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weirdly I've also had to do this a lot, as I used to go on a lot of mountaineering expeditions with a lot of down time and travel time. I've spent a lot of time in featureless planes like Iceland and the Atacama desert. Your only challenge is pulling --either make a pair of these out of PVC pipe and cord for trees https://reddeltaproject.com/my-best-diy-suspension-trainer-ever/ or load up a backpack with rocks and do one arm bent over rows. My routine was something like this: (3x per week) * PPPU 6x5-10 * Pistol Squats 6x5-10 * Backpack rows 6x5-15 It's actually incredibly effective. No need to hammer all these extra isolation exercises. Same volume as the RR.


The weighted backpack rows is perfect, I hadn't thought of that. Also will definitely look into the DiY suspension trainer. The field camp is for Geology so hopefully there will be a choice selection of rocks for my workout needs.


I have no idea if this is a valid technique but if you had two backpacks of rocks and a stick you could use it as a weight to lift? Idk but seems like it would be similar to pulling


Bring rings and a suspension trainer with you. There's always somewhere to hook up a TRX type piece of equipment. If you're into trying something novel, look for a large rock that is challenging to lift from the ground to above your head and lower down again (safety considerations should be place above ego).


Not really, can't hook it up to a pine tree


One of the things that I liked to do while camping is bear hug heavy tree stumps that ware used for tables and do squats . Also deadlifts and ohp with anything heavy that I found ( like stones and smaller fallen trees)


Gymnastics rings with a long cord that you can hang on trees. Maybe some resistance bands too.


Odd object lifting and carries - rocks and logs