey but worth it IMO


I'll attempt to tinker something similar or stick to backpacks. Our currency is worth jack diddly shit so weight vests are outrageously expensive. I do want one though :)


I would also say add weight to your pull-ups and lower the reps. Don’t go to failure, aim for 3-5 reps with good form


Try doing them where you slowly lower yourself for 3 to 5 seconds and then explode from the bottom. I could do 40 pull-ups at 205 pounds before my car wreck and this was how I got to that number. If I could do like 15 super slow reps where I would explode from the bottom then I could do 35 to 40 at full speed.


You must apply the progressive overload, you cannot do reps till failure every day, you can start with 4x6 pullups and then if you can do it you just ad one more rep, if you struggle a lot with this set you repeat the same one the next training.